No, but there’s none more perfect than when your lesbian friend who has a feud with those boobs is right there with you and your boyfriend is holding your phone.
It IS Dorothy’s boobs. Jennifer sent the picture she took on Dorothy’s behalf immediately, and it was received quite a while ago. The picture Dorothy just (re)sent is the one of her own boobs that Amber helped her take.
And also, not sure she’ll see them. That buzzing from the phone is them arriving and Joe is holding it.
Chances are he might delete the whole thing out of some attempt to protect Dorothy, perhaps causing a rift between him and Joyce when she finds out and stunting his attempt at redemption.
Oh mine was open unless I needed the privacy for some reason, I liked people knowing they could stop by or leaning in to invite me along on something they were heading out for. I have a lot of siblings, so quiet solitude was actually making me homesick.
Privacy is over-rated and just leads to speculation about what you’re up to behind closed doors. After all, if you weren’t doing anything wrong, why would you need privacy?
because I’m frequently semi naked or just being gross in my own space and people walking around visibly tends to distract me from stuff
like video games or homework or jacking it
So has Dorothy been texting between now and the text she sent of Jennifer’s boobs? Because I’m not sure if two boob pics makes it more or less awkward?
Joyce’s own boob pic would literally be the easiest one of all for her to get. Dorothy being in possession of Joyce’s boob pic was the catalyst for the entire chain of events. Sending it back would be the work of moments, easier even than Jennifer stopping to take a quick photo, let alone the ordeal Dorothy went through to try and perfect her own shot.
But it’s a different picture this time and Joyce isn’t sure when it’s from. Like when my neighbors had a neighborhood party and they made everyone name tags featuring pictures of the house each person lived in, and I checked and they weren’t the same images from street view maps online.
That is a good sing along song.
I think it was so good it mostly got my mom over songs having curse words in them. Used to be a thing she would complain about but this broke some barrier via being catchy.
I can tell we’re about to have some serious drama moments, so this lovely moment of adorkableness between two people who’ve been friends forever is absolutely amazing.
This song drives me nuts. It keeps changing perspective. One moment he’s saying “FU” to the person who stole the girl he loves, but then he’s saying “FU” to the girl herself. And he goes back & forth. Pick a lane, dude!
The song is deliberately about him being childish about his breakup. He is trying to blame her (claiming she only left him because he’s poor) but he still loves her and pathetically so.
Oh, you most certainly can, but he shouldn’t be using “you” in both contexts. If he’s singing to her, then she gets the “you” and the other person should be “him/her”, depending on who his girl is dating now. “Fuck you and fuck [him] too!” In terms of the song, it’s too confusing the way he keeps changing who he is singing about.
OMG, I just remembered that Joyce has also been texting Dorothy her boobs! So when they see what Dorothy just sent, they’re also gonna see that she sent boob pics first!
To be fair, Joyce was adamant that she sent her tit pic to Joe, even asking him if he got it yet? So at least he knows that Joyce accidentally sent it to Dorothy.
However, while sending a tit pic back to your bestie isn’t the worst idea (at least caption it with a joke, though) sending *two* tit pics, your own being hours after the first one does seem a little…desperate.
lol awkward time to see dorothy’s selfie but surprised to see joe holding the phone (hopefully there’s not some preview thing even if he didn’t mean to pick) but i would’ve expected it to be on like a table and being like “becky can you grab it for me ” and her being hte first to see itlol
I really like Joe’s expression in this one. Looks like some healthy “I’m appreciating and enjoying people I care about being themselves” energy. I almost want to say “dad energy” but not with the dads in this comic!
Guessing whose would be a fun poll.
I’d vote surprise pharmacist relationship train-wreck. That’s why she wasn’t in the bonus strip, it would spoil the reveal.
Really, we need more of the cast just having fun without drama.
Also, with yesterday’s strip, i can’t help but feel that the resend was done out of habit rather than intent. She saw an undelivered message. She hit resend, then processed what she was resending.
Honestly, pretty sure yesterday’s strip was showing the opposite. That’s why there were two panels of her looking at it before resending (in addition to the earlier strip when she was thinking about it). Instant regret, maybe, but resending was definitely a choice.
Joyce doesn’t know very many secular songs. I imagine that in the 30-60 minutes they were hanging out in her room with Jocelyn, she copied her music library over to Joyce’s phone. Either Becky or Jocelyn would know enough of Joyce’s musical tastes to put on CeeLo. The parts Joyce is singing aren’t that hard to figure out, and Becky’s pointing at her, could have started as Becky queueing Joyce when to sing.
Or yes, retro song, from childhood nostalgia. Hearing the radio version at the public pool or something.
It feels very much like they’re singing something they know, probably from the radio version as you say, but now feel free to sing and emphasize the dirty words they couldn’t before.
Perfect timing. Imagine Becky seeing Dorothy’s boob pic and suddenly realising not only is her queerness not in question, but her animosity to Dotty apparently is.
Yeah, yeah, jealousy and all that. But that makes it just deliciously more messy.
I feel like there’s a lack of appreciation in the comments so far for the amount of drama that’ll happen not only when Joe and Becky see Dorothy’s boob pic, but also scroll up to see Joyce’s saucy (if blurry) photos. Especially because even if they can’t tell right away what they are, Joyce will realize and be absolutely incapable of hiding it.
My phone shows as many messages as will fit on the screen, so I expect that at least two photos will be showing. Maybe even a bit of the third. That should be interesting.
OTOH when Joyce sees her photo in Dorothy’s message stream, (a) Joyce-face, and (b) that should jolt loose some explanation which will (eventually) straighten everything out.
Time is immaterial in this strip, but if it were not, the girls would have been three years old when this song came out.
That would have made for some very salty church singalongs back in the day.
I know people round here normally say someone is Danning up whenthese sorts of impending situations but considering how the comic’s been going, I’d like to petition a change to “Dorothying up”. This will be at least the 2nd time she’s caused drama in someone else’s relationship, 3rd if you count Walky’s relationship with Lucy..
I am not a fan of Becky most of the time. However! The idea that Becky might end up working through her suicidal ideation about the concept of personal change through helping her roommate and alleged friend Dorothy talk/work through not being as straight as she’s always thought she was delights me.
If you’re reading Dumbing of Age first time, and this is the first page you’ve read, I’ll give you a summary: Joyce is the mom of Joe and Becky, his auntie.
This is so adorable that it really elevates the impending nuke of Dorothy Tits. How many times has Becky been absolutely fucking shattered by Joyce and Dorothy at this point? Let’s make it more >:3
all this FUCKS, totally! ^^
Well ain’t that some shit!
A perfect time for Unexpected Boobs.
Is there an IMperfect time for that?
No, but there’s none more perfect than when your lesbian friend who has a feud with those boobs is right there with you and your boyfriend is holding your phone.
Since I’m not fond of Becky, I have to say I like this development 😄
wont Becky see right away its not Dorothys boobs?
It IS Dorothy’s boobs. Jennifer sent the picture she took on Dorothy’s behalf immediately, and it was received quite a while ago. The picture Dorothy just (re)sent is the one of her own boobs that Amber helped her take.
They are.
And also, not sure she’ll see them. That buzzing from the phone is them arriving and Joe is holding it.
Chances are he might delete the whole thing out of some attempt to protect Dorothy, perhaps causing a rift between him and Joyce when she finds out and stunting his attempt at redemption.
Aw this is great though
Dorks, and proud.
Love that pose at the end
I forgot about this song.
Also, buzzing phone! [prepares the popcorn]
Song? Link, please. Disclaimer: I am old.
Forget You by Cee Lo Green
Dumbing of Age Book 15: And Fuck You Too!
CeeLo Brown
This is very charming, even with the impending disaster
Dorothy may not become president, but one things’ for sure,
she just got a Guinness World Record in PERECT timing LMFAO XD
Is it Dorothy though? The phone is in Joe’s hand.
This is Joyce’s phone. I’ve got no proof, but no doubts either.
The way he’s holding it makes me think he’s holding it for her. It’s not his phone, which is probably in his pocket.
Joe’s phone is gray. Becky and Joyce’s phones are orange though.
Pretty certain it’s Joyce’s. She probably just asked him to hold it while her and Becky danced.
Yep, that color matches Joyce’s phone case.
Is Joe really holding the phone or has Joyce grown a third hand?
I thought the real lyrics were “fox news”
(With special thanks to Steven Colbert)
Ha-HA! Mondegreen.
(I still hear Phil Ken Sebben from him.)
I’m personally surprised by how often these guys just leave their dorm rooms open. I always shut my door because mah privacy.
Oh mine was open unless I needed the privacy for some reason, I liked people knowing they could stop by or leaning in to invite me along on something they were heading out for. I have a lot of siblings, so quiet solitude was actually making me homesick.
Privacy is over-rated and just leads to speculation about what you’re up to behind closed doors. After all, if you weren’t doing anything wrong, why would you need privacy?
My privacy is different of course.
because I’m frequently semi naked or just being gross in my own space and people walking around visibly tends to distract me from stuff
like video games or homework or jacking it
I mean, I just personally didn’t need the privacy more than I needed the company.
Dorms are like sharehouses: doors are left open to say “yeah, you can swing by for an impromptu hang, friend”
I’m quite sure Becky wants everyone on their floor to know what they are sing..
scratch that.
I’m quite sure Becky wants everyone in the world to know what they are singing, but she makes do with their floor for now.
Everyone on every floor left their doors open all the time (except when privacy was needed) was my experience in college too.
Oh this is… this is… I can’t wait to see how this turns out.
Perfect gravatar remains perfect
Trainwrecks everywhere for those with Boosted eyes to see
Wait a sec.. is that Joe’s own phone he is holding, or is that Joyce’s (which could mean Dorothy ‘s text/cleavage shot just came through)
It’s Joyce’s. He’s holding it for her so her hands are free for dancing.
Man, Joe has been looking really nice lately. Stubble, looking broad, and just the right amount of smirk.
I started rereading book one and honestly you could fit a Book One Joe inside each of Current Joe’s shoulders. Boy has had a serious beef up.
Also I reported this comment by mistake (damn tiny mobile links) and I don’t seem to have a way to unreport it.
Report or report not. There is no unreport.
Fumblefingers for the win.
keep reporting until the report counter wraps around back to 0.
Just the right amount of smirk is something I’ve aspired to, but have never actually achieved.
Peak friendship.
Aw, this is adorab– OH.
Oh, Joe is holding the phone. Ohhhhh noooo~ Impending disaster countdown, absolutely terrible and awful and ohhhh noooo~
hotdogs and fried chicken too! :9
Let’s not forget something to toast with once the trainwreck hits head-on
Okay, I grabbed a toaster!
I trust it had cooled first.
Holding your music player/phone/impending disaster device is an underrated utility boyfriends have.
My wife tells me it’s true of husbands and heavy purses too.
Wait. Impending disaster? What could possibly go wrong?
[Previous strip]
The are indeed dorks and that is why we love them
LMAO oh that phone message is perfectly timed indeed.
This is cute though. Dancing around and singing with your friends is the best.
Easily Rich Mullins’ best song
Legitimately made me laugh out loud 😂
Since I am almost completely unfamiliar with Rich Mullins’ oeuvre, I have decided to believe you implicitly.
Their energy is so great they can team up and defeat Ruth!
Then Puddinghead!
Save the dorm!
Seriously, I’d love a River City Girls-esque version of Dumbing of Age.
Becky and Joyce beat up Blaine, Incelerator, Asher, Ruth, Mary, Linda, and probably some dirty cops too.
So has Dorothy been texting between now and the text she sent of Jennifer’s boobs? Because I’m not sure if two boob pics makes it more or less awkward?
By this time next week, Joyce has received a boob pic of every girl in the dorm… all of them sent from Dorothy’s phone.
Even of herself, somehow.
Joyce’s own boob pic would literally be the easiest one of all for her to get. Dorothy being in possession of Joyce’s boob pic was the catalyst for the entire chain of events. Sending it back would be the work of moments, easier even than Jennifer stopping to take a quick photo, let alone the ordeal Dorothy went through to try and perfect her own shot.
But it’s a different picture this time and Joyce isn’t sure when it’s from. Like when my neighbors had a neighborhood party and they made everyone name tags featuring pictures of the house each person lived in, and I checked and they weren’t the same images from street view maps online.
Dorothy did not sent the pic of Jennifer’s boobs (as far as we know), she did not delete it either (as far as we know).
Then how did Joyce receive it and wonder why she was receiving it?
Jennifer sent them using Dorothy’s phone.
Bah. A technicality.
The Text-Chain-Bazooka-Bandit picking up where the Whiteboard-Ding-Dong-Bandit left off.
That is a good sing along song.
I think it was so good it mostly got my mom over songs having curse words in them. Used to be a thing she would complain about but this broke some barrier via being catchy.
I can tell we’re about to have some serious drama moments, so this lovely moment of adorkableness between two people who’ve been friends forever is absolutely amazing.
Oh right, I forgot these characters had platonic chemistry.
Considering they’re friends, i’d hope most would lol
This is so damn cute, and I love Joe’s look he’s giving her. Love these dorks.
*The power of CeeLo compels you*
And then there’s me who’s more familiar with the pokémon parody of this song by NateWantsToBattle:
This song drives me nuts. It keeps changing perspective. One moment he’s saying “FU” to the person who stole the girl he loves, but then he’s saying “FU” to the girl herself. And he goes back & forth. Pick a lane, dude!
They all deserve to die!
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why…
Ah, the eternal question: Should their lives be made brief, or would their deaths be a relief?
The song is deliberately about him being childish about his breakup. He is trying to blame her (claiming she only left him because he’s poor) but he still loves her and pathetically so.
You can’t be upset at the girl who broke up with or is cheating on you and the guy she’s doing it for?
Oh, you most certainly can, but he shouldn’t be using “you” in both contexts. If he’s singing to her, then she gets the “you” and the other person should be “him/her”, depending on who his girl is dating now. “Fuck you and fuck [him] too!” In terms of the song, it’s too confusing the way he keeps changing who he is singing about.
It’s hard to hear but I’m pretty sure the actual line is “fuck her too”, Joyce and Becky screwed it up.
Becky’s gonna feel left out and wanna send Joyce titty pics, too, isn’t she.
Becky would 100% take that as a challenge, specially since Dorothy is sending it to Joyce.
It’s gonna escalate to Becky and Dorothy topless, arguing about who’s got the better pair while Joyce, Dina, and Walky just watch them, perplexed.
Dina and Walky watch them, perplexed.
Joyce whips her shirt off: “Yeah but check THESE out!!”
no wait no wait
“I declare… both of ’em good!”
I’m just gonna leave this here.
I was worried for a bit about this train-wreck, but Becky being there makes this so much more fun.
Joe’s going to be pushed out of this conversation so fast he’s going to time travel and turn into Carla’s dad again.
Becky does a perfect impression of the guy’s voice, you just can’t hear it unless you’re sentient.
Part of me is hoping there’s no drama aside from everyone being concerned for Dorothy’s mental wellbeing.
I think we might see Dorothy’s pfp soon. Possibly for the first time.
“Dorks (positive).”
I hate how cutesy this is, and Joe standing in the middle and holding a phone looks so unnatural, but also I like the ominous BZZT BZZT
Don’t hate cutesy things. It’s against Gosh’s will.
Oh that is the w o r s t time for her to get that text.
Turns out it’s just DoorDash, letting them know their steak sandwiches arrived.
Oh G-D, the lyrics are foreshadowing!
OMG, I just remembered that Joyce has also been texting Dorothy her boobs! So when they see what Dorothy just sent, they’re also gonna see that she sent boob pics first!
Only if they look back. Joyce didn’t when she got the pic of Jenifer.
That pic wasn’t sent: Jennifer gave Dorothy permission to do so, but (as far as we know) Dorothy did not send it.
This is not true.
Well, okay. Dorothy didn’t send it, Jennifer did shortly after she took it.
She just didn’t know who Dorothy was texting.
I stand corrected – that last panel eludes my memory
Joe has the context, but Becky doesn’t.
To be fair, Joyce was adamant that she sent her tit pic to Joe, even asking him if he got it yet? So at least he knows that Joyce accidentally sent it to Dorothy.
However, while sending a tit pic back to your bestie isn’t the worst idea (at least caption it with a joke, though) sending *two* tit pics, your own being hours after the first one does seem a little…desperate.
That’s them right now but when they get to the N word everyone is silent (rightfully so)
[awkward caucasian mumbling]
Ooh, she an oil-fracker
Just thought you should know, cracker
well I mean, surely they wise enough to know the difference between swear words and slurs XD
This is so cute omg
lol awkward time to see dorothy’s selfie but surprised to see joe holding the phone (hopefully there’s not some preview thing even if he didn’t mean to pick) but i would’ve expected it to be on like a table and being like “becky can you grab it for me ” and her being hte first to see itlol
I really like Joe’s expression in this one. Looks like some healthy “I’m appreciating and enjoying people I care about being themselves” energy. I almost want to say “dad energy” but not with the dads in this comic!
This is the
heckingfucking cutest.Willis, that’s the first time in days that Becky and Joyce are having fun together. Do you have to make the train wrecking, right now?
And yes, Joyce’s boyfriend is in same room.
Traditionally, train wrecks happen on Valentines day. Which is coming up. But there are so many train wrecks in position it’s hard to choose.
Guessing whose would be a fun poll.
I’d vote surprise pharmacist relationship train-wreck. That’s why she wasn’t in the bonus strip, it would spoil the reveal.
I forgot those were the real lyrics. I kinda prefer “forget” to be honest.
I do too. I just like the extra syllable more.
The second strip this week where I’m giggling like Mr burns
Now ain’t that some shit.
Motherfucking precious perfect children. I love this for them.
Really, we need more of the cast just having fun without drama.
Also, with yesterday’s strip, i can’t help but feel that the resend was done out of habit rather than intent. She saw an undelivered message. She hit resend, then processed what she was resending.
Honestly, pretty sure yesterday’s strip was showing the opposite. That’s why there were two panels of her looking at it before resending (in addition to the earlier strip when she was thinking about it). Instant regret, maybe, but resending was definitely a choice.
One of the choices of all time
Everyone was having fun until the Boobs Attacked!
Only the Avatar, master of all four nudey pics could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished.
When the world needed them most, they deactivated their OnlyFans account XD
Fortunately, they moved over to Fansly, LoyalFans, and Patreon.
If that song came out 15 years ago (very upsetting) does that mean it’s a retro song for Joyce and Becky?
Childhood nostalgia
Joyce doesn’t know very many secular songs. I imagine that in the 30-60 minutes they were hanging out in her room with Jocelyn, she copied her music library over to Joyce’s phone. Either Becky or Jocelyn would know enough of Joyce’s musical tastes to put on CeeLo. The parts Joyce is singing aren’t that hard to figure out, and Becky’s pointing at her, could have started as Becky queueing Joyce when to sing.
Or yes, retro song, from childhood nostalgia. Hearing the radio version at the public pool or something.
It feels very much like they’re singing something they know, probably from the radio version as you say, but now feel free to sing and emphasize the dirty words they couldn’t before.
That or they just went on Spotify and found a Full Cusses playlist for Joyce to really cut loose with
Titty-pics for Joe
Perfect timing. Imagine Becky seeing Dorothy’s boob pic and suddenly realising not only is her queerness not in question, but her animosity to Dotty apparently is.
Yeah, yeah, jealousy and all that. But that makes it just deliciously more messy.
I always hate it when the radio versions censor the swear words in songs. Normal human beings swear, let people hear the real lyrics of songs.
I feel like there’s a lack of appreciation in the comments so far for the amount of drama that’ll happen not only when Joe and Becky see Dorothy’s boob pic, but also scroll up to see Joyce’s saucy (if blurry) photos. Especially because even if they can’t tell right away what they are, Joyce will realize and be absolutely incapable of hiding it.
There’s also a Jennifer in the scroll, IIRC.
My phone shows as many messages as will fit on the screen, so I expect that at least two photos will be showing. Maybe even a bit of the third. That should be interesting.
OTOH when Joyce sees her photo in Dorothy’s message stream, (a) Joyce-face, and (b) that should jolt loose some explanation which will (eventually) straighten everything out.
The Jennifer pic wasn’t sent: She gave Dorothy permission to do so, but (as far as we know) Dorothy did not send it.
It was sent, there was a panel of Joyce wondering why Dorothy sent her the pic
Jennifer did send it, its why Joyce asks “Why did Dorothy send me a pic of Jennifer’s boobs?”
I stand corrected – apparently all except me knew that Joyce received it:
Time is immaterial in this strip, but if it were not, the girls would have been three years old when this song came out.
That would have made for some very salty church singalongs back in the day.
I know people round here normally say someone is Danning up whenthese sorts of impending situations but considering how the comic’s been going, I’d like to petition a change to “Dorothying up”. This will be at least the 2nd time she’s caused drama in someone else’s relationship, 3rd if you count Walky’s relationship with Lucy..
“Imma drop a boooomb”
B-52 *🤝🏽 handshake* Joe Rosenthal
The look on Joe’s face! I’m going to be so mad if he gets his heart broken.
They won’t see the photo because it has a forbidden pixel that bricks her phone. Crisis averted.
I didn’t follow the link because I don’t want to see the forbidden pixel and brick my phone.
I am not a fan of Becky most of the time. However! The idea that Becky might end up working through her suicidal ideation about the concept of personal change through helping her roommate and alleged friend Dorothy talk/work through not being as straight as she’s always thought she was delights me.
it’s times like these that i wish i were a patron. i NEED to see tomorrow’s strip. if only i had any money at all
I’m telling you, tomorrow’s strip is going to be Jocelyn being tear-gassed at the demonstration. Either that or Tony throwing his cup away.
Wow. Uh… Huh. This was so much more correct than I could have guessed?
I wouldna pegged Tony as being so environmentally concious
Why is this so wholesome?
Because for the first time, they’re not just understanding, but taking joy in the fact that it’s just a word, and that it can’t harm you.
Their so cute! 😭
If you’re reading Dumbing of Age first time, and this is the first page you’ve read, I’ll give you a summary:
Joyce is the mom of Joe and Becky, his auntie.
thank you paragraph guy
Thanks, but I still have questions. Why is Joe (I think?) holding a knife?
This is so adorable that it really elevates the impending nuke of Dorothy Tits. How many times has Becky been absolutely fucking shattered by Joyce and Dorothy at this point? Let’s make it more >:3
I am so here for Joe being the sweetest bf
haate this song but it’s great to see them just enjoying themselves and doing teenager shit
Does this work now?
I gave up on rolling Sal, so I’ve taken matters into my own hands.
I like doing a mix of both versions, sometimes “forget” scans better