Oof. That older sister competition is pretty stiff with Jocelyne in the picture. And actually do we know if Joyce is older than Becly? Robin is coming in at a far 3rd place.
The alternative is that she was legitimately attracted to Ross the Toedad and I’m not sure how I feel about that. No offense to short trapezoid shaped men, and much offense to misogynistic , homophobic, abusive, men/people in general.
Is this another one of those scenarios that has already been answered in other dimensions of the extended Walkyverse. Is that what it’s called? The “Walkyverse”. What are the canon events?
I haven’t read any of the other comics. I’m just saying, there are plenty of options besides “was a lesbian” and “was legitimately attracted to Toedad.”
This is true, after all, they wouldn’t be the first couple to get married young only for one or both to regret it. Especially with Becky in the mix, many people will stay in a marriage for the sake of their kid. And, we don’t know when they became Fundies, but Fundies are well known for not exactly being fond of divorce…
Speaking as a kid stayed together for, albeit without all the other horrible shit, this can cause a problem because the kid doesn’t really believe love is real, since the one right in front of them isn’t.
Wondering if she was bi, or developed so, but submerged it in her expectations of what is normal. Ross figured it out, and it made him possessive and doctrinaire. Which made him less attractive. Hello, spiral.
It’s likely she was brought up in a similar fundie environment. A strong, Christian man who would protect and guide her was sold to her as the ideal. Maybe she felt some attraction to him, or maybe she just felt pressured by her family to marry the “right” kind of guy, maybe a little of both. Abusers or just the overly controlling can often seem superficially charming, especially in public. It’s only behind closed doors and after they’ve already got their hooks in that the tune changes.
To quote Becky “When some gross dude claimed me, so I could better homeschool our dumb kids … The danged extent of my allowed expectations. My life goals.”
In the last two days the amount of Toxic Yuri™ that we have the potential for in this comic once again has skyrocketed- and I, for one, am thrilled about that.
Look, there’s no way this entire relationship network isn’t weird. One of you is a politician teaching a subject she never studied (politics), said politics do not align with the other’s or your attraction(?) for each other, and you are also coworkers while looking out for your not-really-child who is your student.
This is nothing. It’s weird as fuck and it’s absolutely nothing. Lean harder into and maybe it can be a kink.
The problem with Robin, and I’m not the first to say this, is that she’s almost exactly like her Walkyverse counterpart, and this isn’t the place for that. She’s a cartoon rabbit in a world where giving someone a lit stick of dynamite for a cigar kills them.
I would say that in today’s political climate, someone as absolutely clueless as Robin who has zero idea of the damage that she can cause, has zero issue with as much corruption as they can get away with, and using nothing more than charisma and star power to get votes, Robin is far more at home in the Dumbiverse than the Walkyverse.
“Don’t tell Not Mama what Not Mama don’t like!” XD
I don’t care what Mama don’t like…
mother i actually fucked but in another universe
Sadly, few adult websites cater to MIAFBIAU enjoyers.
Wow porn has to go really high concept to get people off these days huh?
They watch it for the plot.
Why else?
Not that I mind Booster, but I was all excited to have my F8ckFace talk to Sillygoose’s.
I believe that’s what Rule 34 is for. Not just a descriptivist declaration, but a reliably raunchy resource.
Is that the outfit Leslie originally was using to seduce Robin?
if it is, than it seems rather effective, at least on my end XD
It is not. Similar vibes but completely different clothing.
I clicked through and read a few more comics after the linked one and OOF.
That particular class sesh went well, I think. 😀
“Stop calling me ‘Mommy’ . . .”
“M-mommy? Sorry… mommy? Sorry–”
These guys are extremely lesbian for two gals who haven’t even had sex yet.
Know of!
I mean… one of them is an out and proud lesbian, so there’s that.
I think Nono means they have a lesbian dynamic
In another universe, yeah. In this one, no (not yet, probably).
I am honestly amazed at Robin’s ability to make things awkward in such a short amount of time.
It’s a legitimate super power.
Her super-speed is super-specialized in the Dumbiverse.
Oof. That older sister competition is pretty stiff with Jocelyne in the picture. And actually do we know if Joyce is older than Becly? Robin is coming in at a far 3rd place.
Mentor I’d Like to Figure out my problems with
mispost. reply to this was supposed to be Joyce’s Birthday is May 5th and then I got sidetracked finding out if Becky was 19 yet.
Actually, I think robin is the cool aunt, although that would make things squicky when Robin+Leslie want to get together.
It could be a paternal aunt.
Or one of those “honorary” types of aunts/uncles, just a close family friend who’s not actually related. Had and am some of those.
Same Actually. (My Dad’s childhood friend and his wife.)
That alt text
I JUST saw it
RIP in peace
so does that mean she’s opposed to calling her momm[EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER]
Robin means you look like a mom in a “Milf” sorta way. I’m sure.
Becky has three mommies sorta. Hell, for all we know, the dead one might’ve been gay, too.
The alternative is that she was legitimately attracted to Ross the Toedad and I’m not sure how I feel about that. No offense to short trapezoid shaped men, and much offense to misogynistic , homophobic, abusive, men/people in general.
Well, that’s *an* alternative, not *the* alternative.
Is this another one of those scenarios that has already been answered in other dimensions of the extended Walkyverse. Is that what it’s called? The “Walkyverse”. What are the canon events?
I haven’t read any of the other comics. I’m just saying, there are plenty of options besides “was a lesbian” and “was legitimately attracted to Toedad.”
Or that she wasn’t gay but was still trapped in a marriage to a man she wasn’t attracted to.
“wasn’t attracted to” here being the least of the fucking problem, but important in response to the above.
Yeah, turns out straight women can suffer in patriarchal cults too.
This is true, after all, they wouldn’t be the first couple to get married young only for one or both to regret it. Especially with Becky in the mix, many people will stay in a marriage for the sake of their kid. And, we don’t know when they became Fundies, but Fundies are well known for not exactly being fond of divorce…
Speaking as a kid stayed together for, albeit without all the other horrible shit, this can cause a problem because the kid doesn’t really believe love is real, since the one right in front of them isn’t.
Internet hug of sympathy!
Maybe he looked more handsome in his youth, and something about getting older gave him the ‘ingrown toenail’ look that we come to know Ross for today.
Maybe he stubbed his toe– by which I mean head– really bad one day. Just completely misjudged where the doorframe was.
Pour one out for pre-stubbed Ross. RIP!
This reminds me of a Family Guy gag showing how Stewie got his football shaped head.
And he may well have come off as less shit when he was younger too, and only got worse as he grew more entrenched in his cult.
Wondering if she was bi, or developed so, but submerged it in her expectations of what is normal. Ross figured it out, and it made him possessive and doctrinaire. Which made him less attractive. Hello, spiral.
It’s likely she was brought up in a similar fundie environment. A strong, Christian man who would protect and guide her was sold to her as the ideal. Maybe she felt some attraction to him, or maybe she just felt pressured by her family to marry the “right” kind of guy, maybe a little of both. Abusers or just the overly controlling can often seem superficially charming, especially in public. It’s only behind closed doors and after they’ve already got their hooks in that the tune changes.
To quote Becky “When some gross dude claimed me, so I could better homeschool our dumb kids … The danged extent of my allowed expectations. My life goals.”
I imagine Ross seemed like he would be a good father, or at least provider, at one point. Not about attraction.
Wardrobe change incoming?
If this is the family dynamic we’re getting, what’s the worst to come out of this? Roz is Jordan’s sister?
It is a nice outfit and she makes it look well.
In the last two days the amount of Toxic Yuri™ that we have the potential for in this comic once again has skyrocketed- and I, for one, am thrilled about that.
Now picturing the DoA version of “Toxic Love” from ‘Ferngull: The Last Rainforest.”
What? Yuri hasn’t appeared since her cameo when Blaine got offed.
Yeah, sorry, all my jokes for this strip are more relevant to Shortpacked.
They also aren’t terribly clever but I make myself laugh and that’s all that’s important.
I read alt text while drinking some water, and I nearly choked to death.
10/10 best alt text
Almost Sal, and I’m too sick to stay awake so Walky works for now.
Sadly, I can’t post pictures here, since I have one I took of a ‘Road Work: Next 5 Milfs” sign.
No, that is just the common expression people make whenever Robin says anything.
in some alternate timeline, you may have called her mommy
Leslie: I am in a relationship now!
Robin: So am I!
Leslie: Who?
Robin: Chet…Manley?
Leslie: That is a ridiculous name.
Is it weird I think Leslie’s design reminds me of Tasha Yar?
I hope she stays away from any amorphous black sludge monsters.
But not Roz’s cooler older sister, for some reason.
… okay, actually, for lots of reasons.
I always thought of Robin as a cool aunt or cousin who wreaks havoc but in a 90s sitcom way where they have an ulterior good motive.
Hit the nail on the head
Robin definitely sees herself as the last person in the show’s title sequence that gets the “and Robin as Cool Older Sister” card.
I forgot Robin works as a professor at the college now. I guess she taught her class well enough last semester to remain there.
She only started this semester. Last semester she dropped out of her congressional race and crashed on Leslie’s couch for a couple days.
It’s been so long since we last saw Robin, I forgot that she started teaching this semester, instead of late last semester.
I suspect Robin herself sometimes forgets she “works” as a professor.
Should there be quotes around “professor” too?
And “sometimes”.
Look, there’s no way this entire relationship network isn’t weird. One of you is a politician teaching a subject she never studied (politics), said politics do not align with the other’s or your attraction(?) for each other, and you are also coworkers while looking out for your not-really-child who is your student.
This is nothing. It’s weird as fuck and it’s absolutely nothing. Lean harder into and maybe it can be a kink.
who pissed into your cheerios?
sorry, mommy? sorry
Anybody got a roll of nickels?
Well, let’s put that thought waaay in the back of the vault, shall we?
Of all of the characters, I think that Leslie and Robin are the only ones who I really wish were more like their Walkyverse versions.
Which is saying something because they’re already pretty dang close. I just miss the relationship.
The problem with Robin, and I’m not the first to say this, is that she’s almost exactly like her Walkyverse counterpart, and this isn’t the place for that. She’s a cartoon rabbit in a world where giving someone a lit stick of dynamite for a cigar kills them.
It was a good idea getting her out of politics but now I wish we had her as our AOC variant.
I would say that in today’s political climate, someone as absolutely clueless as Robin who has zero idea of the damage that she can cause, has zero issue with as much corruption as they can get away with, and using nothing more than charisma and star power to get votes, Robin is far more at home in the Dumbiverse than the Walkyverse.
Robin overstating how cool balls are. I mean they’re ok, as far as pee-storage goes.
Gratuitous Gravatar Grubbing
Who’d you get this time?
Malaya, Booster, Leslie and….
last one. Today.
Roz. One more…
Becky’s mom has got it goin’ on~
Zims confirmed necrophile
NO that’s fucked XD
I know it might be wrong, but…
Yes!. I held off to see if anyone else had it going through their head. I don’t see how Robin can’t.
Stepmom – keeps the kink cringe-lite.
Stepmom’s much cringier IMO. If you’re gonna go that route then don’t try and weasel out of it — commit to the bit!!
I don’t think Robin’s actual sisters would describe her as such, well Roz wouldn’t, I don’t know how Riley feels.
Leslie pinup when?