And we’ve seen her in the company of Robin which arguably takes care of political joke, so all that we are missing is high explosives. Which you would think would be in the toolkit of any problem solver as most problems can be taken care of by the proper application of sufficiently large explosions.
I mean let’s be honest, if someone drove you across state lines no questions asked, punched out someone for you no questions asked, then took you by the hand and said “let’s get out of here?”
I mean I get it. In her shoes I would probably also be tempted to do the Thelma and Louise thing. I also probably would not be prepared for what would happen if my situationship drove us off the road.
I do hope the car wreck doesn’t drive Alice back to her awful monster of an ex somehow. It seems like she knows Chester’s a piece of shit and she seemed to be doing okay when she saw Jennifer last, but if Willis [i]really[/i] wants to twist the knife in for Jen that’s how you’d do it.
I mean I don’t think it’s particularly likely but until we’re out of the flashback I’m not going to discount it.
The thing about really minor characters is that it’s way more plausible for things to turn out really extremely terribly for them compared to the leads. Creates a lot of tension.
I want to believe this too. Alice’s backstory is pretty sad. She deserves to be a happy background character we rarely see that gets to live a relatively peaceful not dumbing of age life.
He and Sal were childhood friends and Jennifer was basically an honorary Walkerton, so they’ve probably known each other since they were quite small. That wasn’t a connection I saw people make until after it was revealed they’d been dating though.
So far we cannot know wether they actually knew each other, or were merely aware of each other’s existence.
Also, there is actually no reason to believe Billie was privy to any of Sal’s extra-familiar activities. My impression of their relationship is they knew each other well enough but that Sal would get Billie to mind her own business on these matters, so it is very possible that Asher may have escaped Billie’s radar.
We don’t know if she did yet. I think it just feels like a Jennifer thing to do so I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’m just waiting to find out that Billie brought Alice to a drinking party and then left her alone. Maybe something not that far off from what happened to Joyce. Similar to the Star Wars that Jennifer loves so much, it’s like poetry…it rhymes.
The significance of the boozles in panel 3 I think is to point out she had already had something to drink before she takes that out in the last panel, she’s not just starting now 🙂
Contrecoup, on the rebound
Contrecoup hurt me again
And the second was worse by far than the first
‘Cause the first one woke my feelings for you
But the contrecoup made my words untrue
And it left me limerent
Unfortunately it’s a high school in Indiana and he’s a football player, that punch and call out is almost certainly the extent of the consequences he’s going to get
Official consequences would require evidence, which Alice may not want or be able to provide. Evidence of the punching otoh is right there in front of everyone.
Neither school administration nor law enforcement will do anything, unless the victim (Alice) officially informs them or presses charges. And I’m guessing that’s not happening.
Damn, flashbacks like this just makes me wish the past was a mutable event and that Billie and Alice could’ve had a happy relationship for longer.. though I suppose there just would’ve been another explosion close down the line.
Makes me wonder whether the flashbacks are are objective third person or if they’re tinged by the subjective experience/perception of the character that’s remembering it.
(Eg Billie seeing herself in the hero role)
True, but the blue/red panels haven’t been wildly unreliable either, the differences between the versions of the robbery we saw were mostly omissions, missing details.
The vast majority of which, depressingly, don’t end up with the perpetrator punched in the gut hard enough to curl them into a fetal position on a stage in front of everyone.
Too damn common. 🙁
From knowing my acquaintances and friends, I know of two cases. Neither went to law enforcement.
From my own professional experiences, I know of three cases. All three went to law enforcement.
As I mentioned yesterday, while there was no punching involved, I have lived these events.
My friend who got raped and my friend who I had to drive across state lines for an abortion were not the same friend, and the events were over a decade apart, but yeah.
I came here to say that the joke was already used in the webcomic BloodStains.
Wine is not a solution to a problem. Well, actually, chemically speaking, wine is literally a solution…
Also props to Billie, punching a guy bigger than you and not even having an ‘ow that actually really hurt, I thought punching is supposed to hurt the other person!’, she’s got good pain tolerance.
Is Billie wearing a scrunchie? a fucking scrunchie to PROM??
fake news, you cannot tell me Billie isn’t the type of girl to spend an easy $100 in getting her hair done before an event like this, especially knowing her family is well-off
Also, to be fair, wealthy or not, if I was planning to punch a dude and get thrown out of Prom, I would avoid spending too much on my wardrobe/makeup/hair. Just enough to look good without going overboard on what will essentially be wasted effort.
I suspect this wasn’t planned. She’d have to be very sure they would both be elected to pre-plan it, and before he got announced, it seemed like she was just reveling in the moment, not preparing for a confrontation. I think it was a spontaneous reaction, (possibly helped along by mild intoxication).
In addition to not thinking it was planned, I don’t think it’d necessarily be “wasted”– prom pictures are usually done before prom, prom king and queen announcements are usually decently into the event.
All she knows so far about Jennifer’s plan is “get out of here.” Maybe they’re going for a long walk to cool down and sort things out. Talk about important stuff.
Not an enabler, infatuated. To her this must all seem very romantic. The girl you love confronts and embarrasses your abuser you likely felt trapped into being with. Then she wisks you away, all on prom night. The crash was likely a painful reality check for her. Honestly the way Alice was tearing up when they reunited makes me believe part of her still loves Jennifer.
Yeah, Alice (someone who literally has zero authority over Billie and is also a traumatized high schooler) is the one who had the responsibility of knowing Billie has a problem AND stopping her. 🙄 Totally sensible and not at all a goober take.
You know, obviously not the drinking and driving part, no shit, but I can absolutely see how Alice fell hard for her. I would’ve, too, in her shoes, truthfully.
Ahhh I KNOW that “I solve problems” is a callback to another strip (specifically one where she’s like “I’m the head cheerleader, I beat up boyfriends and drive girls across state lines for abortions” so I guess it was foreshadowing for this whole flashback) but hell if I can find it.
i get the sense that alice would’ve done anything for billie here. like, in the last strip, it would be reasonable for alice to show a bit of sadness or jealousy over billie getting to be the one who dances with her boyfriend as the prom king and queen. but she was just happy for her best friend. (and note her first reaction was to call out to billie, not cheer for chester). to alice, it’s a given that billie should be prom queen – she’s earned it by being amazing and hot and wonderful.
just look at her eyes in panel 2. girl is hella enamored, and who can blame her?? prom queen, head cheerleader, general badass of a woman punches out your creep boyfriend for you in front of the whole school? throws away her title rather than dance with someone who wronged you? decides that she’d rather hang out with YOU alone rather than be with the crowd? these are the kinds of gestures that gets written about in YA romance fics.
i knew alice was in love with billie, but I find this context makes the upcoming chain of events even more sad. her heart is going to break, isn’t it 🙁
She puts the flask down and walks away, then immediately pulls another flask out of hammer space. Everywhere she goes she leaves a trail behind, like dominoes.
Not hard to see why Alice was in love with her, it’s easy to look past her desire for drama and the liquid courage she powers herself with when it seems like she actually is the “head cheerleader, alpha bongo, problem solver” and will do what has to be done to help you with no hesitation. But she’s not actually doing it for you. She just wants the validation and excitement.
the validation and excitement of… driving her friend to an abortion in a different state? like I know you’re talking about what just happened but if you lead that back to her previous actions, your statement really doesn’t make sense. If she was after either of those she could’ve stayed quiet and gotten a LOT more for being prom queen, or she could’ve stayed after punching Chester & probably gotten in trouble, but also attention.
But yes, there sure is a way to spin anything Jennifer does in a negative way! Comment section gonna comment section ig
Nah, Billie’s always been ride or die for her friends. It’s pretty much her best quality, and it makes sense that someone who grew up without much in the way of parental love or affection would cling tightly to their friends.
Definitely a good idea for Jennifer and Alice to leave after that, but I’m worried about what happens next, especially since Jennifer has been drinking.
I see Asher’s on his way to personally divide Chester into several thousand tiny pieces with a series of hacksaws, live on stage for all to see, as is his wont.
Looks like Bille had to drink a lot for find the strength for doing what she did. At least Alice seems to be on her side, maybe even grateful for what she did. It’s pretty sad that all of this will end really bad for Billie.
Jennifer gotz the right idea
fucka was beat,
time to bounce outta there!
*plays “Know The Ledge” by Eric B. & Rakim on dance floor speakers*
Or apparently, time to booze outta there.
Hi, Asher.
Bye, Asher.
For extra credit, what does Asher’s star represent? He’s a deputy bouncer?
Probably some sort of flower.
Lapel corsage
Omelette du fromage.
Lapel du fromage.
Those French have a different word for EVERYTHING!
Omelette du corsage (I’m french)
Corsage fromage
(fromage corsage?)
Winner! Winner! Omelette dinner.
Flower lapel.
Thank you.
It’s a boutonnière. They were originally worn to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. Not sure that really worked out for Asher.
He’s the Michael Corleone of the Dumbiverse. Trouble keeps following him, even if he manages to keep it at arm’s length.
He never had the bad luck of coming up against Amazigirl, so it must have done something.
She also creates more! It’s a very efficient system.
GDI one day I’ll remember this first.
would not want to run out of work.
Jennifer Billingsworth is a process that turns problems into different problems.
That puts her in prestigious company with Alcohol, Explosives and [insert political joke here!]
As we can see in this comic, she is very much in the company of Alcohol.
And we’ve seen her in the company of Robin which arguably takes care of political joke, so all that we are missing is high explosives. Which you would think would be in the toolkit of any problem solver as most problems can be taken care of by the proper application of sufficiently large explosions.
A self-sustaining economy…
Billie is a “problem solver” in the same usage as “problem drinker” or “problem child”, where ‘problem’ is an adjective, not a noun.
She is a solver, and that’s a problem.
That’s a solvent
Well, at least Alice appreciates the gesture. For the like, five minutes they’ve got before everything goes to shit again
I mean let’s be honest, if someone drove you across state lines no questions asked, punched out someone for you no questions asked, then took you by the hand and said “let’s get out of here?”
Yeah it would work on a lot of us.
I mean I get it. In her shoes I would probably also be tempted to do the Thelma and Louise thing. I also probably would not be prepared for what would happen if my situationship drove us off the road.
I do hope the car wreck doesn’t drive Alice back to her awful monster of an ex somehow. It seems like she knows Chester’s a piece of shit and she seemed to be doing okay when she saw Jennifer last, but if Willis [i]really[/i] wants to twist the knife in for Jen that’s how you’d do it.
Alice wants nothing to do with Jennifer because she desperately doesn’t want Jenn to know that she’s now married to Chester.
I’m pulling this out of my nether regions, but who knows?
I mean I don’t think it’s particularly likely but until we’re out of the flashback I’m not going to discount it.
The thing about really minor characters is that it’s way more plausible for things to turn out really extremely terribly for them compared to the leads. Creates a lot of tension.
My assumption is that Alice is happily dating that unnamed girl she was sitting with in her first appearance.
Which also makes that whole sequence even more awkward.
I want to believe this too. Alice’s backstory is pretty sad. She deserves to be a happy background character we rarely see that gets to live a relatively peaceful not dumbing of age life.
That darn Willis for doing this! This is all his fault!
Nah, she gets to be this universe’s Rickety Cricket.
I really hope this, or something like this, is the case.
Up until hugging the tree with the car.
Hey, it’s that guy
It’s he who is that guy.
Please consider yourself up-voted.
Upvoted twice, even.
Asher isn’t really involved in these events but he shouldn’t be trusted regardless.
Maybe it’ll turn out he did the car crash.
Guessing not, I suspect the crash is imminent, and Asher appears to be on the way IN.
From sabotaging the car! He has no alibi, and we know he has the sort of criminal past that might teach you how to sabotage a car!
Now all we need is anything at all resembling a motive…
He heard there were three McNuggets up for grabs and he wanted in.
I think that’s a strong enough case to convict!
He needed to get rid of Alice so that Jennifer would be free to date over a year later. All part of his plan!
Oh my god it’s all so obvious in hindsight
Asher take the wheel?
He’s probably casing the joint and planning a mass kidnapping.
He’s holding the door open for them. Such a gentleman.
Making a lot more sense now, yeah. Also, I didn’t realize Asher knew her for so long.
He and Sal were childhood friends and Jennifer was basically an honorary Walkerton, so they’ve probably known each other since they were quite small. That wasn’t a connection I saw people make until after it was revealed they’d been dating though.
So far we cannot know wether they actually knew each other, or were merely aware of each other’s existence.
Also, there is actually no reason to believe Billie was privy to any of Sal’s extra-familiar activities. My impression of their relationship is they knew each other well enough but that Sal would get Billie to mind her own business on these matters, so it is very possible that Asher may have escaped Billie’s radar.
Problem Solver!
“Solves problems”
Sure, Jen.
Creates problems, then solves them by creating even more collateral damage problems.
So how did she cause Chester to happen to Alice? That’s the problem at the head of the cascade.
We don’t know if she did yet. I think it just feels like a Jennifer thing to do so I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’m just waiting to find out that Billie brought Alice to a drinking party and then left her alone. Maybe something not that far off from what happened to Joyce. Similar to the Star Wars that Jennifer loves so much, it’s like poetry…it rhymes.
It fits perfectly with what we know of their high school exploits, including a couple hints on Patreon.
I remember a strip about a party where Alice’s common sense of “this is a bad idea” got overwritten by “Billie’s so hot.”
Well looks like Alice is okay with Billie doing that without giving her a heads up
Also looks like she was drinking but managing to act sober pong enough to call Chester out (you can see the drunk bubble start to appear in panel 3)
You can also see her drinking out of a flask in the last pannel.
The significance of the boozles in panel 3 I think is to point out she had already had something to drink before she takes that out in the last panel, she’s not just starting now 🙂
Just saying that she’s adding more.
Boozies may rule!
But what about the Sash-McNugget Futures Market?
Past performance is not an indicator of future returns.
Mayhaps that Asher and Walky can still try to steal Chester’s. It’ll be a caper!
Oh no.
Solvem Probler
Problem solvent.
oh Alice was down BAD. already had a feeling that there was some insane limerence pre-car crash but this is going to hurt 😬
Thank you for teaching me a new word 🙂
(the word was not “going”, I already knew that one)
What are pre-cars and how do you crash them?
I think lots of horse poop was involved.
You don’t – HorseTech(tm) comes with built-in crash avoidance routines, it was a very mature technology.
I see. It was a mature technology so they put it out to pasture.
I believe that there were several limerence involving horse poop. (As is well known, limerence is the plural of limerick.)
Was the word “feeling”?
I’m not sure I’d say I exactly understand those, but I have heard the word!
At least if it hurts, you can comfort yourself by writing limericks about the limerence.
Contrecoup, on the rebound
Contrecoup hurt me again
And the second was worse by far than the first
‘Cause the first one woke my feelings for you
But the contrecoup made my words untrue
And it left me limerent
Honestly glad things went this way instead of the way most of the comments seemed to think it would, even if only in the moment.
(the moment before everything goes to hell, that is)
“Forcefully ejected.” No way anyone actually gives a shit about Chester right? Forcefully ejected his ass and keep dancing!
Unfortunately it’s a high school in Indiana and he’s a football player, that punch and call out is almost certainly the extent of the consequences he’s going to get
I mean, he might get a little ribbing and jeering for getting punched by a girl, that’s a lot of negative frat points.
Social consequences maybe.
Official consequences would require evidence, which Alice may not want or be able to provide. Evidence of the punching otoh is right there in front of everyone.
Neither school administration nor law enforcement will do anything, unless the victim (Alice) officially informs them or presses charges. And I’m guessing that’s not happening.
She just punched a guy at a school event in front of a bunch of chaperones and teachers. She was almost definitely gonna get in trouble.
Damn, flashbacks like this just makes me wish the past was a mutable event and that Billie and Alice could’ve had a happy relationship for longer.. though I suppose there just would’ve been another explosion close down the line.
That would probably have ended early into college like Dorothy/Danny I imagine. I guess they might have had the summer, at least.
Makes me wonder whether the flashbacks are are objective third person or if they’re tinged by the subjective experience/perception of the character that’s remembering it.
(Eg Billie seeing herself in the hero role)
We already had Amber and Sal with differing viewpoints flashbacks of the same event (convenience store robbery).
True, but the blue/red panels haven’t been wildly unreliable either, the differences between the versions of the robbery we saw were mostly omissions, missing details.
I would say tinged, only because of the sparkle Kit Fisto cameo in the curtain.
My theory is that Walky helped with the decorations, knowing Jennifer would like them and never ever admit it.
Dumbing of Age/Life is Strange crossover imminent.
Dumbing of Strange.
Life Is Dumb
Life Is Dumbing?
Only if you do it right.
Wonder if Walky saw Asher that night, too.
omg is my Walky/Asher ship sailing as a prom night tryst? 🥰
Any chance this was taken from true events? Because I’m having a tickle of a memory from the #metoo era of something like this.
It’s based loosely on way too many true events.
The vast majority of which, depressingly, don’t end up with the perpetrator punched in the gut hard enough to curl them into a fetal position on a stage in front of everyone.
A lot of them don’t end in a drunken car crash either, so that’s a little bit of an upside.
“High school girl roofied, raped, and forced to secure a secret abortion”? Yeah, I imagine that plays out all the time tbh.
I agree with PedanticJerkass that not enough of the rapists get punched in the gut. More punching rapists.
Too damn common. 🙁
From knowing my acquaintances and friends, I know of two cases. Neither went to law enforcement.
From my own professional experiences, I know of three cases. All three went to law enforcement.
As I mentioned yesterday, while there was no punching involved, I have lived these events.
My friend who got raped and my friend who I had to drive across state lines for an abortion were not the same friend, and the events were over a decade apart, but yeah.
“Alchool the cause of and solution to all lifes problems.”
I know there is spelling errors don’t at me.
Just link to the video, it’s out there somewhere on YouTube.
I came here to say that the joke was already used in the webcomic BloodStains.
Wine is not a solution to a problem. Well, actually, chemically speaking, wine is literally a solution…
Haha 😄🤣 I love this quote.
Also props to Billie, punching a guy bigger than you and not even having an ‘ow that actually really hurt, I thought punching is supposed to hurt the other person!’, she’s got good pain tolerance.
Could be because she’s already sloshed.
She’s a cheerleader, she’s probably gotten hurt tons of times during training. It’s not unlike skateboarding: you learn to deal with pain.
Proper technique (and a good amount of anger) keeps your punches from hurting yourself. Main thing is to keep your wrist in line.
Also props to Billie for leaving him a broken heap on the floor with a single punch, rather than merely annoying him or some such.
That’s why you punch the soft parts. Punching bone hurts a lot more than gut.
Is Billie wearing a scrunchie? a fucking scrunchie to PROM??
fake news, you cannot tell me Billie isn’t the type of girl to spend an easy $100 in getting her hair done before an event like this, especially knowing her family is well-off
It’s a really expensive scrunchie
It has micro-diamonds embedded in woven platinum nano-tubes.
I think it’s some kind of jewelry thing.
Considering the timeline it’s probably some kind of Eras Tour scrunchie or something like that.
Also, to be fair, wealthy or not, if I was planning to punch a dude and get thrown out of Prom, I would avoid spending too much on my wardrobe/makeup/hair. Just enough to look good without going overboard on what will essentially be wasted effort.
I suspect this wasn’t planned. She’d have to be very sure they would both be elected to pre-plan it, and before he got announced, it seemed like she was just reveling in the moment, not preparing for a confrontation. I think it was a spontaneous reaction, (possibly helped along by mild intoxication).
In addition to not thinking it was planned, I don’t think it’d necessarily be “wasted”– prom pictures are usually done before prom, prom king and queen announcements are usually decently into the event.
So, Alice was an enabler.
In so far as letting Billie drive, yeah, but I can’t say that I think she should have put her foot down about anything else here.
Or… she may not fully understand how bad Jen’s problem is. She charismatic and confident which is enough to convince people you’re okay.
All she knows so far about Jennifer’s plan is “get out of here.” Maybe they’re going for a long walk to cool down and sort things out. Talk about important stuff.
Not an enabler, infatuated. To her this must all seem very romantic. The girl you love confronts and embarrasses your abuser you likely felt trapped into being with. Then she wisks you away, all on prom night. The crash was likely a painful reality check for her. Honestly the way Alice was tearing up when they reunited makes me believe part of her still loves Jennifer.
Yeah, Alice (someone who literally has zero authority over Billie and is also a traumatized high schooler) is the one who had the responsibility of knowing Billie has a problem AND stopping her. 🙄 Totally sensible and not at all a goober take.
Asher somehow roofied Billie’s flask and arranged her car wreck.
“Yes, it was me all along, Jennifer. The architect of your pain.”
“It amused me.”
Solving problems with the help of a solvent!
Have a spare Internet.
You know, obviously not the drinking and driving part, no shit, but I can absolutely see how Alice fell hard for her. I would’ve, too, in her shoes, truthfully.
tbh I was swooning a little over this one even knowing what’s coming and not being much of a Billie fan generally
Reported for being too on the nose (not really).
Look at the glimmer in Alice’s eyes… now look at Principal Tintin.
and ONLY solve problems– is that a hip flask?! BILLIEEEEEEE
Ahhh I KNOW that “I solve problems” is a callback to another strip (specifically one where she’s like “I’m the head cheerleader, I beat up boyfriends and drive girls across state lines for abortions” so I guess it was foreshadowing for this whole flashback) but hell if I can find it. Voila!
THANK YOU that’s the exact one.
I love when Willis does this.
Almost 12 years in the making.
The other shoe dropped with a mic drop!
I don’t know why, but I thought Asher was a year older.
“and only solve”
not both solve and embody? you sure about that? xD
Alice is surprisingly chill about what Billie just revealed to everyone.
Admittedly, it probably was quite satisfying to watch that asshole get punched and denounced.
Per Willis on Bluesky, the bit about Alice was to Chester only 🙂
i get the sense that alice would’ve done anything for billie here. like, in the last strip, it would be reasonable for alice to show a bit of sadness or jealousy over billie getting to be the one who dances with her boyfriend as the prom king and queen. but she was just happy for her best friend. (and note her first reaction was to call out to billie, not cheer for chester). to alice, it’s a given that billie should be prom queen – she’s earned it by being amazing and hot and wonderful.
just look at her eyes in panel 2. girl is hella enamored, and who can blame her?? prom queen, head cheerleader, general badass of a woman punches out your creep boyfriend for you in front of the whole school? throws away her title rather than dance with someone who wronged you? decides that she’d rather hang out with YOU alone rather than be with the crowd? these are the kinds of gestures that gets written about in YA romance fics.
i knew alice was in love with billie, but I find this context makes the upcoming chain of events even more sad. her heart is going to break, isn’t it 🙁
yeah, all of this is how i’m feeling as well here 🙁 To go from this to the car crash is so brutal 🙁
This flashback is gonna end with Billie in Ruth’s bed, ain’t it?
Could end with Ruth in Billie’s bed.
Billie and Ruth in Daisy’s bed.
They are all very confused.
Ends with Alice waking up in Chester’s bed.
Oh so Alice is down bad
Whoops, there’s the boozles. Guess Billie was drunk during the altercation after all, the drunkenness only temporarily hidden.
I’ve formed the impression that a trail of whispers only follow Billie if she has not been drinking.
This definitely explains the hero complex.
Watch Chester show up next as another one of Asher’s goons.
When has Asher ever had goons?
He’s the one behind Incelerator or at least implied to be.
Jennifer figured it out.
If that’s true, I don’t know if that’s really a true goon sort of relationship.
Seems more likely he found an unwitting catspaw and pointed him in the right direction, probably anonymously.
Huh? Implied how?
Where when and how? WHAT?
First two panels:
I’ve already said my customary “don’t trust Asher” for nearly every time he appears. Darn.
He had a couple back in the day, Sal was one of them briefly
Oh well there goes my theory from yesterday
Put this bottle down, Jennifer. Walk to home, don’t ruin this night
She puts the flask down and walks away, then immediately pulls another flask out of hammer space. Everywhere she goes she leaves a trail behind, like dominoes.
You know that’s not how this happens
Other cartoon characters have hammerspace. And has flask space.
And sadly make some more problems for yourself… Oh Billie
Someone pondered if Billy was really roofied for her accident.
Uuuuh. I dont think shr was
Yeah, they wondered that yesterday when we didn’t have this info. I don’t think anyone still thinks that.
I only noticed yesterday Alice has Asher’s nose shape. Now it looks like she’s… Family.
I don’t get that from this strip at all, but would love to hear why you think that?
Huh, good point, she has that eagle nose look, same as him.
Huh. Maybe. Both their first names begin with “A”. Might be a family thing. They might even be fraternal twins.
But then that’s both sister and brother being interested in the same person (Billie). :O
…and the other way around. Jennifer being with someone who reminds her strongly of Alice.
Huh. I’m seeing the possibility more now.
If they were family, especially twins, and Jennifer knew that, dating Asher would be pretty crappy, at least without reconciling with Alice somehow.
Drunk and delusional even back then Billy.
Not hard to see why Alice was in love with her, it’s easy to look past her desire for drama and the liquid courage she powers herself with when it seems like she actually is the “head cheerleader, alpha bongo, problem solver” and will do what has to be done to help you with no hesitation. But she’s not actually doing it for you. She just wants the validation and excitement.
the validation and excitement of… driving her friend to an abortion in a different state? like I know you’re talking about what just happened but if you lead that back to her previous actions, your statement really doesn’t make sense. If she was after either of those she could’ve stayed quiet and gotten a LOT more for being prom queen, or she could’ve stayed after punching Chester & probably gotten in trouble, but also attention.
But yes, there sure is a way to spin anything Jennifer does in a negative way! Comment section gonna comment section ig
Nah, Billie’s always been ride or die for her friends. It’s pretty much her best quality, and it makes sense that someone who grew up without much in the way of parental love or affection would cling tightly to their friends.
…..she’s in her prom dress and all, and she had a hard liquor bottle readily accessible in a pocket.
Victoria’s Secret Compartment strikes again.
Cleavage of Holding.
Definitely a good idea for Jennifer and Alice to leave after that, but I’m worried about what happens next, especially since Jennifer has been drinking.
Sadly, because this is senior prom (only seniors are ever elected prom queen) we already know what happens next.
Welp, we wanted more Alice in the comic. And Willis found the worst possible way to give it to us. Buckle up, we’re riding with drunk Billie tonight!
Just Alice, Billie, the car, and the Tree of Destiny.
I see Asher’s on his way to personally divide Chester into several thousand tiny pieces with a series of hacksaws, live on stage for all to see, as is his wont.
A water flask is a good idea, so she doesn’t get dehydrated while dancing.
Looks like Bille had to drink a lot for find the strength for doing what she did. At least Alice seems to be on her side, maybe even grateful for what she did. It’s pretty sad that all of this will end really bad for Billie.
lotta confirmations in this page. ~<3
Yeah that was pretty expected.
Found out how to get my own avatar choose this photo of one of our cats.
Excellent choice
“I solve problems.”
“If you don’t have any problems right now, I’ll make sure you do before I’m done.”
alcohol is technically a solution
Unless it’s absolute.
Oh Geez… This is it.
This is the drunk driving incident…
Hmm the little bubbles that Willis use to represent being tipsy started appearing on Billie before her first sip but after exiting the place….. hmmmm