Yeah, if you’ve seen “Walky Performs A Sex,” you’ve seen this already. Sorry! I originally didn’t think WPAS would go up until February, so oh well!
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Yeah, if you’ve seen “Walky Performs A Sex,” you’ve seen this already. Sorry! I originally didn’t think WPAS would go up until February, so oh well!
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At least there’s a full erotic strip of it. Most guys wouldn’t last a full erotic strip their first time. You’d get a few panels then the rest of the comic would be “z”‘s
Classic Walky.
I can totally do that watch.
goot stuc call foe help
Suffer for your mistakes.
It’s all in the shoulders and it isn’t all that comfortable to do, but damn is it impressive when it’s pulled off right.
His mistake was trying to do it with a wet shirt.
The trick is not to grab too low on the shirt so when you extend your arms you take the collar over your head.
Why would you want to do a watch?
At least it will always give me the time of day.
So that you can have 3 minutes of ecstasy.
When my stuff is in your stuff
Our souls become entwined
For 180 seconds
My sex has blown your mind
Did you both just reference ninjasexparty?
I don’t know about the other person, but I totally did.
I would not do one on a boat.
Nor would I, on a parade float.
I would not do one in the rain,
if I was bored, or not quite sane.
Not in bed, under the covers,
or in an orgy with jewelry lovers.
I would not want to do a watch.
It’s not appealing to my crotch.
Had to try it, and managed to pull it off (without taking my glasses off first, too) 😀
Now I just need to do 50-100 situps a day for a couple of months and I may actually have a REASON to pull my shirt off in an impressive manner, hm…
I hate to break this to you but all the situps in the world won’t help unless you lose the layer of fat that covers most people’s abs. That requires dieting until reaching single-digit body fat %. That’s a round number, some people lose their ab fat at 11% and some not until they get below 8%. I suggest riding a bike for transportation, that’s what made my ab show. (I only have the one, like 5% of the rest of the world)
Don’t worry, some of us actually aren’t all that impressed by a 6-pack. Like me. I have never found it particularly attractive.
Of course.
OMG, it’s genuinely awkward. I’m just laughing so hard here. And Dorothy doesn’t care because she knows, and it’s even more awesome.
That, and it’s established that she’s turned on by Walky’s caramel-sculpted abs. …. more caramel than sculpted.
Like caramel…. like caramel….
Works for me.
Walky needs to learn this T-shirt removal skill:
Thanks for showing us this after i needed the jaws of life to get free. 🙁
I really liked that shirt…
you have to cross your arms and pinch your shirt on either side of your abs, about navel level, then lift easily. You can even throw it into your hamper in one smooth motion.
Man Reveals His One Weird Trick To Remove Shirts
“It’s harder than it looks.”
I’m sure it is, yes. At least that’s what Dorothy’s hoping…
Looked pretty hard in the previews…
Yep… Re-dic-ulous. 😉
baaahahaha ALT TEXT Y’ALL
Didn’t get it until you pointed it out. My mind’s not dirty enough, I guess.
there’s still time yet
And how long have you been reading this comic again?
Honestly, I’ve never had this problem before, I don’t get how people can get stuck in a shirt.
I know, if you cant take off your T-shirt in under 3 seconds, you’re doing it wrong.
It looks like he let go in the middle of pulling and then panicked.
It’s probably soaked through and getting stuck.
First time stress.
Walky has never taken a shirt off before. They just corrode after prolonged contact with his skin.
Rofl! That was Walky pre Pajama jeans breakup with Dot.
In my case, having or needing shoulder surgery caused me to get stuck in my shirt several times. Usually I just reach over my head, grab the back of the t-shirt and pull off. Lacking mobility of a shoulder required creativity.
I think I am addicted to drawings of.blushing people.
Does that include drunks?
The red nose ruins it for me.
I love that we’ve seen Sal do it and she has no trouble, but Walky’s just *AWKWARD FLAILING*
… so because your sibling has done it before you are similarly apt, even with no experience and totally different everything?
Huh? I think Regalli meant that it’s hilariously awesome to see how differently they fare in this act. Especially since Walky’s usually the more competent one, so it’s fun to see the role reversal.
That’s because, like they’ve said, Sal is the black one and Walky is the white one. Which means that Sal is much better at the sex and all sub-genres of it.
WHOA there. Straight out of left field, this guy.
The phrase “So you’re saying …” or “So what you’re really saying is …” or similar variants are sure signs the conversation is about to go downhill unless the strawman a-building is quickly discarded.
Totz is right, yes. Seeing the siblings differ is always fun.
I gotta say, I think the blue background here or the dark red ones on the preview pages work better than the hot pink ones in the members area on Slipshine. Walky looks weird surrounded by pink.
Walky looks weird surrounded by pink.
Walky and Dorothy are in the DANGER ZONE!!!
Did they take the highway to get there? I heard that’s the fastest way to get to the DANGER ZOOOOOOOOONE.
That’s the way I take off all my shirts? Huh. I know most dudes take it off by tugging on the back of the shirt which I’ve never quite understood the mechanics of.
Back of the shirt? huh. I tend to do it the way Walky is trying to now, but I used to (and sometime still do) do it one arm at a time or one arm off, then over the head.
I find grabbing from the bottom stretches the shirt out less for next time. I didn’t realize it was the sexy way of doing it. Going one arm at a time or pulling it up over the head stretches the chest or the neck.
I would like to give thinks to Willis for this gift of caramel flavoured mancandy we now enjoy. XD
I paid for these panels, and here they are for free? By my calculations, you owe me thirty cents.
You paid to see it first.
They were part of the preview anyway. Free = free.
According to everything Willis has said, he received a straight-up purchase price for his artwork and it then became the property of Slipshine; it’s not a pay-per-click deal nor did he get a percentage of each new subscription. If anybody owes you 30¢ it’s Slipshine.
Its an exclusive license though, right (like a book and a publisher)? Or do they really own it, like, what would that be, a work for hire?
Not quite the same, are they? and PG.
The original was also PG — at least up to this point. The only difference I detect when comparing today’s first panel with panel #2 on the WPaS page is that Dorothy isn’t showing any skin/cleavage — not that she was showing all that much in the first place. Everything else looks identical.
You didn’t pay for these panels. They were available to all, as a teaser. I’m guessing all 4 teaser panels will run in the comic, with an advertisement for SlipShine at the end of it.
Nope, that’s the end of it!
Willis, you are ever merciful that you do not tease us so.
Blast your logic!
This will always be hilarious to me.
I think I would like to see “Dina Performs A T-Rex” next.
gah where is the +1 button anyway on this thingama…
A Dumbing of Age Dinographique
how about a
Jacob performs a flex
Or Jacob works out his pecs.
Mike performs a vex.
Amber Performs A Wrecks
A Dumbing of Age Vigilantique
Joyce avoids a hex.
There’s a single panel of her somewhere doing a Calvinesque T-rex while beside a fossil skeleton.
It’s available as a poster.
AAAAAAAAAnd swing and a miss Walky, swing and a miss.
Not by much. Dorothy seems to be into it.
Where did Walky get the idea that taking a T-shirt off with both hands was sexy?
$5 pornos?
Porn costs money? :O Madness!
I believe it has something to do with the slow exposure of the abdominal midriff which I have come to understand, is considered sexy if one posses a certain level of muscle.
Slow exposure of the midriff can lead to all sorts of things.
But it isn’t a t-shirt!
So what is it then?
If it doesn’t have buttons down the front, it’s a long-sleeve T-shirt (or maybe a sweatshirt) as far as I’m concerned.
its just called a long sleeve shirt. if it had buttons and was long sleeved you’d call it a dress shirt or shirt sleeves or if it’s some gaudy anime covered long sleeve shirt that buttons you might call it a button down shirt. but a T-shirt is named for its T shape. There is no long sleeve T-shirt.
I suggest you Google “long sleeve T-shirt”. There’s a lot of people out there — like Hanes, Jerzees, UnderArmour, Target, the Gap, Macy’s, and print-your-own companies such as Cafe Press and Zazzle — that disagree with you.
Being a joyless pedant is your thing, isn’t it?
I’d get stuck if I tried using only one hand….
0/10 Seen it before. Would not Walky again. He totally ripped this off from a comic on slipshine.
So there’s a sexy way to take off your shirt? All this time I was doing it wrong!
Clearly you need to be a certain amount of sexy or they won’t send you the memo.
Yeah that’s my big problem!
I finally gave in to the urge to try taking my shirt off like that and it was working well except I forgot about my glasses. That didn’t go as well.
As for Walky, I guess he was just a little too excited.
You have no idea how many times I’ve put on a shirt, only to find out I’m putting my head through the arm hole.
Just kidding. 🙂 Hell, I’d pay triple if I could share the erotica with 30 random people. It’s that good folks.
Never try new ways of undressing when you are about to get laid. Especially, if you are Walky apparently.
dude, while pulling my girls shirt off I always stop while her hands are trapped and just her mouth is exposed. The kissing is super fun that way.
Kraft Dinner orange underpants. Yiss.
Orange is the best color for undergarments of all kinds, especially sexy ones. Maybe I’m biased from having a very pale Irish girlfriend that looked great in orange lingerie.
There there….. Cragalanch knows how it feels
Thank you, Willis. Now I have a recurring $9.95 payment every month.
Are we sure this isn’t some sci-fi universe? How can a guy with Walky’s diet have a torso that nice?
Bein’ eighteen and having a great metabolism.
I remember being like that. Those were the days.
Time to cry while drinking an entire bottle of steak sauce.
Haha with that Gravatar
That’s never been me, but I remember a guy from school that could basically inhale everything and not gain any weight.
People like that tend to have a pretty active life style, even if they don’t do it on purpose
My son was like that, and he was not all that active. Then we found out why, turns out he has Celiac disease. Now that his body is digesting food properly, he has had to be more careful about overeating.
Your Malaya 23rd birthday Shortpacked! was brilliant.
wait, how do other people take off their shirts?!
See, this is why us guys take our shirts off by just hooking a thumb on the inside of the back of the collar and pulling.
I have torn the collars off more shirts that way. Mind you, by the time they get to the point that they can rip, they are pretty much ready for the rag bin anyway.
I love the look on his face in the third panel, psyching himself up like an Olympic gymnast.
I do it this way all the time. I’ve done it this way since I was six. Walky, you fail.
Your alt-text…I see what you did there.
I clicked that WPaS link and it brought me to non-Walky porn. Damn you Willis!
A repeat comic? Why, it’s just like reading Roomies Redux.
Except less than a week rather than a decade.
I heard there was porn. And I see there was, indeed, porn. I shall now watch this comic… Mayhaps it will have my interest.
So, now comes the TV version of the scene?
Augh, I just spent the past two days reading this comic and now I’m caught up, what do I do
Wait 13 minutes for a new one!
I just tried that move tonight, and I managed to pull it off.
I was a lot like Walky when I was his age, skinny, huge nerd, got good grades w/o even trying. But I never had muscles like that.
There’s a tumblr post talking about how it’s easier for guys to do the “pull the shirt from the back sexily” and for girls to do the “pull the shirt criss-cross ways sexily” because of how women and men’s shirts tend to be cut.
Oh my god. “It’s harder than it looks.” Willis, you sly dog.