I’ve been drawing Joyce half my life. Here’s some images of her pulled from my hard drive, arranged chronologically, for funsies. Try to guess at which point I took life drawing lessons!
I’ve been drawing Joyce half my life. Here’s some images of her pulled from my hard drive, arranged chronologically, for funsies. Try to guess at which point I took life drawing lessons!
Here’s more Dumbing of Age fanart from the guys behind the webcomic Living with Insanity, David Herbert and Paul Salvi. They’re tapping into a key theme of DoA, which is girls punching things.
In addition to Monday’s new Joyce art, here’s some new Billie art. This week I began drawing the “second day” of Dumbing of Age, and so I’m testing out characters in other clothes.
Here’s Billie, of course, in the universal language of current college-age girls, aka stretchpants and Uggs.
Hey, look! It’s our first non-porn Dumbing of Age fanart! I say “first non-porn” because apparently when you tell people to not draw characters having sex with horses, that immediately causes people to draw characters having sex with horses. The More You Know. TM
This entry is by Brian Daniel, who has a webcomic called Shifter. Go check it out! Let this be a lesson to you: if you draw my characters (minus penetration of some kind), I might put you up here on the blog.
Enjoy some additional Joyce art. I realized I wasn’t really satisfied with the original stock Joyce artwork (the one that’s shown next to her assortment of sweater vests), and so I was driven to create a new one. That original DoA Joyce art was drawn in, like, July, anyway, so I think I’m allowed to hate it by now.
This is what being an artist is like. Constantly hating your older work. And the turnover rate is astounding!
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