Dumbing of Age Book 2 is now available on Comixology! So now you can read it on that rectangle thing you carry around everywhere.
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Dumbing of Age Book 2 is now available on Comixology! So now you can read it on that rectangle thing you carry around everywhere.
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Surprisingly cold, Walky.
He knows Blondes are more fun. In his experience, lighter haired girls like cartoons so of course he’d prefer them.
No colder than “Like you have options”.
Don’t we all have that friend?
Friends? O-oh yeah…I know all about that!
You mean, the one who tells you you’re not cool enough to be seen with them and then actively avoids you until they get lonely? Not me, though I’d like to just so I could mess with them like Walky does here.
Haha, that was my ex-girlfriend.
Hey, Billie now knows what it’s like to deal with her.
This pretty much sums up my thoughts. And yet she still probably will not learn.
More comedy!
The “coming full circle” observation in regards to Billie coupled with your user name makes me ever so happy.
actually… a reeeeeeally valid point…
Right, she ignored and/or tormented Walky in High School in favor of “The Cool Kids”. Now Walky is returning the favor. At least he’s gettin’ sum.
Not just in high school. Look back at check in day.
Also, her entire stated rational of hanging with Joyce is that she has nothing better and if Joyce dressed better she would look worthy of being around Billie.
She hoped to social climb to Sarah, who rejected her on sight.
I smell relationship drama.
When the relationship involves Dotty, there’s never any doubt there’ll be some. Unless, of course, Walky likes playing second fiddle to her ambition.
Is it bad I find this hilarious?
Just one more button…
You’ll always have your best friend Billie. The crazy bible nut with a hot boyfriend… that she’s probably having lunch with.
Joyce had lunch with Dorothy, Sarah and Joe.
Acquire food
Insert food into mouth cavity and grind to paste with the sharp inner calcium formations
Guide food paste down esophagus with muscles located in throat
That is the lunch
Enjoy it
I know no human beings with legitimately sharp teeth.
Trust me, they exist. Bleed on enough teeth, and you’ll know which are sharp based on how much they make you bleed how fast.
It’s possible my taste in women could use improvement.
Noone likes being the backup bongo.
Hell, no one wants to be the people no one give a crap about.
Her face, she realizes, she’s beneath Walky. That must hurt her.
How has it come to this…How have I fallen so far…?
Heavier objects fall faster so it’s possible for them to fall farther in a shorter amount of time! ^_^
I thought science disproved that.
Do you live in a vacuum? If so, can i visit? I hear it makes homework easier.
Yes and no. For all practical purposes, two objects of differing mass will fall at the same speed in a vacuum. Feather, pin, bowling ball, elephant — it doesn’t matter. Once you eliminate the interference of air resistance, Earth’s gravity exerts the same force on both.
At a far more precise level, the heavier object and the earth do meet faster, but that’s because the Earth is also accelerated towards the object by its gravity, and a heavier object has more pull. However, this difference will be far, far too tiny to matter for any masses we could reasonably build a vacuum chamber to drop them inside.
To be even more precise, the Earth does exert a greater force on heavier objects, but the acceleration stays the same (because of their greater mass).
Yes, I was careless in my words there. Thanks for the clarification.
Naw, it’s a conspiracy. If you drop two objects at the same time, they hit at the same time. That’s because the earth also moves to meet them both at the same time. But if you drop them at different times, the earth reacts at different rates, and you’ll get different results. Amazing but true! Scientists hate this!
Science has disproved that.
i don’t think you went to school
I did. And I took all the science classes and aced them all. But it’s been like a decade so some things have faded. But I am technically correct, which is the best and only kind of correct that matters.
It is also the kind of correct best suited to making someone sound like a douche.
I end up sounding like a douche anyway.
Heavier parachute does *not* fall faster than a lighter iron nail.
It does if it’s in its pack and the nail tumbles as it falls…
Heavier objects, like anvils, fall slower than lighter objects, such as coyotes, so that after the lighter object has hit the ground, the anvil can fall on them.
Since the Dumbiverse is a cartoon world, this is entirely plausible.
Especially since Billie likes being on top. 😀
Walky finishes with: “Hey, Billie, comeuppance see me some time.”
*Ba-dum tish!*
Just how low will Billie sink?
As low as it takes to get Amazi-girl laid.
A Billie/Amazi-Girl ship? But will Ruth approve?
1:3 odds that Ruth joins in. Would you take those odds?
I would like to but knowing Willis, those odds are way bigger.
Way I see it:
25% chance Ruth feels defeated and leaves school and ends up with Roz somehow
25% Ruth ends up trying it out but refuses to share Billie. Billie leaves Amazi-girl to make lesbian babies with Ruth and Amazi-girl ends up with Walky somehow
25% Ruth finds herself attracted to both girls and a miracle happens and we get an awesome baby with attributes from all 3 moms.
20% Amazi-girl disappears, never to be seen again. Ruth comforts Billie and then drink each other silly over a long life of love together
5% Billie/Amazi-Girl/Ruth/Dina (Perfect ending)
You should share that crack.
Perfect ending?
What are we doing here, playing a relationship sim?
If so, I’ve been doing it wrong the whole time.
Are you trying to initiate a new cast orgy? And no, that is not going to die anytime soon.
Wait, isn’t Ruth already joined in, what with being Amazi-Girl and all?
“Amazi-Girl STRAIGHT!”
But is she only pawn in game of life?
Never stopped shippers before.
Won’t stop shippers this time.
Never will stop shippers.
Is Amazi-girl straight in this universe?
Nah! don’t care…still gonna ship her with Joyce.
Sh, I’m shipping.
WHat? I know the canon! I just like my way better is all 🙁
Ouch, second choice to Walky. Harsh! I’d feel like it’s time for dramatic rage hands too.
Billie…join the club.
Are there any popular people in the club?! No…I suppose there wouldn’t be, would there…
Well, if you count those who were popular.
As predicted.
Thats quite a burn
But we don’t need to give her some ice because Walky is *cold*.
Everyone just Chill. It’s gonna be fine!
Don’t worry. We’re cool.
And Billie’s totally HOT.
Well she definitely “warmed” my heart!
And Sal is SMOKING hot.
Yeah yeah. Snow problem.
Oh God. Um….. TEMPERATURE PUN! Crap, I panicked.
Don’t sweat it, Carlos. I’m only lukewarm to all these puns.
I love Billie but she kinda deserves this. Also, just LOOK at her face in panel 5!
That rage quit face sells very well
I remember how Billie reacted when she realized that Joyce was her best friend at college. Realizing that Walky is #2, and that she likes him more than he likes her, might be the revelation that finally drives her mad.
She’ll then kidnap Danny because he also put someone else above her and then Amazi-Girl will have her first villain.
Danny would be the worst Damsel in distress.
I believe you mean …DANsel in distress.
Nah, it’s perfect. He’s already resigned to being the “Lois Lane” in this relationship, so he’s just fulfilling all the duties.
Also, having two hot girls inexplicably fight over him is something of a tradition. First it was Joyce and Sal, then Sal and Billie, now Billie and Amazi-Girl.
If you want to get metaphorical, you could claim Amazi-Girl and Amber as well.
“Amber is doing battle with herself.”
“It seems awfully subtle for a comic strip. How is the artist expressing this conflict?”
“The one in the cape kicks and punches.”
(Apologies to Shaenon Garrity.)
Does this battle lead to hatefucking?
Selfcest is a hit or miss affair. About half the time it is good, and when it is there’s nothing better. The other half of the time, it’s utterly cringe-worthy and makes you want to shoot the author.
Amber/Amazi-Girl is a great ship.
He isn’t resigned, it’s his fantasy to be the Lois Lane.
He shows enough lack of awareness and has enough helplessness to be a Lois Lane.
Damn. Someone get Billie some aloe.
I wish I had a girlfriend that I could go to lunch with me and Billie. Or just to ditch Billie and make out, whatevs…
Also, it seems like she’s dressing less conservatively every day.
She’s trying to corrupt Joyce.
It’s working. Joyce is slowly contracting cleavage. But she hasn’t developed full-blown Low Cut shirts, so there’s still time.
Soon Joyce will be a member of Dorothy’s harem.
She’s already the PRESIDENT of it.
First Lady.
Does IU have a clocktower, cos Billie might be finding a use for it very soon.
She will meet a pack of time displaced Gargoyles and form a crime fighting team with them.
Either that, or three Gargoyles named Victor, Hugo, and Laverne!
You know whats funny, at the begining of all this Billie did everything in her power to avoid Walky in order to get a social life e with lots of friends wit out him in it, but the only reason she has friends is because of walky having more of a social life than her. His family is even buddy buddy with the dean.
Irony 😀
Third and Fourth panels showcase Billie’s rack perfectly. Oh, and there’s a good punchline or something.
Yes. Billie’s rack looks GREAT in the 3rd panel. But not just anyone can see it. You have to BELIEVE it’s there!
Billie’s large blue box also looks good in panel 3, but the real showcase is panel 1.
(What is that thing, anyway?)
Man, this is almost enough to make me feel bad for Billie. My goodness, Walky, what have you done?
Billie you will do…I guess!
Poor Billie, always 2nd best.
3rd best according to the polls.
You unlock this door with a key of desperation.
Oh no, the guy you’ve gone out of your way not to reconnect with doesn’t really want to spend time with you when he can spend time with people that actually like him. Shocking.
Walky has very little emotional depth. Dorothy has very little to emotionally commit. It works.
Now to prove that Dorothy means about as much to Walky as the upcoming Monkey Master final season episode “Ozy-ape-dias”
First time commenter just to say, I so want a t-shirt with Billie’s expression in the last panel.
I second this
Right now, Walky is probably my least favorite out of all the main characters. He is such a dumbass! He has no idea how he offends everyone around him and is an inconsiderate jerk to pretty much everyone except Dorothy.
Honestly, the only character who pisses me off more typically is Danny.
I know, him and Billie are practically made for each other!
Actually, while I like Walky and look down on Danny, they aren’t so different.
However, Walky on his own asks nothing of others, while Danny’s fantasy was to sit back and have Dorothy take care of him. Walky just wants to left to his devices.
Walky hasn’t been a jerk to Sal, that was all stuff with mom he wasn’t aware of.
Billie deserves it, since this is exactly how she treats people.
Joyce was fair game when she said she came to college to hunt for a husband. Even thought it was romantic.
If that’s what she wants to do, fine, but husband hunting isn’t at all romantic.
Who else has he actually been offensive to?
Yeah. It’s not like Billie’s been a saint to him this entire time. I’d say he’s justified to be wary of her invite.
Walky deliberately brings up Sal’s crimes whenever he wants to “win” at something with her. Even if it isn’t deliberate (though it probably is), it’s cruel and no surprise that Sal doesn’t care to get too close.
Just a quick question for Willis and comment on Dorothy: does she actually know what she’s doing here? Like, I know she wants to become President of the United States. Does she have any idea of what the academic careers of past presidents looked like? Does she believe that “President” is synonymous with “Polymath”? Does the in-universe President have to get all As in every class’s field? Why is she taking a Physics course? What’s her major?
I guess what I’m trying to ask is: is Dorothy’s workaholic personality a mask for her complete lack of direction in life?
I think she’s just trying to do well in challenging classes to make her transfer application more attractive to whichever Ivy she’s gunning for.
But it would make more sense to take pre-requisites at the cheaper college and classes in her major at the expensive one.
Or take classes for her major.
She’s all over the place. Women’s studies, logic, and physics? Plus writing for the school paper. That’s almost dart board randomness.
Doing poli-sci for pre-law makes more sense. Something in public policy or international politics.
But the classes give the appearance of being difficult enough for her 24/7 studying.
It’s called General Ed requirements. I’ve taken all of these at one point, or am planning to.
Yep. Or “core courses” or “distribution requirements.” I had to take a science course kinda over my own dead body. But I didn’t take PHYSICS! That’s what makes Dorothy *Dorothy.*. 😀
Physics is just math.
I find that weird. Most schools in Canada don’t require that – take whatever pleases you, though if you know what you want to major in by first year, most people take the prerequisites in first year. As a biology major, I took biology, chemistry and calculus as my prereqs in first year. Physics and psychology are recommended, but as I didn’t want to be a doctor or do physiology, I didn’t take either. For electives I could take any first year course, and I did English and geography.
Someone in social sciences who doesn’t have a set major in mind might have taken sociology, history, philosophy, English and classics, for instance. No one has to take English unless you’re in English, or physics unless you’re in physics (and maybe chemistry).
It really isn’t general ed requirements. Not with Logic and Physics.
You do need a math and science class, but that far exceeds what any institution requires for non-math/science class.
General education just requires some 100 level electives and some other electives within a specified area. Those aren’t it.
It’s not required per se, but they do fit the requirements. My fault for not being specific enough.
When I academically advised first semester first years, I think the four classes we were to advise them to take were: 1) a class in a subject that interests you, 2) a class that builds on something you took and liked in high school, 3) an entry level class for something you might want to major in, 4) a writing intensive class/freshman seminar. (And we advised them to join a club or two to meet people.)
For a first semester freshman, her class selection seems pretty normal to me. Two 101’s (physics 1 and gender studies), logic MAY be a 200, and then whatever her 4th class is. Her problem is either that she takes very long to study, or she is just studying way harder than necessary.
Or she has a fifth (and maybe sixth) class. Some people like packing it in.
I think she’s still operating on the naïve delusion that intelligence and academic achievement are what get you places in life, that if you just study hard enough and get good enough grades, inevitably you’ll earn your way into the Oval Office. Instead of, y’know, working 39 hours a week at a minimum-wage job with no benefits to try to pay off your student loans and getting rejected from any job in your actual field while the guy who got straight Ds in his legacy slot at Yale and bought his way into the White House with daddy’s money and connections repeals your health care and bans your birth control.
It’s a pretty common myth. They spend years beating it into us in school.
She may plan of getting a job that pays more than minimum wage first.
It does happen.
Your bitterness aside, I’ve seen a bunch of people who got good grades that had absolutely no flexibility in real life. I certainly don’t remember my grades ever being a factor.
Grades are great to show you have some academic skills, but school isn’t real life.
Okay, not that I disagree with you, but I’ve found a flaw.
That second paragraph is actually a single sentence, and the run-on bothers my English-major sensibilities. I’d hate for someone who is right to use the language improperly.
That’s not a run-on sentence! Kind of long by some measures maybe, but not run-on. It’s actually very nicely constructed.
Actually, it’s a fragment, not a run-on. It doesn’t have an independent clause at all, as opposed to too many of them.
I think maybe you were talking to mechaqua, below?
To be fair i would prefer my president to be familiar with physics
Also most presidents tend to be lawyers, but there are farmers career soldiers and business owners and Hoover was an engineer and Wilson was a political scientist there are some reps and senators who are scientists and doctors
Also nearly all colleges require you to take a hard science course(physics geology biology chemistry) Perhaps Dorothy just likes learning about physics
And its logical to take a logic course given Dorothy’s ambition
Those required classes are 101 intro courses that are impossible to fail.
For Dorothy, anything less than an A is failing.
I am *NOT* an English major and even my teeth are on edge after reading mechaqua’s post.
It comes from the grammatical standards set by the Internet and its Grammar Nazi patrols. You need not worry about how such behavior is possibly out of character, as you are only responding to conditioning.
I’d like a mathematician president personally, but it’s hard enough getting us to talk to people, let alone run for office.
All Billie wants is for people to fall over themselves talking to her in order to validate her existence. Is that too much to ask?
YES! 😛
Seconded. They’re supposed to be falling over themselves to talk to ME!
Good Question Rani. Seems like choosing a presidential track would involve lots of law and poly sci. And a couple language and business management classes wouldn’t hurt either. Lots of presidents were lawyers…hummm that may be answer to a lot of current problems, not that I think on it.
Good assessment earlier in thread; Walky has little emotional depth and Dorothy has little to give: so yeah good fit.
I know that Billie is getting her own back, and Walky just getting a bit of satisfactional payback-if he is even thinking about that. Walky is a mover, not a thinker.
Billie has the possibility of a good thing going with Ruth, Joyce for a friend who is a weirdo yes, but consistent, and her classes. Seems like she has a base, if she’d just stop chasing her own tail.
That weight thing: drop a pound of feathers and a pound of bricks, off the top of a building, at the same time.
They both hit the ground at the same time as they both weight the same.
However, it is the mass that counts here, not the ‘weight’.
Which one you want to hit you in the head? The feathers, or the brick?
A pound of feathers and a pound of bricks have the same mass and weight on Earth. Weight is a result of gravity’s pull on a given mass. We agree they have the same mass, so if they’re both on Earth, they have the same weight as well. Their densities differ, and that’s why I’d pick the bag of feathers every time.
The well known formula F=ma begins to explain why: if force is equal to mass x acceleration, and the two bags have the same mass (they do) and acceleration (gravity pulls them both the same because the have the same mass), then the resultant force of the two bags is equal!
The pressure formula clears it all up, though.
Pressure is equal to the given force divided by the area of contact. So the 1lb bag of bricks, being much more dense than the 1lb bag of feathers, has a smaller area to distribute that force, resulting in greater pressure over the area where the bricks contact you… Which means more likelihood of pain and injury.
Would packaging make a difference? If you have two identical boxes, one of which contains your bricks, and one of which contains your feathers (presumably pretty tightly packed, that or your bricks are sliding around), and you dropped those boxes, would it matter which hit you?
This starts getting into a lot more complex portions of physics/engineering than I actually know the equations for, but I believe it depends on the sturdiness of the packaging and how it distributes the force. That said, if we assume a packages that are the same size, and evenly distribute the force is both cases, then yes, they would both hurt you the same amount.
More importantly, since they’re less dense, the feathers have a greater surface area for the same mass, which means more friction with the air, so, despite the same gravitational force acting on them, they do actually fall more slowly, because there’s more frictive force countering the force of gravity, and so the net force acting on the feathers is less. In the case of feathers, which have evolved specifically for very large surface area for their mass, much more slowly.
The feathers will hurt less when they hit, not because of pressure, but because they’re moving much more slowly, so the kinetic energy (mass (which is the same) times velocity (much lower) squared) they deliver on impact will be much less.
Feathers are also softer than bricks, so, even in a vacuum where they fall at the same speed, it’s better to get hit with the feathers, because, though the kinetic energy of the collision is the same, more of that energy will go to deforming the feather rather than deforming your skull.
If you put them in identical packages, that irons out the differences in exposed surface area and behaviour in a collision, because you’re now looking at the packages’ characteristics rather than the contents’, so it matters very little whether the package is weighted with a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks.
Then there’s buoyancy. If you drop a pound of feathers, a pound of bricks, and a pound of helium (put it in a balloon to keep it together), the feathers fall slowly, the bricks fall quickly, and the helium falls up…
Aw, come on, Dorothy. Not even a little peck on the left or right (ass-)cheek with that rushed leave? That seemed a bit cold and overly evasive. °O
they just friggin’ made out so hard they fell friggin’ over, man, like two seconds ago
But did she make out with his ass?
I think NAUGHT, good sir.
Step it up, Willis!
Walky IS an ass. Does that count?
A kiss and a hug is making out? Wow, times (or terminology) have changed.
We didn’t see what was happening in panel 4 of the previous comic, so you never know; Dorothy could easily be pregnant now.
Sure, but what has she done for him lately?
Walky is Danning it up? How is this possible?
Eventually every character in the comic will have dan’ed it up!!!
Yes, even Mike!
Billie’s done with your crap, Walky.
Heh. That last panel Billie. Tempting Gravitar.
Too tempting, as it turns out.
That was a pretty good movie. I was giggling the whole time South Park did a riff on it.
If she’s off to a freshman-level logic class at Indiana University, that means she’s likely off to see one of my favourite professors ever. 🙂
Does Leslie teach Gender Studies at your IU, too?
Hee, I hadn’t taken into account that break in verisimilitude. I was just happy to see a reference to a class I actually took there.
Walky is a jerk. That about sums up this comic, yeah?
If I were Billie, I’d just walk away to show exactly what I thought about his actions. But I think I have more confidence than her…..
He’s just treating her the way she treated him.
I see where this is going! “Dropped my Amazi-girl reporting”
“Jennifer Y. Billingsworth, back on the case!”?
Do we get to guess what the “Y” stands for? I say it’s Yvonne.
Y not?
(No, really, it’s “Yunru”. Willis says in the comments for that strip.)
Wait, she has to study for a logic class? It must be way different from the logic class I attended. (Though to be fair, there were other people in that class that didn’t “get” things like ‘and’ and ‘not’, which work exactly like they do in English. Their confusion made the class one of the more surreal experiences of my life, but if Dorothy’s one of them…)
In logic, “I am not female and black” could be said by all four of the republican and democrat presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the 2008 US election, but in English it should only be said McCain and Biden.
ha, downgraded to backup plan, poor Billie’s ego…
Following Billie slowly falling off her high cheerleader tower has been my favorite story thread in DoA. From the start. 🙂
So funny, ah delicious just deserts and irony.
Is Logic and Physics one course or two?
(you can tell I went to a liberal arts school, huh?)
They are separate classes here.
I see the future of this relationship, and it’s uncertain.
Everyone saw this coming…. 😛
I hate how everyone overeats when Danny does something silly or dumb but when Billie is mean and spiteful everyone is fine with that! A perfect example of double standard right there. I am glad she has a taste of her own medicine.
Man, no wonder our obesity rates are climbing.
Haha, nice–it actually took me a second to realize that’s supposed to be “overreacts”
I assumed it was supposed to be “overheats”…
Billie’s been chugging her own medicine like cough syrup’s her only source of alcohol for pretty much the entire comic. That’s why she’s hilarious.
Billie thinks to herself “I just met me.”
Sad part is, no, she doesn’t. Lots of people don’t recognize themselves in other people doing unto them as they did to other people.
This, but also, wanting to spend more time with your lover than with your friend is emphatically not the same thing as treating your friend like crap because he isn’t ‘cool’.
I don’t know what happen but yesterday I found this comic and i finished by today…. i love it !!! maybe cause i’m a college freshmen too and i relate but, keep up the good work and write more!!!!
Great page
This is comment is probably a hundred times late, but please remind me when was Dorothy introduced back in the Walkiverse?
I think it was during Joyce and Walky, which happened after It’s Walky on a pay-per-month basis. Or something.
Okay, I’m confused: what is Dorothy sorry for?
Stop stealing my lines!