Posts Tagged ‘chloe’

I will be at Laughing Ogre Comics here in Columbus, Ohio, today (Friday) (St Patrick’s Day) from 5-7pm! I will have books and probably magnets with me to trade to people for money. That’s right, I have one single event scheduled this year that I’m currently aware of, and this is it! No ECCC, no SDCC, Webcomic Rampage is over, and it’s too soon to schedule my annual Bloomington trip, SO THIS IS IT, THIS IS IT, COME SEE ME I GUESS

Christine Love, one of my longtime Internet besties, has a new erotic comedy visual novel out today: Ladykiller in a Bind! It’s FOR ADULTS OKAY and it’s 10% off on launch week. I’m reasonably sure it’s going to be enjoyably snarky.
Also, here’s a reminder that THIS FRIDAY, meaning in THREE DAYS, I’m gonna be in Bloomington, Indiana, again for all your Meet This Dude needs. Find me at Vintage Phoenix Comics in downtown Bloomington, from 5-7pm! I’ll have all five books and some character magnets!
Something tells me it’ll be harder to sneak around Indiana University incognito this year for photo reference while dragging a double baby stroller.