Not to be confused with the United States of Whatever.
I uploaded a big version of the last panel to my Tumblr back on February 2.
Not to be confused with the United States of Whatever.
I uploaded a big version of the last panel to my Tumblr back on February 2.
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Given our current candidates does she really think being heavily educated will give her a leg up?
And everyone knows Congress has the REAL power, anyway.
being smart and having good schooling are two very different things
I can see it now; Dorothy and Robin as congressional nemeses.
That would actually be really cool.
I actually see Dorothy interning at Robin’s congressional office in near future.
Robin: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman!” *points at Dotty*
Reporter: Is there a sexual relationship between you and one of your interns?
Robin:It Depends on what the meaning of the word is is …
“It Depends on what the meaning of the word is is …”
“The Ministry of Truth” and Pres. Clinton, where “1984”
and Reality meet.
So, which woman did you have sexual relations with?
And by “in the near future” you mean, what, 2050?
Yeah, pretty sure they all still went to some fancy ivy league school just like Dorothy plans to. They just somehow never learned that the earth rotates the sun while they were there. I don’t know how you do that. I suspect money might be involved. Money and beer and religion and probably a couple helpings of connections. Must be a truly magical cocktail to be sure. They’re modern day alchemists.
I don’t see how religion factors in. “Well, I’ll pass you, but only if you go to church with me this Sunday.”
Or maybe one of the candidate’s dad was a bishop (“OKAY, DEVIOUS, DON’T MOVE!” “GASP! THE BISHOP!”) and threatened to excommunicate the professor unless he passed the kid.
… but presumably those threats and bribes would be viable strategies with the beer? You must have gone to an awesome school.
I turned eighteen two weeks ago. Will go to an awesome school. Hopefully.
For referencing one of the less-referenced Monty Python sketches, you get a cookie.
It may or may not contain spiders.
I was tempted to do a Dead Bishop reference, but everybody knows that one. This was actually one of the first episodes I saw, so it stuck with me.
(The actual first episode I saw was “It’s the Arts”. Still my favorite.)
I believe the intimation is that religion is an aide to retaining the incorrect beliefs about reality, not that it was a particular aide in them passing.
Only for those who use it as such mind you. Even aside from passing the courses though its pretty baffling how you could get through school at all without picking up some information. You’d have to be actively working to keep that information outside of your skull.
Obviously any one of these things can be had without being ignorant. Plenty of people drink without it effecting their work. Lots of rich and/or influential people are also perfectly intelligent.
And everyone knows Congress has the REAL power, anyway.
You don’t think it’s the massive corporations that write congressmen’s checks?
Why qualify that as the “current candidate?” Almost all presidents have been C-students. As the saying goes:
“The A students work for the B students, and the C students run the world.”
Vice President? Psh. Underachiever.
Why? It rocks to be guy in charge of all the vice!
UH OH looks like I shoulda done SarahxDorothy!
*gets to work*
Who does Sarah like?
Dotty it seems.
Silly dorothy you don’t need to graduate college to become President of the US.
Abraham Linclon never went to law school.
lincoln was also president before college was main stream
So, Lincoln was a hipster?
He was before it became mainstream.
So he is a vampire hunter, a homosexual, a hipster and had a fake leg with whiskey stored in it? DoA is teaching so much about American history!
…and they say that webcomics are dumb.
Who says that?!
And his left arm had an in-built gatling machine gun in it. People keep forgetting that. Also, he perfected Benjamin Franklin’s binocular lenses and gave them night vision.
He is totally my favorite.
You just ruined chat with a hipster mention. Congratulations.
Abraham Lincolns also approved the Morrill Act of 1862 which created the land grant universities.
Yeah, all you need is to lie a lot. You know, be a politician.
You just need lots of social skills and charisma.
And lie and smile a lot.
and kiss hands and shake babies
Shaking babies? Yep, that’s a mark of a politician all right.
I’n not certain that would help somehow… 😛
We all know that most if not all politicians are evil so why hide it the truth?
Cos if they(The Pollies) no longer feel the need to hide their evil ways, life in the US will suck hundred times as much as it does now, and you don’t want that, DO YOU?
I don’t live in the U.S however, politicians are a global infestation.
If things become 100 times worse in the US, it ends up becoming at least 10 times worse everywhere else.
Evil is America’s #1 export?
Not as such, it’s that if the US ends up ruled by evil, it will almost certainly use its military might to spead the evil around.
That’s a good point. Could be that socializing a bit more would actually further her goals.
It’s a more important skill than ever in this day and age, especially since less and less people have this skill in any sort of abundance nowadays.
Two things when going for a position in DC be bold and brassy and make sure you know people who are known. The latter is extremely important!
Woodrow Wilson is the on only president in american history with a master’s degree.
He was also the only President to be a political scientist. Not many Political scientist (who have a graduate level degree) run for political office. mostly because you a decent working knowledge of political science you should know not to run for office in the first place.
The president of Uzbeki-beki-stan-stan.
Is there an echo in here?
Political references are never easy when there’s so much on the line.
Nine Nine Nine
You know, I don’t know who that is, do you know?
How is that going to create one job?
Blame yourself!
Ladies and gents REM
I’m trying to see the connection, besides the name of this arc?
It is a great song, though.
I just noticed the name of the arc.
Or instead not be a politician at all!
Oh, Dorothy, if you’re wanting to get anywhere near the Oval Office, you’d better start going to church regularly right now.
Nah, that would affiliate her with a specific denomination. People want someone Christian, but not too Christian, because then you start alienating all the Christians who aren’t the exact kind of Christian that you are. Don’t wanna lose the protestant and catholic votes because you were seen at a baptist chapel.
Of course, it’s pretty easy to argue that being areligious would be even worse…
Fact. We’ll see an openly gay president before we see an openly atheist one.
I think that would depend on if there is an openly Jewish president before an openly gay president.
Are politicians over there really elected based on their personal beliefs? I thought it would be important that a candidate is competent or at least that he has good ideas.
I mean, shouldn’t church and state be separate?
You would think so right?
Not according to Rick Santorum who spent part of last week arguing church and state should not be separate.
Yea, the Daily Show and Colbert Report had a field day with that.
Oh, you’re serious. Let me go cry in a corner.
Here religion seems more to be a private matter. Althoug one of our ruling parties is called “Christian” it’s more like “preserving Christian values” instead of “God says we’re right”.
There are so many different religions and confessions. How do you want to combine church and state without alienating all the other churches?
I don’t think that would go well but that’s just one wacky German speaking here. ;D
Se, we hear “preserving Christian values” here in the States and a lot of us hear things like “don’t let them gays get married” and “contraception encourages sex, so let’s get rid of it.” Christian values in America tend to be ass-backwards and overbearing.
Because whenever “Christian values” don’t include the things that don’t make any sense, they’re called “moral values”.
Santorum has been arguing that the founding fathers did NOT want Christianity separated from government, but that they wanted government separated from religion. He somehow tried to claim that the concept of free speech supports this, because politians should be free to express their beliefs, even in the laws they make. (I don’t think he’d extend this freedom to pagan politicians).
I think Santorum’s been pretty clear in his belief that everyone should be perfectly equal. Everyone. In the world.
And that white, heterosexual, Christian men are the only people who qualify as part of “everyone”
I suspect that if we looked into it we could narrow “Christian” down to “American Catholics”.
Well good thing Im a gay Irish Atheist then.
What with the fundamental premise of democracy you’d think so wouldn’t you?
Officially there is no religious test, but there’s effectively one because people won’t vote for an atheist. (I don’t have any polls to base this on, so a very large grain of salt, though.)
Oh my, do you have a lot to learn about America. Out of 535 members of Congress, there is exactly one open atheist. Every presidential candidate in either party has to talk about their religious beliefs. America is by far the most religious of the industrialized democracies, and the one with the lowest acceptance of the theory of evolution.
Be glad you live in Europe. Wish I did.
Obama went to church, and all that got him was everybody getting mad about his pastor. And then they still said he was a secret Muslim.
Dorothy can’t be President for another 20 years anyway, and eventually twenty years in the future an atheist President might be feasible.
my great great grandchildren are going to have fun reading that arc.
Who are you kidding, it will still be this arc.
I’m not so optimistic. In a recent poll, something like 33% of people wouldn’t vote for a muslim for government office. But almost 50% wouldn’t vote for an atheist.
You misread me. Since Dorothy’s never growing up “eventually twenty years later” could be a lot longer than twenty years from now.
So, you’re not saying “2032+”, you’re saying “2116+” (assuming a rate of 1 week in comic = 1 year in real time).
Hope I’m still reading it then! 😀
Really hope they figure out how to make a cyborg out of me before I die. From there it’s pretty much smooth sailing living until they hook me up with a positronic brain and then I’m immortal!
Willis is in the clear though. He’s an influential web-cartoonist. Hell be first on the list of people we bring back through cloning for the betterment of society.
vice president is definitely the way to go, you gain relative publicity with none of the flak, you get on the short track to the future presidency unless you really suck as a person, and to top it all of you really dont have to do anything
Except break a tie in the Senate!
which doesn’t happen much, especially in todays super polarized senate. i dont think ive heard bidens name more than a handful of times in the past 4 years
She could work “on the dark side. In the shadows..”
So being a lobbyist?
And protect the Space-Time Continuum.
No Dorothy! Don’t settle for less! Aim for more!! 😀
She should be Emperess of the World!
No, she needs to join the Illuminati, that way, she can control the US behind the scenes.
So by Illuminati you mean she should become a lobbyist?
yeah but i dont think she knows anyone in the free masons, so first she needs to go to washington to make connections, then comes the power, then the women
She should be Sailor Galaxia.
But if you aim low, you’ll never be disappointed.
If you aim low, nuts will be crushed.
Unless you are lady! what gets crushed when they aim low?
If you kick a girl ‘down there’ she might end up with a ‘fat lip’ if you know what I mean.
Kick a lady there and nuts will be crushed. Count on it.
Ladies have nuts?
You’re assuming the kicker is male.
Oh, you’re talking about the retaliational kick…
if you’re a lady then johnny cage just does the splits. still an entertaining move, but it doesn’t get you any closer to performing a fatality.
Go the distance, Dorothy! Aim for world domination!
Joyce: gee : Dorothy what are we going to do tonight?
Dorothy: Same thing we do every night. Try to take over the world!
Dina: “NARF!”
I have an internet. I give it to you.
“Joyce and Dorothy, yes Joyce and Dorothy, One is an…..” A little help here guys?
One is pretentious the other’s naive.
They’re college schoolgirls
Their undetermined majors.
They’re Joyce and the Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy
Before each night is done
They’re home work will not be done
By the dawning of the sun
They’ll take their books and run.
Thank you very much, mechaqua for your help.
You must have so many internets by this point I dont think giving you another would make a difference.. But I will do it anyway.
World domination’s not enough. Go for ruling the entire universe. Better yet, all of space and time! Muahahaha! …I’m totally not plotting this, by the way.
As I said upthread, Sailor Galaxia.
Going from Ethan to Sarah.
I approve, Willis.
…I have just noticed that bandana.
The only person I know who wears bandanas is my father.
So that’s why I constantly expect her to quote Monty Python.
I will not make a Metal Gear reference. I will not make a Metal Gear reference. I will not make a Metal Gear reference.
… Damn it.
Solid Snake wears a bandanna.
Yeah, it’s not even remotely funny.
It’s funny if you point at the bandanna and said “Infinite ammo”
or ask how every plant and animal tastes.
So I am just going to ask this what major is Dorothy taking that requires that much homework the first week of school and that homework makes you give up on your goal? I am assuming she is not an engineering or physical science major.
there is a LOT of hw in engineering. that being said, her basic goal seems to be to do well enough that she can transfer into an ivy league school and take it from someone who transferred himself, you gotta stand out to transfer to an out of state school and id imagine it to be doubly certain for an ivy
Her “homework” might not be for a specific class. She could be building a portfolio of some sort. Lord Of Dance is right about needing to stand out for a transfer, so it could even be multiple personal projects.
First week of class I’m sure all the professors handed out the list of required readings, the subjects they’d be covering, and the schedule for when every assignment will be due and what that assignment will entail. She’s got an entire semester’s worth of homework in front of her if she’s looking to be productive.
I must. =P
Did you recently change the resolution of your comics? I read them by RSS to my tablet and yours was one of the nicer-looking ones, but then a few weeks ago, they started coming in smaller and looking blurry if I tried to zoom in on them. I still read, of course, I was just wondering if you might consider changing the resolution back to make it easier to read. Thanks.
This reminds me of a saying of my uncle:
“don’t worry about getting good grades at college. By the time you graduate more than half of what you learned will be useless”
Cause this is my United States or wwhatevver