You can see an in-process version of the third panel from a while back on my Tumblr.
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You can see an in-process version of the third panel from a while back on my Tumblr.
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Walky seems to have other ideas, looks like…
No, Walky just has “joke sense.” He knows the best moment to do a joke. And goddamnit this was it.
Yeah, but everybody better run for the fallout shelter – NOW!
Sorry, can’t do it. The birds flew off with it
Will a cardboard box work?
Lardo is going to kill him.
He has him a healthy handful of hate handles.
Billie is Flabogasted!
Good thing walky didn’t go lower. That’d make her flip the murder switch!
I wonder if this is a bad time to point out that “he made her all wet”…
And then Billie killed everyone.
With her penis for a Nickle and kept their femurs and faces to show off to your mother who he paid said Nickle to have relations with
I suspect Billie is now going to CHAAAAAAAAAAAAASE Walky.
Billie is most likely going to use a MAAAAAAAAAAAACE to kill walky.
She’s a bit lacking in GRAAAAAAAAAAAAACE
I have a God awful memory. Where did the whole “FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEEE!” thing originate from?
+10 internets
Wow…. Walkys a dick.
In all of the Walkyverse, this is my favorite Walky cartoon ever.
He’s actually even better because the truly off the wall stuff happens less in DoA. Universes change, Walky stays the same.
It’s the same Walky. Walky is an interdimensional constant. No matter who you are, what you do, or where you go, it’s the same Walky.
Every. Damn. Time.
The true, deeper meaning of the phrase “It’s Walky!”
So….Walky’s Unicron?
This is bad. This is very bad….
Well, he’s already the Cheese. I suppose it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
If Walky’s Unicron, how come Earth/the autobots/he hasn’t been destroyed
Clearly The Cheese has something to do with this.
Reminds me. Willis, when are we gonna see the Cheese in some form here? I mean, we haven’t even seen his Cheesiness adorning one of Galasso’s pizzas!
This reminds of Clamps three series – Cardcaptor Sakura, TRC and xxxHolic and how there were two constants in these three universes. Is Willis planning something similar here, are we going to see inter-dimensional characters now and then? (That would be awesome btw)
And then Walky died.
It was tragic.
I don’t know what’s funnier: the fact that he’s gonna die, or that that is her beer stash.
Maybe it’s that he’s gonna die FOR being right?
He’s going to die for proving her wrong.
Sadly, that’s what gets most fictional guys.
It’s late at night, so I read the third panel as “I found your boob-stash”.
The fourth panel…didn’t help.
Maybe in a few decades, but for now she is as perky as a college coed.
well breasts are just lumps of fat with valves, so one could just see that as her spare breast supply.
Thanks for that lovely representation of breasts.
my pleasure.
Sudden mental picture of a modified version of the Valve vanity plate, only instead of having it attached to the head or eyes, it’s… yeah.
You know where I’m going with this.
And thus we see the final moments of David “Walky” Walkerton.
He died as he lived. As an idiot.
I take it Joyce already called dibs on final rights.
Not close, huh?
Billie really has a point though. I know there may be some people who fight all the time and then end up getting together, but it’s not nearly as common as certain areas of fiction would have us believe. Like in anime – just because a girl is beating the crap out of a dude does not mean she wuvs him.
For the most part, real couples start by, ya know, getting along and enjoying each other’s company.
That being said, this was hilarious.
Its why its called fiction. People can tend to have a bias towards an idea of the situation because they cannot coorelate the difference in likely hood of it happening in fiction and in real life. Pretty much all of the modern societies around the world have such biases from one source or another.
Well yeah, but certain kinds of fiction – it isn’t what’s gonna happen in this comic, probably.
And the real issue is that people actually BELIEVE these things in real life, because of stuff like romantic comedies or whatever. “Oh, those two fight all the time! They must secretly love each other!” People will actually say this. It just… confuses me to no end.
Maybe it has to do with how kids always tease the ones they like.
I disagree, people who fight all the time do not make good couples, it just suggests that one of them -likes- being abused or likes being in control and the other person thinks it’s normal (or puts up with it for some other motive.)
Such people also inflict that abuse on their children and the children do that to others thinking it’s normal, they are shocked when the others have a problem with their behavior.
But in the case of Walky this doesn’t seem abusive, he just can’t reading the moment.
It’s also fiction, the kind of abuse you see in Anime would get you jail time if it weren’t the fictional world of rubberband people.
Sometimes, there is such a thing as sexual tension, when people will have fights more often than normal friends because they like each other. SOMETIMES. But yeah, if that’s all they do, then they wouldn’t work out as a couple.
But that was… kind of my point?
Billie may have a point (actually two points, sitting way up high, but Bob Seger & I digress) she almost comes off as “protesting too much.”
You can be pretty darn good friends and still show off means of affection. Or in Walky and Billie’s case…not-quite-friends.
Walky appears to be enjoying this a little too much.
Oh Walky, this is how you die
– Faye from QC jumps into the fight.
And Fuzzy shows up with popcorn to watch
sorry, remade it after it posted
Somehow, they all wind up with butts disease.
And Fuzzy from Sam & Fuzzy shows up with popcorn to watch
I almost choked on a mouthful of Bugles reading this!
Best near-death experience EVER!
Same here, and there aren’t even any Bugles in the house. Yet I nearly choked on them nonetheless. Well played, Willis.
Is that….code?
We’ll give you +4*10^23 Internets to keep your mouth shut.
Rules 1 and 2, bongoes, you’ll keep your femurs.
Since when was it a crime against the internet to quote TV’s Craig Ferguson?
I had watched too many animes to know that Billie might be lying about her true feelings.
LOL! Amen! 😀
man, i don’t think i could ever stay mad at walky
I think my favorite part is Dorothy’s polite laugh as Walky grabs her
I think she’s trying to stifle a not-so-polite laugh instead.
I like that people think doing this gets you killed.
I’ve done this, like, a thousand times. The trick is to be so lovable that it overpowers how annoying you can get.
Did you do this to anyone who was insisting that they only had a passing knowledge of you rather than an intimate relationship?
Obviously you are a zombie. Here, have some chilled brains with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
I like that you have a Robin avatar while insisting this.
A friend of mine almost suffered severe injuries from doing this. Not because I was mad (although I was) but because he hadn’t noticed the scaldingly hot cup of coffee in my hand which shot over my shoulder when I screamed and jumped in the air. Luckily he’d just stuck his head over my other shoulder to say hello, so it shot past him instead.
Scared him badly enough that he never did it again though, so I count it as a win.
Oh my god I can’t stop laughing
I think that water makes Walky evil.
Also, if you feed him after midnight, he splits into multiple Walkys.
It’s like Gremlins, only backwards.
Dotty’s freckles are a nice attention to detail. I wonder if she’ll need help applying sunblock.
I’m sure someone smarter than me has already pointed this out, but there’s an obvious flaw in Dorothy’s theory that she of all people should realize. If Walky liked Billie, he’d be catatonic in her presence except for the occasional flung projectile.
But hey, he seems to be charming the real object of his affections in the fourth panel, so maybe he can die a happy man.
Love and lust produce completely different reactions. I am sure Dorothy understood when she was being lusted after, but Walky obviously wouldn’t have acted so ‘odd’ with serious (current or former) partner.
Buddy, coming from a terminally shy guy, Walky had classic “I like this girl way more than I should” paralysis. Lust needn’t enter the equation.
Seconded. I unintentionally did that to a girl during my freshman year of college. Almost exactly the same scenario, as she was a huge Transformers geek. I’m pretty sure I creeped her the hell out, but she tried her best to be nice anyway.
Actually, learning Dorothy isn’t a virgin (link) seems to have snapped Walky out of that….
Nah, I’m pretty sure he’d been snapped out long before he learned that. Specifically when he confessed he didn’t want commitment/maturity/losing-his-toy-house.
RIP Walky. We knew ye well
So I’m guessing the rest of the weeks worth of strips our of the others mourning Walky’s death after Billie kills him in the next strip.
She doesn’t seem to have any lethal weapons on hands so I’m guessing the rest of the week is going to be in the coma ward at the hospital.
Maybe we’ll meet some wacky doctors there.
Then it turns into “Scrubs: the Webcomic”. DAMN YOU WILLIS!
Recent events indicate that David is moving away from Scrubs into Community. Lo and behold, DoA’s setting gets pretty close.
Maybe we’ll find this guy:
Or discussing whether to go to the police about it, but eventually deciding that they just want to put it behind them.
Haha. Walky is the best.
Walky, know that you did not die in vain. You died on a beach in Indiana.
Billie, if you and Walky are not close, why does Walky know where your booze stash is, hmmmmm?
Wow, nice karmic retribution there, Walky.
You’re such a prankster, Walky. 😛
The prosecution rests.
Don’t you mean execution?
Combination of your name and my tiredness made me misread that as “erection”.
That was a little inappropriate. Also, probably not on purpose, but “Wh-Eeeee” is the sound of pigs squealing I couldn’t help but be flinch at that sound effect.
I don’t think Walky will die from this. I do think he’ll have to start going by Limpy though…
nah, willis likes transformers. walky’s going to be called “wheelie”.
But Walky is going to get a name based off what the characters would call him, not what Willis would. They’re not super creative, especially Billie just yet.
Say whatever else you will about Walky: his timing is perfect.
All beer and no liquor gives Billie Walkyhandles
Walky! No! Do you realize the wrath you have called upon yourself!?
No, he’s trying to help Billie cover up their relationship in the best way he knows how.
Please note: “Best way he knows how” is not the same thing as “best way”.
I see your point. Nothing could support Billie’s claims about indifference to Walky more than if she got to beat him into a red smudge.
perhaps he does, and he wants to save Dorothy.
Because we should totally learn all about this romance stuff from animes! 😀
Wow I am really good at this huh. -_-
Okay, who’s got the tentacles? Someone here must have ’em…
I bet Joe was nicknamed the octopus by some of the girls he has known, so yeah.
You mean he squirts ink whenever he gets startled.
Bad touch BAD TOUCH!!!
I promise that I’m not spamming.
Walky’s never been horribly murdered before, has he?
I mean in this universe where he think’s it is wise to point out a woman’s love handles by grabbing them publicly.
Only the dearist of friends can get away with that, with only a minor bludganing as punishment
I know one minor about to be bludgeoned.
Miners, not minors! (Name the movie for +10 internets!)
Galaxy Quest
I only know this because of an old roommate though.
You lost me.
Never give up, never surrender!
By Grapthar’s hammer, I will avenge you!
There you go!
Hey, guys, th–there’s a red thingy moving toward the green thingy.
You guys have such great chemistry. You should get married!
…I think we’re the green thingy.
I have ONE job on this ship — it’s stupid, but I’m gonna DO it!
RIP Walky
Walky, what would make you think that’s even REMOTELY a good idea?
… Wait, I know! He’s suicidal! We couldn’t tell before, but this is actually a dark, edgy reboot of Walky who intentionally puts himself in harm’s way, hoping for the sweet release of death.
Only in death can Walk truly understand his inner CHEESE.
Of course! After Dorothy rejected him, he pretended he was just fine, but secretly he wanted to end it all! I CAN SEE EVERYTHING.
So, Walky’s this universe’s version of The Punisher?
Huh? I thought they didn’t know each other in this universe…
Third strip:
Fifth strip:
Thank you for pointing out how much Billie’s breasts have swollen in under a week of DOA time.
Feel like weighing in, Animal?
I think it’s more a property of everybody’s heads shrinking.
Not between those two comics (though there has been some shrinkage, and further growage, between ‘sister’ and this one). But it’s not like you need to make excuses for this – I don’t see any anybody complaining here.
I was just pointing out that it made me giggle.
Homan, it took a lot of self-control not to make up some kind of yo-dawg. The artist of another comic I read just got introduced to you-dawg in his comment stream from this morning (and no, it wasn’t me that did it).
I will, however, offer this pictorial explanation for the drastic change:
Hey, Walky, try not to be unconscious for too long once Billie beats you senseless. I hear it’s SUPER bad for you.
Especially if he lands in the water.
Walky, I love you bb… but I’ve killed men for less.
I didn’t know you got internet access in prison. Sweet! Also, ‘er, killing people is wrong. And stuff.
This calls for a public execution I say!
Here, here!
1) Billie throws an overhand right cross right into Walkys nose.
2) Joyce, Dorothy, AND Dina rush to the groggy Walkys rescue as he slowly starts to slip into the water.
3) Billie becomes jealous of these three “tramps” clawing all over Walky, but she can’t figure out why.
4) The start of the Drama-riffic Love Pentagon.
Or…poop jokes. Either one.
Likely Butts-Disease.
More like Gutts Disease.
It’s cute how you try to hide your PSL for Billie =3
Furthermore: <3
when you say dina rushes to walky, you mean that she moves a few inches closer and then quietly asks him about it 3 months* later, right?
*DoA time, not our time
I was going to say, “five minutes from now?” XD
Good. Use your aggressive feelings, Billie. Let the hate flow through you.
Walky, at least you saved Dorothy from the wrath of the BillieBoozeinator but what will save you? A DinaDinosaur perhaps?
and this comic proves to me that Tubs is the perfect nickname for Billie.
Quick, grab the booze out of her tummy handles!
So that’s where she hid her kegs…
If Billie didn’t punch Walky after this, then I know something is up.
Well, that sank Billie/Walky for me. It does, however, establish that Billie doesn’t understand there can be more than one meaning for the word “close”. Although Billie doesn’t really want to admit it they were totally besties when they were kids. I mean, that was true in the Walkyverse and I see no reason why it’s not true here, especially considering Walky in the last panel.
when i saw the words “booze stash”, i read them as “booze ‘stache”.
Actually…yes. I’m still pretty certain he digs her.
Can Walky get more awesome? Let’s find out.
Tomorrow’s storyline begins, “The Death of Walky!”
Dun dun DUHHHHHHH!!!!
Dayumn, gurl! You phat!
Check out that Freshman Fifty.
That’s what I do, on a general basis 😀
I love the expression on Dorothy’s face in that last panel.
Walky doesn’t have much of a self-preservation mechanism, does he?
He doesn’t need one. Walky is a hive mind.
I, for one welcome our Walky overlords. 😛
Shippers gonna ship.
… and there were no survivors
Oh, come on; you had to know I was going to do it.
Hmmm… Hyperlinks don’t stand out as such in DOA comments; not very well, at any rate…
Looks like she’s… got alcohol poisoning. YEEEEEAAAHHHHH!
You know, I think Willis changed the hyperlink colour based solely on your comment. Everything is red now!
I noticed that. Thank you, Mr. Willis!
Erm.. i mean “Damn you Willis!”
To quote Jacksfilms…I do not love these handles.
In your Tumblr post you definitely said this comic was going to happen on a Wednesday…
Where is it?
Where is it!?
Can I has retcon comic?
Guess I miscalculated when the strip would run.
Here I was all excited for some sort of deleted scene.
Wally will not die today.
He will, however, be buried. And probably have his breathing straw taken away.
According to police records, it took months for most of Walkie’s body parts to be collected.
Out of this comic, this is what I pulled out of it:
Billie is denying any feelings, but is shouting Whee at being grabbed. I’m tempted to refer back to the image edit I made the other day.
She is not shouting “whee.”
The “eeeee” is interrupting a word that started with “wh.”
Intellectually, I know that. I was not entirely away when I first read this comic, which is not helped by a bad habit of reading comic strips backwards.
After rereading it, I kinda knew she was going what and then was surprised. That’s just not how my brain registered it.
…I’ll be in my bunk.
…with my grenades.
I think you missed the firefly reference.
I think I aced it up upping it with a Serenity reference. Mal wouldn’t let him have his grenades, so he’s making up for lost time.
Talk about extreme masturbation.
Personally, I like a girl with some curves
It seems Walky does as well.
Welp, Looks like there going to be attending Walkies funeral soon.
Oh that’s fucking adorible