Tomorrow (Friday) I’m going to be in Bloomington, Indiana! Come see me at Vintage Phoenix Comics from 6 to 8 pm!
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Tomorrow (Friday) I’m going to be in Bloomington, Indiana! Come see me at Vintage Phoenix Comics from 6 to 8 pm!
fixed that for you
open toe, insert mouth…?? o_O
All of the imaginary upvotes for you!
For anyone still wondering when Becky had time to dial 911… predicted it two strips ago. Her dialogue confronting her dad about kidnapping, gun-waving was all entirely deliberate so the operator has heard ALL of it.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes…
*sits on edge of seat awaiting tomorrow’s strip*
All the upvotes to you! All hail the great predictor of the storyline!
How much does it matter, though, when a cell phone can’t exactly be location-traced by emergency operators?
Oh but it can be! GPS signal can be traced (and probably has been). I see no reason why Dina’s phone wouldn’t have GPS turned on.
In a situation like this the police contact the cellular carrier and have them activate the GPS for them and start tracking. (Used to do tech support for Verizon, and this was covered.) So yeah, once the police operator hears kidnapped and gunpoint, especially considering that there was a massive response, Toedad will soon get the whole police boot.
And even in the absence of GPS signal, they can triangulate the cell signal from cell tower locations. Don’t know how long that takes. Usually the limitation is that cell tower isn’t super precise, but not really an issue when they’re driving down what is probably a main highway. Not many places they could be, not much place else to go. They’ll send cops to trail the vehicle and also to head them off.
So having worked for land line and cell phone companies, here’s what i’m aware of. Old cell phones are not 911 compatible. 3g phones can triangulate because they connect to the 3 closest towers in range. 4g phones only connect to 1 tower and can’t be triangulated but their gps can be remotely and discreetly activated in the even of an emergency.
Cool, useful information! I think Dina would have a relatively new cell phone. 3G or 4G for sure. We know her parents aren’t hurting for cash – they contributed $200 to a date-with-girlfriend fund, right?
A quick google search of what you just said cleared (and contradicted you) a few things up because my one close friend who worked in a call center got calls from cell phones all the time. First, old cell phones were compatible with dialing 911. They just didnt submit geographical data. Second, 911 dispatchers can use the carrier towers to attempt to triangulate your position. Even if your phone only connects to one, it still can get pinged by others giving them an approximate location if given time.
Sorry for any grammer/spelling issues, working on a cell phone ironically enough.
Yeah, I was just gonna say that my cell phone is an old-fashioned flip phone that can only make calls and send texts and take pics, it’s not remotely “smart” (but the battery will last for like a week, and a phone in my pocket that will last for a week in an emergency WAY beats say my husband’s smart phone that can translate French and stuff but whose battery won’t last me to the grocery store if he leaves the GPS on), but it absolutely can make 911 calls; I can think of two times in the last couple years I’ve called 911 on it (to report fires in the middle of the night). Works just fine. I have no idea how many towers it connects to, though.
I do know you can’t call 911 from Skype, though. Never have tried it, but Skype says it won’t work and I believe they block the calls because of idiots making prank calls to other parts of the country. Harder to trace a Skype call; may be impossible to a phone line, don’t know.
All phones are required to be compatible with 911. They couldn’t legally operate the service or sell the pones if they couldn’t access the emergency system.
Unless where you live don’t have a emergency system.
We can’t use 911 here either from cell phones or land lines.
If anyone reported the armed kidnapping after they left the fountain, it shouldn’t take long to put 2 and 2 together.
Based on the conversation in today’s strip and the fact that cell phone numbers can be traced back to a person, I think Dina’s father is about to get a visit from the police. Since no one has identified Toedad as more than “I AM YOUR FATHER”.
Heck, with that line, Darth Vader will be getting a visit from the police too….
They’re going to be tracing the location of the phone here, not the owner. I think Dina’s father will be just fine.
Cops can trace cell phones! ^^ Even if it weren’t possible, it’s still helpful for them to know what the situation is. 911’s sure to have received dozens of calls the gunshots, and they should have been able to get the car’s description, so they can find it even without the call trace.
And anyway, now that the jig’s up about the 911 call anyway, she can just shout the name of the street they’re on anyway without giving anything up.
It doesn’t help much with the situation at hand, but it will absolutely damn him later. If the previous incidents weren’t enough to get him put away, this means he will never get Becky back now. Somebody could argue that he was just using scare tactics back at the fountain, but after slapping Becky, saying he owns her, and general murder threats, any lawyer will have a really hard time convincing anybody he’s fit to be loose, let alone within 150 feet of Becky.
Yeah, I have to admit that I’m really hoping when all this is settled, that Becky gets a restraining order against her dad and cuts contact with him permanently.
Is it also sad that I’m glad that there are characters that cut contact with toxic, abusive parents?
So often if someone finds out that you’ve voluntarily cut contact with a parent, they think *you* are the bad guy in that scenario and many times don’t feel shy about telling you so. I think this may happen more when you cut off a mother than a father, but it’s still good to see characters in various media that have done it.
Not all parents are unconditionally loving. Not all parents try the best they can. Some are completely toxic and will go to extreme lengths to bring their child(ren) down as low as they can go.
The more media shows characters that have cut off their parents, and the very, very good reasons behind it, maybe the more real people will understand that almost no one cuts contact with their parents for funsies. Most do it to save themselves from further long-term physical and/or emotional abuse.
Maybe if cutting off a toxic parent becomes more commonplace in various forms of media, fewer people will feel the need to belittle or look down on people that do it and more victims will fell confident enough and have enough support that they can break away.
I feel you, dude. From personal experience and from coming from a culture that puts parents on an often undeserved pedestal, I can tell you that there are parents who have no business being parents.
Thank you.
Very, very well said. I am also sad that this is so true, but I am glad you shared this. Thank you for sharing on such an emotionally important yet little-discussed topic.
Unfortunately, there are times when the answer is to cut ties, or at the very least, to make a BIG space in a relationship that may have become toxic. Sometimes it gets better, and you can repair the relationship later. But sometimes not, and as sad as it is, that is sometimes for the best.
Hear, hear!
I’m fortunate enough to finally be at a point where it seems some of my relatives on the estranged parent’s side are realizing what a colossally horrible person he is and that I didn’t cut ties from those relatives because I wanted to, but because I had to to make that clean break. (I still feel undeservedly guilty for cutting him from my life sometimes, but I know it was the right call…everything is so much better mental health-wise since I did so)
It seems like we have this mentality as a society (well…at least here in the States in our media) that if it’s not physical abuse, it doesn’t count. Even if we say that emotional abuse and verbal abuse are not okay, we don’t seem to really FEEL it as a people. If we did, I think a lot of us ACONs would be a lot happier and feel a lot less undeservedly guilty.
Always remember, your friends and family wouldn’t stand for you to have a significant other treating you badly. Being family doesn’t give someone the excuse to treat you poorly either. Blood is just that–blood.
“Blood is thicker than Water” <- Misquote
"The Blood of the Covenant is thicker than the Water of the Womb" <- The thing that is true.
Science proves that viscosity of blood is the same, no matter the source. Your religious nonsense is the reason Ross is in this situation.
I cut ties with my mother. She was a toxic person in my life. I love her dearly. But I cant spend time with her.
“Maybe if cutting off a toxic parent becomes more commonplace in various forms of media, fewer people will feel the need to belittle or look down on people that do it and more victims will fell confident enough and have enough support that they can break away.”
Well not to spoiler for anyone so I won’t mention the name…but you may be getting your wish. A popular show did just this on a recent episode 🙂 Not entirely the same situation…but close enough.
Well said, and even parents who do seem to be trying their best can sometimes be dangerous to their children’s wellbeing.
A restraining order wouldn’t be necessary for about 20 years. Considering the rash of school shootings in recent years, his comments on the phone will get him zero leniency or mercy.
Regardless of the fate of Becky (Hope its a good one), Toedad’s life as he knows it is over. Weather he surrenders, or commits suicide by cop, he’s done. And after those last comments I SERIOUSLY don’t want him to have his moment of redemption…at least not soon.
Thanks for the support everyone. And I really am sorry that anyone else has to deal with a parent so toxic that they’re forced to cut contact.
I actually haven’t 100% cut contact, but only because it would mean cutting ties with my grandparents whom I love dearly and have been more loving parent-like figures to me than my mother has been.
I *have* put a lot of distance between us. Literally and figuratively. I can’t move back to my hometown, my favorite city in the country, because she would never leave me or my family alone if I did.
I only see her 2 days a year, never allow my son to be alone with her, and my husband tries to never leave *me* alone with her.
In my case, she’s mentally ill (narcissistic personality disorder and bi-polar disorder), but absolutely feels that she is not, so getting her to get treatment for it, be it meds or therapy, isn’t ever going to happen.
Some of my family members are finally starting to see why I moved in with my dad when I was a teen. At the time they thought I was a selfish, cruel little brat for doing it, but the older she gets, the harder it’s getting for her to hide her true nature around others. People are finally starting to realize that she’s not the poor, innocent little victim that she always claims to be.
The guilt is awful. I know I’m doing the right thing for myself and my own family. I actually wish I could figure out a way to totally cut her off without hurting my grandparents since almost every conversation with her leaves me feeling like I’m going to have a panic attack.
Even so, I still feel guilty and like a shitty human being. And acquaintances and near-strangers feeling the need to tell me that I’ll regret it when she’s gone or that you should *always* respect your parents because no matter what they love you and are trying their best doesn’t help. It makes me feel guilty despite knowing that once she’s gone my only regret will be that I didn’t get out of her house and away from her at a younger age, and knowing that she never tried her best and that she doesn’t actually love me. The woman doesn’t even like me.
I’m actually looking forward to the day when people that are abused by their parents, even verbally and/or emotionally, are told “if you feel you need to get away or cut contact, do it. And I will be here to help you through it” rather than given a guilt trip or scolded for being a horrible person.
I don’t know if you’ll see this Annie but *hug*. I’m going through the same thing with my own mom.
Don’t let the username fool you, I just chose it for the barrels of laughs I get when people start running with it. “Hi mom!”
Like Mom said, I don’t know if you’ll see this either, but I know what you mean. My estranged parent has brain cancer. When I said “so?”, so many people treated me like the scum of the earth because “OMG UR DAD HAVE CANCER U WILL MISS HIM.” No. No I won’t. Terminal illnesses don’t equate to a clean slate; don’t let anyone convince you otherwise unless it’s what YOU want.
For fuck’s sake, a large part of why I didn’t want to have a wedding was because I was afraid of him showing up. College graduation? I wasn’t even going to send invites until my mum made me…because I was afraid of him showing up. Don’t let family and friends bully you into things that you don’t feel are right for you or your family. Just because they might mean well doesn’t make them right. You’re the one who has to live with the results, not them.
Agreed. And frankly unless he can physically take her like he’s doing now, she’s 18 and he has no legal authority over her. That 911 call and the fountain shot would be enough for a restraining order, I would think.
Given how he behaves, a restraining order would likely achieve jack-squat. He needs to be locked up.
Actually if you dig into things you’ll find that phones are great tracking devices. There was a case here a few months back where a man was convicted of murder basically by phone location data. It’s basically a constant broadcasting tracking beacon with conveniently accessible recording.
Nope, just the one murder. Proving phone ownership and the location data showed that the two people went to the location where the body was found together, but only one left. The Graham Dwyer case in Ireland if you’re morbidly curious. Trigger warning: dude is a Gorean.
A Pig person?
I think Historyman68 was referring to the podcast Serial, which last year did in-depth coverage on a murder case that used cell phone records/maps as evidence. I dunno if you could say that Adnan was convicted “by phone location data,” though, because the phone location data didn’t fully support the testimony of the prosecution’s star witness, Jay… Man, that case was a tangled web.
Yes they can, it’s part of the requirements put in place:
I used to work in this particular industry, and yeah cell phones are supposed to be able to be located when they call 911. There’s a couple different ways of doing that – either via the phone itself reporting its location or using the cell phone towers to figure out the location (using a variety of different means). I used to work for a company that did the latter means of location. It’d essentially work well with any phone as long as the phone was on, but required some really expensive equipment in the cell towers.
Wait, has she been on with 911 for 47 min or 47 seconds?
47 seconds.
I just went back and looked at in the bottom left of the second panel on Oct 27 there is “tap, tap, tap” that must have been her dialing.
Yes, precisely. That’s what clued me in! Someone initially pointed out the taps and wondered if Becky was texting, but I figured three taps would be odd for a keyboarded message (not to mention an impractically slow tactic on Becky’s part). Conversely, as I suspected, three taps aligned VERY well to dialling a 3-digit number. 🙂
…because Becky wasn’t going to call to save herself from her dad, from being taken away at gunpoint. It didn’t occur to her.
She called because somebody else was in danger from her dad.
Very good point!
(Love your “identity”. Must rewatch that. Madalyn Khan’s voice is telling me to)
Shit, I missed that detail. Well done, Willis.
Oh man, thank you so much for posting that link. Somehow- SOMEHOW- I missed that page. (It’s not the first time, doubt it’s the last.) It does throw more light onto the situation…
Not to mention the tap, tap, tap sound effect coming from her lap before she started the conversation.
She clearly called 911 47 seconds ago.
Yeah 2nd panel, you can see the “tap tap tap”
AWESOME!!!!! Yup, you are NOT Becky’s father any longer. You are just ToeJerk now.
I don’t know if anyone else has said this already, but I will laugh my ass off if Toedad’s real name turns out to be Stubb. (And yes, that is a real men’s name. I have an uncle Stubb.
His name is definitely Ross — but his middle name could totally be Stubb. Ross Stubb MacIntyre.
2 strips ago, second panel “tap tap tap”.
Had you followed the link I posted, you would see that the “tap tap tap” indeed led to the first predictions that Becky calling 911.
*was calling
…Just…FUCK you, Ross. Right in the eyes.
RIGHT. Jesus. He’s gone straight into “you are my property” territory. God DAMN it.
I’m now fully convinced he’s hurt Dina terribly and shrugged it off as her being less than human, hence, “I didn’t hurt anyone.” ASSHOLE.
I’m pretty sure he knocked her out cold.
Sound like grounds for unbriddled hatred towards him to me. Heck, he could’ve glarred at a puppy on his way there and I’dve been cheesed off with him.
So… fuck his eyes….with your penis?
with a fox penis, 120 barbs.
I think he’s only now crossing that line in his mind. I don’t think he’s hurt Dina yet, and he just left her mildly injured in the woods. In his head, Becky putting hands on him was a wake-up call to just how far his daughter has fallen. Now, in response to that escalation, he’s escalating himself.
At least, this is what I keep telling myself, desperately hoping I’m right.
What gets me is there are so many strict fundamentalists that really DO think a woman is the property of her father until the moment she’s married and then she’s the property of her husband. And they think that situation is ideal!
I heard one guy say he didn’t understand why women needed to vote, because if the woman is a good wife she will vote the way her husband tells her to anyway.
I overheard it while I was in a doctor’s waiting room and I had to go out in to the hall to keep myself from decking the guy.
I’ve also read blogs that basically say that the reason why any sexual contact (this often means kissing and *anything* more intimate than that) before marriage is immoral because up to the moment you’re married it still remains possible that God really intends the girl to marry someone else. That means that if the boy touches her in a way that’s even remotely sexual, he could be damaging the property of another man. And just the way you wouldn’t scratch up some other man’s car, you shouldn’t defile another man’s future wife.
The attitudes in those cults can be really, really sick!
Isn’t asking the father for his daughter’s hand in marriage pretty much along those same lines though?
I’ve always found that idea to be insulting cause I am not my father’s property ^=__=^ made even worse by my dad explicitly stating he’d want a guy to ask him, and we’re not even religious. gg mysogyny
Well, nowadays, rather than permission, they often ask for their “Blessing” to marry. In my opinion, this is better. After all, if the dad says no, that doesn’t mean you won’t get married, just means you don’t have some assholes blessing.
Yes, I did that during my newish-Christian, not-yet-questioning phase. More for my then-fiancée’s sake, as she’d been brought up to expect it, but I was explicit as I did it that I was asking for his blessing only – not his permission – and that the decision was hers. He could have withheld that if he didn’t approve of me (which he did, I should point out), but we both agreed that he couldn’t tell her who to marry or not marry. (Not that it worked out in the end, but heigh ho.)
Always nice to automatically regard the father of the person you want to be your life-mate as “some asshole.” (sarcasm, for those of you who need to have that explained)
If he thinks he owns his daughter and her fiance needs his permission, than he has identified himself as “some asshole” without any help.
In this context, it’s not just the father of the person you want to be your life-mate. It’s said father refusing to give his approval to his daughter marrying the person she wants to be her life-mate. In that situation, it’s a pretty good bet that someone involved is an asshole, and if you’re taking as given that you’re not, it’s probably him.
Before I got married, I got pregnant. My conservative, Southern Baptist parents were irate, but they did come to the small ceremony my now husband and I had with a Justice of the Peace. Right before the exchanging of the vows, Mom came up to me and said that the Justice had asked if anyone was giving me away, since it’s usually the custom that the father gives the bride to the groom before the vows. Mom said, “Tell him that you can’t give what’s already been taken.” She was so angry, and I think Dad was hurt that no one had asked him about my getting married. Apparently Mom and Dad had even talked about it (as Mom told me later) and Dad had said that if my husband had just asked, he would have said yes. With how they talked about it, I think they saw the situation as my husband stealing me from them. My parents have both come around to liking my husband now, and of course they adore the grandchild, but it was definitely a sore spot for a while for them.
When I got married, I thought the way the Justice of the Peace did it was really beautiful. He had our parents stand behind us each with a hand on our shoulder (it was a little awkward since I had 4 parents trying to squeeze in and putting hands on my shoulders, while my husband just had 2, but it worked.) and then he talked about how marriage isn’t just about us, but that it’s the blending of 2 entire families.
I thought it was a great way to blend the tradition of having the father-of-the-bride involved in the actual ceremony, but without treating the bride as if she’s a car having her title transferred to a new owner.
guh, I didn’t even think about the giving away at the wedding thing (probably cause I’m strongly opposed to any of my family being at my wedding for personal reasons). But yeah, ew. Women are not property ^>__<^;;
Honestly I don’t think this is true, at least in the sense that the idea behind ‘giving her away’ is not about ownership. I mean yes certainly in some (many? …most?) cultures it was/is corrupted to be all about ownership and property, but I truly don’t believe that is what the idea is about. I would argue that it is about paternal instinct telling guys they need to protect and provide for anyone they consider in their sphere of ‘family’. Not in an ownership way but in a being a good person way. I think at it’s core the idea is about the future husband asking the father if it okay to accept the responsibility of ‘family’ from the father.
It’s also why I think the more modern ‘blessing’ is far more appropriate a term for the so called arrangement. Not a “You now own my daughter”, a “You can help me bear the burden of feeling protective towards someone I love”.
But it’s specifically the daughter. No one asks the groom’s father’s permission (or mother’s, or even the bride’s mother’s.) The groom isn’t “given away” by anyone.
It really is a tradition of transferring the woman from the father’s control to the husband’s. Maybe it once was something else, in the depths of time, but it was about control for a very long time and only really changed in the fairly recent past. Legally, marriage as a partnership of equals rather than a male controlling his wife, is a pretty new concept. And a very radical one.
I had an English teacher in high school whose Dad was apparently really funny when her now husband asked for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The Dad’s response was, “What’re you askin’ me for? I ain’t marryin’ ya.”
And those cults that make women property were pretty much every agriculture based society known. So, basically all of humanity for the last several thousand years, with exceptions for hunter-gatherers. Even in the US, women were not people / citizens until one long lifetime ago. No vote, couldn’t own property, couldn’t get credit on their own. In the 1940s, the police would have helped Ross.
you really believe that?
maby you should look into some first hand sources for that information because it appears that you have been lied to.
She’s in the previews looking pretty chipper; I think she’s fine.
Willis stated that the only person who was bleeding after their fight was Ross.
That doesn’t mean Dina wasn’t hurt, but there’s a limit to how terribly she could be hurt without bleeding. Unless he, like, strangled her or something, and I don’t think he did that.
I would guess she is unconscious, or she would have continued to run after him.
Hasa diga Ross
When your Toedad hates your hair
Dial 911, don’t just sit there!
When your Toedad’s got a gun,
Shout it at him as you run!
Hasa diga Roooooosss!
Haaasaaa diga Toedad!
I’m trying to think of a fictional character I want to beat with a 2×4 more and having trouble. I mean, there are villains that have done worse things (in terms of scale at least), but Ross is utterly loathsome, and has exactly zero cool moments to offset his assholery.
He’s surpassed Umbridge. That’s a pretty difficult feat.
hey unrelated but is there any chance the Ace part of your name, while being a clever pun might have the double meaning to imply you are asexual? or am i just reading too far into it…
Unbridge?? Ehh I dunno.
I disagree. Ross honestly, truly believes his behaviour is right, is justifiable. Umbridge never did. She just enjoyed the misery.
That makes Ross infinitely more of a dangerous character, in that his insane world view is literally the only thing that matters to him. How much it makes him detestable is obviously subjective.
Personally? While his actions (and the fact that he believes they’re okay) are utterly abhorrent, I pity him. He was made the way he was by his experiences and life. I absolutely want him to be removed from society, but I feel that the fact that he’s been turned into this vile man, full of hatred and fear, is tragic.
Ooooooh, you’re right. Umbridge was motivated, if anything, by a selfish vision of what was right or best. Ross is motivated by a vision of greater, eternal, selfless (or so he thinks, anyway) good. And that is fucking TERRIFYING.
I actually disagree that Umbridge was guided by any idea of what was good. I think she was guided by what would benefit her, and by her sadism. She was arguably the most dispicable character in Harry Potter.
But the beauty of good writing is that you put depth into the characters and leave people to draw their own conclusions about the what it all means.
Totally agree that Ross is terrifying though. Zero argument there.
Umbridge was a character in real life for many people. That’s why, as despicable as Voldy was, Umbridge was easier to hate because she could bring vile pettiness to a personal level, in the books and films.
Umbridge’s motivation changed. She went from obsession with Fudge and hatred of Harry for claiming that Voldemort even existed, to being extremely pleased with working in an openly-evil Ministry without Fudge.
So she didn’t actually care about any of that. She was just sadistic, and glad for an opportunity. Remember her talking herself into using the Cruciatus Curse, even though it wasn’t even very useful to her ends–she just wanted to do it, and she found an excuse.
But Ross isn’t motivated by goodness. Sure, he’d define his behavior as good, but that doesn’t make it so. He’s motivated by extreme self-centeredness, no matter how he purports to justify it.
And they will stretch him like a glove in prison. Esp if they find out why he is there.
Umbridge gets points for the sheer audaciousness of making a student sign their detention lines with their own blood.
Ok, but has he surpassed Blaine? His behavior escalated more rapidly, but it seems to be a fairly recent mental breakdown. (I.e., his daughter wasn’t initially scared of him physically, was surprised that he’d hurt or threaten her, tried to reason with him, etc.) Blaine seemed like a longtime sociopath, and has damaged his daughter enough to literally split her psyche.
Ross has doubtlessly been a horrible person with horrible beliefs for decades. The only reason no conflict has arisen before now is because Becky had stayed within the lines he had drawn until now.
I wanna say Handsome Jack, but even after every terrible thing he did, even dipping into “treat your daughter like crud” territory, I like him more than I do Ross. Maybe its just the fact that he was written in a bit more of a jovial light, only for him to take a dark turn later, maybe Ross is just 50x worse than Jack. I dunno.
Handsome Jack was hilarious.
Yeah, Jack was such a “Love-to-hate” guy. Even when committing atrocities he always had the best lines.
Villains who are entertaining can get away with doing the most awful things because as much as we hate them we like to watch them. Darth Vader is a badass, Light Yagami is intelligent, Handsome Jack is hilarious, Mike Warner is Mike Warner.
Ross is just repellent.
And Handsom Jack would probably throttle Ross, or at the very least send Nisha to murder him.
‘Because hey, I’m the good guy.’
hey he ‘was’ the good guy. told you so himself, you are a bandit and handsome Jack is the god damned hero…
and he’s not wrong, he’s the guy trying to bring peace and prosperity to the lawless wastes and keep dangerous super weapons out of the hands of greedy murderous outlaws aka you and the other vault hunters.
Shame he was suffering from Borderlands Personality Disorder.
No argument there. If I ever buy a horse, I don’t care what anyone tries to tell me, I’m naming him ButtStallion.
Will it be a solid gold pony? That’s actually alive?
I thought Buttstallion was made of diamonds…
Handsome Who ?
The villain of Borderlands 2, a humorously toned FPS video game.
Imagine if the Joker and Lex Luthor raised a kid together, and he turned out to possess the former’s psychopathy, the latter’s intelligence, and was a snarky wiseass to boot.
Tbh, it is probably because Jack is far more inherently evil than Ross is. Which in a way lets Jack be silly an entertaining in his shenanigans. Ross is not only a monster but is a fanatic, who honestly believes that everything he is doing is right and justified. So you it is not about just hating Ross, but the entire system that turned him into the creature he is.
Hans of the Southern Isles?
At least Hans was clever.
At least Hans had a well thought out plan. Dude wins points for sneakiness.
And his voice… Goddamn, I wasn’t a fan of ‘Love Is An Open Door’ lyrically, but I melt every time I hear it for that guy.
I dunno, locking Anna in that room and just assuming that she was doomed was dumb, as was announcing that they had exchanged wedding vows with no witnesses, so he was totally king now, guys, for realsies.
It’s a royal marriage, it’s going to merit a little more scrutiny than that. If he had kept up the charming sociopath act for five more minutes, I bet he could have convinced her to actually marry him then and there (and call in some witnesses), then when she froze he’d have a legitimate claim.
That being said the Reveal was great. Someone in my theater actually yelled “NO!” at the screen in utter shock. His follow up game was weak, though.
Clever Hans? What a horse’s ass.
Well, most people here probably haven’t read it (yet) but Molech from Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits is tough to beat. Every single word he utters makes me want to to punch him in the face. He’s like an internet troll, except he actually does all the awful things he says he’s going to do.
He’s currently at .5 Ramsey Bolton.
Craster seems also worse. He doesn’t only consider his daughters his property and beats them, he also fucks them and kills their sons.
Ramsay would laugh at Ross’s amateur antics. Then probably flay him for good measure.
Anne’s dad Tony over at Gunnerkrigg Court has had me to the point of an unhealthy rage several times over the past month or so.
I actually had to stop reading it shortly after he turned up. I just found his behaviour regularly triggering memories of my own parental abuse. From a comic I loved, I was upset to be put in that position- I hope he goes somewhere good with it, and handles it well.
It’s currently getting addressed (and Annie is back in the forest), if that helps.
Nobuyuki Sugou. The most loathsome piece of trash to ever meander out of a fictional work. Granted, Toedad is maybe 1/2 a step below him, but there is still something worse. Sugou both claimed a girl NOT his own as his property and wife against her will, she was also, in a way, unconscious during this, and Sugou actually purposefully kept her that way. (Sorry if you haven’t watched SAO, as that’s a huge spoiler, but Sugou is literally the embodiment of evil)
I will credit the writers of that show for creating a character that I hated so violently that I practically went into orgasmic spasms when karma finally caught up with him.
Clay Puppington comes to mind.
Stanislaus Braun. If I could have done worse than lock him inside a fantasy world for eternity I would have. I’d have done to him what I did to Mr. House.
Tranquility Lane is a total D: for me. ‘… Kill them all, or leave them locked in with this psycho? What kind of choice is that?’
I know, right? Come on, I maxed intelligence and science, no way I can’t get them out from the outside. I tried every possibility.
Kill la Kill’s Ragyo Kiryuin? Certainly a worse parent.
That’s the only one who could maybe come close that I can think of. But she’s so ludicrous that it’s a little hard to take her seriously. She’s the bastard offspring of Cruella DeVille and Lady Gaga.
You then need to read a bit of Asako by Tezuka… There are several worse character. You’d even think that Asako being killed by her father would have been somewhat lighter to read. I don’t recommend to read this if you’re even a tiny bit depressed. Never assume you can know what type of tears (laugh, sadness, frustration, rage, and so on) a Tezuka comic will provoke before having read it, I think this is the meta lesson.
Ayako, not Asako. Bloody memory.
Eric Cartman?
Did someone ask for Genoscythe the Eyeraper?
I don’t know who that is, but that’s an awesome name.
To make fun of how dark Worm is, a fan made up a villain called ‘Genoscythe the Eyeraper.’ If I remember correctly, his schtick was turning people into weapons that he would use to kill their relatives. Also, something about molesting people’s eyes.
Still sounds less disturbing than Ross.
As I recall, the author’s reaction was basically, “Yeah, sure, that’s canon.”
And Genoscythe disturbs me less than Bonesaw’s idea of fun.
Bonesaw was horrifying from the beginning, and every time I didn’t think she could outdo herself, she did.
Regent’s interlude actually disturbed me a lot more, though.
I ain’t puttin’ my genitals anywhere near Ross’s eye, thank you very much
Welp… Amazigirl is dead
Not dead, but dreaming
the glass will actually help slow her more gently than the metal ; also there’s a plastic film of sort on it so it doesn’t (usually) explode even when it breaks.
probably is… here costume does protect her a lot, but not all of the back of her head 🙁
Ever seen the result of a car/bike accident, with a head-shaped mark full of stray stuck hair on the windshield ? I wish I didn’t.
Her head seems to be forward, though, tucked in slightly toward her chest, with her arms/shoulders somewhat behind. So there is that, at least!
I’m not afraid of her dying but her getting permanent spinal damage. This looks like the kind of injury that would put amber on a wheelchair for life.
she dead
There’s a very good chance that she survived with few injuries. If Ross was going 60 miles an hour, then Amazigirl was also going around 60 miles an hour in the same direction. The car behind them was also going around 60 miles an hour (possibly a bit faster), so overall she’s crashing into the car at a relative speed of around 0-10 miles an hour. Besides, she hit the windshield if she’d hit the front part, she’d roll onto the road and be crushed by the car, but right now the worst thing that can happen to her is that she goes over the car and lands on the asphalt. Whats likely going to happen is that she remains on the hood of the car. The car slows to a stop. Amazigirl ends up with some nasty bruises, and perhaps a few cuts, and maybe… MAYBE… a broken bone.
She even has the auction cup to grab if she starts to roll off the hood… because Amazi-girl is always prepared for anything.
She dropped the suction cup in the last strip.
Apparently not, because the suction cup is on the hood of the red car. Perhaps she had two?
it landed on the car and stayed stuck there.
Chekov’s suction cup?
She had two hands. I’d imagine two suction cups is way more useful than one.
The auction cup is going… going… gone.
He he
That’s IF the driver of the red car can maintain control of the vehicle and not crash into something solid at high speed, in which case, car stops, Amazigirl doesn’t.
But the car slammed on the brakes as soon as Ross started swerving. Before Amazi-girl lost her grip.
I nearly failed physics in high school. I’m not sure if the car being at almost a stop when she slammed in to it is a benefit to her or likely to do more damage than if it were going highway speed still.
The red car swerved when Ross did, but slammed on the braked when AG landed on windshield. This is where the conveniently-landed suction cup will come in handy. I wonder if the red car was following to film the crazy chick asphalt-skiing. (hope it was a passenger was holding the camera/phone)
Hmm. It looked like to me that as soon as Amazi-girl lost control, the car swerved and hit the brakes. To me the “skreeeeee” sound means squealing brakes.
But I’m not the best at judging those things. I also thought the “tap, tap, tap” was Becky tapping herself on the chest with the finger that was pointed at her. It didn’t even occur to me that the tapping could have been from her other hand until I read this strip, then went back and read the other one again.
Can a skateboard survive going that fast?
I’m pretty sure they’re on a regular road, not a highway here, so I doubt they’re going 60. Unless someone mapped their route and found otherwise?
I really don’t think either car was going more than 35-40mph. They are still in an area with a lot of stop signs, and he just took a corner. I would actually bet more like 25-30.
Nah. That happened to me once. I was hit by a car going ~25 mph. Specifically, I hit the windshield (breaking it), approximately in the same way that Amazi-girl did. I was actually uninjured. Not that this couldn’t kill someone, but there is a large amount of variation in the injuries that this will cause.
You’re probably right. Once she’s taken to the hospital, her true identity will become known to all. Amber will never be able to take up the mantle of Amazi-girl again.
One hopes she’ll find a healthier way to get over her issues.
That assumes that the people involved in getting her to the hospital etc. don’t deliberately ignore she’s Amazi-girl. Or for that matter she somehow doesn’t get treated without taking her mask off.
Or that she doesn’t get hustled away in a fake ambulance staffed by all her Amazi-Family in disguise to heal her in her Amazi-Cave and play off her injuries as a ski accident.
You know, like in Knightfall.
More importantly, the original Asshole Dad is in the local hospital.
It’s been more than a week. Unless Amber did more damage to Blaine than I thought, it’s unlikely he’s still there. They probably didn’t keep him more than overnight, and that only because of the blows to the head.
Good. She honestly needs to be forced to get help at this point. (Considerably earlier than this point actually.)
God knows what the physics of that collision were. I have no idea how Amazi-Girl got high enough to hit the windscreen instead of the bumper and grill. And since the car ought to have been going no faster than she was, i don’t see how it can have caught up before she hit the road.
That said, a collision with the windscreen is about as good as it gets, since breaking the screen absorbs some energy, and you can get thrown upwards allowing the car to pass under you rather than having to suddenly accelerate to the full speed of the car in a distance less than the thickness of your body. I was chatting last month with an eighty-year-old man who got hit by and thrown over a car while he was on his bicycle, about last Christmas.
Fortunately she wears the costume over her normal clothing, so that will provide some extra padding.
The main issue is going to be head and neck injuries, unfortunately trying to prevent a head injury will probably increase the chance of damaging her neck.
The unmentioned issue however? This is the second time AG has responded to a crisis involving Joyce, and the second time she’s failed. Can’t see that Amber’s going to take that well at all (not to mention what it’ll do to the AG reputation).
My Research Addiction(TM) made me look stuff up.
In Football kit, a “flak jacket” is an under-jersey garment that usually incorporates a “ribs protector” device, which is also available separately and could be compatible with a “sports bra” for female athletes.
There’s an outfit called Zoombang that makes protective sports gear with little packets of what’s basically a high-tech oobleck – non-Newtonian fluid that’s soft and flexible under normal conditions, but goes rigid under high-speed impact. I know several people who use it in SCA combat, as rigid protection under mail or the like. I’m thinking Amazi-Girl could really use some built into the Amazi-Suit.
Last time I was at the national bull-riding championships (they aren’t held here any more) the riders were all wearing armour vests, and those weren’t very bulky. I’d guess that stuff designed to cope with being thrown, trodden on, mashed into fences, and gored by an angry bull would be highly suitable for Amber’s expected parkour and jiu-jutsu accidents.
Definitely. On top of the car is SOOOOO much better than under. Still, ouch.
What we need is someone like Mr. Neil deGrasse Tyson but who’s a webcomics and physics expert who can show up at any comic thread when science logistics are in question and expertly clear them up.
Hey! We could get Beakman! Science and wonderfully bad puns all at once!
David Morgan-Mar of
… Irregular Webcomic …
Talking of which, this one seems almost appropriate to Amazi-Girl’s present predicament.
and that’s what I get for trying to put a link in my first post.
Don’t eve go there man. I don’t even want to think about losing another fictional character this weak.
Probably not. As several people have pointed out she:
1) hit the relatively soft windshield
2) was moving at close to the same relative speed as the weapon vehicle (technical term for any vehicle that hits a pedestrian or other “vulnerable” user)
3) the cape helped protect her from the broken glass of the windshield.
And of course, the suction cup on the car she hit indicates that she used that to slow down further. Don’t count Amazigirl out yet.
My thought process seeing the first panel: Oh good, the red car caught her! Yay red car!
Wait… no… bad.
Yeah, so… Thing’s aren’t gonna slow down anytime soon.
Just saw the time on the call, she must have called right when she saw Amazi-Girl.
Yeah, look a few pages back and you can see her dialing. I didn’t notice until now.
Ellen commented on it last strip.
Strip before last, actually.
Two strips ago when she was trying to distract Ross from noticing Amazi Girl, there were three small taps, and her other hand was concealed. That must have been the call.
Note how Becky launched right into saying she was kidnapped at gunpoint after she’s made those taps.
Had to go back three days to see it, nice and subtle!
So Toedad (and we) didn’t hear the operator saying “9-1-1, what is the nature of the emergency?” or the equivalent?
I’m no expert on phones, but my smartphone has both volume and a mute button on the casing. If Becky muted the phone before calling, he couldn’t have heard.
But this is not Becky’s phone, it’s Dina’s. Becky might not be familiar with these features or how to activate them on that specific device.
But she easily could have noticed it earlier and remembered it.
Also, given the way Dina tends to get sensory overload easily, she likely has the volume set relatively low. With the road noise of the car and Becky yelling at Ross, it’s very possible that it simply wasn’t heard.
a thumb over the speaker can be highly effective as well.
Likely she had it on mute or he was distracted by her talking.
Oh OK, she was deliberately talking loudly to drown out the operator and make sure they heard her.
Yeah! And we totally predicted it down in the comments on that strip!
With everything awful happening in the strip, a successful prediction is the one thing I have to be happy about right now :/
Not until they crash into that tree!
Ross McIntyre, Ross McIntyre
He’s the evilest guy in Dumbing of Age history
From the, town of La Porte
He’s about to hit a chestnut tree
I spelt his last name wrong, but he deserves it for being evil.
Ross, Ross, Ross McInToeDad
Fundie as he can be
(aaeaaaeeaaaa, aaaeeeaaaeeeaaa)
Watch out for that tree!
Get rekt toedad.
Not while Becky’s in the car!
Becky’s got her seatbelt on.
That man is going to prison.
Yep. He was already facing three counts of assault with a deadly weapon, one of common battery, one of brandishing a weapon in a threatening manner, one of unlawful (maybe reckless) discharge of a firearm, one of kidnapping, and maybe some moving violations. Now there is evidence of attempted murder and making terrorist threats. And I doubt that he has a cache of incriminating info on a racketeer to plea-bargain with, so I’d say he’s going down for a ‘phone number.
Driver of red car is a corroborating witness to the swerving to dislodge strangely costumed girl, whom they seem to have caught.
Nice newscast phrasing. 😀 Makes me wonder what the press will make of this shit after it has all gone down…
Holy hell, the Student’s going to give this story to Dorothy. The press side of this could be a story unto itself.
Quite possible! At least, if Dorothy isn’t uncomfortable accepting the assignment due to her proximity to those involved.
Daisy will plotz!
Probably something like this:
[Anchor at desk] A La Porte man was arrested in Bloomington today after abducting his adult daughter from the IU campus at gunpoint. We go live to Natalie Jacobson, live on the scene. Nat? [Cut to field reporter] Thanks Frank. According to local witnesses a young woman was coerced into her father’s car against her will under threat of bodily harm. [PKG,fullscreen of his mugshot] 47-year-old Ross MacIntyre has been charged with assault and battery, brandishing a firearm, and armed kidnapping [montage of crime scene footage] after reportedly discharging a rifle near the Showalter Fountain to coerce 18-year-old Rebecca MacIntyre into his car. [SOT: eyewitness interview] “It was, like, really scary after he pulled out the gun?” [Another witness] “I just hit the ground and hoped he wouldn’t shoot me”. [Cut to reporter] A local woman who attempted to intervene with the abduction was hospitalized with minor injuries. Mr. MacIntyre led police on a brief car chase before he was stopped and taken into custody. Frank? [Anchor at desk] Thanks Nat. And now we go to chief meteorologist Andy Mitchell for the forecast.
Too many multisyllabic words pronounced correctly for that to be a local newscast.
define “minor inguries”
On the plus side for ToeDad, kidnapping is a federal offense, and federal penitentiaries are better maintained than state ones*. That is, if the local authorities are willing to cede jurisdiction on the felony menacing on campus. Were I the DA in charge of this, this case would be all mine. I would enhance the above list with a “terrorism” enhancement, and possibly a hate crime. As a DA, my statement would be “You bring a gun to inspire terror on my campuses, you go to jail for the max. How is Indiana University supposed to maintain the highest standards if the best and brightest are too afraid to enroll?”
Seriously, I hate this Toe-Dad. Kai Wynn at least had generations of militant occupation to help explain her problems. Kai Leng was probably indoctrinated by the Reapers. And Dolores Umbridge is the bad kind of British.
What’s Toe-Dad’s excuse?
*Rule of thumb does not apply to Guantanamo Bay.
Wynn’s problem was being power hungry and bitter over being snubbed by the Prophets her entire life. Yes, the second led to the first but you can’t expect aliens outside linear time to care about cause and effect.
But she was still devout and practiced her religion when the Cardassian Occupation levied severe punishments against it. So I cut her the tiniest amount of slack. Which is why I hate her less than Toe-Dad. It’s probably Toe-Dad, Kai Leng, Umbridge, Kai Winn on my top four list of Fictional Characters I Hate, in that order.
I mentioned this above, but if you ever read the Gunnerkrigg Court web comic you’ll be more than happy to add Anne’s dad Tony to your list. Him, Ross and Blaine would be the BrotherHood of Evil Assholes-for when being an asshole isn’t bad enough, you get to be an Evil one.
Antimony’s Dad still has the possibility of a redemptive arc to him; his worst acts against her were accidental (He was trying to reach Surma, and was horrified to know he hurt her), then coerced (forced by the court under threat of her expulsion).
That doesn’t excuse his emotional abandonment of her, nor his external lack of concern for her own emotional state, but that’s at least an easier position to walk back from than had been painted before Donny got him drunk.
I’m pretty sure his behavior to her is not coerced, but genuine.
Tony isn’t anywhere near as bad as Ross and Blaine. Just… nowhere near.
At least Kai Leng got what was coming to him…let’s hope Toe-Dad does as well. Looks like he’s going to.
Wait. Uxbridge is the bad kind of British? And this is an excuse for her behavior? I have no clue what stereotype you think you are appealing to with “bad kind of British” and even less idea why it would be an excuse.
The extreme “this is for your own good” kind of Britishness. Where any actual compassion flies out of the window. Where the reason for those rules becomes contempt for the intelligence of others and not concern over their wellbeing. The rules no longer exist to help people, but to control them, because they clearly can’t manage their own lives.
Apart from the fact that I don’t think Umbridge ever had anyone’s good at heart – it was just the convenient excuse for her own prejudices and cruelty – I’m British and I still don’t get why the nationality is part of that stereotype…?
Is he crazy enough to try to stand up to the police?
I don’t think he’s crazy, but he is proud, mentally inflexible, domineering, and morally incompetent. He’s had all his success in life by doubling down and blustering and he has probably never learned to cut his losses by surrender in a no-win situation.
he IS a white man
How has it only been on for less than a minute?
I think even 911 has to take a few seconds to pick up??
Yup. Usually a couple rings, in my experience.
(I should clarify: my family is prone to medical emergencies. No kidnapping at gunpoint, thankfully!)
The count (current at 00:47 on the phone’s screen) only starts when the other end picks up. Even if it’s only a recorder, it’s evidence that they can use later on.
Becky started typing in the numbers the panel before last. Try saying all the dialogue that’s taken place since then and see how long it takes. 00:47 seems about right to me.
If anything it seems long, but I’m not complaining.
She probably dialed when she saw Amazigirl
IKR? It feels like they’ve been in that car for more than a week! … Wait.
It’s amazing how slowly time seems to pass in a high stress situation… that you observe a few seconds at a time per twenty four hour period.
Finally, someone uses their head for something other than butting.
they’re unlikely to be the only person who called the cops by now, but given she is in the car with him, that is at least a more direct link
And more! Calls to 911 are recorded. Becky will be able to get a restraining order against her Big Toe Daddy, which will enable her to collect her social security card and her personal effects.
Assuming Toedad avoids prison (which is possible) I think he’d treat a restraining order the same way Blaine would. Neither of them know when to back off, and treat trying to disagree with them in any way as a direct threat.
I guess neither of them drinks, because they’d never have survived a night in a crowded sports bar with their attitude.
He did fire a gun on a college campus. That’s pretty much auto-jail right there.
References to a restraining order may contain traces of ironic understatement.
They won’t be able to put him in a prison within 200 yards of the campus? 😀
When Becky comes to visit he will be crushed against the wall of his cell by her invisible shield.
Hey guys, I just wanted to point out that it’s been exactly one year since Becky’s surprise appearance in Joyce’s dorm room! For what it’s worth, just over 4 days have since passed in the Dumbiverse (she appeared on Thursday morning, and “now” it’s around noon on Monday).
It’s been that long already? Dear god.
Messed up the link, here it is:
I just re-read a few of the strips (wow, a *year*?!) and when I got to this one: …I got all sniffly!
This is comforting for some reason
I’m actually a bit surprised that Becky’s shown up in less than half of the intervening strips! (Only a little less than half, though.)
Holy shit, it can’t have been a year?? I’m shocked.
Hm.. that makes about 14 minutes per strip, roughly calculated, apart the ones like this sequence, where it’s more like 14 seconds.
You guys you guys I went back and started reading from Becky’s first strip and I got to the one where Amazi-Girl takes down a harasser and he says her next newspaper article will be her obituary and she’s like super no and I don’t think she’s been in the paper since then and what if it’s all been a big set up and…
Don’t mean to alarm anyone or anything. Go about your business.
The most shocking thing about this strip is that Toedad actually has a mouth.
Dangit, alt text. You win this round.
Makes you wonder why mini-Batman is trying is trying to fly up his nose instead.
I just hope that AG is immune to collisions.
Her bones are dense, she’s fine
Collisons are just criticisms of driving, and we all know Amazi-Girl is immune to criticism.
I’m still surprised that that’s what his mouth looks like.
The Unkillable Badass says this is a messy but low damage wreck mode. The windshield will never be the same but AG should be shaken up but otherwise fine.
So much for you, evil one known as Ross.
“so i kind of called a bunch more friends…”
Aw, shit……
OHGODOHGODOHGOD I hope Amber’s injuries aren’t too bad and OMG what is Foedad gonna do after seeing his daughter called 911 ohgodohgodohgod
Well, seeing as how Becky’s been on the line for 40 something seconds, probably get shot by the inbound police. Emergency response workers don’t usually react well to “send them to hell where they belong” shouted over the phone.
Yeah but it’s not like the can instantly teleport into the car and stop him from taking out whatever violent reaction I’m sure he’s gonna have to this on Becky. =/
lol foedad
That is seriously clever. Props, bro.
I wish I could remember if I came up with it or if it popped into my head after I read it in someone else’s comment.
*plays Eurythmics’ “Walking On Broken Glass” on the car stereo* <- Could have been MUCH worse for A-G, tho'.
Plays Queen’s “Headlong ” after the Eurythmics.
*This is Dee Snyder on WHAP playing a request from Becky. Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Going To Take It. *
I’m so freaked out but yes yes yes 911
I’m relieved that it isn’t 4-5 panels of Amazigirl slow motion falling though. I really hope tomorrow isn’t, I need this pacing.
Holy crap. She can’t even touch him?
Well, in the violent sense. You know how people sometimes say “touch” when they actually mean “hurt?” As in, “If you touch a hair on his head, I will blah blah blah!” I think that’s what he meant. I can’t imagine that even Toe Dad is against hugs between family members.
I definitely took it that she’s not allowed to touch him at all without his express permission. He could beat her as much as he pleased, but if she so much as put her hand on his arm while he’s reading the Sunday paper she’s at fault.
Maybe while she is “unclean”. When he gets her “fixed right”, then all will be fine.
That really doesn’t seem the case here though ?
At least we’ve seen no indication of that so far.
I think he means in an ‘unrespectful’ way.
Most people react badly to being touched in any way when they’re angry, don’t they?
Aaaaaaaah it’s one hour early.
I forgot the US didn’t switch to winter time the last sunday of october like the rest of us.
The hell is “winter time”?
I’m assuming it’s what they call daylight savings across the pond?
Yes, we Europeans are weird.
Yes, daylight savings. summer time (from last sunday of march), winter time.
What do you OverPonders say to distinguish daylight saving time during the summer and winter months then ?
When it’s not summer time.
It is down this end of the world 🙂
Standard time, aka going off daylight savings.
That stupid nonsense change the clock thing we do 2x a year. “Spring Ahead, Fall Back.” This year, the USA “falls back” 1 hour at 2AM on Nov 1. The UK did it already.
It’s not even a change gone uniformly across the country. I live in Arizona and we don’t have it.
I need to moe to AZ then. I hate this stupid shit. Back when people actually slept at night, it made sense. But this is a 24/7 society now. There are NO savings in electricity by changing when the sun appears to rise. Hell, office buildings around the world have lights burning 24/7 even if the place is empty!
Well it’s not like we Arizonans (and indianans, and people on native American reservations iirc) don’t have to deal with daylight savings time, since TV show start times and comic updates and communication with people/businesses in other time zones is still a thing. We just don’t have to change our clocks, but it still effects us.
Indiana caved and adopted DST a few years ago. Arizona is the last state holdout now.
I think the point is to prevent it being dark when you get up in the morning in the winter months. But then it gets darker earlier, so it seems to cancel out anyways.
Me too!
The longer this goes on, the more worried I get that he’s going to hurt Becky badly
God speed, police and Sal
I don’t have a smart-phone. Have the cops been listening to this whole conversation? Or has Becky not pressed dial yet?
She’s been on with them for 47 seconds.
And plenty of time for them to triangulate the phone’s location too.
Looks like she’s been on for 47 seconds, the thing that’s up is a swipe to hang up and there’s no button to send.
But to a 911 operator, not the cops (I’m glad they didn’t ask what was happening loud enough for her dad to hear, because she probably didn’t have time to mute it, especially since that’s a pain to do even on a phone you’re used to). I’m not sure if they’ll even have passed what’s happening on, since there’s no location or anything yet (hopefully Becky’ll say it now, if she has her bearings enough to), although they may have since there’s a known shooting/kidnapping in her area code.
I hope her dad’s too phone dumb to hang it up (if he gets it), they at least take a good whack to smash so unless he cartoonily crushes it in his fist, she should have a few seconds more.
(he could also huck it out the window but I doubt it because he’ll probably want to immediately stop and destroy the rebellion method)
Becks should toss it in the back seat before Toehead can grab it. Hopefully it will stay on and 911 can use the continuing call info.
Yes, do this! He might have to stop the car to turn it off.
hey, it’s shorter to say than “daylight savings”if she drops the phone at the backseat of the car, toedad will have to stop to go fetch it.
wait how did these 2 comments get mashed up ? ^^;
When you cancel a reply it saves the text in the reply box. You probably had a cancelled reply in the ‘winter time’ thread and then replied to this.
Uh, what you said!
Hopefully, because is a smartphone, they can get a pretty good location off of it.
you can get a pretty good triangulation from the antenaes it’s connected too, anyway.
You forget in the US 911 is required to recieve what is known as Type 1 and Type 2 location data from the carrier for ALL calls made, Type 1 is determined via Cell towers, and Type 2 is GPS. If GPS is disabled/unavailable on the phone then they only get type 1 (for a land line that is the address of the land line). In addition they get the name on the phone (failing that the person said phone is billed to). Not that the system always works, in fact there are statistics saying that for a lot of cases there is no Type 1 data given, nor any attempts by 911 to get updated location information.
The most important thing, now, is the 911 recording. There will have been other calls about the gun, etc. Maybe the red car called about the car dragging a girl, before she was discovered. Police are probably getting reports about AG, and may remember seeing that when they passed.
(“stupid college kids and their games. We’ll have to catch them after we deal with the creep with the gun”)
Thanks for weighing in, the relevant background info here is appreciated!
Your welcome, security and privacy are areas of interest to me.
The dial icon’s red, so she’s at least made the call.
Looks like they’ve been listening for the last 47 seconds
she’s been on the call with the 911 dispatchers for 47 seconds. So its mid call and they’ve at least heard this dialogue for this comic if not a bit of the last
and judging by when becky started tapping in a previous strip 911 should have picked up right about the time where she said “you kidnapped me” which is a very good thing
Not only that… Becky used the phrasing she did two strips ago PRECISELY because she had dialled 911 and wanted to appraise the operator of the situation without giving herself away.
That was my thought too- also that she was maybe saying it so loud/emphasized for that reason (to drown out ‘what is your emergency’), but I avoided comment to not get my hopes up about taptaptap being 911.
Yup. She was clearly trying to relay the critical information while disguising it all as a last ditch effort to engage with him. It’s an impressive amount of subterfuge likely honed to perfection by a life of having to tiptoe over his controlling attitude and downplay her “rebellions” doing things like sneaking episodes of Seinfield.
I wonder if Becky isn’t going to be telling Joyce some things she’s kept well hidden about what actually went on at home, and if Joyce is going to feel whole lot of guilt as a result, since she didn’t figure out these things were happening.
I think there’s a fair chance either way- he might have been a perfectly loving dad to his feminine, Christian, only child, best friends with Other Very Christian Child. (I don’t think I have to type out pontification in the direction of him as a lifelong abuser, since we can all think of reasons it makes sense)
I think he was probably very loving to his wife and child when they fit the roles he had proscribed to them.
My dad was very much the same way. When I fit roles he had prepared himself for, he was all chummy and supportive and playing the “cool dad”. The instant I deviated from that script, things got bad. It came to its biggest head when I came out as trans, but he also showed signs of that tendency when I was a kid even though I was too young to recognize it for what it was (after all, everyone’s dads get upset sometimes and hit their kids, right?).
Cerberus, that is very like my mom. Not for the same reasons (she’s bigoted, but not violently so and not religious and she doesn’t know I’m trans, so that’s a bonus), she just had specific ideas of perfect daughter and jumped straight to being terrible if I violated her unseen rules, but I sympathize. I only found out much later that my friends found her terrifying when she was angry.
The 911 operators in Bloomington appear to be well trained. I once had to call them to help me deal with another individual who had called me, threatening to hurt themselves. I held the house phone and my cell phone up where I could hear out of each of them and speak into both simultaneously. I said nothing to the 911 operator but he picked up on what was going on immediately, kept quiet in order to not distract me, recorded the call, alerted a detective, and was able to further help me when the other person hung up their phone.
Shoulda done that a while ago.
Amber is going to have a hard time explaining why she’s wearing a back brace for 6 months.
“Killing Spiders.”
“The amazi-rack finally took it’s toll on my spine?”
“The what?”
“fuck. I mean the amber rack…yeeees…that’s what I call them. Cuz I’m amber”
“…Oh ok….I should name MY boobs…”
She’ll say she had a grappling hook mishap with Danny.
“…You don’t have boobs, Joe.”
I think her cover will be blown the moment she gets hospitalized.
Amber-Im cosplaying as Amazi-Girl
Looking ahead to Halloween.
“Young lady, why are you trying to emulate this Amazing person? She’s some sort of mentally ill vigilante!”
Toedad is no toe. He truly is a heel.
And now, he will be brought to heel.
Go to Hell Ross.
“We don’t want him here!” – The residents of Hell.
isnt that a mazda3
Sure looks like one. Ross’s car looks lime a 2nd gen. Ford Focus
Yeah, this sumbich needs to be in prison.
Where he will be owned by the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood.
Not cool. Even for people like Ross.
No it is not, but given everything that has transpired Ross has earned his place in prison and seeing as how he does not want to be a bongo to anyone that is not white he will be owned by Vern Schillinger.
2 things have now been settled:
1. ross is not to be considered sympathetically
2. someone is capable of reacting to horrible situations in a logical manner
anyone have anything to add?
Who ever was driving that red car is gonna have a really bad rest of their day.
If they saved AGs life, they do have that to think of. Car repair, well that’s another story.
What does his insurance adjuster even categorize that as?
If the person in that car is really unlucky they’ll end up paying the whole shot because their insurer considers it their fault, or the damage value ends up being under their deductible.
Is this a no fault state? Or do Amber and Ross wind up getting sued. Or is Amazigirl gone by the time the cops get there?
3. He’s the only one who will go to Hell.
I consider him sympathetically. What are you going to do about it?
Ok, of course I don’t but no one tells me what to do!
Keep breathing.
4) Ross is now officially a worse father than Blaine. Until this moment, they might have been tied, because although Blaine never showed up with a loaded rifle, at least Ross never (to our knowledge) hit his kid, nor did he take pleasure in hurting Becky.
Ross has now hit his kid, and he wants to kill her friends. Straight up murder without a care. He has now out-awful’d Blaine.
While both of them are vile wastes of space (and oxygen), Blaine is still #1 scum in my book. While Toedad’s actions are horrible there is no sign he’s enjoying (and getting off on) the abuse like Blaine does.
Still, “Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them.” – E. W. Howe
There are still places in the US where the statement “He needed killing” is considered a suitable defense to a murder charge.
Toedad is not very bright, is used to having his thinking done for him, and is right now angry, on some level hurt, and probably confused as hell. His BSOD is the realization that maybe he’s in too deep. Blaine is intelligent, cold-blooded and manipulative and, yes, he enjoys twisting other people. His BSOD is anyone not falling for his shit. Toedad may have started down the road to hell with good intentions, but Blaine’s an asshole.
REALLY nasty possibility: Toedad in the hospital bed next to Blaine. Easily-manipulated Toedad sees eomeone who might help; Blaine sees someone easy to manipulate. Together, they are crime.
I agree, with these latest developments, Ross has officially taken his place as Worst Father. Blaine is now in second place.
I’m glad that a 911 operator is hearing this.
I haven’t read through every comment. Is anyone here still defending Toedad after this? I seriously hope not.
they go in the spam folder:
Maybe a smidgeon of sympathy. He’s clearly off his nut.
His best case scenario involves psychiatric care.
This is beyond religious zealotry. I suspect the loss of his wife is something he hasn’t dealt with well. Add to that the departure of his daughter to college, he’s now alone. Then the revelation of her lifestyle change that he can’t handle, seeing that as a personal failure… BOOM.
Two possibilities:
Toedad hasn’t thought this out, and didn’t think of consequences (or brushed concerns of them aside)
It would be worse if HAS thought this out. Which could mean his plan to “restore his household” includes a reunion with his wife. In the grave, with Becky. Though his statements about her hair growing back suggest otherwise.
ugh…sadly, i kinda agree with you. i just wanted to make a concise, definitive statement and act confident. everything, no matter how horrible, has some shades of gray that we may just not want to consider.
Now THAT, chillun, is an “OH CRAP” face.
Question… the red car that Amb…Amazi-Girl hit… it got back up to speed and close enough to get hit by her after a screeching almost-stop for the loose skateboard? What’s that car’s hurry?
The car never stopped slowing down, it’s just that it and Amber were going so fast that it still had a lot of speed when Amber flew into it even though the driver was hitting the brakes. That’s how I picture it anyway.
I think the car was swerving around the skateboard, not slowing down; you can see Toedad’s car doing the same thing in that panel.
I think it was purposely closing in on her…maybe to be a position to ‘catch’ her.
When I was about 11 or 12 (so a bit less than 40 years ago), I was out on my bike and one of the neighborhood asshole’s dogs slipped its chain. All I remember is looking to my left and seeing teeth. Then I remember seeing the front fender of a nondescript green car, and then I remember the dog, a huge but underfed Doberman, lying dead in the road, and the car’s driver, a young mom (so she seems now, in my memory) with her two kids still in the car, standing outside and looking at the dog and then at me. I don’t remember hearing any brakes. I remember being kind of stunned and numb, and it took me several years, well into my adult life, of processing every little detail that bubbled up, one detail at a time, in my memory to conclude that the young mom in the car hit the gas when she saw the dog and possibly saved my life. I never did find out who she was.
Wow. Wow.
Now 911 has heard it. Good luck explaining your way out of that Toedad.
Hey, good reflex Becky.
also… toedad isn’t looking at the road.
he totally isn’t looking at the roaaaaad. uh oooh.
and NOW I have just noticed the tap tap tap from a few pages ago.
Ooooooh, that’s what that was! I noticed it when I first read that strip, but I was too distracted by Amazigirl’s cover getting blown to really think about it, you know?
If I wasn’t so sure his lunatic religion was super against alcohol, I would 100% believe this jackass got completely hammered before all of this due to his out-of-control behavior.
NOPE, this is him sober! 🙂
Maybe he -should- have a drink to relax.
I was thinking about this yesterday, mostly because I was thinking about driving drunk adding to his infractions (especially since Amazigirl would have been injured when he was driving under the influence, rather than it being ‘just’ reckless driving)
Y’know, I think injuring the girl grappling to your car and surfing behind it on a skateboard is the one thing nobody’s gonna be able to legally blame him for.
Of course, he did do it on purpose, so maybe.
OH shit
(I think this is the first time a webcomic actually gave me an adrenaline rush.)
Not an exaggeration: this story arc has broken me out in literal stress-hives a couple of times.
Ok…My suspension of belief can only go so deep. This man is literally so insane that I have trouble believing he’s made it this far in life without it being noticed.
And I’m sure someone will say “Oh no. There’s totally people like this that goes unnoticed and it’s super realistic”. But at this point I feel like this character is too evil to be seen to me as anything more than “the antagonist”.
I’m sorry, but this is all to believable. People go insane quietly all the time, and go off the deep end for all sorts of reasons. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have many school shootings, would we??
It’s sort of comforting that there are people privileged enough to not believe this can happen…? I mean, hopefully it means they’re safe AND sane =p
It seems like it depends on where you live, someone is California is going to see it a lot less then someone in Alabama.
So many people have told me they have had to stop reading this story as it’s gone on because Ross is too much like their father, including incidents with a gun. Already someone has told me that they had to stop reading because of THIS specific strip.
(I am super fine with anyone having to take a break. Brain health is more important than a comic strip. Come back and read it when it’s all done, or don’t. Always protect yourself.)
((also you avoid reading people saying that traumatizing stuff from your life isn’t real, which doesn’t sound too fun))
when did i say i was traumatized? I’m one of the guys who has never seen this but can understand it exists
I think it’s in reference to the person who had to take a break starting on this strip. It was a thing that popped up in the Patreon preview for this comic.
I was responding to the thread, not specifically to you.
Oh shit, sorry
I think Willis was using “you” generally/hypothetically, like “if the content traumatizes you because it’s too realistic, people commenting that it’s unrealistic isn’t going to be fun for you either.” So like, he was addressing the thread/topic but replying to you(Someone) while not specifically talking to you(Someone).
And in the time it took me to tap that out on my mobile device, I’m sure several other people have explained it too. Oh well.
Ross isn’t like my father, but he’s like a lot of people that I knew growing up. I continue to read because it’s somewhat cathartic to see it played out from someone else’s eyes. I thank you for that.
As much as I find this arc really engaging, if my dad weren’t dead, this would be a really hard story for me to keep up with. I grew up with a dad like this, both physically and mentally abusive. He used to guilt trip and degrade everyone in the family if he had the opportunity, everything had to be what about him and what he wanted or he’d lose his temper, and I had to endure being picked up by my neck and being slammed into walls. You couldn’t even harmlessly rib at him, and I remember having to pretend to be happy when he’d return from a business trip just to try to make things remain more at ease. Even after he finally left (after years of cheating on my mom), until he died, I consistently had nightmares about him. I was always looking over my shoulder, always scared in the back of my mind.
So when people say this kind of situation isn’t believable, well. Count your fucking lucky stars.
Funny, I have trouble with this, not because I had a crap parent, but because I have two little kids, and the thought of parents treating their kids like this makes me feel a blood-numbing rage. I’ll really be interested in how you write through arcs like these after your twins are born.
I live in Georgia. Like…JUST outside the REAL country parts, but still pretty country.
You say that so easily- but I’ve lived in both states, and I disagree.
Yeah, it is. Like “wow, bully for you on lucking out and having a sweet enough life that this feels cartoonish and unrealistic. I really envy you.”
comforting to know that some havn’t enountered… maybe
someone going, never encountered it, must not be real. not so much.
Gets scarier when you realize some of those people (Toedad/Ross type), go and get badges that essentially give them a license to kill.
Sure. Maybe. But even if people like this DO exist…I just don’t feel compelled to be blown away by this character. The fact that he’s so one dimmensional just…I dunno. Turns me off. I guess it may mean more to people who’ve had fucked up shit happen in their lives and maybe I’m the asshole, but I’m just not seeing anything that hooks me on this guy anymore. He’s just an antagonist.
It does. Mean more that is. Doesn’t make you an asshole. Makes you lucky.
To follow up, I want to note that there are a lot of things that happen to people (especially marginalized people) that seem one-dimensionally villainous to the point where you wonder how people manage to rationalize their actions.
Worse yet is how many will still rationalize said one-dimensionally villainous actions as somehow “not as bad” or “justified” or “caused by the victim” or otherwise make calls to the golden mean fallacy.
For all this seems unmistakably villainous, I bet I could show it to the community I grew up with and still have a good number say his actions are justified. Hell, up until the point where he started pulling out his gun, there were plenty of people claiming he hadn’t done anything wrong and Becky was making everything up when he had already been shown to be controlling, physically abusive, and trying to send her away to an Abuse Camp to “get fixed”.
Even after he pulled out his gun, too many people talked about ‘but he’s better, because it’s coming from a place of LOVE!’
Believe it or not, there are some people who are just blatantly assholes and nothing more. Not everyone is this super complex individual, sometimes people are just what it says on the tin. People come from all different walks of life, and sometimes that walk makes them a very singular-focused person.
From a storytelling perspective, too, there’s no reason for him to be any more complex than this. Why potentially see how he might have had some quality traits in the past? Fantasy stories often have sympathetic villains, but let’s get back to the real world where that is not much of a thing. It’s clearly not meant for us to see anything other than what a horrible person he is, because otherwise it distracts from what we are supposed to focus on- Becky’s struggle. And if we even did see flashbacks of him seeming like a decent dad from time to time, what would it matter? It wouldn’t change how awful he is here, and it would just be wasting our time on pointless details. He’s not the one we’re supposed to feel sorry for.
And we’ve also seen his humanity and thought process. For every plop of comments about how unbelievable he is whenever he shows his violent and controlling side, there’s also a plop of comments about how much people sympathize with him every time he was shown (during the scenes he was kidnapping his daughter at gunpoint) to have a pained or sad expression on his face or to be stuttering a little with his words. So there’s that.
Honestly I despair to think of the comment section in future strips where he’s shown in flashback moments where he is content in how his wife and daughter fill their roles, because it’ll probably mean another influx of “why the hate for Toedad” like we got when Dina tricked him onto the bus.
I mean he probably thought everything would work out if he just got Becky in the car. But she’s still defying him. (Trying to grab the wheel and everything). He thought he had a handle on the situation but he doesn’t. Getting angry seems like a likely thing. And when you start out at the level he did…
She’s not fitting the script. She’s not acquiescing to her role. She’s not recognizing his authority. And clearly she is doing all of this because the demon in her soul wants to hurt him personally and delay his holy mission. If he can only stamp his Godly authority down harder and take out the demons who seek to swallow her in Sapphic depravity, then everything will be restored and he’ll have his family back and his daughter will relearn the role that God has chosen for her… or else.
This is a good summary, as below i see people talking about the nature of insanity and I guess i have no basis for this, but I believe that what Ross is is Deluded, not Insane. And that is the problem with cults. They get you to believe that things are real and then get you to believe they are more important than other things like being alive or your daughters health. Thats how it works. Its a psychological issue but its one that is “taught”, as opposed to people who struggle with sociopathy, anxiety, schizophrenia, ect. He probably had every opportunity in life to be a good logical person but either his family raised him like this or he felt the need to turn to this because of some trauma and he’s trying really hard to not accept it by delving shoulder deep into this belief system. A great example of what he ISNT is Joyce. She was homeschooled with a very strict form of education but when faced with things that conflict with her belief system she questions it, herself, the conflicting evidence and even her belief system. She’s even resigned herself to what she is taught as “sin”-ish behavior on the HOPE that her faith is leader her right unlike what her upbringing did. But UNLIKE Joyce, Ross is fully deluded, whether he himself did it, his parents and community, or if he does have underlying mental issues that made him more inclined to commit to these ideals. Ross is Deluded, not Mentally ill. Though i guess either way he needs to see a psychologist. And work out the reason why he doesnt view his life or his daughters as important.
Oh, I really wish he weren’t believable. I really wish that were the case. But there exist people like him. Not many, luckily…. but they are out there. And, bad as he is, there are other cultures (and some cults) which are even worse.
And I’m a little bit terrified that Willis personally may have known people like that. Joyce is autobiographical.
I’d say it’s even money. I wasn’t fundie, but I grew up in Fundieville and I met a lot of people who were very much this way.
People like Ross are the reason I’m a tree-hugging Pagan right now. Way back in the ’80s they were telling me I needed to consume more stuff because Gawd was coming (in 2000) and would get real pissed if we had anything left over in the way of resources in the Earth.
And here I thought the bathtub leviathan thing (seriously, look it up) thing was the stupidest kind of fundie.
For all the complaints about suspension of disbelief, how Toedad is just too cartoonish, there are tons of people here talking about how they’ve ended up going through shit like this.
I mean, I’m not trying to slam you specifically or anything. There’s plenty of people here who have the same complaint, but it’s real.
They exist. If you like, I can introduce you to a few. Personally, I keep my distance.
Oh, I’m sure his level of crazy has been noticed before. That doesn’t mean anybody did anything about it. Even if there were repercussions, Ross doesn’t seem like the kind of person to learn from it.
Alright I take it back. If everyone else can believe it I guess it’s not my place to say what’s realistic or not. Maybe I am just a privileged baby who’s never had anything bad happen to them.
Stick to your guns, ‘Moe, I agree with you.
Sure, there are plenty of folks who have an attitude reminiscent of Toedad’s, but the sequence being portrayed is as realistic as Amazigirl’s feats.
WAit, you have a bunch of telling you “this shit happened to me”, another bunch who say “this happened to people and i watched”, and another bunch saying “i’ve had people tell me they stopped reading because it hit stoo close to home”, and you’re saying ‘stick to your guns, I agree this isn’t realistic’?
What’s it like to be that objectively wrong, I wonder? Since, you know, the core conceit of ‘realism’ is “is this possible or likely in this set of circumstances?”
To be clear, nobody seems to think yotomoe’s obligated to be interested. but he reads the comments enough that he genuinely ought to know better in terms of ‘realism’. this is a thing that happens. If it doesn’t grab you, okay. But that’s not what “this doesn’t feel real” means when you say it.
Yeah, I’m sorry for implying such. I have no desire to belittle real struggles people have gone through with awful people and it may just because I’m looking at this from strictly a story telling point of view. I’m not saying this can’t or hasn’t happened, but it just messed with MY sense of disbelief. But since it seems so prevalent I guess it’s probably just an example of my narrow level of life experience. So I rescind the previous comment because apparently shit’s crazy out there.
Thank you, Yotomoe. You’re a real mensch.
Yeah, you seemed to had worked that out, sorry. I was really talking to sps, who was saying “naw dude, stick to what you were saying before”. It was pretty clear you were fine now, but this guy. Thanks, though.
I’m sorry you got shouted down like that. I hate when people get ganged up on, even on the internet. If Ross’s characterization doensn’t grab you, then it just doesn’t, and people yelling at you that it should isn’t going to change that.
No one’s yelling, and probably a lot of the people who responded to him didn’t see all the other responses before commenting.
Everyone so far has been really cool and so I’m really chill. I don’t feel attacked at all. People are being civil today and that makes me happy.
I doubt that. We all have had bad things to live through.
Beckys level is way worse than most. But .. Think about that religious leader who forced/coerced his followers into drinking poisoned koolaide. I’m think it was Jamestown where it took place. He killed about 300 people in the name of God, people who believed in him.
I think that’s pretty unbelievedable…but the news has the photos and the testimony as proof.
And there’s the guy who slaughtered a Kindergarden full of children with submachine type guns. Could he be real…could a person really do that? I still have no clue how anyone could.
So, yeah I believe in Toedad and his actions.
don’t try and play the victim because people had the audacity to tell you you were wrong. The responses aren’t even that rude.
Silly Xerxes. I’m not even trying to play the victim. I’m being sincere and I’m sorry if you felt any differently. I’m just a person who’s jokey and chill about mocking myself for my lack of depth on the subject. 😛
didn’t sound like it. if you’re trying to be sincere don’t be “jokey” at the same time.
But in all honesty, I’d much rather you respond to my comment further down asking you what exactly you would diagnose ross with, since you’re so convinced he’s crazy?
I didn’t feel like adding anymore conflict so I was choosing to leave it be. But if you insist.
I used the phrase “insane” to mean that he is not acting sanely. The actions which he is taking are not the actions of a completely rational sane man. I had no intention of applying some sort of predetermined mental illness to him, or to imply that one must be mentally ill to perform a crime. But I think I’m justified in saying that
1. Going to a public place with a loaded shotgun
2. Being willing to SHOOT your daughter and/or go to jail forever to save her soul?
3. After knocking a girl off of your car, showing no remorse and remarking “she’ll go to hell where she belongs”
To be the action of a man who’s not quite acting sane. Now if you want to force me to apply this to any specific mental illness, I probably couldn’t do that accurately because I’m not educated enough to say.
However I do know that his behavior is pretty out of the ordinary, and if what he’s doing are the actions of a sane man, then sanity doesn’t really mean what I thought it meant.
So I’m sorry if I offended you with the use of my terminology insane, and I hope that your mental issues are manageable and that you can live a long and happy life. I’m sorry if I’ve caused you any unnecessary stress. Bye-cha!
Rational != sane. Ross = asshole shitbag. Also, Ross = tremendously stupid and stupid != insane.
I’m really trying not to get defensive about this – I know you don’t mean to deny the experiences of people I hold dear, but that’s how it feels. I just think… Look, you probably know someone with a story pretty similar to this. Just statistically. You might not know about it, because it’s not exactly something you generally chat casually about, but the Toedads in the world aren’t exactly rare. And it’s not even always about sexuality – I’ve had to come to the midnight rescue of a friend whose religious father threatened her physical safety over her atheism. And working with and being a part of the gay community, even in my very liberal edge of California, you learn how many families this sort of thinking has shattered. My ex can’t even talk about her parents, let alone to them. And the thing is, none of the people who have done these things to my friends and loved ones are perfectly sane, and kind, to the limits of their beliefs. It’s not a matter of sanity, it’s a matter of dogma.
thank you, I agree.
Like, does this stuff happen? Yeah, of course, it’s horrible but it does. My issue with my own suspension of disbelief comes from a few issues that mostly revolve around the pacing.
1) I know a lot of people loved the Dina/Becky arc, it was cute, but it was paced… really… really… agonizingly slow. I dont have any major beef with this by itself, no storyteller is going to be spot on 100% of the time or be able to please anyone, but personally? Even though I love both Dina and Becky and find their relationship cute, I was so sick of seeing it and the way it was paced.
2) it’s a slice of life college comic, and sure we’ve had a lot of pretty intense drama, but basically everything since Toedad drove up has felt … very “show”y instead of “tell”y. I respect Willis quite a deal for how his storytelling has evolved over the years (like this bit with Becky tap tap tapping and starting a dialogue with her dad so the operator can hear? THAT IS VERY GOOD!), but this hasn’t evolved believably. It feels like Willis has forgotten how fundie Christians talk to each other, even the irrevocably evil ones.
3) It feels like Willis wrote this in anger. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he sat down and made the comic go in this direction when people started feeling bad for Toedad back when he was first introduced months ago. The reason I say it feels like he wrote this in anger is that every single character we have has reacted to this in rage or anger or violence, when that hasn’t been in their character previously. Dina drops on the guy to attack in a floppy jurrassic park reference, Joyce yells at Sal (who, ok, I can believe would appreciate it since she’s so “SCREW THE MAN” but come on if someone talked to you the way Joyce did? Come on). This could be seen as character development, but it feels sloppy and forced and it’s not quite connecting the way I’ve come to expect from a David Willis comic.
Do people like this exist? sure. Unfortunately, but sure. Is it believable written in this way, paced the way it is? Sadly, no, not some of David’s more brilliantly executed work.
I know Willis reads his comments so I’m not wanting this to come off as an attack or anything and I know it’s like… not fun to read extensive disappointed public critique like this about your work so he can feel free to delete the comment if he wants. But I’ll just say I do agree that my suspension of disbelief has been basically not here the entire arc. But I mean so many people are having fun anyway, and isn’t that the ultimate goal of a story in the first place? Willis is having fun writing it, people are having fun reading it, and us people with picky plot tastes just have to deal haha.
Another note is that the people getting angry are a select group. To us the readers it feels like everyone but in fact it’s almost no one. Willis might be writing this in anger but the character of Ross isn’t as bigoted about his religion as I’ve seen people get.
Ooooh guys, I just got it. Big Toe Dad is a BIGOTED dad.
Willis is so clever and subtle!
The current strip-buffer is 3.5 months. For him to send the comic in this direction in response to comments, he’d either have to throw away a massive part of his buffer or be changing the story (and ignoring any foreshadowing he already wrote) months away. So personally I consider your theory extremely unlikely.
(Sidenote, Willis noted recently that it feels incredibly insulting when people suggest he changes the comic based on the comments.)
Another personal note: This guy seems rather realistic to me and personally I think the characters acted quite believable and true to their evolving nature. So while you may believe it’s sloppy and forced, I believe it’s a well-put together storyline exposing human nature.
I just checked the tags and Ross showed in the comic nearly 3 months ago (first week of August). This ended on the 8th of August, he showed again exactly 2 months later on the 9th of October and first pulled the gun the next day. So by the time people commented on it, the current past month already was in the buffer (assuming the buffer was at least 3 months back then compared to its current 3.5). If Willis had drawn this (not even mentioning all the foreshadowing) in response to people’s comments, he’d have thrown away an entire month of buffer while pretending otherwise. To me that theory seems extremely unlikely.
But it was accurate to how fundies talk to each other. I mean, who knows on the anger, I’m not really Willis so I can’t say, but he definitely captured the method of speaking when fundies in power are disappointed and angry at fundies without it. Right down to the use of terms that those outside that community were baffled by (see “womanhood”).
I would suggest that your problem with the pacing comes from the speed at which you read it, not from the story itself. You can’t realistically judge the pacing until you go back and read a book at a time.
I’ve always lived in pretty liberal parts of Canada, and this isn’t surprising. I’ve not seen this exactly (especially given we have less people with guns), but I’ve seen violently awful (I’d say crazy, but most aren’t mentally ill. crazy-acting.) people and I’ve seen bigots and it makes this hardly unimaginable, even not having experienced it. Like, even with the exact situation being unrealistic to you, it’s shocking to me that you haven’t met multiple people who were visibly this ‘one dimensional’ by now (I’m assuming you’re an adult). Although I don’t find him ‘deep’ nor whatsoever sympathetic, I’d say Ross has more depth of character than a number of people I know, even if we only go off everything that has happened on camera.
Then obviously, fucktons of news articles and commenters on places like exactly here back it up.
(Moe, you backed out while I was typing, sorry. This’ll just be to other people, then)
Probably Would not have been such a big problem if Rosses character was better introduced. When we actually first met him worst thing I thought of him was that he part of a cult, but even so that was just a joke and even if that was the case a cult member doesn’t seem as extreme as a religious gun welding maniac who beats daughter and threatens her life and the life of her friends and everyone around her. Though there where a couple of Suttle hints that Ross might have been going through some traumatic experiences that had painted him unstable as hell such as the deceased wife but that didn’t go into enough detail to give a proper warning.
And to be fair when this gun welding chase of madness all started only a select number of us actually saw that coming. I mean come on everyone really sit down and think that Ross was going to get butt hurt over being Bugs bunnied by Dina and buy a gun then drive down to the college and shoot someone then threaten Becky with the gun?
I don’t get it. Were we meant to have been told, “By the way, this guy’s a total fundie whackjob with a god complex, the type to get his way through violence, oh and he’s probably in the middle of a personal breakdown due to the loss of his wife which he’s dealing with – badly – by screwing down harder and harder on his fundie authoritarianism”? Instead of having that revealed layer by layer, as the story progresses, from a relatively innocuous first impression?
If ToeBad / FoeDad / Arseface McShitstain had acted like he currently is from his first introduction, now THAT would have been a cartoon villain.
I also don’t think he’s insane. Insane implies mental illness. He’s just a fucking asshole, a bigot, and a bully. I don’t like people saying everyone who does terrible things has to be insane, as someone who’s mentally ill myself.
And, as someone who ALSO is mentally ill, I don’t like everyone saying that “I am insane, I am not like Ross, therefore it is insulting”.
EVERY mental case is different! Just because SOME people are violent, assholes, etc. BECAUSE of their illness, doesn’t mean that EVERYONE, or even anyone else, is like that.
But, I really don’t think we should accept that this kind of behaviour is reconcilable with a sane mind either, as that would sort of imply that there is nothing “wrong” with this behaviour, that this is normal (normal, as in sane).
Anyone who wilfully harms, or threatens to harm, or abuses their force/authority, should not be considered sane, and should get treatment.
There’s always a story behind, nobody is BORN this way, but somewhere along the way they got messed up and this is how they choose to react.
Fortunately, most people with mental issues manage to not react violently, or abusively, like you and me, but we are not everyone.
That’s why I think that most murders should not be punished by jail, but rather sentenced to mandatory psychiatric treatment. Unless you have no other options, and Toedad had the option of driving away (the fact that he didn’t see that as an option is a clear sign of illness itself), but he chose not to, he chose to take actions which endangered other people, which disregarded other peoples feelings and authority.
People aren’t “evil”, outside of fiction at least.
Yes. Mentally ill people can be violent, because they are people, and people can be violent. However, they’re more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators, and yet a lot of times, the pop culture perception of mental illness is somebody snapping and hurting people, which stigmatizes mental illness and can actually contribute to people getting violent with the mentally ill because they believe the mentally ill will otherwise get violent with them. It’s a complicated issue, but I stand by my guns.
It may be stigmatizing, but it still true. I don’t think we should try to pretend that it doesn’t happen just in order to avoid being stigmatized by the public.
Some conditions ARE inherently violent, for instance while most sociopaths are not serial killers, they do lack that “safety catch” that most people have when it comes to inflicting harm. There are other conditions too, where violence is a criteria for diagnosis.
Of course anyone can be capable of doing that, but I believe it should be an indicator if a person is able to flip that switch when in a non-threatening situation.
To give you a further understanding of where I stand on this, I also believe that mental illnesses are a LOT more common than we know, that most cases are undiagnosed.
Also, of course we should accept that this kind of behavior is reconcilable with a sane mind. Sane just means ‘not mentally ill’ in this case. People aren’t pure evil, but they can make just plain evil decisions. By othering people who act badly – and in this case, I believe a lot of people ARE othering, intentional or not – people can say, ‘this person did bad things, but I’m not going to do things that bad, because I am Normal’. It’s why I’m p firm on not dehumanizing people who do very bad things, because once you deny their humanity, you stop looking into why they did that and what we can do to prevent that in the future. They couldn’t help it. They’re a ‘monster’.
You’re not saying that a diagnosis is “dehumanizing” are you ? I’d say it’s the complete opposite, by saying that you can do these things and still be “normal”/sane, then we stop looking for the reasons and write them off as evil.
If, on the other hand, we say that these actions are an illness, then we can diagnose and analyse, and see what led to that cause of action, and cure them, instead of just locking them up.
I’m not, but I’m saying that people can use that to distance themselves from a situation. Augh, I’m explaining badly. It’s important to talk about mental health and violence, and how lack of better mental health care has lead to things like higher rates of homelessness and the like. I just wish people would stop acting like EVERY mental illness makes a person dangerous (in the fucks with their inhibitions way), and that they’d actually follow up with ‘so how can we help people’, instead of throwing out ‘well they must be crazy’ and leaving it at that. I think you and me probably agree on a lot of this issue, there was just a communication gap.
This I certainly agree with.
You can call it insane or not as it pleases you, but at this point I think it’s a fairly safe bet to say Ross has suffered some disconnect from consensus reality somewhere along the way.
If you check the DSM definition of delusion I think you will find the believing what your preachers tell you is explicitly excluded.
Actually, one of the check points on the list for schizophrenia, which I had to take earlier this year, was “Have you had a religious experience?”, it seems it’s OK to talk to God, but if He/She/It/They answer, then it’s counted as a delusion.
To quote the late Amazi-girl “No, I’M crazy, HE’S just an incredible asshole.”
Also, is this really what you think of the mentally ill? As someone who actually does suffer from mental illness I’m genuinely insulted. The culture of “blame violence on mental illness” is incredibly harmful, with real-life consequences to vulnerable people. But if you think he’s CLEARLY crazy, what would you diagnose him with? Cause you seem to think of yourself as such an expert that him not having been previously diagnosed is unrealistic to you.
Please read my answer to Petra right above, I find your answer more insulting than what you are replying to.
Mental illness is not ONE illness, we are ALL different cases.
What are you even talking about? What about what I said has anything to do with what you’re saying? My answer? What answer? I’m the one asking a question. And don’t assume that just because I’m use a broad term for the sake of simplicity that I’m automatically treating mental illness as “one illness” trust me, I fucking know, I just didn’t want to list ALL of my conditions. And if you think using a broad term is worse than literally blaming any violent behaviour on being “insane” that’s your fucking problem, not mine.
The only reason it would be problematic to label violent behaviour as a mental illness would be if you considered all cases to be the same, look at what you wrote:
“Also, is this really what you think of the mentally ill? As someone who actually does suffer from mental illness I’m genuinely insulted. ”
You are saying “the mentally ill”, as if that is one group, but it’s not. Unless you yourself has violent tendencys, why would you even feel insulted ?
Madness and insanity are not things you can notice at plain sight. And even when the signs do show up, people don’t pay the necessary attention. Disturbed individuals will post their opinions against races and religions on their blogs, but no one considers it a red flag until it’s too late.
Now, I’m not saying everything should be monitored and negative opinions exaggerated into threats; only pointing out how danger is often ignored.
We should also consider the sort of people Toedad associates with. Any odd behavior would have been excused or even justified, seeing that he has been struggling with being the single father of a teenage daughter. Not to mention the shock of Becky coming out. Remember, she is seen as the culprit in her community.
I envy you.
He didn’t get spotted because he’s from a community that says all these things every day. It turns out he actually means them 100%, which I bet most of the others don’t.
There may be a level of “Truth is stranger than fiction” going on here for some.
Even if something can and does happen in real life, it might not work as fiction for everyone.
That said, it’s working for me, even though I’ve never had close dealings with bigoted fundies like Ross.
My Dad is emotionally abusive, has thrown temper tantrums over the smallest things and treats me like an idiot if I can’t figure out something I’ve never done before in one go.
Now he’s never gone full Ross but he is a cartoonish jerk that I could see doing this.
And that’s why people like this get away with it.
911…and that call’s been going for almost a minute now.
Becky, you are amazing.
Also; all hail the powers of the Dinaphone!
Hopefully Becky never turned off Location Services or the equivalent….
On most modern smartphones and OSes that setting gets overridden by dialing 911, as part of the emergency system. The only way around that would be to gut the phone’s OS, which I don’t see Dina (who’s phone it is) doing.
However the phone may be going out the window.
Dude just got done in by one of the oldest tricks! Fuck you ross, you’re toetally screwed. So’s Amzi-girl by the look of it
Alright, this guy needs to be put away for the rest of his natural life. I don’t want him to die. That’s too easy. I want him to sit in that cell and think and dwell on the fact that Becky not being part of his life anymore, living her own life of “hedonism” as he’d call it, and for him to fume and rage and despair that there’s not a damn thing he can do about it. That would be justice.
Receiving nothing but photos of Dina and Becky being cute and domestic together alongside press clippings of their awards for work in Evolutionary Biology.
Not to mention their volunteer work for Planned Parenthood and It Get’s Better.
Fuck yes!
I could live with Ross getting bent out of shape by that. I would prefer for him to get physically bent out of shape by a car crusher, but I can live with emotionally bent out of shape.
Hell yeah.
(You know he’s not an actual person, right?)
I’m a little curious why you’re reading a character driven comic if the fact that the characters aren’t actual people makes you uninterested in any involved thinking about them.
I couldn’t think of a way of wording that to sound less rude, but it’s not supposed to be. I’m really confused, because I don’t see anything else really driving this story.
You can still read character-driven stories and watch character-driven films, and be not try to think about them, but just see what happens to them. The prospective can stay in the realm of “that could be but we haven’t see it all for now”. For example, I couldn’t speak of any Bergman character and being sure of its personnality by the end of any of his character-driven films (that puts out die Zauberflöte ;), morover during the film. All I can tell of their moral choices is what effect they have on me, but not how I’d like to see them treated.
It’s very interesting because I just saw recently “United Red Army”, a relatively neutral film about a terrorist fraction post-Zengakuren aera. It’s only about a small part of the story of the movement (in fact, almost only about the relations between a few characters). In this story (I spoil only a little), one character is so horrible you’d want him/her (you won’t know the gender to stop spoilage) shot. Why then? Because he/she existed and really done horrible things, and maybe him/her being shot would mean his/her exactions end up right there.
Anyway, there are as much way to read, analyze, interpret or enjoy a story as there are readers (thanks reception theory). Some of us want to see a story completed before being able to interact with characters, some see these works as pure expression of their maker (this time no thanks really, reception theory), some want to be involved, to the point to feel within the story (can be or not be escapism).
Point is, here, to note that anger against fictional characters seems like overdoing for some of us. For me, if a fictional characters really angers me, I walk out, I do not see any use of suppletive stress in my life, and so does, I think but I can be wrong, sps48 but by telling this. For some, catharsis is useful, for some others it’s wasting feelings, for other some others it’s a way to repeat a feeling before having to feel it and find a way to cope more efficiently with reality, and for some others outside of the precedent others it’s more useful to keep an angerless life, especially when one’s prone to anger. And there might be other ways to face this very character, I’d swear I haven’t listed them all…
Most of us navigate effortlessly between levels of reality without ever becoming confused. I have an emotional relation with many characters who have no objective existence. The fact they aren’t real has little to do with my hopes for their future.
I’m not opposing your point. I only answer Marie’s question.
A bit wordy/weirdly as it is in a foreign language for me. D’autant plus qu’on aurait sans doute pu s’expliquer directement avec un répertoire verbal plus efficace au vu de son nom.
He’s going to spend it in religious ecstasy, praying, reading his Bible, joining in prayer groups, and felling persecuted.
And beating up orientals and soul-less gingers in the exercise yard.
I never got that. I mean, why torture someone for the rest of their life? Put him down like a rabid dog, don’t lock him in a box for 50 years so that he can suffer and make other people suffer. Does life imprisonment in cases where someone is definitely guilty benefit anything other than our conscience?
(This of course ignores that he’s facing something like 20 years, 15 with good behavior.)
Because we aren’t animals.
Life imprisonment without parole is the same as a death sentence, it’s just that the execution method is different: old age instead of chemicals or electricity.
over 150 death row inmates have been exonerated in the last 40 years
statistically speaking we have almost certainly executed innocent people
that is why we can’t have the death penalty
(p.s. check out the racial disparities of death row sentencing)
How do you both consider “definitely guilty” to be important, but consider conscience unimportant?
Well if you wanna be pragmatic about it, and ignore the conscience part of it… The death sentence ends up costing a whole lot more than life imprisonment. So there.
And, as Hoop said, it’s easy to say “if someone’s definitely guilty, why not?”, but the fact is, people do get wrongfully convicted, and no matter the size of that percentage, if it’s more than zero, then that’s just not acceptable.
Yeaaaah, no. Not even a little bit. This is the sort of thing that’s very easy to say when you aren’t dealing with it. You know where execution expenses come from? Because it’s not the execution (Though humane ones can still be pricy). It’s the appeals. If you were right? Tht wouldn’t be true. Most people wouldn’t burn all their appeals to cling to life that much longer. No, most people would rather deal with life in prison – even life in a meriken prison – than die.
At least Dina is not in hell. 🙂
Amazi-girl tough. 🙁
Well Fundie, how does it feel to lose everything you ever had, and possibly everything you ever will have?
AG will have some serious bruises, but the collapsing windshield should absorb a lot of the impact.
Mmm, whatcha say…
I’ve been legitimately scared for amber for over 48 hours now
I normally save DoE for one of my “best strips to be read late in the day and savoured” but this storyline has me reading it ASAP to find out what’s happening.
Me at 11:30pm… *refresh-refresh-refresh*, then read the comments, and finally I can go to bed. Worrying about what happens, next, of course.
Same here. During slow stretches, I’d check in and catch up about weekly, but lately, I find myself spamming refresh each night, for about 15 minutes of reading and processing the story. Followed shortly thereafter by 23 hours and 40 minutes of anticipatory dread.
AND OMG, Toedad was just overheard physically assaulting his daughter and making legit,l believable death threats against her friends. ZOOOOMMG this is just TOOOO good!!!!!
You look as excited as I feel
Tooooo bad, bad enough to warrant some warrants from a just justice.
Um. Right. NOT good. OPPOSITE of good.
…you also get points for clever wordplay. 😀
Well spotted!
oh boy
Willis, you subtle, wondrous bastage. I went back to the 10/27 comic.
I see what you did there.
I just checked and it was so subtle I didn’t notice until now. Brilliant move on Willis.
Wait, what are you…looks back at 10/27
…Son of a bongo. That’s fantastic.
He should read Ephesians 6:4. 😛
I feel so wrong hoping for police brutality, but, well…
If any being in the multiverse deserves it, it’s Ross. Sadly, as a white male, he’s the least likely to get it.
If she had it on speakerphone, Ross would have heard the operator ask what the problem is.
Fortunately, he is rather loud (and Becky was being intentionally loud).
Also, might I suggest Ezekiel 25:18? 😛
Those cop cars they passed now have an even greater reason to follow. Receiving additional orders and details. Kidnapper is armed and extremely dangerous. Kidnapper is hysterical. Use of deadly force authorized. Oh, and send an ambulance to help a girl who’s been splattered all over the pavement. We need backup. Shoot to kill.
I hope to God that the operators and dispatchers have put those puzzle pieces together and done as you suggest!
That’s the thing – the entire path of this mess has been crazier than a rodent on drugs. I’m not sure when/where the cops and dispatchers will finally be able to catch up with them after trying to follow this fast-paced, quick-moving insanity!
Use of excessive force against the Toedad has been authorised.
“Approved.” 😀
By definition, you can’t authorize excessive force.
However, what level of force is excessive can be variable.
I believe the actual reference would be:
“Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Toedad HAS been approved.”
Sorry. I ought to have checked the wording before I posted. It has been a long time.
Have you ever seen an old movie called “The Blues Brothers”? It’s a good one.
Dispatchers don’t give the authority for deadly force. That decision is made by responding officers.
They see him pull a gun, they’ll magdump him, as he deserves.
Whether Willis plays this out as it should, remains to be seen.
“Shoot to kill”
Firstly, an order like this is never given to a police officer. Furthermore, why are you condoning police violence? “Because I hate the character, rabble rabble” is not an excuse for upending the current zeitgeist toward anti-police brutality.
Unless, of course, you’re going to be hypocritical about it, and claim that police brutality is ok as long as it is used against people you don’t like.
jesus christ finally someone is talking some sense here
So far we’ve seen approximately four crimes committed here – kidnapping Becky, assaulting Dina (and that could be considered self-defense, as she attacked him first), discharge of a firearm in public, and arguably making terroristic threats. None of those are death-penalty crimes even in Texas.
Getting shot by the police isn’t the death penalty.
That’s an immediate-emergency response, not a punishment.
massive chunks of this comment thread seem to be using the two interchangeably
sorry i have a problem with “police violence as karmic justice” y’all
(the less said about them that want him to be sexually assaulted in prison the better)
You’re confusing
Two different things entirely.
Note the difference between “should be allowed ” and “like”
YEah, no, Dina didn’t attack him first. He issued a threat and followed them to make good on it. She didn’t respond with deadly force, so I don’t /think/ she had the obligation to flee, so she should have self defense. Even if she doesn’t, Ross definitely doesn’t, because he made the threat first – for some reason, assault is taken seriously in a court of law, and that matters, even if he didn’t ‘really’ mean to act on it.
The obligation to flee only applies when the victim can flee. Dina was trying that; it wasn’t working.
Police brutality is bad.
Police shooting an armed criminal waving a gun around, punching defenseless teenagers they’ve abducted, and bellowing death threats is not police brutality. Use of force and brutality are not the same thing, even if the latter always includes the former.
Now, it’s not a very good idea. The victim is trapped in a small space with him, for one thing. And once that’s no longer true, that level of force is unlikely to be necessary any more.
Police killing someone unnecessarily is /always/ police brutality. Whether this will be necessary remains to be seen. But the people cheering for it are still cheering for it. Oh sure, if you asked, I’m sure they would want karma to align the circumstances so that it isn’t brutality, and perhaps Willis to oblige, but that doesn’t matter as much for us as cheerleaders.
I never claimed I wasn’t a hypocrite. And I really don’t like Toedad. I’m hoping for a bloodbath, but I only condone this in a fictional world with fictional characters.
The correct response to that final statement of his is “And then you will be a greater sinner than I ever was”
Sadly, in that culture, being gay trumps murder in the sin rankings. Especially if the murder is against “sinners” or is for religious causes. I mean, a murderer can find God and repent and enter Heaven or is justified by their fight against the tides of sin, but a gay person has just destroyed their soul and dedicated themselves to a truly sinful “lifestyle” and has committed the “ultimate betrayal” which is “rejecting God”.
Yeah, it’s pretty fucked up.
Called it. Amazi-Girl may be banged up, but she isn’t dead. Ross’ ass is grass. Kidnapping, assault, domestic violence … he’s going to the Barbed Wire Hilton for sure.
Screw assault and domestic violence, a good prosecutor could easily get him on attempted murder for what he did to Dina after that admission of guilt to the operator.
Yeah and a good defence could get him off with “not guilty by virtue of mental illness.”. Lets see, ‘Borderline sociopathy combined with long term untreated (and repressed) PTSD over the death of his wife leading to a psychotic break’.
Not that I believe that for a second, but a good defense could get reasonable doubt. Fortunately, Toedad would rather die than admit being wrong, and would treat prison as being martyred for his beliefs. I wonder if he knows how child abusers tend to be treated in prison?
For as much as we hear about “not guilty for reason of insanity”, that defense actually rarely works in the bast majority of court cases where it’s invoked.
And a tiny amount of my faith in the intelligence of the human race is restored 🙂
Also, in those cases where it does work, you’re not guilty, but you’re also rarely set free. You’re committed to an institution, probably indefinitely.
That’s an affirmative defense.
You’ve admitted guilt to the crimes, so now you need to prove that you can’t be held responsible. Reasonable doubt applies when you say you didn’t do it at all, when the burden of proof is on the prosecution. In that case, the burden of proof is on the defense and reasonable doubt would mean a guilty verdict.
Hm, I could hve sworn it was “Affirmative defenses require you to put forth the defense yourself, but once you have done so, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that your defense doesn’t apply.”
I don’t… think so? But then I never did go for that law degree, only got a few Criminal Justice courses in.
But I’m not sure how your description doesn’t apply to every criminal trial–except for when the defendant pleads guilty, obviously.
Um, yeah, don’t get your facts on the justice system from fiction plz. To expand on that, the insanity defense works less than 1% of the time – fiction pretending it’s a cure-all is probably part of the reason, nd this is NOT A GOOD THING. There aree actual mentally ill people who need time in an institution that is dedicated to helping them get better (or at least, not dedicated to emotionally abusing them). With a less poisonous prison system, this would perhaps not be so critical, but that is not what we have.
Good defense, in Ross’ case, white or not? It’s going to reduce his sentence, not get him off scot free.
Eh. Dina turned on him first. In some states he could have killed her then and there and gotten off scot-free.
Hell, the NRA would likely pay for his defense in that case.
Possible. That he was stalking his daughter and her girlfriend on campus with a rifle makes it a lot harder. It’s much harder to claim self-defense, if you’re committing a crime.
Dina has a damn good self-defense case as well.
Of course, if she was dead, his chances would be better, since there would be no one to counter his testimony.
Also, she’s not black.
He was chasing her with a gun at the time she jumped him.
You’re right, self-defense does apply to the battery that happened there.
Walk it off Amazi-girl, walk it off.
She’s fine.
I want the police to shoot this shit in the stomach and leave him agonizing on the side of the road. And even that would be too good for him
Come on. You can tell us how you really feel.
Any sympathy I had for Toedad is now gone.
John Cena can wrestle with his big toe doing 6 months plus in the lockup, right?
Well, my feelings regarding Toedad just went from “I hope this jerk gets arrested and stays in jail forever” to “Fuck this fucker, I hope he dies in a fucking fire.”
Preferably without Becky still in the car, though.
A prison fire!
Good for you, Becky. Good for you.
“Clever girl.”
Goodbye Amazi-girl’s spine, you were great while you lasted.
Becky is the bravest.
I mean, obviously at least one other person also dialed 911, but Becky’s the absolute last person who should be expected to do it.
Aw man, this wasn’t supposed to be a reply.
It still gets +1s, because it is a Good Post
An old friend of mine got hit by a car while he was on his bicycle, and went off the windscreen and over the roof like this. He was seventy-nine years old at the time, and though he was banged up a bit he didn’t break any bones. He’s back on the bike.
Yeah, hitting it flat with her spine is probably really good compared to somehow compressing it (or hitting her head). Definitely feels better/recovers faster when you fall on your back than your ass/shoulders/neck, at least. Terrifying and knocks the wind out of you hard, but once you’re breathing you’re pretty good.
Hopefully she doesn’t go through the glass. Then there’s, well, glass involved.
Auto glass is manufactured to shatter rather than splinter. This keeps it from becoming deadly or even that damaging as the glass shatters into a million little pieces. A lot less dangerous than shards of sharp penetrating glass.
In addition to the plastic lining to keep it intact, now making it a hammock for Amazi-Girl, while protecting the occupant(s) of the car.
Amber is probably fine. There is (apparently) a way to hit the car to avoid being injured. Stuntmen use this technique.
Stuntmen do those things under extremely strictly controlled circumstances and still have medical help on hand in case something goes wrong. Stuntmen do not have magic “don’t get hurt” powers, they just rig the game extensively to keep themselves safe.
And they have learned skills for this sort of thing. Although hopefully she’s lucked into it, not landing her weight properly would probably negate the stunt.
Just… go fuck yourself Toedad.
but…that’d be sinning !
I can’t make babies by myself!(Thank God for that, the last thing we need is a Toe birthing little toes.)
Does this make Becky a little toe, though?
I meant that he can’t reproduce without a mate like some fish/snail/worm species.
And heck no. Becky has the good looks of her mother, I presume. If she doesn’t look like a toe, then she isn’t.
Now Becky’s retelling everything expository style a few panels ago makes more sense.
Imo it still makes sense without the phone call, from the perspective of informing him that “look, I get that you think that you’re right, here, but these are the actual things that you are doing, that most people would agree are pretty fucked up, and I would like to think that you would also normally agree that it’s fucked up if I frame your actions in a literal fashion.”
It does work. It’s very good writing. But when you go back and look at it, there’s a extra layer that changes it all. I should have said “it makes EVEN more sense”.
Yes, plus that she’s probably processing it out loud to herself as she says it for him.
She’s not hanging up, is she? Please tell me she’s not hanging up.
I don’t think it’s her intention to hang up, even though I imagine that Toedad will probably be making a grab for that phone soon. Even if she does though, the dispatcher definitely has enough information to start tracking that phone and diverting police to start intercepting them.
I don’t think they could track it. They could subpoena the carrier for the owner of the phone, and they could subpoena for a radius it was used in.
Call to 911. Any available location data is included automatically. And I wish we had that feature here, because I’m not looking forward to having to call an ambulance from somewhere on the beach or where-ever with the system I have to use.
Might be available where the strip takes place – not a thing where I am.
I’ve worked on a suicide crisis line before. We (or rather, 911) can absolutely triangulate the call location from cell signals. It just takes time, and is not always reliable. Sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes, but yes, sometimes not at all.
From the Wiki: “Wireless network operators must provide the latitude and longitude of callers within 300 meters, within six minutes of a request by a PSAP. Accuracy rates must meet FCC standards on average within any given participating PSAP service area by September 11, 2012”
E911 gets location data both from various types of cell tower triangulation and from the phone’s AGPS system.
6 minutes is a long time.
Becky, now that he’s seen the phone, yell out your location!
Holland, Doctor. Amsterdam. JHC!
…that was too obscure, wasn’t it. I’ll go back to my corner now.
I’m ashamed to admit that, when I first saw the last panel, I spent a minute trying to figure out the symbolism of “116.”
It’s the emergency number in Australia, of course.
(Just kidding… apparently it’s 000 in Australia.)
000, yeah
Well now we know who’s in the hospital.
ALSO YEAH BECKY!!! but also what is going to happen ……. between that 911 call and the cops getting there? AAAAAAA
Car chase???? Yes please!!!!
Preferably over quickly and uneventfully… I mean… I’m not hoping that cop cars and Joyce/Sal all converge on Ross’ car at once in an epic-level showdown, no-siree….
If there was any doubt left that Becky and Dina are a good fit for each other, here’s Becky being a clever girl herself.
Overall, though, wow Becky is impressive. She shows huge concern for Amber, puts herself at major risk by trying to save her from her dad’s swerving, and has apparently been recording her dad’s BS since this conversation:
Which means that she managed in her first “oh hey dad, focus on me instead of the superhero on our tails” conversation to drop no less than two mentions of how she has been kidnapped and that the kidnapper threatened her and her friends with a gun. This means that the dispatcher has a good chance of knowing that they are dealing with a kidnapper not a shooter and that said kidnapper is also the same person responsible for the shots earlier.
Thanks to Toedad’s erratic driving and his physical abuse and threats in this comic, they also know that the caller is in physical danger and so also probably know to track the phone to find them. And she did this all smoothly with her other hand while signaling him, dealing with intense emotional abuse, and the effort to rescue Amazi-Girl.
And all while knowing that this action posed a potentially fatal risk to herself when he found out.
Becky is unbelievably impressive here and it’s only a shame that she’s forced to be so thanks to her dad’s utter horribleness and inflexibility.
Also… (i know, it’s already tl;dr as it is) holy shit panel 4. That threat… Toedad really has fully decided to start killing all her friends if they “interfere” with her “rehabilitation” and he really can’t take even the minimum of pushback in his abusive demands…
Sal and Joyce are in real physical danger if they manage to get there before the cops. That being said, Becky might be in more trouble now that Toedad knows she has “betrayed HIS household” by daring to involve the proper authorities. Basically, there’s still a good chance someone (my guess is Becky) is going to end up with a bullet in her shoulder.
Great analysis! A+
All of this.
I don’t think he’ll shoot her right now while he is driving, but yeah, Becky is now in even MORE immediate physical danger. I hope her terribly impressive prensence of mind continues long enough to shout out her location and toss that phone out of arm’s reach.
Becky is SO COOL. Frankly, even if it WAS only her against toedead I wouldn’t give him too good odds, despite his gun and parental authoroty and everything (I mean, round one ended with her on the bus to IU and Joyce, despite everything he would have to say about it).
Now, add Amazie-girl, Sal, a thoroughly pissed off Joyce and a dinosaur chick who already got the taste for blood to the mix and Toedad is toast.
My emotional rollercoaster during this: gaaasp, poor Amber – holy shit I am so angry at this shitstain of a person – oh god, Becky, that was SO smart but I fear for you even more now – POLICE, GET THE FUCK OVER HERE.
Becky got ten more seconds in the final comic than in the Patreon version. That’s incredible luck.
Ten seconds of comic time to one day of real time… sounds about right. 🙂
From a physics standpoint, hitting the other car’s windshield was probably a good thing for Amber. She likely had a lower relative velocity to it than to the ground. The glass also cushioned her impact more than the ground or auto body would.
Because religous people dont shoot up schools???
Sometimes people believe they are a martyr and do horribly violent things. That’s not just fiction.
And then tomorrow’s strip is the toedad/Becky car running into a tree because he wasn’t watching the road and didn’t notice the car was swerving off of it while he was being terrible to his daughter (while a horrified 911 operator bore auricular witness) and he will have cause to rue his lack of seatbelt in addition to everything else.
But yeah, good on ya, Becky for calling the cops. Hey commentariat, can they use the GPS in the phone to pinpoint the location, or is that more “fictional police departments who actually have a budget because they couldn’t get anything done otherwise” territory? (Heck, for all I know there’s an app for that.)
Also, oh, Amber…good thing there was a windshield there to break/be broken by your fall. I dearly hope all you suffer is a bruised tailbone because your tuckus(sp?) absorbed most of the impact. :((((((((