He’s a QB so his tackling form is bad, and there ain’t a pinstripe in the land around to call for a personal foul, so he will be as unnecessarily rough as he wants.
Drive-by harassment would probably work better if you don’t have to stay and circle your victim to explain your perversions of social bonds and logic so she understands what you demand from them, Incelerator. (If that is your real name.)
Calling this arc “The one where Jocelyne returns” was to distract from the real surprise, frigging Tony showing up and being important. This is his seventh appearance, and his last was over six and a half years ago.
I think this will go towards him getting Sarah’s attention and hopefully reciprocating it.
Not a lot to go on, but that is where my mind went when I saw her eyes after Tony appeared.
Ooo, I like it. He is her type, big and muscular. It would be fun to get a new character. And Willis can follow up on the whole, Tony’s dad used to be married to Walky’s terrible mom thing. I bet every time that woman sees Tony she thinks that she could have had attractive, athletic white kids.
Man I really hope the race thing doesn’t come into play here. It might, and I wouldn’t be surprised… but we’ve already had one couple fall apart because of race being a factor, hopefully there’s not a second.
Pretty sure he has a mix between Brick’s BL1 moveset and some of the finance based stuff from Timothy Lawrence (Jack) in Pre-Sequel. Would definitely play, lets see what happens in BL4.
Exactly. Big strong dude (who isn’t Joe) is just what she wants. OK, she might be a little interested in Walkie, but he’s got plenty of game on already.
At this point I think Incelerator has taken more hits than anyone else in the comic. I think he even might beat out Blaine. I don’t know if that’s impressive or anything but it’s a record.
Incelerator has been getting beaten up since the start of the comic, before that date even happened. He’s arguably AG’s favorite punching bag. I think Blaine is the only one who has been beaten up more. It’s like he only exists to be hit.
I don’t know, Ryan is up there in the “getting hit” count, and most of his hits were far more serious and impactful than anything Incelerasshole has taken so far.
Tony becoming a relevant character again after 20 years was NOT on my radar, but considering today is the 25th Anniversary of It’s Walky! I suppose a celebration is in order.
In the Walkyverse Tony was a mess not because of internal personal issues but because horrific traumatic event after horrific traumatic event was dropped on him. He seemed to exist to experience suffering and loss and humiliation.
Tony and Incelerator are both friends of Beef. Is Beef going to be a character instead of a gag? Tony tolerating Beef saying like 80% of Incelerator stuff could be something to explore.
JUST IN CASE someone gets the idea for reasons COMPLETELY UNRELATED to this NOT-AT-ALL-SHIP-BAITING post, we should probably come up with a Sarah-Tony ship name. Preemptively. You know, so we’re prepared if people do start shipping.
Sony is pretty fun, but neither of them seem like gamers. At least Sarah doesn’t. I know nothing about Tony other than his dad was once dicking down Linda apparently.
Maybe something based on their last names? McClinton? McSarah? Tony’s full name is Anthony McHenry Jr, you also might be able to do something with the Anthony or the Jr. part. Anthrah and Sarah Jr both sound a bit too weird though.
I love her cat-like ability to turn in mid-air and magically brake. I do hope she doesn’t accidentally smash into Tony and so let the Incel run away or get in another sucker punch.
It’s been so long but from what I remember Tony in the original Walkyverse just got absolutely dumped on by the plot over and over. He started out as someone important and powerful and then every major plot point for years just chipped away at everything he had and everything he was, and in the end nobody seemed to even care when he died in an incredibly pathetic way after having already had everything slowly stripped away from him. He never had too much depth or strong relationships with the other characters, he was just a dutiful soldier in a position of leadership, standing in the front line of battle, who was a jobber for the plot, someone presented as strong to be beaten down over and over to show things were serious. I’ve been really disappointed up until now that Willis didn’t seem to have any better ideas for Tony in Dumbing of Age- Willis certainly regretted using Ruth and Dina as a punching bag in the Walkyverse, so it seemed like a double standard. Seeing Tony jump in like this all heroic gives me all kinds of positive feelings that this time he’ll get a real story and it will be one worth reading.
Look, I really just want an Evil Council of Evil to come after our resident superhero – Incelerator, Gender Traitor from a few posts ago, and another, and I know basically nothing about Tony other than that he’s a nepo baby with reason to have a grudge against Walky.
He actually doesn’t have a reason for a grudge against Walky, no. All of their interactions have been Walky saying weird shit in his vicinity and then refusing to follow up.
Seriously, have you been planning this (whatever it is, still unclear) since 2010!
Also, Incellerator is now facing THREE people who could almost certainly kick his ass. The plot thickens (and for Incellerator’s sake, I hope the blood clots…)
There’s nothing indicating that Linda is Tony’s mom.
In fact given that Tony is maybe 1-2 years older than Walky at most, even more unlikely unless there was a very quick divorce between Linda/McHenry and then a whirlwind romance with Charles.
Wow, it would be awesome if Tony suddenly shifted from an extra to an actual character. He’s said a total of 38 words in the entire history of this comic. Yes. I counted. (Not including any bonus strips, which I don’t have access to.)
Maybe one thing will lead to another and then next thing you know, Prof. Rees will be mentoring Robin or something. Could happen!
It’s the moments where a character we literally haven’t seen in 6 years jumps in and suddenly becomes part of the plot that really reminds you that this comic strip that’s been running for well over a decade in real time hasn’t even had like 6 months pass in in-universe time yet.
I love last panel Amazi-Girl. “Oh shit, I need to completely arrest my momentum because my target is no longer in the same place and I might slam into this unexpected other avenger. Crap!”
The fact that I’m pretty sure her move defies physics is just an added bonus.
Also, what the hell, panel 4 Incelerator? I suppose Sarah’s smile might have disappeared off-panel, but it seems odd we wouldn’t see that. You really are just following a (very very stupid) script, aren’t you?
(I mean, obviously you’re following Willis’ script. But even so.)
Tony potentially is sick of all the weirdos making chaos on the campus his dad has to run. I know I would be. The stress of being the dean’s son must be high even WITHOUT all the drama surrounding the main cast.
I completely forgot about Tony. Apparently the last time we saw him was in April 2018, and holy shit what a badass way to return. I didn’t see that one coming, and by the looks of it Incelerator didn’t either.
And yea did the son of the Dean body tackle the evil one, showingeth that man not Superman must solve societal problems by not standing by while hate prospers…eth.
Looked through the strips with Tony and… this group just causes him constant confusion, doesn’t it?
Also… is that a mildly love-struck look I see on Sarah?
Elsewhere in the comments, there are indeed the beginnings of Sarah/Tony shipping. The cargo bays are being loaded; the navigation charts are being consulted.
Saranthony, Sarny, Sarony, Tonrah, Torah. The ship names are already under consideration.
There could be a physical attraction, even a sexual relationship, but from what we’ve seen of Tony here (very little) and in the Walkyverse, I don’t think there’s any long term future. Which is fine. She’ll meet someone simpatico someday.
Oh lawsy, I hope not. All the previous Tony strips show him to be a stand-up good man. He’s the son of the Dean, and the Dean is a good man, too. I hope very much Tony is not working with any incel garbage.
He’s a football player, the dean’s son, and finds being gay totally normal and unremarkable.
So slightly more than ‘a guy called Tony’, but not a huge amount. What little we’ve seen does both mean he’d find this guy annoying and have the skill-set to beat the shit out of him without getting in trouble, though…
the excessive smiling at your friends and people you are at least trying to be neutral about is one thing
applying it when alone is a bit concerning
smiling at incelerator is making me wonder if sarah needs serious help
Is that… Tony!? checks tags It is!
I’m kinda surprised I recognized him so quickly after all this time.
Also a bit surprised at how excited I am to see him. Being here. And relevant.
I also hadn’t realized he’d shown up earlier in DoA until after reading some other comments, so for me it’s effectively been since the It’s Walky! re-run days.
I don’t remember much about him, but I remember him being Important (capitalization intentional). A long-running SEMME member who made a big splash for at least one major story arc. He was important enough that I pinned a face to the name and it stuck, but I don’t remember the specifics.
… I do remember his eyes filled with rage, though.
I’m hoping Tony’s first line tomorrow is something like “I’m tired of sickos like you making it even harder for decent guys to meet girls. Leave this campus and don’t come back, or I’ll throw both halves of you out!”
Coming out of nowhere to flatten Incelerator seems a bit extreme for just his interaction with Sarah here.
Wonder if Tony saw some of the cafeteria scene? Or knows something else about Incelerator?
Half of Incelerator’s scenes have been with Beef. A 2019 bonus strip shows that Tony is also friends with Beef. I suspect this whole story has been in the works since then, because AG is also in the strip.
hours later and i’m still giddy about my favorite nothingburger of a doa/walkyverse character pop back up. i’m counting this as a christmas miracle i cant wait for him to be relevant again in 2031 after this mini-arc ends
Well, at least he’ll be officially defeated by a man now. A woman was going to beat his ass, but now his fragile ego will be saved from true embarrassment.
Of course, he’d find a way to dismiss a woman’s opinion even if she punches him in the mouth so hard he bites his own heart. A man vehemently disagreeing with him is the only thing that could make him doubt his philosophies.
I feel like they wouldn’t really court, they would just quietly start sleeping together a few times a week. An unspoken bond of kindred spirit, but with very little affection, until eventually they part ways with barely a word said.
I kind of don’t like it. Maybe it’ll work out interestingly, but at the moment Tony is basically a blank slate that we’re hooking Sarah up with because he’s a hunk and seems like a decent guy. Okay, relationships have been built on less, but I think Sarah’s arc is more interesting if she really was interested in Jacob for more than his body, but had trouble admitting that, even to herself.
Some fuckin’ guy, basically. Walky’s mom fucked Tony’s dad decades ago, and that’s the only connection he has to any other character outside of single-strip encounters. He’s essentially nobody right now. Neville has more strips than him.
Merry Christmas Everyone, We all get violence! …. Well there’s another strip coming tonight, but still, I was waiting for this clown to get clowned on, since he already put on the clown makeup.
Seeing him get decked makes for a nice X-Men treat; no?
X-Mas* Stupid autocorrect
His mutant power: getting p0wned
A ballistic Ecks-mas treat!
Decked in the halls, in fact.
And a happy new year!
Now presenting Incelerator with the TONY for acting shitty
The Tony we didn’t know we needed.
The Tony Award goes to Sarah. Even though we expected the A-G award to go to her. We’re all surprised.
Aw c’mon Tony you can’t just steal the W
He needs it after the L to Notre Dame. topical
Amazigus Interruptus
‘Ey yo, Tony!
There’s too much action at this campus.
Look no one is getting shot at or kidnapped. Let’s take this as an improvement.
I miss 14 days ago already
Why is anyone throwing punches, when Boxing Day is tomorrow?
You have to get the punches in today when you can keep the gloves off.
Tony, come on, what kind of tackle is that, you know this
He’s a QB so his tackling form is bad, and there ain’t a pinstripe in the land around to call for a personal foul, so he will be as unnecessarily rough as he wants.
Insufficient roughness. Incel not missing more teeth. Penalty: Move 5 yards back inside; do over.
Tony knows when to dish it out and when to take a step back & look at things.
This is a fantastic gift!
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!
If you don’t celebrate, Happy Holidays.
Casual reminder that some people’s religions have no holidays. Hello from this corner also.
ok, maybe Incelerator isn’t Tony.
Who here predicted Tony getting involved? You earned all the internet cookies.
Predicted? Nah.
Saw it on Patreon? Yah.
Next … Sarah pulls her softball bat out of hammer-space and waves off Tony and Amazi-Girl, telling them “I got this… “
. . . with a smile
Presenting Tony’s 7th appearance in the strip!
Is he gonna turn into a recurring cast member? Well, that will depend on how many are horny for him so get to posting you degenerates./j
Nobody was horny for Mary, why did she become recurring >:/
Don’t call me a nobody, it’s impolite.
Emily Dickinson and Odysseus: horny for Mary.
plus the March 2019 bonus strip. book 9 iirc
He’s a real tiger, that one
He’s greeeeeeeeeaaaat! 😀
Everyone near you is sick of your shiiiiit~
Come back again and you’ll once more get hit~
I was wondering who this guy was and apparently this was his first appearance in over 6 years so I don’t feel so bad not knowing.
For what it’s worth he was more significant during the old universe
AG’s change of position in the air is impressive.
Right? I choose to believe she uses her cape as wings.
Yes but now it looks like she’ll collide with Sarah.
Drive-by harassment would probably work better if you don’t have to stay and circle your victim to explain your perversions of social bonds and logic so she understands what you demand from them, Incelerator. (If that is your real name.)
Calling this arc “The one where Jocelyne returns” was to distract from the real surprise, frigging Tony showing up and being important. This is his seventh appearance, and his last was over six and a half years ago.
Hell yeah, new (technically very old) character unlocked.
Mostly been used for a couple gags, curious to see where this goes with him. Wholesome Jock with connections is a good niche.
I think this will go towards him getting Sarah’s attention and hopefully reciprocating it.
Not a lot to go on, but that is where my mind went when I saw her eyes after Tony appeared.
Nah it’s plenty. Let’s see if Deans son makes her grade
Ooo, I like it. He is her type, big and muscular. It would be fun to get a new character. And Willis can follow up on the whole, Tony’s dad used to be married to Walky’s terrible mom thing. I bet every time that woman sees Tony she thinks that she could have had attractive, athletic white kids.
Man I really hope the race thing doesn’t come into play here. It might, and I wouldn’t be surprised… but we’ve already had one couple fall apart because of race being a factor, hopefully there’s not a second.
Additionally, it might piss off Raidah, since she was courting Walky because of his connection to the dean.
That would be perfect.
Raidah/Kirk: “I’m friends with someone who’s friends with someone whose mom used to be married to the dean. What about you?”
Sarah/Homer: “I sleep in a big bed with the dean’s son.”
I gonna need to see his moveset before buying the dlc.
Pretty sure he has a mix between Brick’s BL1 moveset and some of the finance based stuff from Timothy Lawrence (Jack) in Pre-Sequel. Would definitely play, lets see what happens in BL4.
FUCK YEAH TONY! <3 Really hoping this means relevance <3
“I don’t know if it’s possible for me to force an emotion suppressing smile even more, or if I want to if this is the attention I get for it.”
Also hey look Tony, I’m hoping I’ll like him better in this AU. He’s already to a good start.
Didn’t see that coming
Neither did the Incelerator.
Nor Amazigirl
Always wondered why he wasn’t jumping in on some stuff more.
He’s basically has every reason to be batman in this campus.
Aw dang! I just now realized we haven’t seen Tony and Nightguy together in the same scene! (*raises eyebrow; rubs chin thoughtfullly)
It makes sense!
Dorothy is aiming to be president, so of course she’d be interested in allying with the dean’s son!
New crush for Sarah just dropped
Exactly. Big strong dude (who isn’t Joe) is just what she wants. OK, she might be a little interested in Walkie, but he’s got plenty of game on already.
At this point I think Incelerator has taken more hits than anyone else in the comic. I think he even might beat out Blaine. I don’t know if that’s impressive or anything but it’s a record.
He’s only taken two hits.
Joe took more than that on the first Joyce date.
Incelerator has been getting beaten up since the start of the comic, before that date even happened. He’s arguably AG’s favorite punching bag. I think Blaine is the only one who has been beaten up more. It’s like he only exists to be hit.
“It’s like he only exists to be hit.”
If only that would apply equally to all incels.
It does. People are just too cowardly to act on it.
I don’t know, Ryan is up there in the “getting hit” count, and most of his hits were far more serious and impactful than anything Incelerasshole has taken so far.
Not even close to enough
I read through all of Tony’s comics and I appreciate how few he’s in.
– Has every reason to be coded as kind of a douchebag
– Does nothing but affirm he is not a douchebag
Tony should steal one skate and just leave.
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Tony becoming a relevant character again after 20 years was NOT on my radar, but considering today is the 25th Anniversary of It’s Walky! I suppose a celebration is in order.
Happy Walkiversary, and Cheese bless us, every one!
Hell yeah, everyone beat up the Incelerator! Merry Christmas!
Tony seems like someone who has his shit far too together to be a recurring character in this comic.
It would a good change of pace though. And quite funny to see contrast with everyone else.
It would be really funny to see him get stuck in an awkward conversation with Walky.
I mean you could have said that about Jacob.
Everyone has their issues. It’s just a matter of when their genie comes out of the bottle.
In the Walkyverse Tony was a mess not because of internal personal issues but because horrific traumatic event after horrific traumatic event was dropped on him. He seemed to exist to experience suffering and loss and humiliation.
Tony and Incelerator are both friends of Beef. Is Beef going to be a character instead of a gag? Tony tolerating Beef saying like 80% of Incelerator stuff could be something to explore.
Not everyone can be as perfect as Arnold.
Roast Beef would never!
… wait, wrong comic.
Tony Ex Machina? Incelerator finally getting what he deserves? Or at least a small down payment? It really *is* Christmas!
The power of a real athlete.
Possible Sarah boyfriend! But is he taller than her?
JUST IN CASE someone gets the idea for reasons COMPLETELY UNRELATED to this NOT-AT-ALL-SHIP-BAITING post, we should probably come up with a Sarah-Tony ship name. Preemptively. You know, so we’re prepared if people do start shipping.
Sony? Sany? Saratonyn?
I like Saratonyn, but that really depends on how happy she actually is while involved with him.
Sony is pretty fun, but neither of them seem like gamers. At least Sarah doesn’t. I know nothing about Tony other than his dad was once dicking down Linda apparently.
I’d suggest Torah and Sony, but those doesn’t work for obvious reasons.
Maybe something based on their last names? McClinton? McSarah? Tony’s full name is Anthony McHenry Jr, you also might be able to do something with the Anthony or the Jr. part. Anthrah and Sarah Jr both sound a bit too weird though.
Wow, we ain’t seen this guy since 2018
three appearances in the last decade
Thank you for that facial expression, Sarah; there are so few occasions where I get to use the word “rictus”.
Did Amazi-girl just…. glide in the air using her cape to slow the fall
Amazi Girl for Smash!
I love her cat-like ability to turn in mid-air and magically brake. I do hope she doesn’t accidentally smash into Tony and so let the Incel run away or get in another sucker punch.
*makes note in game dev journal*
Capes let you ignore physics to some extent in situations where it would be cool to do so.
source: am physics teacher who wears capes
Tony, great job! Now please show your work.
Oh no, it’s his TRUE arch-nemesis, the White Knight!
…in about fifty pages the two are going to team up to take Amazi-Girl down, aren’t they?
Doubtful, we barely know Tony but he’s been cool in every appearance he’s been in.
It’s been so long but from what I remember Tony in the original Walkyverse just got absolutely dumped on by the plot over and over. He started out as someone important and powerful and then every major plot point for years just chipped away at everything he had and everything he was, and in the end nobody seemed to even care when he died in an incredibly pathetic way after having already had everything slowly stripped away from him. He never had too much depth or strong relationships with the other characters, he was just a dutiful soldier in a position of leadership, standing in the front line of battle, who was a jobber for the plot, someone presented as strong to be beaten down over and over to show things were serious. I’ve been really disappointed up until now that Willis didn’t seem to have any better ideas for Tony in Dumbing of Age- Willis certainly regretted using Ruth and Dina as a punching bag in the Walkyverse, so it seemed like a double standard. Seeing Tony jump in like this all heroic gives me all kinds of positive feelings that this time he’ll get a real story and it will be one worth reading.
Look, I really just want an Evil Council of Evil to come after our resident superhero – Incelerator, Gender Traitor from a few posts ago, and another, and I know basically nothing about Tony other than that he’s a nepo baby with reason to have a grudge against Walky.
He actually doesn’t have a reason for a grudge against Walky, no. All of their interactions have been Walky saying weird shit in his vicinity and then refusing to follow up.
Tony fits right into this arc because he’s got an *actual* superpower – the ability to get away with no consequences for kicking Incelerator’s ass.
White-male/nepotism powers GO!
The most useful superpower after having a net worth larger than most countries and the ability to literally buy elections.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power … is kinda cool.
Seriously, have you been planning this (whatever it is, still unclear) since 2010!
Also, Incellerator is now facing THREE people who could almost certainly kick his ass. The plot thickens (and for Incellerator’s sake, I hope the blood clots…)
This is probably because he punched David.
Probably not, but it would be fitting if he was protecting his half brother.
There’s nothing indicating that Linda is Tony’s mom.
In fact given that Tony is maybe 1-2 years older than Walky at most, even more unlikely unless there was a very quick divorce between Linda/McHenry and then a whirlwind romance with Charles.
okay now this is something I’d like to know more about Willis willing 🙏🏽
Wow, it would be awesome if Tony suddenly shifted from an extra to an actual character. He’s said a total of 38 words in the entire history of this comic. Yes. I counted. (Not including any bonus strips, which I don’t have access to.)
Maybe one thing will lead to another and then next thing you know, Prof. Rees will be mentoring Robin or something. Could happen!
It’s the moments where a character we literally haven’t seen in 6 years jumps in and suddenly becomes part of the plot that really reminds you that this comic strip that’s been running for well over a decade in real time hasn’t even had like 6 months pass in in-universe time yet.
Tony/Sarah OTP as of right now.
Apropos of literally nothing.
Haven’t seen Tony been plot relevant in forever
Literally the last person I expected!
Okay but what’s Ruth doing
I had to search “bah” because it had to exist.
I love last panel Amazi-Girl. “Oh shit, I need to completely arrest my momentum because my target is no longer in the same place and I might slam into this unexpected other avenger. Crap!”
The fact that I’m pretty sure her move defies physics is just an added bonus.
Also, what the hell, panel 4 Incelerator? I suppose Sarah’s smile might have disappeared off-panel, but it seems odd we wouldn’t see that. You really are just following a (very very stupid) script, aren’t you?
(I mean, obviously you’re following Willis’ script. But even so.)
I think the implication is that her smile vanished because she saw Amazigirl looming and about to hit him. From smile to surprised, etc.
Sarah looks so friendly 🙂
merry tonymas to all who celebrate <3
Dashing through the halls,
of Indiana U,
If you’re spreading hate,
Tony’s gonna tackle you!
Tony potentially is sick of all the weirdos making chaos on the campus his dad has to run. I know I would be. The stress of being the dean’s son must be high even WITHOUT all the drama surrounding the main cast.
This feels like some kind of Smash Bros. character intro.
“TONY enters the fray!”
It’s about time he got something to do again!
Still gonna need to see the moveset before buying the dlc
I completely forgot about Tony. Apparently the last time we saw him was in April 2018, and holy shit what a badass way to return. I didn’t see that one coming, and by the looks of it Incelerator didn’t either.
Great gift for Christmas!
AG standing there like, “I just want the record to show I did *not* escalate this, *SAL*!”
And yea did the son of the Dean body tackle the evil one, showingeth that man not Superman must solve societal problems by not standing by while hate prospers…eth.
Looked through the strips with Tony and… this group just causes him constant confusion, doesn’t it?
Also… is that a mildly love-struck look I see on Sarah?
…what… no. She’s suddenly scared because unexpected violence is suddenly happening right in front of her.
Shhh, let me dream
Elsewhere in the comments, there are indeed the beginnings of Sarah/Tony shipping. The cargo bays are being loaded; the navigation charts are being consulted.
Saranthony, Sarny, Sarony, Tonrah, Torah. The ship names are already under consideration.
There could be a physical attraction, even a sexual relationship, but from what we’ve seen of Tony here (very little) and in the Walkyverse, I don’t think there’s any long term future. Which is fine. She’ll meet someone simpatico someday.
Tony being fully introduced in this way is super suspect.
You think he’s in CAHOOTS with the Incelerator?
Oh lawsy, I hope not. All the previous Tony strips show him to be a stand-up good man. He’s the son of the Dean, and the Dean is a good man, too. I hope very much Tony is not working with any incel garbage.
…wait who’s tony
Check the tags and follow them for the few Tony strips we’ve had over the decade. Ain’t a lot.
Some guy. Some guy called Tony. That’s all there is to him.
He’s a football player, the dean’s son, and finds being gay totally normal and unremarkable.
So slightly more than ‘a guy called Tony’, but not a huge amount. What little we’ve seen does both mean he’d find this guy annoying and have the skill-set to beat the shit out of him without getting in trouble, though…
Woah unexpected Tony!
You know what’s better than saying “not all men”? A silent body slam to the man who makes other men feel the need to say it.
I just realized football season is over and Tony finally has some free time.
As far as I’m concerned, this is the canon reason why he’s been largely absent until now and I will not hear otherwise.
In Norway, we open presents 24th december. I got book 13 in the mail yesterday, so it arrived just in time. Thank you, Willis. Merry Christmas!
the excessive smiling at your friends and people you are at least trying to be neutral about is one thing
applying it when alone is a bit concerning
smiling at incelerator is making me wonder if sarah needs serious help
If she came to Poland people would give her a wide berth thinking she is trying to sell them something or being on drugs XD
it’s been almost 6 years since his last appearance, apparently. Damn.
Blast from the Past! Literally
People seem very excited for this random background extra.
Not a background extra!
He is clearly in the foreground.
Damn it, this is why I’m going into music and not drawing. Terrible at composition.
Incelerator? Meet Decelerator!
Love AG’s “hang time” moment – definitely a superhero thing, they’re always pondering the mysteries of existence in mid-leap.
jumping off of buildings and shit will do that to you
Is that… Tony!?
checks tags It is!
I’m kinda surprised I recognized him so quickly after all this time.
Also a bit surprised at how excited I am to see him. Being here. And relevant.
I also hadn’t realized he’d shown up earlier in DoA until after reading some other comments, so for me it’s effectively been since the It’s Walky! re-run days.
Bit embarrassed to admit this, but I don’t remember who this guy is. Help? 🙁
walky’s mom’s ex’s kid
I don’t remember much about him, but I remember him being Important (capitalization intentional). A long-running SEMME member who made a big splash for at least one major story arc. He was important enough that I pinned a face to the name and it stuck, but I don’t remember the specifics.
… I do remember his eyes filled with rage, though.
I’m hoping Tony’s first line tomorrow is something like “I’m tired of sickos like you making it even harder for decent guys to meet girls. Leave this campus and don’t come back, or I’ll throw both halves of you out!”
That’s just about the exact same number of words he’s had the entire run of DoA so far.
he wants to make this a gender war, but no, it’s a class war (as in people who HAVE class vs him)
Yup, called it again.
Coming out of nowhere to flatten Incelerator seems a bit extreme for just his interaction with Sarah here.
Wonder if Tony saw some of the cafeteria scene? Or knows something else about Incelerator?
My guess, he knows Incelerator personally and is done putting up with Kyle’s shit.
This is an excellent take, Incelerator appeared in a varsity jacket with Beef early on, they definitely seemed like athlete types in that appearance.
Half of Incelerator’s scenes have been with Beef. A 2019 bonus strip shows that Tony is also friends with Beef. I suspect this whole story has been in the works since then, because AG is also in the strip.
TONY !!!!!
hours later and i’m still giddy about my favorite nothingburger of a doa/walkyverse character pop back up. i’m counting this as a christmas miracle i cant wait for him to be relevant again in 2031 after this mini-arc ends
He shows up on all kinds of weird ass interactions and is just done with it.
Well, at least he’ll be officially defeated by a man now. A woman was going to beat his ass, but now his fragile ego will be saved from true embarrassment.
Of course, he’d find a way to dismiss a woman’s opinion even if she punches him in the mouth so hard he bites his own heart. A man vehemently disagreeing with him is the only thing that could make him doubt his philosophies.
I swear if this is setting up Sarah and Tony
You know what, it could work.
I feel like they wouldn’t really court, they would just quietly start sleeping together a few times a week. An unspoken bond of kindred spirit, but with very little affection, until eventually they part ways with barely a word said.
I mean that’s pretty much literally the relationship that Sal had with Tony when they dated in the Walkyverse.
I kind of don’t like it. Maybe it’ll work out interestingly, but at the moment Tony is basically a blank slate that we’re hooking Sarah up with because he’s a hunk and seems like a decent guy. Okay, relationships have been built on less, but I think Sarah’s arc is more interesting if she really was interested in Jacob for more than his body, but had trouble admitting that, even to herself.
AYYYY TONY good to see you man!!!
I totally forgot about Tony; Isn’t he the starting QB, for the sportsball team?
new ship just dropped
or the superhero team of Amazi-Girl with her sidekick, Christmas Tony?
Thankfully Jack Reacher was around
tony hasnt been in a strip since 2018
Pretty amazed that I saw this and immediately said “Tony!” when It’s Walky ended… what, 20 years ago?
Capes are just air brakes.
…Who’s Tony?
Some fuckin’ guy, basically. Walky’s mom fucked Tony’s dad decades ago, and that’s the only connection he has to any other character outside of single-strip encounters. He’s essentially nobody right now. Neville has more strips than him.
Norville. Literally changed after I’d hit the goddamn button.
TONY?!? Gotta admit I am completely surprised.
What’s your name??
Fuck you Tony!!
Fuck him up, Tony! Do it for the working class!
Merry Christmas Everyone, We all get violence! …. Well there’s another strip coming tonight, but still, I was waiting for this clown to get clowned on, since he already put on the clown makeup.
Merry Christmas indeed
I guess Joe is more lover than fighter. Actually, given his prowess as a lover, he’s probably terrible at fighting, despite his appearance.