joss brown will return
in ‘dr endocrinology’
in ‘from s.r.s. with love’
in ‘narrowwrist’
in ‘thunderball atrophy’
in ‘you only transition twice’
in ‘on her majesty’s secret wenis’
in ‘dysphoria is for never’
in ‘live as not-guy’
in ‘the woman with the golden needle’
in ‘the spy who muffed me’
in ‘boobmaker’
in ‘to take twice daily’
in ‘newpussy’
in ‘a view to an estradiol’
in ‘the laser hair-bye’
in ‘prescription to girl’
in ‘never say deadname again’
in ‘cryingeye’
in ‘the boner doesn’t rise’
in ‘the girl is not a cis’
in ‘be another gay’
in ‘the she/her royale’
in ‘quantum of spironolactone’
in ‘guyfail’
in ‘spectrans’
in ‘no t in i’
Somewhat implies the existence of a bi-weekly podcast where three of the whitest and most cis-het men analyse her adventures.
Also, to anyone else thinking ‘There’s no way that Never Say Deadname Again is that recent’: correct, it should be between Newpussy and A View to an Estradiol.
And that caveate of “aren’t universally reported” isn’t saying it doesn’t happen, just that it doesn’t happen to everyone. I was already very in touch with my emotions before I started estrogen, but afterwards I reacted a bit quicker and tended towards a little more happy crying. All quite positive effects, of course!
No, it’s not even saying that. It’s saying that not everyone reports them.
It does not say anything about whether everyone has them. Some people may have them and not report them. Some people may not have them, but still report them. Some have them and report them (I know at least two in this category, so it’s not a maybe.) And of course, it could be that some people don’t have them and don’t report having them.
That’s one of the problems with studying sentient subjects. They don’t always report everything honestly, but it’s not like you can attach monitors to them and expect that to go well.
Lucky you. Some of us didn’t. For some of us being alive is a constant trial, or many years of suffering and hurt. HRT was the first time in my life I didn’t feel like a zombie.
Lucky? for most of my youth, I didn’t think so. Emotions and social needs I often didn’t understand or acknowledge, which caused me to embarrass myself and flee back to the lonely safety of solitude to lick my wounds. It wasn’t until my twenties that I started – started – to accept that part of myself.
Yeah, like… having strong emotionality isn’t in contrast to experiencing trial, suffering, and hurt. I used to get in trouble for crying in 1st grade, so I started finding ways to hurt myself because that would sometimes help me stop myself from crying. And sometimes it wouldn’t, so there were still plenty of times I felt horrible because I was crying in front of people for “no reason.”
Going numb sucks too, and decades of that sounds horrible; it just doesn’t mean a different experience is a fun one.
I built my identity around being “smart” and “rational”. Feelings were messy and the enemy of “reason”; they popped up when I didn’t want them, and I didn’t know (or want to learn) how to express them in a healthy way, so it was all deny deny deny, repress repress repress, until that built-up pressure exploded in some form of acting out and started the whole miserable cycle over again.
I’m better now, really. It took a long time, though.
For bonus irony, I aspired to “Vulcan logic” for years before I really understood the totality of Vulcans and why they’re like that.
You and I could be twins. Oh I SO understand! I didn’t deal with myself till I was 35 and THAT was 25 years ago.
I went intellectual Neo-Conservative! I could pin people in a corner for hours and extol the “virtues” of Ayn Rand, and the glories of Capitalism till you wanted to just hit me with a sock full of horse crap. I was so deep in the closet, if I farted it smelled in Narnia.
I was so much “better” than everybody! First I found out I wasn’t. Then found out I didn’t want to be.The. I found out the people who think they are are pretty much unbearable to anybody with an actual life.
Oh, this happened to me. Relating to Spock too, even! And since my emotions were too strong and I acted out… I got the idea the only valuable thing in me was my brain. Smarts and creativity, because as a person I clearly sucked? It was the only thing I was praised about anyway :’DD
Went through The Horrors, including the numbness, gave myself permission to cry at like 24 and life started to get better like. Only then tbh. Therapy and the right meds make a world of difference, which is why I always go “fam, if your neurotransmitters are limping along, storebought is fine.”
(It turned out I had combined neurodivergencies in an age people went “oh, gifted child” instead of “oh, this child needs help.” The world has, at least in that sense, gotten better.)
Anyway I love Jocelyne and this strip was stupidly moving ;AAA;
FWIW, I can see why Dana took that the way they did, for someone reading the strip with the context of having the pretty common experience of emotional shutdown prior to starting HRT, and the relief that comes from having access to your full emotional range again, the original comment in this thread came across as pretty dismissive of that.
I don’t think it was dismissive when you consider it’s not being commented on as a pro in this strip. I get why she might have misread it, but it took me a minute of squinting to see what she might have been referring to.
I don’t think it was intended to be dismissive at all, I just think StClair and Dana are reading this from very different contexts, and that leads to this sort of thing where it’s really easy for someone with Dana’s context to read things into StClair’s comment they didn’t intend, whereas to someone without that context Dana’s comments could feel like non sequiturs.
Personally, for me I was a little taken aback by St Clair’s comment, but I assume they’re simply unaware of how great a relief this sort of experience can be after a lifetime of not being able to access all your emotions and not meaning to invalidate the experiences of those to whom this is actually a big deal (or to imply we shouldn’t need hrt or other forms of transition to feel things).
It’s my understanding if you’re human and you have exactly 0 hormones, you die. Or more likely, you’re probably already dead. I get that you’re talking about not having supplemental hormones, but I’ve had issues from being low on natural hormones and thought it was important to clarify this. Supplemental hormones are designed to act like natural hormones as much as feasible, so there’s absolutely nothing that says the natural ones can’t do this also.
That said, part of transition also suppresses some of the natural hormones that can do that, so it’s all complicated, much like anything in life. (To be clear, my low hormone issues were not part of any kind of transition, but rather stuff going wonky inside me all on its own. As I understand it, people who go through regulated hormone therapies usually don’t have the kinds of issues I had, and most of the time they do it’s for reasons kind of like what I had that just happen to coincide at the same time as mucking with other things. You don’t need to worry about life-threatening hormone loss as part of transition processes, except under the current administration and those would be more likely due to non-medically induced factors.)
Oh Crying is the gift. That first year it was so good at finally and at long last to just CRY. I cried and cried for months. I got 35 years of not crying out in one summer. I got cold feet and quit mones for a week, and the crying started to dry up. Was so happy to go back on.
She’s practically looking at a photo of her family she keeps in a locket around her neck. She’s talking about buying a slice of pizza with portobellos. She’s telling Polnareff she won’t save him once they enter DIO’s mansion.
that is a looooooooooooooooooot of wiggle room for bad things. And so many of those bad things become so much worse considering her status as a trans person.
First strip of the next arc is one second after that, when Jocelyne gets the tit pic because Dotty managed to accidentally switch the the last contact she added.
Accidentally reporting a comment isn’t a big deal! It take five reports, I believe, for a posted comment to go to moderation, and if it’s a regular comment, Willis will probably have it back up fairly quickly.
ok given everyone’s reactions i’m clearly supposed to know who the fuck jordan is. is this some sorta broader walkyverse lore? is this someone who’s been discussed onscreen but not shown and i’ve just forgotten?
ok research complete. jordan is mystery estranged brother, got it. horrible task idea: go back and index all the comics by characters *mentioned* in addition to present
Jordan mentions: undeclared squeezing
bonus strip for May 2019 (linked from seeyou)
If I linked them all directly, the comment would get auto-moderated. Just add the strip name to the end of doesn’t mention Jordan directly, it’s in my list because it and trickortreating are together, and they create ambiguity over the birth order of Jocelyn/Jordan, but the other strips show Jocelyn is older.
We transfolk are in hell IRL and with how the shifting timeline goes it’s unfortunately possible that she gets imprisoned/killed by the state by dint of being trans.
she’s actually in luck on account of not being a real person. I’d even say it’s nigh impossible for her to be imprisoned by the state just from what I know about Willis as a writer.
I mean, she might be locked up overnight due to participating in the sit in but I’m pretty sure I have a better chance of winding up in a camp than one of the Dumbing of Age characters.
Kind of a risk that comes with being a disabled labor union supporting anarchist/communist that speaks out against authoritarianism on social media while their country goes down the far right shitter.
And before anyone writes an angry reply, yeah there are people in this country and on this forum who have a higher chance than I do. That’s not my point. My point is that my personal chances are non-zero while I’m pretty sure that for the foreseeable future the chances of Willis writing one of these characters into a camp is close enough to zero to be indistinguishable.
I was on hormones for a bit under a year seven years ago and I have never stopped feeling. Also I got really sensitive to onion tear gas, that was weird
if it helps I swear this ALSO happens with testosterone. Everyone worries about it making you a rage monster. It does not, that stuffs BS and tied up in Wierd Ideas about hormones. But hand to god it made me cry a lil easier.
The funny thing about testosterone is that it’s both low and very high levels of it that cause anger issues in men, normal levels keep you chill. And the high levels are primarily about people who take steroids and other drugs to be beefier.
I know times are bad but I wouldn’t fear about Jocelyne being fridged or anything. DoAverse is not 1:1 with reality.
Also Willis is no fool and knows which side the bread is buttered from years of Patreon strip votes.
Also Willis does not seem like they’d want to fridge Jocelyn? Or kill her off in any way? Or send her to a camp?
Willis is nonbinary themself. And also like, a person with a heart. “Damn you Willis” is a fun meme and all but like every good writer, they’ve outgrown the urge to do things like kill characters off just for shock value.
Jocelyne – being an intellectual – breaks out the big words to obscure that she’s getting emotional.
I dunno, I don’t buy her getting all sesquipedalian instead of more directly emotional, but the idea that she tries to mask it in her own specific way somehow rings true.
*plays “Last Train Home” by Pat Metheny on hacked muzak*
One of the first concerts I ever went to, almost 50 years ago
For once, this is so touching I am not going to say anything sarcastic at all.
Jordan is the short one whose eyes are covered, right?
The kid with the eyes covered wears glasses, which John does.
I’m guessing the one on the left is Jordan 8D 8D 8D
I think John, like Joyce, got glasses later in life. John’s the oldest so he’s on the left.
I agree. John’s on the left, Jordan’s on the right.
Has to be, john is on the left and is probably the one taking the photo selfie style, and Joyce and Jocelyn are in the center
It’s like finding Bigfoot
Holy shit, the first appearance of Jordan!
joss brown will return
in ‘dr endocrinology’
in ‘from s.r.s. with love’
in ‘narrowwrist’
in ‘thunderball atrophy’
in ‘you only transition twice’
in ‘on her majesty’s secret wenis’
in ‘dysphoria is for never’
in ‘live as not-guy’
in ‘the woman with the golden needle’
in ‘the spy who muffed me’
in ‘boobmaker’
in ‘to take twice daily’
in ‘newpussy’
in ‘a view to an estradiol’
in ‘the laser hair-bye’
in ‘prescription to girl’
in ‘never say deadname again’
in ‘cryingeye’
in ‘the boner doesn’t rise’
in ‘the girl is not a cis’
in ‘be another gay’
in ‘the she/her royale’
in ‘quantum of spironolactone’
in ‘guyfail’
in ‘spectrans’
in ‘no t in i’
claps hands slowly
Somewhat implies the existence of a bi-weekly podcast where three of the whitest and most cis-het men analyse her adventures.
Also, to anyone else thinking ‘There’s no way that Never Say Deadname Again is that recent’: correct, it should be between Newpussy and A View to an Estradiol.
That. Is an impressive list.
The Universe has emotions?
We’re part of it, we are it experiencing itself, so yes.
Just enjoy the ride, Jocelyn. Believe me, it’s better than the alternative.
And she should know better than to listen to the Dr’s when it comes to how e affects us. Particularly if it’s towards the early end of starting
And that caveate of “aren’t universally reported” isn’t saying it doesn’t happen, just that it doesn’t happen to everyone. I was already very in touch with my emotions before I started estrogen, but afterwards I reacted a bit quicker and tended towards a little more happy crying. All quite positive effects, of course!
No, it’s not even saying that. It’s saying that not everyone reports them.
It does not say anything about whether everyone has them. Some people may have them and not report them. Some people may not have them, but still report them. Some have them and report them (I know at least two in this category, so it’s not a maybe.) And of course, it could be that some people don’t have them and don’t report having them.
That’s one of the problems with studying sentient subjects. They don’t always report everything honestly, but it’s not like you can attach monitors to them and expect that to go well.
Dang it, I need more Joyce and Joe! The drama just started!
Just the cutest.
🥹 Aww, it’s so swee[b]HOLY SHIT IS THAT JORDAN?[/b]
Oh god dammit formatting screw up
It’s HTML here, not bbcode!
(Also wow, bbcode! Hello, fellow Internet old person.)
God, I needed this today. Thank you. Good luck, Jocelyne. May there be much more joy ahead for you, and for all of us.
Is this Jordan’s first ever (partial) appearance?
A bonus strip had him in full costume doing Hallowe’en trick-‘r’-treating. No face at all.
That’s a lot of missed calls, Jocelyne…
Joyce isn’t the only one that puts off talking to her family until she has no choice it seems
Yeah I was gonna say looks like Joyce isn’t the only sister with an “ignoring phone calls” problem
If those calls are from her mother, the ignoring is the SOLUTION to the problem.
Also, blocking numbers.
I mean, you have a number for long enough, your messages start to be largely junk. Not surprised she doesn’t read them all.
some of us get that without hormones or transitioning, just being alive.
dang, that was the wrong grav for that one, let’s try another.
making a note, but rolling again.
last one today, really.
And this doesn’t seem drastic… seems pretty in-line for what’s happened!
Lucky you. Some of us didn’t. For some of us being alive is a constant trial, or many years of suffering and hurt. HRT was the first time in my life I didn’t feel like a zombie.
Lucky? for most of my youth, I didn’t think so. Emotions and social needs I often didn’t understand or acknowledge, which caused me to embarrass myself and flee back to the lonely safety of solitude to lick my wounds. It wasn’t until my twenties that I started – started – to accept that part of myself.
Yeah, like… having strong emotionality isn’t in contrast to experiencing trial, suffering, and hurt. I used to get in trouble for crying in 1st grade, so I started finding ways to hurt myself because that would sometimes help me stop myself from crying. And sometimes it wouldn’t, so there were still plenty of times I felt horrible because I was crying in front of people for “no reason.”
Going numb sucks too, and decades of that sounds horrible; it just doesn’t mean a different experience is a fun one.
I built my identity around being “smart” and “rational”. Feelings were messy and the enemy of “reason”; they popped up when I didn’t want them, and I didn’t know (or want to learn) how to express them in a healthy way, so it was all deny deny deny, repress repress repress, until that built-up pressure exploded in some form of acting out and started the whole miserable cycle over again.
I’m better now, really. It took a long time, though.
For bonus irony, I aspired to “Vulcan logic” for years before I really understood the totality of Vulcans and why they’re like that.
You and I could be twins. Oh I SO understand! I didn’t deal with myself till I was 35 and THAT was 25 years ago.
I went intellectual Neo-Conservative! I could pin people in a corner for hours and extol the “virtues” of Ayn Rand, and the glories of Capitalism till you wanted to just hit me with a sock full of horse crap. I was so deep in the closet, if I farted it smelled in Narnia.
I was so much “better” than everybody! First I found out I wasn’t. Then found out I didn’t want to be.The. I found out the people who think they are are pretty much unbearable to anybody with an actual life.
Honestly that wouldn’t have taken long. The sock comes out at the first mention of the virtues of Ayn Rand.
Hey, I got better
Oh, this happened to me. Relating to Spock too, even! And since my emotions were too strong and I acted out… I got the idea the only valuable thing in me was my brain. Smarts and creativity, because as a person I clearly sucked? It was the only thing I was praised about anyway :’DD
Went through The Horrors, including the numbness, gave myself permission to cry at like 24 and life started to get better like. Only then tbh. Therapy and the right meds make a world of difference, which is why I always go “fam, if your neurotransmitters are limping along, storebought is fine.”
(It turned out I had combined neurodivergencies in an age people went “oh, gifted child” instead of “oh, this child needs help.” The world has, at least in that sense, gotten better.)
Anyway I love Jocelyne and this strip was stupidly moving ;AAA;
Understood, I’m autistic too, (Doctor Diagnosed) with a good dose of Trauma. I was just saying for some of us things like HRT are not optional.
I’m not spotting where someone said they were optional.
FWIW, I can see why Dana took that the way they did, for someone reading the strip with the context of having the pretty common experience of emotional shutdown prior to starting HRT, and the relief that comes from having access to your full emotional range again, the original comment in this thread came across as pretty dismissive of that.
I don’t think it was dismissive when you consider it’s not being commented on as a pro in this strip. I get why she might have misread it, but it took me a minute of squinting to see what she might have been referring to.
I don’t think it was intended to be dismissive at all, I just think StClair and Dana are reading this from very different contexts, and that leads to this sort of thing where it’s really easy for someone with Dana’s context to read things into StClair’s comment they didn’t intend, whereas to someone without that context Dana’s comments could feel like non sequiturs.
Personally, for me I was a little taken aback by St Clair’s comment, but I assume they’re simply unaware of how great a relief this sort of experience can be after a lifetime of not being able to access all your emotions and not meaning to invalidate the experiences of those to whom this is actually a big deal (or to imply we shouldn’t need hrt or other forms of transition to feel things).
The sheer range of emotions on hrt vs either the fugue or blinding rage.
Drastic emotional fluctuations are almost never a lucky get, kiddo. I think you’ve fundamentally misread what was being said there.
Idk it was kind of hilarious
Everyone has hormones, they come free with being a human
It’s my understanding if you’re human and you have exactly 0 hormones, you die. Or more likely, you’re probably already dead. I get that you’re talking about not having supplemental hormones, but I’ve had issues from being low on natural hormones and thought it was important to clarify this. Supplemental hormones are designed to act like natural hormones as much as feasible, so there’s absolutely nothing that says the natural ones can’t do this also.
That said, part of transition also suppresses some of the natural hormones that can do that, so it’s all complicated, much like anything in life. (To be clear, my low hormone issues were not part of any kind of transition, but rather stuff going wonky inside me all on its own. As I understand it, people who go through regulated hormone therapies usually don’t have the kinds of issues I had, and most of the time they do it’s for reasons kind of like what I had that just happen to coincide at the same time as mucking with other things. You don’t need to worry about life-threatening hormone loss as part of transition processes, except under the current administration and those would be more likely due to non-medically induced factors.)
LoreFail: Who is that to the right in the picture?
What was the birth order of the Brown Children again?
John, Jocelyn, Jordan, Joyce.
Jordan’s first appearance outside of this bonus strip also found in book 9 if I’m counting right.
To go trih-tree-ing but not actually accept any candy. Jordan is indeed Jordan.
Oh Crying is the gift. That first year it was so good at finally and at long last to just CRY. I cried and cried for months. I got 35 years of not crying out in one summer. I got cold feet and quit mones for a week, and the crying started to dry up. Was so happy to go back on.
The crying is infectious beyond the confines of the panel here.
Jesus Christ, who’s about to die? I don’t trust this entire week of strips, something is about to go down.
The sit-in.
If something happens to Joycelyn, I swear to Morrigan I will lose it.
She’s practically looking at a photo of her family she keeps in a locket around her neck. She’s talking about buying a slice of pizza with portobellos. She’s telling Polnareff she won’t save him once they enter DIO’s mansion.
She pulls out a picture of her fiance. She says she’s just a few days from retirement.
Ridiculous amounts of horrors happened in two quarters of college at Dumbing of Age.
Kidnappings, murders, and mafia hits.
And none of it is as bad as the current crisis in RL. I’d rather my nieces be at DOA college than their current one.
Hear ya, feel ya, and hug ya.
Two and a half? three and a half? years from now, Dorothy is just two days from graduating, when—
Is said fiancée breaking a bottle of champagne on the bow of their new boat, the SS Live Forever?
They’re gonna take a quick 3-hour tour around the islands.
I think if Jocelyn died immediately after coming out to Joyce the fanbase would straight-up revolt.
Short of dying, though…damn you, Willis.
Yeah, I don’t see Willis pulling another Mike.
that is a looooooooooooooooooot of wiggle room for bad things. And so many of those bad things become so much worse considering her status as a trans person.
Judging by the preview he posted on socials and the way we left Jennifer, I imagine Billie is in for a real rough story arc.
Never tell me the odds… they’ll make me cry!
They deleted that line from SW ep4.
Big sis, baby sis. :’)
Wait, who is who, left to right in that pic?
well Jocelyne is the older sister in this chronology, so
John, Jocelyne, Joyce, Jordan
(at least it would appear the one on the right is Jordan, judging by height)
Seems to be john, Jocelyn, Joyce, Jordan
Time for the feels
Certainly is a lot of missed calls there…
I love that Jocelyn is sticking around for at least the next two arcs.
Aaaand of COURSE we cut away from boob pics, Joyce, et al, and check in with Jocelyne just in time for the arc to end. 😛
Is kind of weird that doesn’t pay off at all until tomorrow morning? No one looks at the tweet after all the set up?
First strip of the next arc is one second after that, when Jocelyne gets the tit pic because Dotty managed to accidentally switch the the last contact she added.
Alright, this is one of the few things I’m okay with cutting away too 🥹
Hope alt-caption is just ironic, because I’ll cry if Jocelyne Will only appears another one year after
It says she’ll appear in the storyline starting tomorrow, I’m not clear on where you’re getting the year thing?
I assume they took “tomorrow” in comic time, not real time. which very well could equal to a year. I read it the same way you did though
Yup. That wascally wabbit.
yeah we all believed that line about emotional changes at first jocelyne
I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much… :/
Universally reported is not universally occurs
Also male – female needs to push through that societal stigma about men showing feelings even though no longer Seeing themselves as male.
Not universal does not mean RARE, Joss.
Oh, FUCK no. Not doing Blowjob Cat.
GDI. Not doing Julia either.
Aww she didn’t lose her, after all. I guess it was a reasonable fear.
Accidentally fat-finger reporting several comments tonight oops 😐 (apologies for my inability to navigate on mobile phone)
Yeah that happens to me so often I’m reluctant to reply. I wish they’d change the location of the report link
Accidentally reporting a comment isn’t a big deal! It take five reports, I believe, for a posted comment to go to moderation, and if it’s a regular comment, Willis will probably have it back up fairly quickly.
“Report” is _right next to_ the “Reply”. Yeesh.
They grow up so fast… TwT
I am so tired I thought she was Dorothy for a moment and was going, “…Is… Is Dorothy pregnant? What is going on? What? HOW DID WHAT!?”
It was another time skip. They’re sophomores now. 😀
ok given everyone’s reactions i’m clearly supposed to know who the fuck jordan is. is this some sorta broader walkyverse lore? is this someone who’s been discussed onscreen but not shown and i’ve just forgotten?
ok research complete. jordan is mystery estranged brother, got it. horrible task idea: go back and index all the comics by characters *mentioned* in addition to present
You gotta re-read the entire series from September 10, 2010 (Behold! Hwaet! Lo!) to today. 5,100+ strips. Should take ya a few days.
Jordan mentions:
bonus strip for May 2019 (linked from seeyou)
If I linked them all directly, the comment would get auto-moderated. Just add the strip name to the end of doesn’t mention Jordan directly, it’s in my list because it and trickortreating are together, and they create ambiguity over the birth order of Jocelyn/Jordan, but the other strips show Jocelyn is older.
First appearance of Jordan in DoA. Hopefully someday we’ll get to see him in more than just an old photo Jocelyne has on her phone.
Second photo. First was him, in a bonus strip, in full-masked Hallowe’en costume. No face.
I never saw that bonus strip, so this is my first time seeing Jordan in DoA.
Oh no no no. Please let Jocelyne have her happy ever after.
Joyce has been through so much already, she doesn’t need survivors guilt on top of that.
Where the heck did that come from?
We transfolk are in hell IRL and with how the shifting timeline goes it’s unfortunately possible that she gets imprisoned/killed by the state by dint of being trans.
she’s actually in luck on account of not being a real person. I’d even say it’s nigh impossible for her to be imprisoned by the state just from what I know about Willis as a writer.
I mean, she might be locked up overnight due to participating in the sit in but I’m pretty sure I have a better chance of winding up in a camp than one of the Dumbing of Age characters.
Kind of a risk that comes with being a disabled labor union supporting anarchist/communist that speaks out against authoritarianism on social media while their country goes down the far right shitter.
And before anyone writes an angry reply, yeah there are people in this country and on this forum who have a higher chance than I do. That’s not my point. My point is that my personal chances are non-zero while I’m pretty sure that for the foreseeable future the chances of Willis writing one of these characters into a camp is close enough to zero to be indistinguishable.
*Jocelyn gets shoved into black van ala Becky*
Hit enter.
*Amazi-Girl, Becky, and others all rescue her*
*Robin becomes President and saves America*
Via Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs?
I’ve been on hormones for like five years and I’ve never once experienced an emotion
You forgot to opt-in on the cookies. (i recommend chocolate chip.)
I was on hormones for a bit under a year seven years ago and I have never stopped feeling. Also I got really sensitive to onion tear gas, that was weird
good alt-text too
Is that a bunch of missed calls or rejected calls? Or nothing, I don’t know.
family, ugh
Lol, I don’t know what she’s been reading, but we’re all weepy bongoes from what I’ve heard
if it helps I swear this ALSO happens with testosterone. Everyone worries about it making you a rage monster. It does not, that stuffs BS and tied up in Wierd Ideas about hormones. But hand to god it made me cry a lil easier.
The funny thing about testosterone is that it’s both low and very high levels of it that cause anger issues in men, normal levels keep you chill. And the high levels are primarily about people who take steroids and other drugs to be beefier.
yeah pretty much. mixed in with it very much serving misogyny for men to be thought of as Inherently Violent.
The branch shadows make it look like she’s put down roots, found a source of stability.
An accepting sibling can do just that.
Please don’t fridge her. Please. I need at least one trans person, even if she’s fictional, to have a good, long life. Please.
More than one. Three or four, because we already have Carla.
I know times are bad but I wouldn’t fear about Jocelyne being fridged or anything. DoAverse is not 1:1 with reality.
Also Willis is no fool and knows which side the bread is buttered from years of Patreon strip votes.
Also Willis does not seem like they’d want to fridge Jocelyn? Or kill her off in any way? Or send her to a camp?
Willis is nonbinary themself. And also like, a person with a heart. “Damn you Willis” is a fun meme and all but like every good writer, they’ve outgrown the urge to do things like kill characters off just for shock value.
Have they? Have they really?
Like George R.R. Martin, they must destroy their lives to let them know they love them.
So sweet. Jocelyne looks so happy, her little sister still loves her. This is amazing!
Awwwwwwww Jocelyne ily <33333
Have you checked to see if they were multiversally reported?
Timeskip 2020: two and a half months
Timeskip 2025: A few hours on a Thursday evening.
Just spent the past week re-reading from the start, and coincidentally caught back up right in time for a new storyline, perfect timing.
I don’t think this emotional fluctuation can be blamed on HRT
Yeah, sorry, puberty’ll do that however many times you go through it.
Jocelyne – being an intellectual – breaks out the big words to obscure that she’s getting emotional.
I dunno, I don’t buy her getting all sesquipedalian instead of more directly emotional, but the idea that she tries to mask it in her own specific way somehow rings true.
Well, she IS a writer.
We do that, can confirm.
Love You Willis.
Thank you.
(Also, They are universally reported for this comic. Either this type or the DYW. 🙂 For at least the past 20 years.)
This IS very sweet, but I don’t like all those missed call notifications Jocelyn has: I feel like her mom has found out about her and is NOT happy