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Oh god.
“And the mice boys are no longer age appropriate.” – Joyce
Ha, good thing this ain’t Pokemon or Avatar or something, or there’d already be several pages about how this is a shipping hint or not (some fandoms are seriously rabid about that stuff).
Non-canon shipping on DoA is sort of a moot point because of the canon shipping. And canon rule 34.
Well in an alternate universe with aliens, and such being the norm they did get together. Though this is a totally different universe with no such connection.
Ha! I wondered if this was a re-run or a re-boot.
Now I know. Cool.
Actually I thought of that as a possible twist but I didn’t think Wiliis would go there.
By being Willis? Or able to look over his shoulder?
I recall similar plot twists like this on some TV shows but I would be buggered if I can name those show off hand.
How I met your mother kinda does this with Robin having been a short lived teen pop star.
She was also in a Learning TV show set in space that was full of sexual innuendos and she also did another music video…
Sad that the show is almost if not already over, idk i never kept up with it enough
It’s over. Except for the people remixing the ending because they can’t accept what the writers wrote.
You’ve got a typo there. It’s spelled, “because the writers got it wrong”.
I felt the very ending wasn’t great. I was ok with most of the rest of the finale, but yeah
More like the writers desperately doing a 180 turn in a few minutes to match what they wrote (and filmed) years ago.
Kudos for planning so far in advance, but it would have been nice if the inbetween bit match up. Watch the “TheRobin” next to the ending and some characters would seem positively insane.
That said, Sparkles will forever be comedy gold.
Also, in my head cannon, Avengers/SHIELD is set in the same universe. Fury has the Sparkle tapes as leverage if he ever needs it.
P.S. I Love You.
Something Positive did a version of this, when PeeJee met a boy from a kid’s show she remembered watching. Let us hope this goes better.
Oh god yeah, that dude was a bastard.
Sword art online? that was a VERY twist (not so) ending
Just how ironic he said the same line as the kid who says it…:starts clapping slowly and slowly increase in speed:
Walky did talk although he knew about the show when joyce brought it up before.
He seems pretty shocked. I’m guessing he doesn’t remember. Otherwise, I feel like he would have passionately avoided the entire subject.
Either he doesn’t remember or he didn’t realize he ever appeared on camera.
I’m guessing he just doesn’t remember being on it. Before you hit like.. ten, you tend ot gloss over a lot of the weird crap in your childhood. Hell, I was on Bozo’s Circus as a contestant (Fucking bucket four…) and didn’t remember it until my sister pulled the tape out.
Or it could be a repressed memory; pretty understandable…
Bozo’s Circus and Hymmel the Hymnal could both be repressed memories, really.
it could be a lost twin brother that neither he nor his sister remember
Nah, that kid in the video looks nothing like Beef.
That would be a triplet, though??
[or “multiple” to be numerically inspecific]
Yeah I thought the chapter title referred to Joyce instead of Walky
I wish I’d said something yesterday. Because I TOTALLY saw that coming. It was a rare moment of clairvoyance…
For a moment there, I actually thought that it was meant to be a young Sal masquerading as a mouse-boy… xD
Whoa whoa whoa…
Spoiler gravatar is spoiler?
If it is Sal, Joyce has a new BFF! And/or GBF.
(Different acronym than GBF Ethan.)
Called the SHIT out of this!
Walky: “Why… was this not on my IMDb page?! I could have prevented them from seeing it!!”
heartwarming musical entertainment for the whole family
– over fifty hymns to sing or hum along with
– New International or King James Version audio options
– perfect for distracting you from the dark secret you now hold over your neighbor
– ideal for blackmailing your obnoxious “friends” who completely forgot they cameoed as mice boys
What would Joyce have to gain out of blackmailing him anyway, what would she make him do? What doe’s he have that she doesn’t…wait
Oh, come on.
She can stream all of D&MM on Netflix. She doesn’t need his copies.
Or his man-dangle.
I was thinking that AND Dorothy.
I was thinking that AND Dorothy.
At least it’s not sparkly. Or rubber.
omg you did actually, just went back to check lol. You have amazing talents.
LMAO… that last panel is the best. xD
Karma is swift, Walky.
And cruel. And kinda adorable.
And expensive sometimes.
Wonder how much money his parents got for that.
Not enough for the therapy he needs now.
30 dollars?
And Patient
Karma’s got a motherfucking schedule for everyone.
I’m guessing that’s not Walky in the video. If that really is Walky, he would’ve either stopped Dorothy from watching it or got out of the room as fast as he can.
Let’s see, not Walky, looks like Walky. Who as a small child would look like Walky? Almost as if he had a twin…
It’s his twin brother Beef! 😀
Beef Walkington. I see what you did there. ☺
Nope, Walkyverse Beef ‘n’ Sal were swapped at birth. They thought Walky was the runty twin of the pair.
Maybe you saw what Willis did there? o.o
He clearly doesn’t remember. For some reason we are as yet unaware of but which will surely be emotionally traumatic in one way or another, this is DoA after all.
and here we have one of the more than likely predictions based off of the fact that it’s willis we’re talking about here
Well apparently he does at least partially remember because he said the line from the show before it was said in the show.
Hymnal has a special way to make swiss cheese for all the mouse boys.
Now walky and joyce will have something else in common, sexual assault!
Bwa hahahahaha!!
And the title of the storyline makes sense.
More like tweenage, tho?
Hard to tell on a drawing, but to me the kids look between five and ten, at most.
Think it’s gonna turn out this was a long-term part of his life? Like he started at five and didn’t get out of the game until he was seventeen?
He can’t be too old, as he clearly didn’t recognize the show until he saw himself on it. So he was in and out of it before he had a lot of developed memory.
Pooossibly, it was traumatic enough he blocked it out, but I doubt he made it all the way to 17 years of age without remembering ever doing it.
I wouldn’t say “clearly”. There are any number of reasons to be shocked here outside of complete ignorance of ever having been on the show.
I think it’s meant to mean that once a churchmouse, always a churchmouse. It’s not something you can walk away from – there’s video proof, which will come back to haunt you at the most inappropriate times. Like now. Walky is, currently, a teenage churchmouse. And from now on, no one will let him forget it.
He didn’t choose the mouse life..
… wow. Good catch. You’re absolutely right.
We all thought it was Joyce. We were so wrong…
Now that would make for a fun to read plot point and most likely cause some epic Joyce reaction faces.
I drew so much fanart of you, Walky. You were my favorite mouse.
She was four when last she watched it. Do four year olds have crushes?
In this “programmed from birth” age? Sadly, yes =(
Actually, Gangler has a point. Joyce said she started watching them aged 4, and she and Walky are the same age (near enough) so he may not remember doing it (how much do you remember from age 4?).
Either that or this is going to turn into a story about how Hymnal gave him a bad touch and he’s been repressing the memories for years.
Look at his face. He clearly doesn’t remember doing this show. Or if he does, it’s only now because of the evidence in front of him.
I took his face to mean he was horrified at being caught. The two of them have seemingly watched several episodes without recognizing him. Maybe he was hoping to throw them off, but just ended up accidently pointing himself out.
I disagree. As other commenters below have said, I think he did these at such a young age that he has completely forgotten about them. Some memories lurk subliminally, as we see here. While I can see your interpretation, in my opinion, if he was trying to not tip his hand, he would have slunk out of the room the second he saw they were watching his secret shame.
If he remembered doing them then he likely would have spoken earlier when Joyce first started talking about them.
That would be the absolute bestest. Just, OMG.
the plot thickens
It’s obvious where Sal’s issues come from now if this is the sorta thing her parents made their kids do.
Double Shyamalan: It’s in fact Sal
Naw, I believe she would have curlier hair back then.
We can’t see enough of her hair to know if it isn’t curly!
They did up the wrong twin and forgot and THAT’S why they like Walky better
I really, really, kinda hope so.
She was probably ‘too black’.
That’s the twist! Walkey and Sal were probably like the Olsen twins in that they were picked for the show because they could sub for each other, but
Walky was the standard lead because he could pass more for beige. Either that or that’s where Sal began straightening her hair because they needed her to pass for Walky at a moments notice.
And you know, Walky’s mom in this universe seems to have just the right amount of manipulative controllingness to force or trick Walky into a mouse suit, and several years later SAY with certainty that he would be a doctor.
Dayuuuummmmmm. Joyce is going to milk this forever
Assuming Walky doesn’t chuck himself outta a window in a moment of hysterical anguish, first.
Third walkerton? Only explanation.
Yeah…and now he’s the ruler of some space empire.
Sal thought she was the least favorite but the 3rd Walkerton is in the basement somewhere begging for love.
So..Sal’s the Havok to Walky’s Cyclops?
Or the Cyclops to Walky’s Wolverine.
Always has been.
Although these days he’ll settle for food and water.
Of course! They hid him away from the world because he was half-rat!
This is amazing and potentially the best of twists.
Dun, Dun, DUNNNN!!!!!!
For all your dramatic moment needs!
“This site has been archived or suspended.”
Who called it yesterday?
And Dorothy and Joyce were never seen again. Walky mysteriously quit school a week later.
And Amazi-Girl was safe once more…
but sal wasn’t, having disappeared mysteriously under circumstances that were also mysterious and were profiled on the hit show “mysterious mysteries, starring mr. myster”
yeah idk where i was going with that, it’s a mystery even to myself!
It’s a VCR, I don’t think they can do anything ‘sides play and rewind.
Not true by far! It can also eat the tape and make it completely unrecognizeable.
If it was a Betamax or Super VHS, the freeze-frame would have been pretty good, normal VHS not quite so much.
Clearly you forgot the awesome ability to watch it frame by frame. AKA my childhood.
We had one that had the option to do this incredibly useless multiple frame advance [I don’t remember what it was actually called] where it shows the full viewing area for a few seconds in about 1/16th of the screen, then advances it to the next 1/16th while leaving the last frame in the first section, then so on… there were options to adjust how many frames it would show before advancing, from infinity [which meant basically watching the show at 1/16th size] to one [which meant basically watching the show over 16 sections, each section dropping a different 15 frames per 16].
It was super-irritating to watch, and I don’t know for the life of me why anyone would voluntarily watch anything that way. At least “Picture in Picture” makes sense, if you want to see what’s on another channel while leaving the tape running.
Wow, Walky’s had the same haircut since he was, like, seven?
He’s had the same haircut since the late nineties.
We only really know about the bangs. It’s possible his hair as a kid was less rectangular.
It probably just naturally grows like that. Sal spends hours reshaping her hair to her parents’ liking and Walky just wakes up in the morning looking pretty, maybe runs a comb through it.
Like Jared Padalecki!
Waaaait, isn’t Walky’s family Catholic? I thought this show was a Protestant thing, since Joyce was watching it as a child.
Didn’t Joyce say she was non-denominational or somesuch?
I believe most Christian shows tend to be very generalised in their Christian beliefs from what I recall back when I was young.
Walky’s family is mostly areligious, but thought a Catholic school was a good idea for Sal, based on the general idea that religion is moral instruction and Sal needed some.
I don’t suppose that you were a character or extra in a Christian show when you were young by any chance were you Willis?
Ask Joel Watson about it.
So it’s actually Joel Walkson?
Oh……….its a real thing!? I just watched psalty…..I….I couldn’t stop watching….I *sob* I couldn’t stop!
IT IS SAL!!!!!
Actors get in front of a camera for money. ‘Nobody’ actors will get in front of almost -any- camera for money. This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with Walky or his family’s religious beliefs.
His family seems pretty well off. Could be it was just an excuse to get Walky out of the house and into an adorable mousey outfit.
And young kids will get on camera for nothing. Bozo’s Circus, Kiddie Hour, Hymmel the Humming Hymnal — it’s all about boasting to your friends in school the next day that *YOU* were on TV!!
You see Walky, this is what happens when you live in a universe run by a sadist.
You mean the Devil, right?
All of the above?
Pretty much.
The Cheese.
More like… the Davil :p
Maquis De Sade?
Willis is worse even than him.
Yeah, at least De Sade was content with torturing people that already exist, Willis creates people specifically to suffer, and then uses them to inflict suffering on the rest of us.
De Sade wrote fiction. It’s awful torture porn.
Well it is called Sadism for a reason.
Except for all the people he did invent to have tortured in a quite remarkable variety of ways in his novels.
Of course, we’re apparently talking about the Maquis de Sade here, not the Marquis, so I guess we should actually be looking for some hero of the French resistance.
Is the Maquis de Sade really into torturing Cardassians to get them out of Federation space?
Which would be sad, because the Cardassians all call him an amateur.
They’re the Generic Guys of Hogwarts.
No, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Although in this case, the S.I. would have been less surprising.
Hufflepuff’s are particularly good finders.
Well it’s still possible that the person in the freeze-frame could be Sal as I can imagine Walky and Sal looking a lot more alike when they were younger.
based on Willis’s commentary on the Walkerton’s religious belief’s I am one-hundred percent certain that is Sal.
Sal didn’t go to Catholic School (as far as I can tell) until after she robbed the convenience store.
Also, they’re boy mice and Walky just spit out the exact line from the program. I’m 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% sure… It’s Walky.
The tags disagree with you. As does the timeline.
Plus the fact that Walky subconsciously knew the next line on the show. Chances are that wasn’t just coincidence.
Good notice Sabin. I caught the odd repeated line, but despite the puzzled expressions, sort of ignored what it meant. Walky wasn’t just there but he remembers it on some level.
Nah, I saw a preview pic of Child!Sal on Willis’s tumblr, she still had curly hair in that one. I’m 100% sure that is Walky.
And suddenly that chapter title makes perfect sense. Well played, Willis.
This is the best possible thing that could happen, and I say that with absolute sincerity.
No Walky. YOU were in Hymmel the Humming Hymnal.
Walky: That’s not true. THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!
Search the footage. You know it to be true.
And now I shall cut off your hand. The one you masturbate with.
Because he doesn’t need it anymore?
That’s a myth. You always need it.
Oh, and get a haircut!
Walky: That ain’t me….that’s my non-union Mexican counterpart, El Walkero.
I knew I saw a pig in the sky today.
Well, the swines did flew a couple of years ago.
*slow clap*
What a tweest!
Haha wow, it’s like an anti-sex tape.
…congratulations, that joke works on like five different levels. Have an internet.
Yeah, Walky ain’t gonna be showin’ up on Slipshine again for a while.
Hymmel the Humming Hymnal performs a terrible music number.
Well, I suppose it would be hard to sound good when you have your mouth… Oh, never mind.
“Walky performs a lonely wank, because Dorothy won’t perform a sex with him now unless he squeaks.”
Dorothy: Put on the costume, Walky!
Walky: Nnno! It’s too weird! Too Humiliating!
Dorothy: Put on the costume, Walky! Or you ain’t getting any! EVER AGAIN!
Walky: Aaagh! *Puts on the costume*
Next Slipshine:
Walky Does a Fursuit
Dorothy: Say ‘chuu chuu’ Walky…
I see I was not the only one thinking along those lines.
“You and me, baby, we ain’t nothing but mammals,
So let’s do like they do it on the Discovery Channel!”
Dorothy: Say ‘chuu chuu’ Walky
Walky: ‘chuu chuu’
Dorothy: I CAN”T HEAR YOU!
Walky: ‘CHUU CHUU!’
Dorothy: ‘MEEOOOOW!’
Neighboring Rooms: What the hell?!
Dorothy: “Come on, Walky, I wanna do it mousie-style.”
I count 3:
1) the tape is as embarassing as a sex tape but doing a “wholesome activity”
2) the tape will probably stop Walky from having sex
3) the tape is probably against sex
4 & 5) ???
6. Profit!!!
4) In another universe, actual sex tapes did terrible things to Joyce while she was in college. I’m not going into more details, but this being an anti-sex tape makes sense.
5) Not long ago in this universe, Joyce was fixated on the details of sex. After seeing Walky in this tape, sex is going to be the furthest thing from her mind.
I like a man with a future/I like a woman with a past/You don’t believe that/She said to faces in the crowd/Yesterday I was fascinated by somebody else…
And no wonder Amazi-Girl won’t be exposed. This is a MUCH better newspaper front page story. Yes it is!
Holy crap you’re right!
I wonder what the leader will be? (Hint: I Was A…)
Oh man, I needed this laugh. Now I can get through my last all nighter for the semester.
Willis if Walky’s face doesn’t remain locked in that pose for at least 4 more panels there’s gonna be trouble you hear?
We need a gravatar of that face. We need one for reasons.
HAHA! YES! This is the best twist in this entire comic yet!
I came in expecting typical arguing between Joyce and Walky, and I got this.
I’m so glad we got this instead.
Oh. Oh god.
This is the Dumbiverse’s version of “Walky and Joyce met when they were tiny and forgot because reasons”, isn’t it.
That’s incredible.
*gold star*
Wow. I’m impressed . . . with both of you (for different reasons). Wow. ! !
Wowzers! Now I’m starting to wonder if Willis’s long plan is to have some of the relationships and such end up in the same place as the other universe — basically a “the more everything changes, the more it stays the same.” Of course, that would kill my theory that this is the universe that Head Alien talked about, how there was only one universe/reality in which Joyce and Walky didn’t get together and in that one, Walky is a doctor and he and Dorothy end up together.
We saw that universe you mentioned already. Dorothy and Walky first met in high school, as they did in the Walkyverse. The only difference between it and the Walkyverse was that Walky applied himself. There were still aliens, Joyce was still a year older, and it happened fifteen years ago. This is definitely not that universe.
Oh! Good to know. Thanks for the clarification Willis. There are so many universes bouncing around that I get a bit lost sometimes. 🙂
Wait, when he said that, did he mean that he’d been to literally every universe and there was only one where Joyce and Walky didn’t end up together, or that Joyce and Walky ended up together in every universe that he visited, and he hadn’t been to them all.
Because depending on which, that’s a pretty major spoiler, come to think of it.
I realize I am replying to this months after the fact, but I wonder if the Head Alien ever managed to successfully visit the Dumbiverse, or if the closest his influence could ever get, due to its distance from Walkiverse Prime (which I just like the sound of) was to be a fictional character that was simply an echo of his plans. Hilariously though, I think he has succeeded in one aspect. He is more popular amongst his common foes here than he ever was in any of the other universes. Just a fun theory that I don’t think will be seen, but feel like posting anyway. I am kinda hoping this universe is too far down the path that it can’t physically accept the supernatural or high sci-fi elements from other universes, like the drama tag, alien invaders, or even be a recipient of dimensional travel. Though it would be kinda cool if other dimensions could view, though not interact with, the dumbiverse.
This is the best twist on a Walkyverse concept yet.
It’s Destiny.
Looks more like Delerium to me.
Nah, those faces? That’s true Despair, right there.
Walky thought he knew his reality, but now he’s trapped and unable to wake from a terrible Dream.
Soon to be resolved with Death and Destruction.
And thus will start Joyce’s Desire.
Man, these jokes are just Endless…
How much more have I missed?!
More please I want more.
Oh my.
And thus did the Walky/Joyce ship sail once again.
What a tweest!
This is why I should read the comments before commenting myself…
Obviously, this is a switched-at-birth scenario and that’s Walky’s *actual* twin sibling he’s never met. He knew the line before it was said due to a psychic twin bond.
What a tweest!
Willis, tonight I drink to your Jedi powers of comedy
I will drink to drinking!
*slow clap*
Well played Mr. Willis, well played.
Okay, I guess I’m missing the obvious here.
We’re assuming the Churchmouse in question is Walky? If so, why is he shocked? He doesn’t remember doing that?
Well, he looks like he’s about four, so it’s very likely that he wouldn’t remember. I certainly don’t remember much from when I was four.
In all his universes, Willis subjects four-year-old Walky to experiences so traumatic he doesn’t remember them as an adult.
He coulda just blocked it from his memory.
Because people can forget stupid things they did as a kid.
I forget stupid things I did when I was 15.
I wish I could forget the stupid things I did when I was 15.
Pretty much the entirety of ages 12-16 would be good, to be honest.
I sort of have to forget, I’d be a self-loathing mess MORE often than usual if I remembered every specific dumb thing I did.
I wish I could forget most of the stuff I did between 11 and 16 (I was kind of creepy/stalkerish for a while…
I wish EVERYONE could forget what I did in high school.
I think I could do with forgetting everything before like last month.
I forget stupid things I did an hour ago.
Trust me…you can’t forget because your brain will never let you forget. Try to sleep at night and BAM! Flash back to that one stupid thing you did.
But when you’re that young you won’t realise it’s dumb for a decade or two so you safely forget.
Chromedome does that to himself all the time. We… we find that kind of worrying actually. He performs mnemosurgery on himself, deleting painful memories, rather than allowing system degradation and low-grade engex to dull the pain like the rest of us. Damn. I thought Chromedome had gotten over Rewind’s death, but I think running into Prowl, back during our life and death struggle to save all of space-time, has just made his grief worse. Or maybe it’s because we let Bluestreak join up. I knew we should never have let anyone who looks like Prowl onto the “Lost Light”!
Now me, I forget lots of stuff. I forget where I put my toolkit, whether I put my Autobadge on, what my current assignment is, to go to target practice, or how many Rodimus Stars I was awarded. I never forget any of Blurr’s speed records, how to distill engex, the molecular density of over 3,000,000 alloys, or Nautica’s phone number. 😉
So how did shooting Rung work out for you?
Why does everyone keep dredging up that old shame?!? It’s not like Rung’s head wound was fatal, and he eventually recovered! That’s more than the over a dozen dead Decepticons Misfire’s shot through friendly fire over the millenia can say!
Long story short, I apologized to Rung, and he accepted my apology. If anything, he was more annoyed by my constant attempts to figure out his alt-mode.
Yeah sorry that was a little more jerky than I intended.
Know Misfire personally do you?
So having seen the Alt Mode, you have no clue what it could be?
But here’s the thing (seriously, for a moment) – if we could forget doing those stupid things, we’d probably do them again. (Some people do. Over and over.)
Pain hurts, but it’s also a great teacher.
OH MY GOD YES! YES! Can’t believe I’m saying this but thank you Willis.
It’s Walky!
It’s Walky!
And thus it is revealed that Walky is part of the problem.
Wow, juicy stuff right here. Walky’s eyes are about to explode in that last panel.
Well, they should have zero problems getting him to shut up about it now.
No. Flipping. Way. I will laugh forever now.
Tempted to change my avatar now =3
Too late
Yeah, ShaggyDonahugh beat me to it
His name doesn’t even have a pun in it! FORFEIT THE GRAV, SHAGGY!
mm. No, I rather like it. Maybe soon ^_^
I realize it’s probably Walky but it could be Sal too right?
Could be…
No, he’s wearing a hoodie. It’s Walky. (Heh, mythology gag)
Yeah…and the next strip would be just Joyce and Walky. Like that’s going to happen.
So “Sal” tag, so it’s not Sal. It’s Walky!
Also notice Walky recognized the show, and (unconsciously) knew precisely what was going to be said next word from word, because he. was. there.
Compare to Dorothy, who had no idea about who Hymnel is.
*NO Sal tag. Sorry.
Willis, it is of my opinion that Walky’s face in the last panel is the best face you have ever made of all time.
I disagree, that is possibly the best face any webcomic artist has made ever
Walky’s face is absolutely priceless…… and my new gravatar
Well I saw that coming a mile away. /sarcasm
And suddenly, the Blackmail Scales have tipped in Joyce’s favor.
Alt Text- Why hello Elan, when did you get here?
really? 81 comments in 15 minutes? ugh… So discouraged to comment now…
At least you get to read it. I can barely read it.
Tell me about it. I usually don’t get to the comic until it’s been pawed over for 14 or 15 hours.
That’s only slightly faster than normal.
Your getting slow buddy
Old age does that to people.
It’s so surprising, it gave Walky scleras.
AWWWW! now i am instantly disappointed that Mike wasn’t that cute at that age.
Holy crap.
*Little squeaks of air coming out of my open mouth while my jaw lies on the floor*
I had a horrific mental image.
Scared to ask.
Was yours akin to a zombie without a jaw, too?
Excellent gravatar xD
Here, we see the beginning and ending of Walky’s acting career.
Noooo. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha… ah man I needed that.
Well, I’m awake now.
Willis, you magnificent bastard.
Pretty sure that’s his middle name. 🙂
Mr. David Magnificent Bastard Willis, we salute you.
I read your comic!
Good twist!
I don’t see anyone dancing.
Little Walky is adorable, even in his nightmare costume
Anyway, I am rocking back in my chair, laughing and clapping like an idiot. I never saw this coming and it is A-MAZ-ING.
Are. You. Kidding Me?
Am I the only one thinking that’s too cute…
Wow! What a twist! I totally did not see that coming! That last panel is definitely worth losing 10 shanix! Whoops, gotta go, there’s some weird coffin floating outside the ship! Later!
Walky’s reaction was the same as mine.
……. what a twist!
Let’s see, wearing a hoodie, same complexion, same hair. Man Walky, there really should be a limit to laziness.
Only way to make this better is if Sal was in there two and does something completely flat out EMBARRASSING.
Chastity Churchmouse has arguably a full-face mask. The unnatural pink of her face and arms is counterpointed by a dark neck. Hymmel has mauve arms, so obviously arms may be covered by pantyhose when different color is desired.
Now I’ll readily agree this is a stretch. But it would explain Sal flipping eventually…
if sal were chastity churchmouse, she was a VERY well-developed child, going by how young walky looks in that freeze frame.
I knew a girl in swimming class…she began developing at 9.
Hahahahaha omg, plot twist. And storyline title reveal! I love everything. Perfection.
I just legit started hyperventilating.
Walky’s face… greatest facial expression in a cartoon ever
That’s the first time we’ve seen Walky horrified, isn’t it?
I did NOT see that coming.
Clever Willis.
Now THAT is what I call a twist! DUN DUN DUNNNNN indeed 😀
I am so excited/scared/excited to find out the story behind bb!Walky being in this show and why he doesn’t remember. I mean, his parents clearly never mention it anymore or he would know, even if he doesn’t actively remember it from being too young. The explanation is gonna be emotionally traumatizing for all of us, isn’t it?
It’s SAL!!!!
I’m quoting Willis from up in the comments section here:
“Walky’s family is mostly areligious, but thought a Catholic school was a good idea for Sal, based on the general idea that religion is moral instruction and Sal needed some.”
…and Joyce’s hero worship of Sal goes off the charts with this reveal.
Joyce isn’t catholic, and the message in the videos isn’t catholic.
the conversation in its entirety.
May 7, 2014 at 12:03 am | # | Reply
Waaaait, isn’t Walky’s family Catholic? I thought this show was a Protestant thing, since Joyce was watching it as a child.
May 7, 2014 at 12:06 am | Reply
Didn’t Joyce say she was non-denominational or somesuch?
Plasma Mongoose
Plasma Mongoose
May 7, 2014 at 12:15 am | Reply
I believe most Christian shows tend to be very generalised in their Christian beliefs from what I recall back when I was young.
David M Willis
David M Willis
May 7, 2014 at 12:19 am | Reply
Walky’s family is mostly areligious, but thought a Catholic school was a good idea for Sal, based on the general idea that religion is moral instruction and Sal needed some.
Plasma Mongoose
Plasma Mongoose
May 7, 2014 at 12:26 am | Reply
I don’t suppose that you were a character or extra in a Christian show when you were young by any chance were you Willis?
David M Willis
David M Willis
May 7, 2014 at 12:43 am | Reply
Ask Joel Watson about it.
He also gave a gold star to the ‘joyce and walky met when they were little’ assumption though. I am honestly not sure. I think it’s Walky probably and he forgot it for reasons. But if it’s Sal I’ll make sure to congratulate you on your convictions 🙂
…damn your right he did.
I’m still 90… no 80% sure it’s Sal.
Imagine Joyce’s hero worship now. It’s too perfect.
I just don’t know, man, he quotes it verbatim before it happens on screen, as if through some repressed memory shenanigans. It’s him. I think. OH GOD NOW I’M CONFUSED TOO ^^
I’d say no. I was raised Catholic* and this seems too vague for Catholicism. They like their symbolism industrial-strength, preferably with actual, physical symbols involved.
*-ish, our pastor said things like “think for yourself, use a condom, and feel free to send the Archdiocese angry letters about me”
… Are you serious? How do you explain Walky being able to quote that line perfectly?
I’m pretty sure Sal didn’t get shipped off to catholic school until her teen years, after the gas station incident. Not 100% sure, but pretty sure (let’s say 85%, that’s a solid level of sure)
It’s mentioned in her biography on the cast page. You remember correctly.
How, exactly, does that lead to ‘Sal’?
She came from that exact same environment. If you’re thinking she did this while away at school…that is not a teenager, nor had Sal knocked over several convenience stores before she turned 10.
…. so, Walky’s secret shame is safe with Dorothy, right?
Yesterday the girl told a whole table full of people about the picture Danny drew when he was eight of him and Joe holding hands while riding a dragon. No one’s secret shame is safe with her.
Sorry, but for this storyline (I Was A Teenage Churchmouse) Willis has made it clear – ALL SECRET SHAMES WILL BE REVEALED.
Dorothy is humping a little mouse-christian.
Chastity Churchmouse will never be the same to Joyce after that.
The aliens are back. I’m calling it.
Is this mouse-child Sal or Walky?
my money’s on Sal.
Imagine Joyce’s hero worship now.
I think if you reread the entire conversation in it’s proper context, the only reason catholic and sal are brought up is because the question related to sal and catholic school (or rather, sal went to catholic school = her family is catholic, as a counterpoint to walky in protestant video = family is protestant? contradiction??) . It’s pretty obvious to me that this only tells us that walky’s parents would let him act in a protestant tv show because they are areligious and figure it would be good for walky, much like they figured catholic school would be good for sal.
Look at the hairdo and the (involuntary?) regurgitation of phrasing. I would not be surprised when this was when Sal decided she’d rather switch over to the dark side. At any rate, we’ve seen young Sal and she was way curlier.
I laughed until I started coughing. Then I coughed for a while.
Wait…”I was a teenage churchmouse.” It all makes since now.
Good call.
Doesn’t look teenage to me, but then it could be the makeup.
Have you ever been so shocked that you grew sclera in your previously horrible, only-pupils eyes?
Willis, you magnificent bastard.
This is the most wonderful comic ever. Walky being a jerk and then get getting a true comeuppance in two panels? Oh, Walky, I love it when you eat your words. This will be gold.
I love it wen something is so perfect that I start involuntarily grinning like an idiot.
Now I know what a BSOD’ed Windows 95 (first edition!) PC feels like.
I laughed for so long… this was truly great.
…well, the title of this book makes a lot more sense now. Yes, I just noticed that.
This is easily the best twist ever.
One would think that the chapter title “I Was a Teenage Churchmouse” would refer to Joyce, but nope.
Also: all the good one does is God’s fault, but not the bad stuff? That sucks. Isn’t that kinda what threw Miranda Lawson into a mini-depression in ME2?
It’s actually that hoodie-dress chick from Sarah’s class.
Sure, why not! ^_^
Too white.
Is that racist?
It’s not racist, so long as you’re just using skin color as physical description and not assuming that people have pre-defined personalities based on that color.
alternately, if you have to ask if something is racist the answer is always yes
That seems like a weirdly arbitrary standard to hold, considering the answer to that particular question in this case is “no”.
If you say “I’m not a racist BUT…” then you are about to say something racist OR JUST AMAZINGLY CONFUSED IN A RACISTY DIRECTION. Except that I experienced the greatest exception ever. A few years back I was walking my dog in the Park and got into a conversation with a guy about dogs when he suddenly said “I’m not a racist BUT I think that what Michael Vick did was wrong.” He did it with such earnest, deadpan deliver that i nearly fell off the bench laughing. For anyone who hasn’t realized it, he is black and I think he just got a kick out of turning that kind of sh:t into a joke, seeing how many white folks got it, and enjoying it with those who do. I’ve told that story to well meaning “liberals” who it makes all confused and concerned. I’m not a racist BUT there still are an awful lot of white folks in this country having a hard time catching up. (Am I allowed to say that? I misplaced my White Man’s Handbook.)
Well played,Willis.
I actually considered it a possibility, but figured Walky wouldn’t be happy to see the show if that were the case.
Didn’t consider that he would have been too young to remember.
Your Grav!
GAH! That was unforeseen. It cannot be unseen. Plus this neatly ensures that Walky stays silent. If he knows that Joyce/Dorothy can pull that freeze frame on demand if he squeals, then all will be good.
I wonder if there’s a Kinko’s nearby that will blow up the frame for them to poster size XD XD XD
[yes, Kinko’s has that ‘no copyrighted material’ clause—they’d just tell them to use the self-serve machines instead]
Oh how the Walky have fallen.
I don’t know you can die from embarrassment but I think Walky’s willing to give it the old college try just for us.
Now THAT’S a plot twist! Eat your heart out, Shyamalan!
*insert dramatic hamster gif here*
And now the title of this chapter makes so much more sense.
Well played Mr Willis.
So…we have Amber chasing down Sal as Amazigirl, while Walky’s own childhood shame/possible trauma is revealed to his girlfriend and Joyce…When will the two plot lines intersect, resulting in a hilariously ironic resolution as sitcoms dictate?
If those story lines join, it will be the work of an amberdexterous mouse master.
There, I said it. Sue me.
Walky will go berserk, jump out the window and tear Amazi-Girl apart, shattering whatever remained of Amber’s sanity.
Last time Walky saw Joyce make that face was May of ’04.
Oh no! Predexterous monkey-mousy!
That’s right. They should be talking about how all their good works are Disney working through them.
It’s actually Sal.
It would seem like little Walkmouse has practised pointing its tail at the ceiling.
I blame the memory loss on Aliens.
And now Dorothy can never have sex with him again
But Joyce can.
Or she will discover that she has a thing for furries.
Walky got some ‘splainin’ to do.
Confessions of a Teenage Christian Furry, by one D Walkerton.
Maybe he was in it for the cheese?
I think we just discovered why The Cheese is God.
um… that’s from the book “I Am the Cheese”, right?
Maximum Wierdness!
Oh my god, PLEASE let it turn out that kid Joyce had a crush on kid Walky. I need it, I NEED IT LIKE HEROIN.
And right up until this strip, I thought the title was figurative. And was referring to Joyce.
That’s awesome.
This is it. This is the best installment of Dumbing of Age, Slipshine porns included. You can retire the comic, Willis, you’re never going to top this.
Side effects may include …
The look of absolute horror is priceless on his face.
You know, I was expecting another strip about Amazi-Girl and Sal today, hoping we’d see what Amazi-Girl was plotting.
But this, this is so much better.
Panels 1-3-5: Joyce & Walky’ s expressions in parallel-serial — in counterpoint to each other as each changes in reaction to what’s on the screen — that is fantastic: each expression, each pair of expressions, each change of expressions, the entire run. BRAVO!
Thanks, Willis. Now I have ‘Freeze Frame’ stuck in my head.
Freeeze frame! Whooo!
kk, first off, at least now the storyline title makes sense, second off OH MY GOSH THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!
Bless you Willis. That doesn’t begin to balance all the “damn you”s, but its a start. I’ll be laughing for a week.
… Well, shit. I’m kinda hoping HE was hoping they wouldn’t notice. Otherwise it would mean he repressed the memory, and that can lead into “bad touch” territory.
… I’ll show myself out.
I’d say he clearly didn’t remember, because otherwise he would have fled the room at the sight of the show. No way would he set himself up for this knowingly.
And the kind of upbringing that would result in this – whether it’s because his parents were fundys or merely thought of him as a rentable asset – is already bad touch territory, at a mental level.
Well, THAT made me laugh…at work…with my co-workers looking at me strangely 🙂
That was an awesome twist!
I read this strip in a waiting room full of people and couldn’t stop giggling like crazy, earning me a lot of glances. I’m sorry, but… DAMN YOU, WILLIS! (Also bless you, because that twist was awesome and the reaction faces even more awesome.)
I wonder if Chastity Churchmouse was responsible for the former vociferous nature of Joyce’s feelings on premarital hanky-panky, and if so, how knowing that one of Chastity’s ‘cute little mice boy’ helpers has since engaged in it will affect her.
This show was doubtless only a single prong in a multi-forked attack on her psyche. A single show may be a brainwashing tool, but there’s lots more in addition to it.
TALK SHIT GET exposed?
well that got real interesting real fast.
Greatest cliffhanger ever!
Hitting rock bottom is the opposite of a cliffhanger.
All the good things Walky does is Willis working through him.
(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
Yeah, as a writer I find there to be a weird conflict between the fact I’m trying to craft a semi-real world (ie: no discernible diety), and the fact that, well, I’m creating the thing. All my intelligent, insightful characters are atheists – and they’re all wrong!
Of course, they’re right about there not being a benevolent, Christian god; I am the only kind of god that could exist in a world like ours: one that derives pleasure and amusement from his creations’ pain and conflict. So the character who somewhat jokingly cites her ill-fortune as evidence that there is a god and he’s an asshole is actually closest to the mark!
What does that mean for works that have a god or gods in story? Maybe that means no Christian should write a story with God in it, else they be putting themselves above God.
Whoa, what’s with the Atheist rant? Why would you go on to explain how your characters are all ‘right’ about there not being a benevolent, Christian God?
All his Dorothy, you mean?
And how is exposing Christian fundamentalism for its ludicrous practices any evidence that Christianity itself is flawed?
And how would rejecting one religion entail his being an atheist?
He’s responding to Begbert. OF course, he’s still missing the point that Begbert’s comment was about his characters being right about the benevolent christian God -within the confines of his fiction-. Whatever BB’s opinion on the matter in the real world, that’s not what he was voicing at the time.
If that’s a rant, then you have very little experience with ranting. And/or the mere whisper of an atheistic ides sounds like a shout to you. But regardless, regarding the ‘rant’: it’s the Problem of Evil, son. Look it up. Short version: writers write what they want to see written. If there were a god writing reality, reality is a demonstration of the stories that the god likes to see play out.
From which I can conclude that I like to see teenagers suffer, apparently. And thus my characters are right: the god of their universe is a cruel, capricious master, who is only perfect in the loosest of senses. Me!
Up next: Ethan’s roomie (can’t remember his name, of course) discovers Ethan’s gay, and has got the man-hots for him.
I’ll ship it.
Walky is a bit of jerk sometimes isn’t he?
He tends to blow off most things in life, but whenever something ‘church related” comes up it brings out the inner a-hole
Maybe because his parents forced him to do stupid degrading things like this?
I’d be like him too if I was witnessing such church-related nonsense.
I’m glad to be from a non-religious part of the world. ^^
From my outside perspective around 90% of church-related things consist of the religious people acting like assholes to everyone around them and not realizing they’re doing anything wrong. It tends to invite a certain amount of anger and scorn.
Oh…my bad.
In that case its perfectly ok to treat people like this.
This is literally a video designed to tell children they are worthless. He should be a b-hole about it.
Either that’s just a coincidence or a memory that was until recently quite deeply buried.
We’re sure it’s Walky and not Sal, his (fraternal) twin sister? The only way to tell them apart consistently now is their gender-their bangs go either way, etc.
Oh, my money is on Chastity Churchmouse herself. Wears a face mask, dark neck, Mickey Mouse style gloves, curly hair… And is wearing an inconvenience store anybody would want to rob.
Sabin pointed out above: Walky said the next line before the book did.
Before the book did… or before a certain Mouskateer did?
Yeah, my assumption that part of the reason for the sudden desire to pause was hearing the line in his (prepubescentized) voice.
That makes the joke better, doesn’t it? Something about the way the show was going, it never occurred to me the children might get to speak.
The (horrifying) clip somebody posted yesterday of the character Charity Churchmouse is based on singing also included kids speaking and participating in the show. So it’s definitely plausible.
As someone who was once on Romper Room as a child, I feel his pain…
The source of Sal gone wrong is that she was not allowed to play the mouse, perhaps because she was not as light skinned. Which, I was going to make this a joke but that would be really sad and tragic.
Sal and Walky have the exact same skin tone. Walky is ‘whiter’ in behaviour only.
Whoa whoa whoa.
What the hell is this?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh thank you Mr Willis, that was a good’n.
Holy shucking fit.
Oh my god he’d supressed the memory! D8
We can see the whites of Walky’s eyes.
Carrrie White moment in 3… 2… 1.
Honhon, ze plot, eet theekens. *mustache twirl*
That is, indisputably, without a doubt, the single best possible outcome that could have ever come from the setup of the previous comic. Also, the chapter title now makes even more sense, which is good.
Wow, was not expecting that.
So brilliant.
Now it’s Walky’s turn to have a breakdown and attempt to rob a gas station
Why must it be Sal or Walky? I think it’s a Mary Kate and Ashley thing; they switch off in their little mouse costumes.
Mary Kate and Ashley switched off because they were focal characters for a show that required days of production per episode–(s/)he’s clearly an extra for something that couldn’t possibly have taken more than an hour or two to film.
That’s still a long time for someone with Walky’s attention span.
That. Was. Brilliant.
Also, Sir Willis, your “latest” button isn’t working correctly for me (Explorer 11).
Well there’s your problem!
I know, but it is my work computer, I am forced to use it.
I love the faces. Dorothy is aghast, Walky is horrified. Joyce? Joyce has discovered POWER.
Joyce: I can now NEVER let this go!
I expect the next page to be copious amounts of laughter (mostly on Dorothy’s part)
So what happens when Mike watches this?
For those saying it is Sal … notice there is someone next to Walky wearing the same sweater and same size as him. I think THAT is Sal, both the kids are in this
Or was that sweater uniform for all the “mice”?
Uniform–unless they LITERALLY pulled kids off the street in their regular clothing, there’s no reason for extras to look distinct from each other in these kinds of shows =p
and walky dark secret shame is finaly revealed. guess he will not be able to make fun of the show now. either that or its a walky from another dimension
My second thought was “HOW COULD YOU NOT?!”
Belt: Dun Dun Duuuuuuunnnn!
It’s moments like these that prove God, if He exists, is a spiteful bastard with a vindictive sense of humor.
…and suddenly we’re in….. REVELATIONS !!
Holy shit, it’s Walky
I was going to comment to say “DUN DUN DUNNNN” but the alt-text already said it, so I guess I don’t have to.
Willis, you are a magnificent beast.
Nice grav. ;p
Nothing like kicking the ladder you’re standing on huh Walky?
Now I’ve got a certain song from the Eighties stuck in my head…
Ladies and Gentlemen, now appearing for the first, and only, time. I give you: The whites of Walky’s eyes.
I *KNEW* something was deeply wrong in this strip but I just couldn’t figure it out. Thanks for the help 😀
“I was a Teenage Churchmouse” needs to be the title of book 4, with the last panel here being the cover image.
Holy J Geils Band Batman!
*takes an only semi deliberate 6 month break from webcomics*
*randomly ends up in this storyline because of something weird found during an email inbox clearout*
No matter how many times I archive binge, this one makes me laugh just as much as the day it first showed up.