Tomorrow (Wednesday) Dumbing of Age Book 2 will be available on Comixology!
And this weekend I’m still coming to see you folks in Austin at Webcomic Rampage!
Tomorrow (Wednesday) Dumbing of Age Book 2 will be available on Comixology!
And this weekend I’m still coming to see you folks in Austin at Webcomic Rampage!
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Smoochy smoochy
Spinny Spinny
Groundy groundy
Slippy Slippy
Wheehee Heehee
Ermahgerd, so adorable.
This is Accurate.
Raise your hands if you’ve done this.
What if we wish we had?
I hereby wish upon you the gift of having this this totally happen to you soon.
Why thank you!
If by “this”, you mean awkwardly third wheel in the background behind two madly in love friends, then yes, I have.
^ Yup, mark me down for that.
*raises hand*
Been on both sides, personally.
;_; I didn’t even think of that…I was being optimistic. D:
This is how my high school girlfriend and I would greet each other when we passed in the halls between classes.
The rule against PDAs may have been due to hazards to passers-by, come to think of it.
Raises hand like a boss.
Thanks for making me feel Forever Alone, guys…
You’re welcome! ^_^
You’re not alone! Well, maybe you are, but we’re united in our loneliness.
I’m right there with ya! 🙁
And without falling down!
Actually, I suppose I’ve done this with hugging before. I only wish it’d been with a significant othe–actually that’s a silly term, of course it was with someone significant. I wish it was with a GIRLFRIENDyperson.
And then they banged.
into the floor.
no, just cuddling…
X-TREEM, eh?
Looks like Billie’s outfit ain’t the only thing that’s too 90’s around here…
You haven’t gone “too 90’s” until you’re referencing that decade’s worst pop songs whilst wearing a denim jacket wherein the pockets are loaded with N64 cartridges.
You just gave me something stupid to do this winter break
Glad I could help (?).
I don’t recognize that version of xtree.
I wonder if they’ll break some walls.
Just hope for Dotty’s sake that this will be the only kind of ‘accident’ she has with Walky.
They’ll crash into a truck at full speed.
A-HA! Willis said no one would be hit by a truck in this comic! He said nothing about the truck being hit by them!
Their babies would be adorable.
But can you imagine Walky as the ‘First Gentleman’ in the White House?
“First Gentleman Launches ’50 pc. Chicken Nugget Boxes for All Citizens’ program.”
And to deal with all the cholesterol/fat based health issues as a result of Walky’s program, Dotty will initiate KEENERCARE.
And the Internet rose up in once voice, and together they said…
I’m still rooting for First Lady Joyce Keener.
I for one would love to see a Joyce Brown VS Sarah Palin debate.
My head is exploding…
I’m not sure it’d be a debate. They’d just keep agreeing on everything.
Since Joyce more or less represents what you were when you were younger, you would have been a Sarah Palin fanboy if she was around in the 90s??
Unreservedly. I was a Rush Limbaugh fan and he wasn’t even hot.
I first heard of/saw Rush Limbaugh on the Donahue show back in the 80s when as far as I was concerned, kicked Donahue’s ass.
These days, I’m less than impressed with him these days though.
In a choice between Hannity, Rush, and Savage Nation, I would choose Savage, just because he dislikes everyone equally. I was once stuck in an area where I could only get Fox News Radio during an election year. Savage was one of the few gasps of sanity during that time.
I’m a moderate btw.
Michael Savage is a misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic birther who tells “sodomites” to “get AIDS and die.” Suffice it to say, “sanity” has a wildly different definition where I come from.
American politics…
Man, between this and the new QC, I’ve had my fill of adorable webcomic couples. SO MUCH SQUEE.
What is this magical QC you speak of? I would like to give it a look
You can find it at . Updates daily Monday through Friday.
Keep in mind its been going for like ten years so you’ve got a ~2600 strip backlog and about three artstyle changes to go through.
way more changes than that. And the crazy thing is, they’re actually pretty subtle individually, so you don’t really notice while you’re reading. Then, when you look back at the early ones, it just blows your mind.
The same thing happens in Shortpacked.
I looked back and didn’t recognize Hannelore on her first appearance.
I can handle it I on average complete a 1500 page comic every 2 days. If yiou guys have any other suggestions I would love to hear em
Don’t forget Gunnerkrigg.
Nice choice!
Heh. ” Paz…Nice choice!!”
And the look on Kat’s face? Priceless!
But who’s cuter together…Dorothy and Walky or Paz and Kat??
They are both quite the pair.
At the risk of being too pervy, it’s Renard’s “sniff sniff” first, before saying “Paz’ that make the joke.
The reminder that his nose will ALWAYS know what Kat’s been doing.
If you don’t want Rey to know who you’ve been doing, shower and change clothes before you talk to him.
The question is, is that worth not being able to smell your S.O. on your hands and clothes for the rest of the day yourself?
If getting rid of the scent of Paz then it is not worth it. I mean Kat even said blowing her stuff up was worth Paz.
Both are great but we don’t really know much about Paz so I choose Walky x Dorothy
I don’t know. Rey’s being kind of “warning, she might be backwater”, and I seriously hope Annie isn’t.
Annie is less prejudiced than anyone I’ve ever seen. I expect homophobia will be one of the easier fears for her to overcome, if she hasn’t already.
*let’s make DoA the Gunnerkrigg comment section*
Gunnerkrigg comment section? I’m fine with that! The actual Gunnerkrigg comment section might be okay for letting Tom know what you think, but it’s kind of lousy for carrying on a conversation.
Anyway, I think potential homophobia will be the least of Annie’s problems. Like you said, she’s remarkably accepting of unfamilar people, ideas, and situations. However, the one thing she’s REALLY bad at is sorting out her own feelings. If she’s afraid of becoming less important to her best friend (sort of like Joyce gets over Dorothy here) she’ll just withdraw like she did when she got her dad’s letter, (and like she behaved at the beginning of the story, for that matter) and will never, ever admit that she’s even having a problem long enough for Kat to reassure her.
The thing is, I can’t imagine where Annie would have picked up homophobia. She spent her childhood wandering around a hospital, basically only in contact with her mother (and psychopomps). If anything, she would be unfamiliar with same sex relationships, and perhaps made uncomfortable by them, but not bigoted.
It comes naturally to fear the Other, and categorize them as less than human. Pretty much what Reynard said just then. Only he left out that people can easily learn to go against those instincts and behave decently, when we figure out it’s in our best interests.
Annie… does not strike me as someone given to fearing the Other. Basil, Mort, Shadow, Robot, Renard, Muut and the other psychopomps, whateverthehell Zimmy is, Coyote, Ysengrin… Annie herself is part fire elemental… if Kat likes smooching Paz, that makes her about the most normal being Annie knows.
Having seen some weirdness don’t mean a thing that moment when you have your ingrained ideas about boys and girls all shook up, with no warning, by someone you’ve bunked with for years no less.
Although come to think of it I seem to recall Kat and Annie dealing with rumors about themselves with no fuss, and all that brain stuff with Zimmy and Gamma may very well have given her an uncanny insight in the workings of homosexuality. So I’m changing my guess to “How could you keep this from me”-panic.
It’s not just that she’s encountered weirdness, but that she’s totally unfazed by it. She makes friends with psychopomps and robots and mythological beings without a second thought, because she just treats them like they’re perfectly ordinary. She runs into a ghost, she’s all, “Oh, you’re dead? How’s that working out for you? Yes, yes, that was very scary. Well done.”
On the other hand, she seems to have problems interacting with normal people, and particularly seems to have issues with sexuality. In general, not just the orientation question. It may be that this is just too normal for her. Infestation of etheric spiders? Got it handled! Some guy hitting on her? Uh… so… uh, what’s my line here? Vengeful ghost-sacrifice trapped in the river? On it! Best friend getting with someone who isn’t changing into a bird or anything? Um… run away!
Or it may just be that she doesn’t want to end up in Joyce’s position, with her best friend spending all of her free time making out with someone else. With the possibility of extra jealousy because she wants to be the one making out with her friend not entirely ruled out.
(I never thought I’d end up comparing Antimony and Joyce.)
Both of Annie’s parents were Court alumni (for lack of a better word). OTOH, both of them left the Court… On the other (other) hand, they (or at least Anthony) sent Annie back to the Court, suggesting that they must not have had a fundamental disagreement…
Until we get some more info, it’s really difficult to sort out just what’s going on here.
I should probably check back here more often. All I have to say is that I’m ok with whatever happens so long as it doesn’t make the story unreadable. That goes for all webcomics I read.
I just read the new QC too. Here’s how my reaction went:
Panel 1: Oh my god… they’re gonna make out
Panel 2: Oh my god they’re gonna make out!!
Panel 4: eeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I’d just been browsing old archived strips and was at the part where those two hate each other, so it took me a minute to register what was going on. Once i did, though, it took all of my self control not to jump up and down clapping.
I’d discuss this more but I feel as if Willis would rather us discuss HIS squeetastic strip instead of his ol’ buddy Jeph’s.
Panel 1 – Making Out
Panel 2 – Really into it
Panel 3 – Whoops, slipped a gear, still trying to stay in the game
Panel 4 – Panel 3 just made it cuter. Get the hose.
At least Kat got sniffed in private. Just ask Parley and Smit what real embarrassment is.
If I remember right her teleportational powers are linked to where she emotionally be….and she ends up on his bed in his dorm room.
Yea that would suck.
I came here specifically to say that!!! Willis and Jeph must have collaborated.
Humph. That reply ended up in the wrong place. Supposed to go for the remark about this and QC both having adorable couples kissing.
Nah, it’s in the right place. The nesting is just sometimes not all that clear.
By day he’s a mild mannered web cartoonist by the name of David Willis, but by night an AMAZING transformation occurs: For he is Jeff Jacques! A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT mild mannered cartoonist.
damnit guys, you’re supposed to kiss while the camera spins around you. Not the other way round.
Right — and then the background fades to black and it’s just you and him/her. See the final scene of “Knight’s Tale”.
A makeout whirlwind.
Helen hunt and Bill Paxton hold on for dear life within the twister.
Walky and Dorothy destroy the school while macking out with their speed.
Ten feet away, Sal curses as she discovers the treachery of Rainbow Road.
I first read this as “Rainbow Dash” and got confused. I think I need to join my local Bronies Anonymous.
Is that a real group? Because I know several people who could stand an intervention.
I know I could, and I’m not even that bad.
Granted st first glance I saw the same thing he did.
I think if Sal ever became a My Little Pony fan, the universe as we know it would implode.
She already bases her speaking patterns on Applejack.
And she has a Cutie Mark. Oh sure, she claims it’s a tattoo…
I am a Brony…and that’s good!
Ugh burn it all down
Ponies are friends, not food.
…Wait a second, wrong help group.
David Willis goes on Slipshine?
This comic gave me dabeetus.
That swap is making me picture Wilford Brimley doing a commercial for the Spanish Inquisition Care Club. Thanks for that.
Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear.
And big friggin’ axes.
And insulin.
. . . i will come in again.
Look on the bright side, Billie! At least they didn’t land on you.
Billie had just barely scrambled to her feet and out of harm’s way when they came crashing down in the very spot she’d vacated! I think there needs to be a sign there: Slippery when…
I’m not sure that Billie isn’t unhappy that they didn’t land on her.
“One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do”.
She didn’t really look away until panel 4.
“I’m not sure that Billie isn’t unhappy that they didn’t land on her.”
What is that, a quadruple-negative?
It’s a triple negative plus a negative.
It comes out “I’m sure Billie is unhappy that they didn’t land on her”.
Only because of separate phrases. As a quadruple negative, it supposes something that didn’t happen.
“I’m sure Billie is happy they landed on her”.
Of course the hypothetical is implied in the opening phrase, I suppose it could be
“Billie would be happy if they landed on her”.
If you allow re-wording. But I prefer the triple negative plus negative.
I’m not sure having to watch your friends make out is improved by having to do it at close range with broken ribs.
What’s that Billie? Feeling lonely? I’m sure there’s a certain redhead you can go make out with if you want to feel better.
She would probably taste the alcohol on her breath, ending that kiss badly.
Or making it even deeper for a few minutes.
I have been hearing stuff like this a lot. Do we know that Billie is sneaking drinks or is this just a popular theory?
We know, based on this:
The picture of Joyce in that panel is just too cute for words.
Assuming she’s not just chugging some Coke to mess with us.
Some Mentos will fix that.
Actually, the best method is Hawaiian Sweet Rolls, as they absorb and negate the smell of most things that can be on your breath. It’s to the point where, in my family at least, nothing is more suspicious than eating more than two rolls.
See in my family it’s weird if you only eat two rolls… we sorta love Hawaiian sweet rolls.
Oh, indeed, as do I.
However, when someone obviously drunk off their ass passes a breathalyzer with an alcohol percentage below .002, you begin to realize the danger potential.
It doesn’t work that way. Alcohol concentration is an absolute. Tolerance to alcohol is not. So if you were not drunk off your ass but still could blow .170, *THERE’S* your sign that you’re heading into dangerous territory.
That’s just the thing. These damned rolls seem designed to absorb anything. I’d use ’em as sponges if they could take the strain. You could spend the whole day chewing on a clove of garlic, pop a few rolls in your mouth, and your significant other could kiss you without noticing a damned thing.
It fools breathalyzers.
That should be something they should test on Mythbusters.
Incidentally, they are the best kind of bread to make French Toast from.
The editor of the school paper too.
Or Joe if he isn’t distracted by a higher rated woman.
Joe is always available in those circumstances.
Roz. Roz is open minded.
Joyce, when she is staring into Billie’s chest again.
Dorothy has the face of a champion.
You spin me right ’round, baby. Right ’round like a record, baby. Right ’round, ‘ round, ’round!
Willis, stop trying to butter us up, we know you have something terrible planned.
Err… that was supposed to say “upvoted”
Damn it.
now it just looks like two twins, one of which is to nervous to say anything.
Well Danny is in the lobby, as is Sal. Big room, only 5 people in it that we can see.
Big blow-up potential. Sal angry at Walky as a substitute for Mom issues. Danny seeing ex so happy.
Is he a bigger person than that, especially while he thinks he is with his love in civvies? Not from what we’ve seen.
Danny has already seen the Dorky ship in action, up close, when Dorothy barreled it into his bedroom to take his shoes. And he’s given no indication that he’d ever want to have anything to do with Dorothy when Amazi-girl’s right there – if anything he’d try to edge away, before Joe walks up and says that Dorothy and Sal are clones.
But who knows, Danny has surprised me before. Maybe he will do something so out-of-character as choose frowning at Dorothy over schmoozing up to his girl.
Jealousy is a funny thing.
That is frakkin adorable.
She’s thinking of updating her policy on second chances.
This was supposed to be a reply. Bugger.
Billie, I know how that feels.
Did this comic just become 9 Chickweed Lane?
I was thinking more Arlo and Janis
Goofy goofy love, and man I bet Billie feels like the third wheel here
Moreso as she develops a spare-tire from all those hi-carb drinks she sneaks in.
Dorothy’s face in panel 3: I’m regretting this decision.
Nope, both in kissy-face mode. Just both off target because of spinning, but still trying to kiss.
My proof is panel 4, she’s either the one who snorted or going “hee hee”.
Centripetal acceleration is a harsh mistress.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you our future president and her husband. Best and brightest of the next generation, god help us all.
God help us all? I think they are cute.
They are, but their cuteness in this scene evolves directly from their attempt to do the whole “slowmo kiss and twirl (TM)” thing from the movies, and totally cocking it up. Thus I am going to make fun of them for it.
Vote Cthlulu. Choose the Greater Evil.
Vote Insano!
At least he’s honest!
So freaking cute.
You leave Lickitung out of this.
“Pokeball! GO!”
You are not taking my Lickitung. I choose you, Takuma. *a Primeape appears*
Oh, you’ve done it now.
*watches with a bowl of crystallized pineapple*
Takuma, Fury Swipes!
It’s been, what, 48 hours since they last saw each other? Wow. Oxytocin city!
Actually, I think it’s only been something like sixteen.
I’m pretty sure if I were witnessing it personally, the prude in me would be most distressed.
But they’re adorable.
I’d figure she’d be fine with other people kissing, other than the fact it’s Dorothy and Walky doing it. Of course we can’t see what they’re actually starting to do in panel 4, so you may have a point.
Am I wrong or did Walky and Dotty just do an Urkel laugh?
Hee hee SNORT!
That’s a Frido laugh. Frido is a black half-shetty. I know one should not anthropomorphize animals, but it’s hard to avoid the impression that this beast has a sense of humor.
There was a pedestal on the riding place, truck tire with a wooden plate on top and tar mat on it. Frido likes high places (he has a stepping stone in his stable just so that he can look better). Sometimes he diverts his route and jumps on the pedestal, not rarely losing the rider in the process.
Now the wood was moldy and the pedestal no longer to be used by the horses, just for mounting. You can imagine what ultimately crashed it. So the debris was moved from the tire and to the side.
Soon afterwards, he diverts course again and proudly stands on a piece of leftover tar mat.
At any rate, “SNORT”. He is a big snorter (he does not use his voice for months on end). So I am at his stable box, making fun at him by doing a mock snort in his direction. He takes a short look at me, then does a monster snort all over my face and gets back to his hay without skipping a beat, the laugh being on me.
Why don’t we see her Kraft Dinner shirt? 🙁
That was super sexy…
I think the button-front unbuttoned to below her sternum is pretty sexy, too.
“Take it to Slipshine you two”
Hmmm, foreshadowing?
David Willis to draw porn on slipshine. Confirmed! ;D
😉 I mean!
Reporting from the future to praise your wisdom, Keroshino.
That is hilarious and adorable at the same time =D
Fuuuuck their happiness.
Ok, who wants to take bets on what terrible thing happens soon to balance this out?
A: Billie bangs (Joe/Mike/Jacob), Ruth finds out and goes back to booze. Odds: 1 in 5
B: Mike reveals supervillain persona, breaks Amazi-Girls back. Odds: 1 in 10
C: Joyce gets fed up with everything, straps a bomb to Dina. Odds: 1 in 1000
D: Danny dannys so hard, he dannys the entire multiverse. Odds: 1 in 1.5
The answer is always D.
I have already prepared for each of these eventualities.
And I have a Xanatos gambit in place, so no matter what happens I stamd triumphantly with food, wealth and amazing people.
Your only problem is that only one out of those three things are amazing. Real prepared people have everything lined up to be amazing.
In regards to the alt-text :
The Walkyverse is strong with these two.
Any one else getting that vibe?
Hey amber, nice o-soto-gari!
Amber? Don’t you mean Dorothy?
Happiness is a nice thing.
Sara Palin was around in the 90’s. She was going to 1 of her 5 different colleges, opps make that 4. Seems the University can’t find any record of her going to school in Hawaii as she claimed.
Oh well, she’s got a great bod, no brains, but that bod is worth a vote, right!
But can she shoot a wolf with a rocket launcher while jetpack-snowboarding in a bikini out of a helicopter flown by her lesbian?
I bet Sarah Palin doesn’t even have a lesbian.
Once again, Billie left looking to the side, disgruntled as another interesting person / ship-fodder prefers to hang out with someone else.
Gravity’s a b*. 🙂
Gravity — it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law!
So sweet it makes me want to puke (it’s sad when fictional characters makes a person jealous).
Did someone just wax those floors or something
Waxed it with his penis.
is this make-out Tuesday, or WHAT? 🙂
click this one if it’s after Dec 3rd lol
Okay I am still totally rooting for Joyce (I just can’t let that go, lol), but that was ADORABLE. XD
Im happy at least someone else is also rooting for Joyce too.
I just played a sad game of Who Am I in This Strip?
Likewise. Thanks, Willis, for scraping scabs off of old wounds.
Billie status: Served into the ground. Literally.
Better than QC’s makeouts.
It’s been so long since Walky and Dorothy have done any relationship-type stuff that this comic totally threw me off.
I forgot they were dating. o_O
Poor Billie, there’s nothing worse than a couple getting graphic in front of you when you’re single.
Unless its multiple couples.
Shouldn’t you be running laps, Potato Girl?
Best alt text to date!
My waitress last night was Billy in disguise!
Disguise was no glasses, uniform and smiley.
It was a brewhouse, that gave it away.
I’ve been in Billie’s position so many times in my life.
I feel for her.
Thank you, mind. You just read that as “I feel her”. What’s wrong with you?
BIllie: Why can’t I do the same with the other Walkerton sibling?
Ruth: ‘Cause she’d throw out her back, tubbo.
So cute!!! Please, more of my straight OTP!!
Obviously you have a straight OTP. God doesn’t cares about gay people!
(in regards to your gravatar)
I give this a +1. Hell, I give it ALL THE +1’s!!!!!!
take it to slipshine you two XDDDD GOLDEN
Hahaha, I linked here from a surprisingly similar Questionable Content strip. I mean, this isn’t at all a rip-off or even the same situation exactly, but the results are the same.
Billie should have claimed that hunk of caramel when she had the chance.
I feel bad for Billie. I like Wall Dot shipping but I think Billie need an anchor in her life and Walky is surprisingly a good man for her. He probably geeky and looks childish but he can be pretty intelligent and rationale sometimes. Billie is a mess here, even handling Ruth she can lapse back to her alcoholism and past.
We should call the Walky/Dorothy ship Waldo instead, so next time they break up we can be all like “Where’s Waldo?”
I’ve been in both Billie and Walkie’s situation with the same girl. Is that weird?
Great page
WHO IS THE MAN IN BLACK? The world may never know.
Damnit, My sudden love for this pairing brought on by this strip is totally clashing against my support for the DorothyxJoyce ship.
Since we know for a fact that Joyce and Walky are compatible, I don’t see why there’s any problem here. It’s DorothyxStudying that’s the conflicting ship.
“Take it to slipshine you two”
Willis, you cheeky bastard.
damn you willis
this is adoraaable.