Fortunately for the student body, I am pretty sure that satellites can’t get detailed enough photos to read lips. If I recall it has to deal with the problems of differences between the rotations of the Earth and satellite their orbits. The satellite cameras can’t adjust for the speed differences well enough to get a clear shot that detailed – the photo would end up all blurry. I would verify this information, but I don’t want search the internet for details on spy satellites. I don’t need to be on any government watch list.
Carla would still not have a spy satellite monitoring for conversations about her, because Carla already knows all conversations are implicitly about her!
Why use satellites when Rutech nanodrones are more efficient, targeted, and undetectable and are, in fact, watching over your shoulder right now to see what you’re up to on the Internet.
yee, Carla’s an Engineering major who likely has a more than thorough physics understanding
a spy satellite in low earth orbit could only view a target like Indiana University for about 80 seconds, and will only be able to view it again once 24 hours have passed
A geostationary satellite can continuously keep focus on the same target, but have such a high orbit above the surface that they can’t resolve things smaller than 6 meters in diameter — good enough to spot tornados, not so much for reading lips XD
This! As anyone who’s played too much Kerbal Space Program knows, to keep a satellite in low orbit AND pointed at a specific spot on the ground, you either need to burn a lot of delta-V (not a long-term solution) or you need to have a constellation of satellites.
could you imagine the *actual* implications of a line of low-orbit satellites which take turns spying on the same geostationary target in succession?
one slip-up would potentially start a chain-reaction in which a massive amount of metal debris would crash into air-craft or even worse with the smoldering heat of atmospheric re-entry and momentum of a literal airborne train off the rails 0-0
and even ignoring the obvious dangers and rationale for the incredible amount of regulations regarding aerospace, amateurs consistently report satellite orbits online all the time and thus are hardly a reliable strategy for real espionage in the first place XD
After 90 minutes, it’s gone around the globe, but it’s not over Indiana University. It’s going too fast to be synchronized like that, and it can’t slow down or else it’d crash. That’s what a Geosynchronous orbit is; when you’re at the right distance from Earth that you can go just the right velocity and be over the same places every day.
You’re still not “parked” in the sky, however, unless you’re in a Geostationary orbit, but that’s only possible over the equator.
That’s why in movies and such you hear them saying that satellite coverage will begin and end at certain times. Unless you’re spying on Ecuador, there’s no way to just park a satellite over places.
Also, in one public comment, you posted the words “spy sattelite” and “government watch list”, you really think a little Google search is gonna matter after that? (I’m safe because I put them in quotation marks)
(PS, just to be clear, this conspiracy theorist stuff was intended for humorous effect)
The fun part about this is, going on Google and typing “ “spy satellite”” gives your comment as the first result, making you extremely easy to identify with those keywords.
Oh no.
Well, on the bright-side, it seems likely that eventually Willis will name some strip “spy satellite” and bump me down to second and third.
Also, is that new Avatar from the Sonic films? Are they any good? I’ve been considering watching them.
The movies are good, yes. Just don’t go in expecting a life-changing experience and take them for what they are, and you’ll probably enjoy ’em. Nobody gets character assassinated and there’s a cool scene where a guy gets thrown into the stratosphere.
Let me see. I can be on a list of someone with no authority over me who wants to sell me stuff. Or I can be on the list of someone who has authority over me and part of whose job is to control me. Hm. Which one should I worry about?
Worry more about the one who wants to sell you stuff. They’re more likely to bribe people, more likely to decide you’re worth their time, and less likely to have oversight.
After what I did in my late teens I’m resigned to being on watch lists for the rest of my life. That’s just one consequence of working for the company.
You are correct that the satalites wouldn’t be good enough to read lips.
but carla has other options, namely the large network of listening devices, or just setting up some strategic mics and cameras.
No, there are pointing systems that can stabilize for that motion. The real problem is something called the diffraction limit of the optics. The size of the primary element limits the resolution of the system. The size of the primary element on spy satellites is functionally limited by the faring size of the lifting rocket. The two-meter primary on Hubble is about the uppermost limit on the size of the primary with the modern fleet of heavy-lift rockets. Though Starship, New Glenn, and (too a much lesser extent) SLS are looking to change that.
You can only have geosynchronous orbit over the Equator, and it’s too high up to resolve lips with anything that you could sensibly launch without the budget and/or technology of the Imperium of Man.
You might get lucky if you had something in the right point on its Molniya orbit that it happens to be close enough and pointed in the right direction, but you’d have to be very, very, lucky.
That’s actually a pretty good point. Okay, Carla and Joyce going “Don’t you know how great Carla is!?” with Charlie sitting there asking Joe “Isn’t my girlfriend the best?”
BRB, having an intervention for my acquaintance’s autism. Gonna have one for my coworker’s schizophrenia next week, and another for my cousin’s PTSD. Y’know, cuz that’s apparently normal and fine to do if we follow the road you’ve paved here.
What you must understand is that Taffy has never left a genuine comment on this website in the history of ever, because they believe that being an asshole to everyone around them is a worthwhile substitute for humor. It is incredibly tiresome, yet unrelenting.
The kid literally lost to gravity while he still had a 1 at the start of his age, and it barely inconvenienced the guy he was trying to take down. Utter chump behavior.
I have literally watched you mock people for daring to take your false answer to their question seriously because they’re “supposed to know better”, If you do not like my assessment of how you act in this comment section, don’t act like that?
I can confirm this be one hundred percent accurate, no lies or deception here. Just purely unadulterated truth injected directly into your bloodstream while you were sleeping last night. (Btw you should restock your fridge.)
I’m not sure which comic you were reading, but in Shortpacked there were never any hints of romance between Carla, the CEO of Shortpacked Industries, and Joe, her loyal pastry chef. He was really more of an Alfred Pennyworth type figure.
Everyone keeps using that word when it doesn’t really apply. I don’t troll, I just occasionally say something that’s blatantly untrue in a completely harmless way. Nobody’s hurt.
I don’t often wear hats, especially since my hair got past my shoulders. The texture and volume of my hair, when properly cleaned and brushed, seems to magnetically repel headwear. I probably wouldn’t wear a white hat anyhow, for stain-related reasons.
And again, I don’t troll. At most, it’s sparkling sarcasm.
Yup, in It’s Walky!, Joe and his girlfriend Rachel give an old car a big upgrade in intelligence and combat capabilities to help with the final battle. Said car becomes increasingly more self-aware, sarcastic, and asexual as time goes on, even getting an humanoid body in Shortpacked. That’s Carla! She regards Joe and Rachel as her parents, and they their daughter, it’s very sweet.
Yes just like I said was also made up, I did not inject anything into anyone’s blood and steel their food so there is not to call the police because that did not happen. ,(You should still restock your fridge, preferably with some meat and cheeses. For not particular reason)
There’s something really funny to me about a person breaking into a house, stealing food, and then criticizing the food. It starts off as either off-putting (damn, this weirdo was in my house robbing me) or depressing (damn, they must have been really hungry), and the criticism turns it into like, “Well excuse me, picky-ass”.
Wait the car becomes increasingly asexual as time goes on? I would assume that would be a default for an AI stuck in a car. Did they program their car to be horny? That would just be cruel. How would you even give a car sexual gratification? (That last question was rhetorical. Please, I beg you, do not answer it).
I’ve seen plenty of videos of women fucking the stick shift of their cars without sentience involved. Just simply add some sensors to that and make a number go up every so often while she does it, problem solved.
In the other continuity Joe (and Rachel) literally were responsible for making Ultra Car (or at least endowing her with sentience) and she effectively is his daughter
I’ve read that term a few times in another comic, but I’m still not entirely clear on what it is. The Wikipedia article says it’s any real occurrence that happens during a scripted match, but then it goes into a buncha terms I’m equally unfamiliar with, so I’m not sure if like, Stone Cold eating shit because he timed a grab badly counts or if it’s supposed to be something like Goldust just deciding to dive onto him from the rafters for attention.
A shoot is intentional, so Stone Cold timing a grab badly and falling wouldn’t count but someone intentionally diving from the rafters would be if it wasn’t planned. It would also be VERY dangerous if it wasn’t planned but well. Sometimes wrestlers act like they hate their bodies.
Y’all act so entitled sometimes. Nobody’s got a gun to your head, forcing you to read things from somebody with joy in their life. If you’re so offended by mirth, look away.
I actually didn’t know what to believe at first. I kinda guessed Carla was maybe Joe’s daughter but considering Walky and Joyce apparently married and had a kid who wants to bang Dorothy who went to the future, I knew anything was possible. Your comment matches a few other replies that I guess Carla was Joe and Rachel’s kid? I kinda still don’t get it.
Joe made Ultra Car, an sentient futuristic car thing, that later in short packed gets a robot body and gat is how we get Carla (Carla is trans because Ultra Car was treated as male for most her existence and when she got a body it was a looking female one. She also got in a relationship with Malaya that for troubled because Carla wasn’t into sex nor did she have the anatomy to do it. They resolved that by just using her giant pie throwing gloves robot hand that come out of her chest as a sex toy).
Joe had a car, then some stuff happened in the comic I didn’t read so the car was sentient, and then the car wound up at the toy store and got a cute girl body and started fingering Malaya in public.
One of these days, maybe I’ll read It’s Walky! instead of reading Roomies! and then skipping directly to Shortpacked!. I’ve browsed it here and there, but never given it a full front-to-back, for whatever reason.
In the universe possibly taken over by Soggies, yes. But alas, here Rachel has barely spoken to Joe and not in a friendly manner. And Joe is no closer to being an engineer than I am to being Head Alien
Wow, lots of new material here, and I just read the entire run of Shortpacked! books. I guess I should be breathlessly awaiting the announcement of more books.
Age has never stopped me from claiming fictional characters as my children. 300 years old? Still my baby. Maybe Joe’s like that but for his actual classmates and peers /s
I love being able to search multiple characters. Joe and Carla appear in three strips together, and the only time they’re in the same panel only Joe’s arm is visible.
The title text and last panel make this for me. Goes from potential discussion of transphobia/genital preference in sexuality/etc to just a fucking hilarious gag. 10/10.
Also, I wonder if he genuinely didn’t put her on the list due to not knowing who the fuck she is, or if he did know, and just has since forgotten. Still, it’s interesting to get confirmation, since Carla elected to not look if she was on the list and we otherwise hadn’t really heard anything past that.
I assume Joe updated his list on the fly (seeing as how he wanted to add Rachel later on), so he presumably just never really crossed paths with Carla. Which makes sense since her room is at the end of the hall, and she’s a sophomore so they wouldn’t have had any classes in common.
But on the flip side, Carla also makes a point of ensuring people know who she is. Being outgoing and hogging all the attention is kind of her “thing” so I would honestly still be a little surprised if Joe had truly never encountered her.
It’s possible that Carla only really acts this way around women (and Booster). Joe is beneath her interest, so she doesn’t even need him to notice her.
Well shit that’s a hell of a mystery no one thought was a mystery and didn’t even really need solving but damn if it didn’t just get solved so nice work.
If she wasn’t on the list and Mandy says “all the women” were I think that’s on Mandy.
I’d say she could have just missed someone, but she was right there in the same strip.
Could go either way. Carla on the list, Joe didn’t know her name, so she had a nickname. Or Carla not on the list, probably since Joe hadn’t met/noticed her.
EVERYBODY had a nickname on Joe’s list. Nobody had their actual names. That’s why it’s 100% believable that Joe has no idea who Joyce is talking about.
But Joyce doesn’t recall Carla being on the list. I guess it’s possible she was under a nickname and Joyce misremembered or didn’t place the nickname/description as Carla, but it’s a weird fakeout to set it up this way, if she actually was.
She got fired right? wonder if she’ll show up working in a diff store they visit lol, if she didnt go back to england (did she have an accent/uk upbringing too? i don’t remember)
@charles sounds like ‘skill issue’ to me 8D; i’m sure there are ppl who flirti wh t the bar tender either way but normally you’d flirt with a guy /at / the bar to buy you a drink rather than cutting out the middleman
I do have friends who are “like a younger sibling to me” despite them being older, lmao (I know this is a joke in reference to the other ‘verse but still)
David something. Here’s in the Dumbiverse as a youth pastor. He didn’t get to be a godlike being with abilities far beyond those of mortal men. He probably didn’t frak Linda either
I had to go back and look, and yes, Carla is aware Joe exists, but probably never made a fuzz for not being on the list because what the list was for and what it meant.
On the other hand, Joe genuinely does not seem to have ever seen Carla except for one time where she helped Joyce with her messed up fingernail and maybe he saw her through the corner of his eye, and by then Joe had other things in his mind.
iirc she said something like “I don’t know what would be worse, me being on there or me not being on there”. also Joe not recognizing Carla by name here honestly doesn’t mean all that much given that his do-list was full of nicknames anyway.
Joyce noticed Carla was the only girl not on his Do List and held that information in her brain, contextless, until yesterday(?) when she found out Carla’s trans and went “Is that why she wasn’t on the list?!”
…..oh yeah, Joe DID make ultra car in the walkyverse, nice little nod
Also it’s interesting that you forget that some of these people have genuinely never interacted with each other, like it’s crazy that Joe and Carla have genuinely not met each other.
Oh I see what you did there, Willis. The Walkyverse is subtly influencing the lives of its Dumbiverse equivalents! A prelude, perhaps to Head Alien II’s invasion of the Dumbiverse? BWA HA HA HA
Really Joe didn’t knew who is Carla?
She is so flamboyant, she makes everyone knows about her. And Joe had hit any girl in front of him.
What a excuse.
I know what you meant, but the image of Joe hitting every woman he sees is certainly something. The audience would probably take his current Good Boy™ behavior a lot differently.
In the intervening months between the list going fully public and Joyce finding out Carla is transgender: “She is scalding hot, why wouldn’t Joe want to do her?”
I can’t really remember if the list took the personalities of the girls he interacted with into account or not. If not, then I think she’d do well. Though I’m a little biased since women wearing glasses is one of my weaknesses. If personality was accounted for? I think it’d be a pretty big hit to her score. Carla is insufferably obnoxious. Well, to me. This is all pretty subjective.
I expect Joe has genital preferences. And Carla’s status is unknown. These days demonizing people for genital preference has gotten way out of hand. You are attracted to what you are attracted to.
“I” am trans, had my surgery decades ago. I once jokingly said in a trans forum I only had one thing that was a requirement in my relationship, My girlfriend to not have a p*nis. My PARTNER is also trans, also post op. Was my personal egg cracker back in the 90s. So NOT a transphobe.
I received a torrent of insane hate mail, how that made me a reprehensible bigot and no better than a N*zi. Years later I’m still shocked. I thought were were allowed to pick what we were and were not attracted to.
This is a sensible conversation we’re going to have to have as a bigger society at some point because I have been surrounded by trans friends for the past 15 years and have only really been in sensible, calm situations, but when I hear lesbians having a main issue of “A trans lesbian was coercing me into sleeping with them” and as you said, some people calling genital preference transphobic, I think that we need to really clear the air so we can tackle actual, horrible transphobia down the line. There is a major distinction in transphobia that it is transphobic to treat someone with disrespect and malice based on their gender identity, it is NOT transphobic to have a personal preference.
I can understand people feeling threatened/excluded when they are told they are not accepting of trans people because they do not feel attracted to that person.
People get bent out of shape if you don’t like dicks, even when you have a girlfriend. Statistically, most girlfriends don’t have wieners (I checked. Personally. 😐), so it’s really not a problem if you’re just not looking for that. Anyone who says otherwise or feels the need to police your preferences probably has a fucked-up dick that looks like every Tetris piece at once, anyway.
We are all supposed to be accepting, I understand that, its a laudable goal, but some people like some plumbing. Nobody is entitled to sex no matter their view on it.
Its all part of the way some bi people think everybody would be bi if they just loosened up. Or some men who think gay women wouldn’t be gay if they would just try THEM. Or straight women who have a fetish over the idea of “fixing” gay men.
I used to be very militant about this, but it all boils down to the classic meme. “Let people like things”
Also like, if one person doesn’t wanna fuck you, there are literally billions of other people. No need to go pasting tags on every single one who won’t let ya pipe ’em up, just simply find a different one.
“Let people like things”
I like the way you think.
It balanced out “No is a full and proper sentence”. Of course we get to not want things without explaining ourselves, but we should remember that doesn’t exclude liking things.
Alice: I would like to have your penis inside my vagina.
Bob: I don’t have a penis.
Alice: Bummer, no sex then.
Bob: Awww 🙁
Perfectly fine interaction. And so is this:
Alice: I would like to have your penis inside my vagina.
Bob: My penis is at your service.
Alice: A wizard’s staff has a knob on the end!
And so is this:
Alice: I would like to have your penis inside my vagina.
Bob: No thanks.
Alice: Aww 🙁
It’s a real issue, made worse by a lot of transphobes who use genital preference as a transparent mask for their transphobia (or to define orientation as in “lesbians don’t want dick”).
Yeah, sometimes genital preferences (and sexual/romantic preferences in general – see the conversation on racial ones) DO go hand in hand with bigotry. Preferences don’t exist in a vacuum. That doesn’t mean you have to date/fuck/whatever someone you’re not interested in or that you can ‘help’ it but if we’re gonna have that conversation then it’s not as simple as ‘just accept people have preferences and aren’t bigoted’.
Quite possible. ‘The list’ was also basically a way to spray his machismo everywhere, which definitely tends to come with a lot of transphobia. I expect that even if Joe didn’t personally have a genital preference or didn’t really think about it, he wouldn’t have included Carla in the list.
As for people in the online trans “community” treating each other like dirt over small things like this… yeah, basically par for the course. I hope more people in that world can find community elsewhere.
Sure, but the list is for ranking women by their attractiveness. Even if Joe does have a genital preference, not including Carla would still be transphobic since he listed other women he didn’t find attractive for one reason or another, just with a note about why.
Of course, including her would just include her in his misogyny so. No real win there.
If you call it a “list for ranking women by their attractiveness,” you’re stating that the only qualification is that they are women.
But it’s not. That’s an assumption you’re making. Not every woman that Joe knows is on the list. His mother, you can be sure, is not; nor are his grandmothers. I’m sure there are plenty of old teachers, neighbors, casual aquaintences, etc. who are not on the list.
It’s a “do list.” I would assume that the only qualification for being on the “do list” is if you are a person who Joe would ‘do,’ and the rank at which Joe would ‘do’ them. If Joe would not ‘do’ them, they are not on the list. There was only one zero, and that was Joyce, and that was only because she was much higher up before Joe was hurt, and dropped her to a “zero minus.”
It is not transphobic to not be attracted to a person who is trans. People are attracted to who they are attracted to. To try to shame someone into being attracted to something they’re not, is essentially conversion therapy.
Nobody ever said Joyce was the only zero and women Joe didn’t find fuckable were included on the list. The ‘Do List’ is not a private list for Joe to categorize women he wanted to fuck. It was a list with an RSS feed and subscribers to try to help guys get laid. Hence ranking the women he knew by hotness. No, he probably doesn’t have his mom or grandma specifically on there but he did mention he had older women on there and there were women he did not find attractive – hence their low scores. Joyce was a 4 before she got dropped to a zero but nobody ever said she was definitely the only zero. Joyce ASKED if she was and Joe ran away so he wouldn’t have to tell her she was originally a four (though could be ‘fixed’ with his dick, ugh, early Joe sucks).
A list of people you’re attracted to not having any trans women on it is one thing. A list of women ranked by attractiveness only excluding the one out trans woman in the dorm at the time? That’s something else and it isn’t good.
Joyce said that she was the only zero. Joe corrected her and said “zero minus.” It was on the same strip that had that “What was I before I hurt you Joe?” line.
I don’t remember a single thing about Joe having a subscriber list and a network of dudes who are all using his list to try to get laid. Outside of Danny, Joe *has* no male friends. Jacob is really more of a guy he works out with at the same time. The RSS was created when Joe and Danny were far, far younger, and considering how Joe freaks out that it got out, I doubt that anyone but Danny has anything to do with it.
No one is arguing that the “do list” is good. I’m simply arguing that the act of not including someone on a list where you put potential partners down on, does not mean that you are prejudiced against them. It simply means you dont see them as a potential partner.
Joyce asked ‘Am I the only zero?’ and Joe doesn’t answer her, he deflects saying zero minus. That’s not confirmation she’s the only zero.
In the first strip the list is mentioned, Joe asks Danny if he’s subscribed to the RSS feed. It’s not a private ‘potential partner’ list. It’s a ‘how to bang’ guide that includes people Joe doesn’t find attractive. If it was limited to people he wanted to have sex with, there’d be no reason for the ‘low scorers’ to be included at all.
Not wanting Carla as a partner is one thing. Not including her in a list of the women you know that includes every other woman in the wing organized by ‘fuckability’ because she’s trans is something else. Even if he put Carla as a zero or included her but with a note saying not his type or whatever, that would be different. Still gross because misogyny and objectification but it wouldn’t raise the question of if he sees Carla as a woman the way excluding her does.
This is going to be very funny if Joe just straight up never ran into her and Joyce is trying to gender studies him because she’s insecure about how bad she’s being about trans issues compared to everyone else.
It’s possible, but if he had literally everyone else on the floor, I’d be suspicious too.
If she was just one of a bunch of the women missing, then it’s perfectly reasonable.
She’s really not, though. She’s just overthinking.
Joe’s also making a good point, regardless of his stance on trans issues, he’s still meeting Joyce’s relative for the first time and he’s mostly being polite.
Well, if he had made a list ranking every local woman except the one trans woman by hotness, that /would/ mean something. So it’s not an unreasonable line of thought.
(I don’t recall how thorough said list was.)
Stop pranking us, Willis! We know what comic we’re reading.
But it’s a different comic every day.
“In which universe was this?!”
Haha, busted by the soft retcon
High above them, in geosynchronous orbit over the campus, a RutTech satellite watching their conversation prepares the Meteoric Pie Launcher.
It misses by a lot because Carla forgot to recalibrate it due to being too gay for her girlfriend to function
Fortunately for the student body, I am pretty sure that satellites can’t get detailed enough photos to read lips. If I recall it has to deal with the problems of differences between the rotations of the Earth and satellite their orbits. The satellite cameras can’t adjust for the speed differences well enough to get a clear shot that detailed – the photo would end up all blurry. I would verify this information, but I don’t want search the internet for details on spy satellites. I don’t need to be on any government watch list.
Fool! Carla does not abide by such puny things like “Science” and ,”logic” she only answers to the Laws of Carla, which are as follow:
1. Carla can do whatever she wants.
2. Go fuck yourself.
Carla would still not have a spy satellite monitoring for conversations about her, because Carla already knows all conversations are implicitly about her!
Why use satellites when Rutech nanodrones are more efficient, targeted, and undetectable and are, in fact, watching over your shoulder right now to see what you’re up to on the Internet.
The age-old question: swarm of nanodrones, or gigadrone?
Both. The gigadrone is the deployment platform for the nanodrones.
As we all know, birds aren’t real. So how many of those cleverly disguised avian drones scattered around the campus use RutTech components?
"Voice Key Incorrect."
"Voice key Incorrect."
I didn’t know Carla did Galassospeak
yee, Carla’s an Engineering major who likely has a more than thorough physics understanding
a spy satellite in low earth orbit could only view a target like Indiana University for about 80 seconds, and will only be able to view it again once 24 hours have passed
A geostationary satellite can continuously keep focus on the same target, but have such a high orbit above the surface that they can’t resolve things smaller than 6 meters in diameter — good enough to spot tornados, not so much for reading lips XD
What do you mean with 24 hours here? The ISS for example completes an orbit every 90 minutes.
Yes, but after each orbit, a different part of the Earth has rotated into being “under” the satellite.
This! As anyone who’s played too much Kerbal Space Program knows, to keep a satellite in low orbit AND pointed at a specific spot on the ground, you either need to burn a lot of delta-V (not a long-term solution) or you need to have a constellation of satellites.
Which Carla/Ruttech undoubtedly has.
I mean,
could you imagine the *actual* implications of a line of low-orbit satellites which take turns spying on the same geostationary target in succession?
one slip-up would potentially start a chain-reaction in which a massive amount of metal debris would crash into air-craft or even worse with the smoldering heat of atmospheric re-entry and momentum of a literal airborne train off the rails 0-0
and even ignoring the obvious dangers and rationale for the incredible amount of regulations regarding aerospace, amateurs consistently report satellite orbits online all the time and thus are hardly a reliable strategy for real espionage in the first place XD
After 90 minutes, it’s gone around the globe, but it’s not over Indiana University. It’s going too fast to be synchronized like that, and it can’t slow down or else it’d crash. That’s what a Geosynchronous orbit is; when you’re at the right distance from Earth that you can go just the right velocity and be over the same places every day.
You’re still not “parked” in the sky, however, unless you’re in a Geostationary orbit, but that’s only possible over the equator.
That’s why in movies and such you hear them saying that satellite coverage will begin and end at certain times. Unless you’re spying on Ecuador, there’s no way to just park a satellite over places.
That’s just what they WANT you to think! 😛
Also, in one public comment, you posted the words “spy sattelite” and “government watch list”, you really think a little Google search is gonna matter after that? (I’m safe because I put them in quotation marks)
(PS, just to be clear, this conspiracy theorist stuff was intended for humorous effect)
The fun part about this is, going on Google and typing “ “spy satellite”” gives your comment as the first result, making you extremely easy to identify with those keywords.
Oh no.
Well, on the bright-side, it seems likely that eventually Willis will name some strip “spy satellite” and bump me down to second and third.
Also, is that new Avatar from the Sonic films? Are they any good? I’ve been considering watching them.
The movies are good, yes. Just don’t go in expecting a life-changing experience and take them for what they are, and you’ll probably enjoy ’em. Nobody gets character assassinated and there’s a cool scene where a guy gets thrown into the stratosphere.
wat the?
Orange hair Ruth?
SMASH! >:3
Eh, you might as well get yourself onto the government watch lists. You’re already on many corporate watch lists.
Let me see. I can be on a list of someone with no authority over me who wants to sell me stuff. Or I can be on the list of someone who has authority over me and part of whose job is to control me. Hm. Which one should I worry about?
Worry more about the one who wants to sell you stuff. They’re more likely to bribe people, more likely to decide you’re worth their time, and less likely to have oversight.
After what I did in my late teens I’m resigned to being on watch lists for the rest of my life. That’s just one consequence of working for the company.
Just go post it on the war thunder forums, then you’ll be in the clear.
You are correct that the satalites wouldn’t be good enough to read lips.
but carla has other options, namely the large network of listening devices, or just setting up some strategic mics and cameras.
No, there are pointing systems that can stabilize for that motion. The real problem is something called the diffraction limit of the optics. The size of the primary element limits the resolution of the system. The size of the primary element on spy satellites is functionally limited by the faring size of the lifting rocket. The two-meter primary on Hubble is about the uppermost limit on the size of the primary with the modern fleet of heavy-lift rockets. Though Starship, New Glenn, and (too a much lesser extent) SLS are looking to change that.
Why bother with satellite photos when half the student body has RutTech on their phones?
Only half?
Think of RuTech as the Apple of the Dumbiverse. Much better technology and software for way too much money.
At least half.
The other half use Ellicott-Chatham technology.
Only half of the student body has RutTech on their phones, but the other half are usually within listening distance of those RutTech phones.
Exactly. No need to lip-read at all, and you can track locations even when it’s cloudy or they go indoors.
You can only have geosynchronous orbit over the Equator, and it’s too high up to resolve lips with anything that you could sensibly launch without the budget and/or technology of the Imperium of Man.
You might get lucky if you had something in the right point on its Molniya orbit that it happens to be close enough and pointed in the right direction, but you’d have to be very, very, lucky.
I’m not sure reading lips is even theoretically possible. Even from a lower orbit.
Atmospheric distortion is a big problem.
Imaging this with Ted Knight doing his Super Friends narration voice
Nanodrome swarm, yes. Geosynchronous satellite, no. Geosynchronous satellites can only ever be over the equator, on which Indiana is decidedly not.
(To be perfectly pedantic, a geosync satellite can SEE Indiana, it just cannot be directly overhead.)
But directly overhead is the wrong place to be if you’re trying to read lips.
Honestly fair
Carla off screen on the other side of campus having an undying urge to scream bottling up in her throat and she doesn’t know why.
This is going to end in a double date and Joe very confused as to why three ladies are yelling at him to fawn over Carla.
… who’s the other pair in this double date? Because I can see Becky doing that, but not Dina.
Carla and Charlie.
To be fair, ‘demanding adulation’ is Carla’s default state.
I just can’t picture Charlie yelling at…anybody. Like ever.
That’s actually a pretty good point. Okay, Carla and Joyce going “Don’t you know how great Carla is!?” with Charlie sitting there asking Joe “Isn’t my girlfriend the best?”
If this leads to an intervention for Carla’s narcissistic disorder – I’m in. I don’t think anyone calls billionaires out on stuff like that though.
BRB, having an intervention for my acquaintance’s autism. Gonna have one for my coworker’s schizophrenia next week, and another for my cousin’s PTSD. Y’know, cuz that’s apparently normal and fine to do if we follow the road you’ve paved here.
Send the funny van, I’m neurodivergent.
And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats!
coming to take you away ha ha
I’m sure this means something to people who read Shortpacked.
In that comic, Joe and Carla were basically the One True Pairing of the story. They hooked up early on and stayed together for the entire run.
Either you’ve mixed up Carla and Rachel or this is some excellent straight-faced trolling.
Who the fuck are you callin’ straight?
Sorry, gay-faced trolling.
Eh, close enough.
Straight faced as in not giggling
Joke’s on you, I was giggling like an absolute loon when I posted it.
They didn’t even hook up early on (it was basically endgame), so probably the latter.
No, Carla and Rachel never hooked up. They flirted a little bit during that one Christmas party, but nothing came of it.
What you must understand is that Taffy has never left a genuine comment on this website in the history of ever, because they believe that being an asshole to everyone around them is a worthwhile substitute for humor. It is incredibly tiresome, yet unrelenting.
So Taffy is basically Mike?
Mike wishes he were this hot, intelligent, and good at the guitar.
I also didn’t die before age 20, so that’s something in my favor.
Got him there. Die-ers are losers.
The kid literally lost to gravity while he still had a 1 at the start of his age, and it barely inconvenienced the guy he was trying to take down. Utter chump behavior.
I leave plenty of genuine comments, you must be refusing to notice them. Really no need to be insulting over a simple gag, stranger.
I’m not sure why you decided to be genuinely cruel about a joke, but I think you’re mixed up about who the asshole here is.
Having uncharitable headcanons about real human beings you’ve never interacted with is peculiar, but I try not to kink-shame people.
I have literally watched you mock people for daring to take your false answer to their question seriously because they’re “supposed to know better”, If you do not like my assessment of how you act in this comment section, don’t act like that?
That’s weird, I don’t remember doing anything of the sort. If you’re gonna lie, at least make it believable.
I legitimately mixed up Rachel and Other Rachel and got confused.
Rachel’s the tall one with no personality. Other Rachel’s the hot one with cool hair.
Being always angry doesn’t count as a personality?
Not one worth engaging with, anyway. Nobody wants to be around the person who’s constantly pissed off.
The latter option…
Tfw six people give the correct answer with slightly different wording but one person gives a wrong answer, knowing the other six will get it right: 🤯
I can confirm this be one hundred percent accurate, no lies or deception here. Just purely unadulterated truth injected directly into your bloodstream while you were sleeping last night. (Btw you should restock your fridge.)
I’m not sure which comic you were reading, but in Shortpacked there were never any hints of romance between Carla, the CEO of Shortpacked Industries, and Joe, her loyal pastry chef. He was really more of an Alfred Pennyworth type figure.
Oh please, like Batman and Alfred weren’t fucking.
Trolling like this is pretty low. Not everybody will be slogging through the archives.
Everyone keeps using that word when it doesn’t really apply. I don’t troll, I just occasionally say something that’s blatantly untrue in a completely harmless way. Nobody’s hurt.
what, a white hat troll?
I don’t often wear hats, especially since my hair got past my shoulders. The texture and volume of my hair, when properly cleaned and brushed, seems to magnetically repel headwear. I probably wouldn’t wear a white hat anyhow, for stain-related reasons.
And again, I don’t troll. At most, it’s sparkling sarcasm.
Yup, in It’s Walky!, Joe and his girlfriend Rachel give an old car a big upgrade in intelligence and combat capabilities to help with the final battle. Said car becomes increasingly more self-aware, sarcastic, and asexual as time goes on, even getting an humanoid body in Shortpacked. That’s Carla! She regards Joe and Rachel as her parents, and they their daughter, it’s very sweet.
Yeesh, and I thought my on-the-fly made up answers were outlandish.
Yes just like I said was also made up, I did not inject anything into anyone’s blood and steel their food so there is not to call the police because that did not happen. ,(You should still restock your fridge, preferably with some meat and cheeses. For not particular reason)
So YOU’RE the one who drank all my sambuca soy protein shake!
Nah that stuff was gross. I think that was the other guy that break into your house. Nice dude, like to keep in shape.
There’s something really funny to me about a person breaking into a house, stealing food, and then criticizing the food. It starts off as either off-putting (damn, this weirdo was in my house robbing me) or depressing (damn, they must have been really hungry), and the criticism turns it into like, “Well excuse me, picky-ass”.
Well, it’s actually Ultra-Car, who very much does not like the name “Carla”. (But it looks like Carla.)
Wait the car becomes increasingly asexual as time goes on? I would assume that would be a default for an AI stuck in a car. Did they program their car to be horny? That would just be cruel. How would you even give a car sexual gratification? (That last question was rhetorical. Please, I beg you, do not answer it).
I’ve seen plenty of videos of women fucking the stick shift of their cars without sentience involved. Just simply add some sensors to that and make a number go up every so often while she does it, problem solved.
I mean, have you SEEN Malaya and UltraCar in Shortpacked?!?! XD
To be fair that shit got surprisingly graphic for how off screen it was.
carla was actually for real joes robot daughter in shortpacked
In the other continuity Joe (and Rachel) literally were responsible for making Ultra Car (or at least endowing her with sentience) and she effectively is his daughter
What is this, some kinda comments section kayfabe meme?
Nope, that’s a shoot
I’ve read that term a few times in another comic, but I’m still not entirely clear on what it is. The Wikipedia article says it’s any real occurrence that happens during a scripted match, but then it goes into a buncha terms I’m equally unfamiliar with, so I’m not sure if like, Stone Cold eating shit because he timed a grab badly counts or if it’s supposed to be something like Goldust just deciding to dive onto him from the rafters for attention.
Stunning Steve Austin consuming Hunter Hearst Helmsley’s feces was truly a pivotal moment in the history of World Wildlife Foundation wrestling.
A shoot is intentional, so Stone Cold timing a grab badly and falling wouldn’t count but someone intentionally diving from the rafters would be if it wasn’t planned. It would also be VERY dangerous if it wasn’t planned but well. Sometimes wrestlers act like they hate their bodies.
I wish I could block you Taffy. Life’s too short for shitposts.
You could try not reading my comments and choosing to be personally affected. 🤷
Y’all act so entitled sometimes. Nobody’s got a gun to your head, forcing you to read things from somebody with joy in their life. If you’re so offended by mirth, look away.
Oh? … OHHHHH. Now I feel better that she wasn’t on his gross list.
Good troll.
Joe and Rachel are Carla’s parents.
She’s older than Joe, the timeline just doesn’t work out.
Your mom just doesn’t work out! (Ignore this id your mother is actually ripped)
For a lady of a certain age, she actually is fairly jacked. If it weren’t for her metal leg, she’d be lifting more than me.
I actually didn’t know what to believe at first. I kinda guessed Carla was maybe Joe’s daughter but considering Walky and Joyce apparently married and had a kid who wants to bang Dorothy who went to the future, I knew anything was possible. Your comment matches a few other replies that I guess Carla was Joe and Rachel’s kid? I kinda still don’t get it.
Joe made Ultra Car, an sentient futuristic car thing, that later in short packed gets a robot body and gat is how we get Carla (Carla is trans because Ultra Car was treated as male for most her existence and when she got a body it was a looking female one. She also got in a relationship with Malaya that for troubled because Carla wasn’t into sex nor did she have the anatomy to do it. They resolved that by just using her giant pie throwing gloves robot hand that come out of her chest as a sex toy).
Added item of interest: the first Ultra Car was Danny’s old car.
Poor Danny is truly the Rodney Dangerfield of the Two Willisverses, no respect
So Danny was the first one to be inside Carla, you’re sayin’?
And with tomorrow’s strip, my words are shown as prophecy.
Joe had a car, then some stuff happened in the comic I didn’t read so the car was sentient, and then the car wound up at the toy store and got a cute girl body and started fingering Malaya in public.
Eh. Close enough.
One of these days, maybe I’ll read It’s Walky! instead of reading Roomies! and then skipping directly to Shortpacked!. I’ve browsed it here and there, but never given it a full front-to-back, for whatever reason.
This is probably the grossest way you could say that but it horrifyingly works
What, “front-to-back”? I said that because it’s a comic, not whatever weird context you thought of.
In the universe possibly taken over by Soggies, yes. But alas, here Rachel has barely spoken to Joe and not in a friendly manner. And Joe is no closer to being an engineer than I am to being Head Alien
I believe this is the point where I insinuate the car is Amazi-Girl.
Wasn’t Ultra-Car a banned word back in the day because so many people kept saying Amazi-Girl was Ultra-Car?
Yes. I do believe the current poll is an homage to that
Actually, It’s Walky too. Or Joyce and Walky
Wow, lots of new material here, and I just read the entire run of Shortpacked! books. I guess I should be breathlessly awaiting the announcement of more books.
Age has never stopped me from claiming fictional characters as my children. 300 years old? Still my baby. Maybe Joe’s like that but for his actual classmates and peers /s
Carla would be insulted and offended at the notion someone doesn’t know who she is, we all should contemplate Carla at all times. Contemplate I said!
That’s what I was coming here to say. Joe not knowing “which one” Carla is cuts her to the quick far more than anything else.
*cue Carla showing up, splatting a pie into Joe’s face, and skating off into the distance.
Oh, Carla would be *so* upset to hear that!
I love being able to search multiple characters. Joe and Carla appear in three strips together, and the only time they’re in the same panel only Joe’s arm is visible.
literally the most pertinent next line joyce could have was “she helped me when i lost my toenail” and that’s hilarious
Don’t forget her shower shoes.
“Carla helped me with my jugs.”
The title text and last panel make this for me. Goes from potential discussion of transphobia/genital preference in sexuality/etc to just a fucking hilarious gag. 10/10.
Carla now knows that there’s someone who doesn’t even know she exists, and for that, vengeance will come.
Hope Carla didn’t throw away the “CARLA! <-" sign.
Oh god, Joe is going to get owned SO hard by Carla.
Carla is thrown by how much he looks like her dad, which is just Joe with a mustache.
With a long-lost brother who may have gone to medical school and recently remarried.
“Your mother is just Rachel with red hair!”
I didn’t know the Ruttens made an appearance, here or in the Patreon stuff
I think this is just speculation. Speculation that I am 100% in support of making canon, but…
They haven’t. And Carla’s a natural blonde so her mom would probably have blonde hair if she got her hair from her.
Her dad appeared in a bonus strip years ago (it was about her Ultra Car toy), but his head was out of frame.
Okay, that’s true. No faces yet is a more accurate version of what I meant.
On the other hand Charlie didn’t know Carla existed and look how that turned out.
I maintain Joe and Rachel are alternateverse parents of Carla.
Alternatively, they’re like Joyce’s Pharmacist and her wife, and eerily similar to them.
Give them a longer beard and say they’re Joe’s uncle.
The post-scratch incarnations of Joe and Rachel, who have conveniently changed their last names and also their faces and appearances.
This is fucking hilarious as a callback.
Also, I wonder if he genuinely didn’t put her on the list due to not knowing who the fuck she is, or if he did know, and just has since forgotten. Still, it’s interesting to get confirmation, since Carla elected to not look if she was on the list and we otherwise hadn’t really heard anything past that.
I assume Joe updated his list on the fly (seeing as how he wanted to add Rachel later on), so he presumably just never really crossed paths with Carla. Which makes sense since her room is at the end of the hall, and she’s a sophomore so they wouldn’t have had any classes in common.
But on the flip side, Carla also makes a point of ensuring people know who she is. Being outgoing and hogging all the attention is kind of her “thing” so I would honestly still be a little surprised if Joe had truly never encountered her.
It’s possible that Carla only really acts this way around women (and Booster). Joe is beneath her interest, so she doesn’t even need him to notice her.
I should probably read the Walkyverse comics before the apparent dimensional leaks in Joe’s brain make the two universes crash into each other.
Crisis on Infinite Walkyverses
Ooooooo I like that one!
“Don’t know what’d make me pissier– being on there or not being on there.”
…aaaaand that’s another of the unsolved DoA mysteries checked off the list.
Huh, my mind was so busy clocking the Dumbiverse call-back that it completely forgot to clock the Walkyverse continuity nod. I’m getting rusty.
That happens to older cars.
Well shit that’s a hell of a mystery no one thought was a mystery and didn’t even really need solving but damn if it didn’t just get solved so nice work.
I see what you did there. Nice pull. lol
It makes Mandy’s comment in that strip about “Well, all the women” a bit suspicious.
But who’s the suspicion aimed at? Joe, for not including Carla? Or Mandy, for potentially not counting Carla as “the women”?
If she wasn’t on the list and Mandy says “all the women” were I think that’s on Mandy.
I’d say she could have just missed someone, but she was right there in the same strip.
Could go either way. Carla on the list, Joe didn’t know her name, so she had a nickname. Or Carla not on the list, probably since Joe hadn’t met/noticed her.
EVERYBODY had a nickname on Joe’s list. Nobody had their actual names. That’s why it’s 100% believable that Joe has no idea who Joyce is talking about.
That’s not true. Some of them did have their real names on it. Joyce noted Dorothy did.
But Joyce doesn’t recall Carla being on the list. I guess it’s possible she was under a nickname and Joyce misremembered or didn’t place the nickname/description as Carla, but it’s a weird fakeout to set it up this way, if she actually was.
This is a very funny way to do this. A++
the myopic nepobaby, surely you’ve noticed her? she’d throw a fit otherwise
“My do list didn’t do names! I kept anonymity very clear.”
“You described having sex with the British Teacher’s Assistant that was a feisty redhead.”
“I wonder whatever happened to her.”
Joyce has memorized Joe’s Do List. She autistic or what? Or maybe just a pornographic memory?
She’s good at memorizing long bodies of text, and recalling excerpts on the fly.
She did draw a penis on someone’s whiteboard post-WBDDB reveal without even looking at the board.
Got an eye patch, took over a secret organization of British ninjas, retired
Some of the entries did have real names on the list. Dorothy was listed under her’s iirc.
She got fired right? wonder if she’ll show up working in a diff store they visit lol, if she didnt go back to england (did she have an accent/uk upbringing too? i don’t remember)
There’s a bonus strip where she goes to Galassos for a drink but can’t afford it and the bartender is female so she can’t flirt her way to one.
@charles sounds like ‘skill issue’ to me 8D; i’m sure there are ppl who flirti wh t the bar tender either way but normally you’d flirt with a guy /at / the bar to buy you a drink rather than cutting out the middleman
The one who’s definitely not Spider-car
I do have friends who are “like a younger sibling to me” despite them being older, lmao (I know this is a joke in reference to the other ‘verse but still)
I do! I understood that reference!
the walkyverse is bleeding through
Oh my Cheese I love the callback!
Yours mom is the cheese! (Funnily enough I stopped reading it’s Walky around the end game so I really don’t know who the cheese was)
It was Walky all along.
David something. Here’s in the Dumbiverse as a youth pastor. He didn’t get to be a godlike being with abilities far beyond those of mortal men. He probably didn’t frak Linda either
There’s still time. Sal and Walky need more drama in their lives, right?
I had to go back and look, and yes, Carla is aware Joe exists, but probably never made a fuzz for not being on the list because what the list was for and what it meant.
On the other hand, Joe genuinely does not seem to have ever seen Carla except for one time where she helped Joyce with her messed up fingernail and maybe he saw her through the corner of his eye, and by then Joe had other things in his mind.
iirc she said something like “I don’t know what would be worse, me being on there or me not being on there”. also Joe not recognizing Carla by name here honestly doesn’t mean all that much given that his do-list was full of nicknames anyway.
Wait, I remember Carla didn’t want to know if she was on the list or not, but she probably had no idea who Joe was either.
Joyce noticed Carla was the only girl not on his Do List and held that information in her brain, contextless, until yesterday(?) when she found out Carla’s trans and went “Is that why she wasn’t on the list?!”
(I think it was yesterday, I can’t remember.)
Autistic, can absolutely confirm.
Carla won’t like it if she finds out that someone wasn’t aware of that she’s Carla.
Joe forgot that she’s HER.
…..oh yeah, Joe DID make ultra car in the walkyverse, nice little nod
Also it’s interesting that you forget that some of these people have genuinely never interacted with each other, like it’s crazy that Joe and Carla have genuinely not met each other.
Carla’s gonna be upset to find out that Joe doesn’t know who she is. I’m pretty sure she thinks everyone on campus should know who she is, somehow.
I won’t accept anything lesser than Carla coding a robot to knock onbhis door. A robot like a Gundan…
And deliver a pie
I can hear Carla’s ego shattering from here.
She wasn’t on his DO list because he already did her.
Oh I see what you did there, Willis. The Walkyverse is subtly influencing the lives of its Dumbiverse equivalents! A prelude, perhaps to Head Alien II’s invasion of the Dumbiverse? BWA HA HA HA
I keep waiting.
“It’s kind of weird to randomly declare that Carla’s a rela… Oh. Ohhhhhh.“
Absolutely came to say. Then again, well-meaning bad advice was bad, too.
Really Joe didn’t knew who is Carla?
She is so flamboyant, she makes everyone knows about her. And Joe had hit any girl in front of him.
What a excuse.
I know what you meant, but the image of Joe hitting every woman he sees is certainly something. The audience would probably take his current Good Boy™ behavior a lot differently.
Joyce must have studied that list pretty well.
What do ya suppose the grading metric would be if she got quizzed on it?
Joyce has long wondered what her own original score was, before she hurt Joe and he downgraded her to whatever her lower score was.
Found it: Zero-minus.
In the intervening months between the list going fully public and Joyce finding out Carla is transgender: “She is scalding hot, why wouldn’t Joe want to do her?”
Now that you mention it, Joyce did notice Carla’s boobs getting bigger, implying she’s been looking often enough to know the difference.
as a trans girl, I can sympathize, though Carla can get with anyone she wants. ~<3
I got that reference
I can’t really remember if the list took the personalities of the girls he interacted with into account or not. If not, then I think she’d do well. Though I’m a little biased since women wearing glasses is one of my weaknesses. If personality was accounted for? I think it’d be a pretty big hit to her score. Carla is insufferably obnoxious. Well, to me. This is all pretty subjective.
Joyce was the only one with a rating based on anything but looks.
Alternative panel 4:
“Carla?? She’s like a SISTER to me!”
“-I wouldn’t call her that. She got all touchy about it.”
Joe’s beard shadow has grown to cover his neck. And, even more disturbingly, his ears.
Oh, like you don’t have ear stubble. ‘Fess up, it’s like steel wool isn’t it.
Yeesh, shaving my ears is always the trickiest part of the day.
Carla skates too fast, Joe never caught a glimpse
She’s too fucking fast, he just hasn’t seen her. which is still surprising considering how loud she tends to be
Great minds, great minds
I expect Joe has genital preferences. And Carla’s status is unknown. These days demonizing people for genital preference has gotten way out of hand. You are attracted to what you are attracted to.
“I” am trans, had my surgery decades ago. I once jokingly said in a trans forum I only had one thing that was a requirement in my relationship, My girlfriend to not have a p*nis. My PARTNER is also trans, also post op. Was my personal egg cracker back in the 90s. So NOT a transphobe.
I received a torrent of insane hate mail, how that made me a reprehensible bigot and no better than a N*zi. Years later I’m still shocked. I thought were were allowed to pick what we were and were not attracted to.
This is a sensible conversation we’re going to have to have as a bigger society at some point because I have been surrounded by trans friends for the past 15 years and have only really been in sensible, calm situations, but when I hear lesbians having a main issue of “A trans lesbian was coercing me into sleeping with them” and as you said, some people calling genital preference transphobic, I think that we need to really clear the air so we can tackle actual, horrible transphobia down the line. There is a major distinction in transphobia that it is transphobic to treat someone with disrespect and malice based on their gender identity, it is NOT transphobic to have a personal preference.
I can understand people feeling threatened/excluded when they are told they are not accepting of trans people because they do not feel attracted to that person.
Kinda smells like sour grapes sometimes, innit?
People get bent out of shape if you don’t like dicks, even when you have a girlfriend. Statistically, most girlfriends don’t have wieners (I checked. Personally. 😐), so it’s really not a problem if you’re just not looking for that. Anyone who says otherwise or feels the need to police your preferences probably has a fucked-up dick that looks like every Tetris piece at once, anyway.
We are all supposed to be accepting, I understand that, its a laudable goal, but some people like some plumbing. Nobody is entitled to sex no matter their view on it.
Its all part of the way some bi people think everybody would be bi if they just loosened up. Or some men who think gay women wouldn’t be gay if they would just try THEM. Or straight women who have a fetish over the idea of “fixing” gay men.
I used to be very militant about this, but it all boils down to the classic meme. “Let people like things”
Also like, if one person doesn’t wanna fuck you, there are literally billions of other people. No need to go pasting tags on every single one who won’t let ya pipe ’em up, just simply find a different one.
“Let people like things”
I like the way you think.
It balanced out “No is a full and proper sentence”. Of course we get to not want things without explaining ourselves, but we should remember that doesn’t exclude liking things.
Alice: I would like to have your penis inside my vagina.
Bob: I don’t have a penis.
Alice: Bummer, no sex then.
Bob: Awww 🙁
Perfectly fine interaction. And so is this:
Alice: I would like to have your penis inside my vagina.
Bob: My penis is at your service.
Alice: A wizard’s staff has a knob on the end!
And so is this:
Alice: I would like to have your penis inside my vagina.
Bob: No thanks.
Alice: Aww 🙁
I probably shouldn’t even try to write smut…
It’s a real issue, made worse by a lot of transphobes who use genital preference as a transparent mask for their transphobia (or to define orientation as in “lesbians don’t want dick”).
Not to mention others who fetishize it.
Yeah thanks that is a part of the issue I fell was being a bit sweep under the rug a bit.
Yeah, sometimes genital preferences (and sexual/romantic preferences in general – see the conversation on racial ones) DO go hand in hand with bigotry. Preferences don’t exist in a vacuum. That doesn’t mean you have to date/fuck/whatever someone you’re not interested in or that you can ‘help’ it but if we’re gonna have that conversation then it’s not as simple as ‘just accept people have preferences and aren’t bigoted’.
Quite possible. ‘The list’ was also basically a way to spray his machismo everywhere, which definitely tends to come with a lot of transphobia. I expect that even if Joe didn’t personally have a genital preference or didn’t really think about it, he wouldn’t have included Carla in the list.
As for people in the online trans “community” treating each other like dirt over small things like this… yeah, basically par for the course. I hope more people in that world can find community elsewhere.
Sure, but the list is for ranking women by their attractiveness. Even if Joe does have a genital preference, not including Carla would still be transphobic since he listed other women he didn’t find attractive for one reason or another, just with a note about why.
Of course, including her would just include her in his misogyny so. No real win there.
If you call it a “list for ranking women by their attractiveness,” you’re stating that the only qualification is that they are women.
But it’s not. That’s an assumption you’re making. Not every woman that Joe knows is on the list. His mother, you can be sure, is not; nor are his grandmothers. I’m sure there are plenty of old teachers, neighbors, casual aquaintences, etc. who are not on the list.
It’s a “do list.” I would assume that the only qualification for being on the “do list” is if you are a person who Joe would ‘do,’ and the rank at which Joe would ‘do’ them. If Joe would not ‘do’ them, they are not on the list. There was only one zero, and that was Joyce, and that was only because she was much higher up before Joe was hurt, and dropped her to a “zero minus.”
It is not transphobic to not be attracted to a person who is trans. People are attracted to who they are attracted to. To try to shame someone into being attracted to something they’re not, is essentially conversion therapy.
Nobody ever said Joyce was the only zero and women Joe didn’t find fuckable were included on the list. The ‘Do List’ is not a private list for Joe to categorize women he wanted to fuck. It was a list with an RSS feed and subscribers to try to help guys get laid. Hence ranking the women he knew by hotness. No, he probably doesn’t have his mom or grandma specifically on there but he did mention he had older women on there and there were women he did not find attractive – hence their low scores. Joyce was a 4 before she got dropped to a zero but nobody ever said she was definitely the only zero. Joyce ASKED if she was and Joe ran away so he wouldn’t have to tell her she was originally a four (though could be ‘fixed’ with his dick, ugh, early Joe sucks).
A list of people you’re attracted to not having any trans women on it is one thing. A list of women ranked by attractiveness only excluding the one out trans woman in the dorm at the time? That’s something else and it isn’t good.
Joyce said that she was the only zero. Joe corrected her and said “zero minus.” It was on the same strip that had that “What was I before I hurt you Joe?” line.
I don’t remember a single thing about Joe having a subscriber list and a network of dudes who are all using his list to try to get laid. Outside of Danny, Joe *has* no male friends. Jacob is really more of a guy he works out with at the same time. The RSS was created when Joe and Danny were far, far younger, and considering how Joe freaks out that it got out, I doubt that anyone but Danny has anything to do with it.
No one is arguing that the “do list” is good. I’m simply arguing that the act of not including someone on a list where you put potential partners down on, does not mean that you are prejudiced against them. It simply means you dont see them as a potential partner.
Joyce asked ‘Am I the only zero?’ and Joe doesn’t answer her, he deflects saying zero minus. That’s not confirmation she’s the only zero.
In the first strip the list is mentioned, Joe asks Danny if he’s subscribed to the RSS feed. It’s not a private ‘potential partner’ list. It’s a ‘how to bang’ guide that includes people Joe doesn’t find attractive. If it was limited to people he wanted to have sex with, there’d be no reason for the ‘low scorers’ to be included at all.
Not wanting Carla as a partner is one thing. Not including her in a list of the women you know that includes every other woman in the wing organized by ‘fuckability’ because she’s trans is something else. Even if he put Carla as a zero or included her but with a note saying not his type or whatever, that would be different. Still gross because misogyny and objectification but it wouldn’t raise the question of if he sees Carla as a woman the way excluding her does.
This is going to be very funny if Joe just straight up never ran into her and Joyce is trying to gender studies him because she’s insecure about how bad she’s being about trans issues compared to everyone else.
It’s possible, but if he had literally everyone else on the floor, I’d be suspicious too.
If she was just one of a bunch of the women missing, then it’s perfectly reasonable.
She’s really not, though. She’s just overthinking.
Joe’s also making a good point, regardless of his stance on trans issues, he’s still meeting Joyce’s relative for the first time and he’s mostly being polite.
LMAOOOOOO thats so funny
I love how easily he gives up the bit. Not sure why, but that makes it so much funnier.
Yeah, Joyce I think measuring how transphobic Joe is by how much he wants to **** someone or not is not the right way to handle that.
Ooh, four asterisks. Love a guessing game, me. Let’s see, is the word “burp”?
It’s not bongo.
Well, if he had made a list ranking every local woman except the one trans woman by hotness, that /would/ mean something. So it’s not an unreasonable line of thought.
(I don’t recall how thorough said list was.)
True. I suppose it seems to be validating too much of sexual desirability as a gender reaffirming quality versus creepy objectification.